Chapter 125

How long have I been in a coma?

Mu Feifan scratched his head, feeling like he had a long dream.

The little turkey cried twice.


“You said I slept for two months?”

Mu Feihua was shocked.

He suddenly thought of something and hurriedly looked at own right arm.

I remembered what happened two months ago, so far.

“Who is it, there is a sword hidden in my right arm?” Mu Feixian murmured.

Although the moment he took the sword into the demon king was violent, the sequelae were too terrifying.

Mu Feifan was even let out of sleep for two months.

If it hadn’t been for the nearby monster races to be bombed to death, I’m afraid Mu Feifei would have already become someone else’s belly lunch.


“This sword is poisonous!”

“Never touch it again.”

Mu Feihua felt scared for a while.

He looked at his right arm as if he saw a viper.

If it weren’t for the only remaining reason to remind this to be his own body, I’m afraid Mu Feihua would have to chop it down and throw it away.

Shura circles.

“Oh shit!”

“I served this kid.”

The man in white couldn’t help cursing.

The woman’s face was sullen: “Mu, do you have any opinion on your son?”

“Why is he full of swear words when he mentions it?”

The white-clothed man hurriedly admitted: “No, he, he doesn’t follow the routine.”

“I was worried that he would be addicted to the power brought by the Demon Abyss Sword.”

“Unexpectedly, he wouldn’t be ready to use it at all.”

“This bullshit doesn’t know which bastard character has been inherited, so he will shrink into his shell.”

The woman sneered and said: “Injury the enemy a thousand, hurt yourself eight hundred?”

The white-clothed man blushed: “Before my avenue was completed…I was bolder than him anyway.”

The woman nodded: “Anyway, before we got married, you were really brave.”

The man in white:…

At this moment, Mu Feifei grabbed the little turkey and flew into the sky, far away from this barren land.

Just not long after he went to the sky, he saw a group of people walking cautiously on the ground.

“It’s them?”

Mu Feifan came with a surprise, with an impact.

When he landed, a lot of cyclones were rolled up.

The shocking momentum shocked the group of people.

“Master?” Hong Yu was shocked at first, then turned into ecstasy, and then choked up.

This group of people are the disciples of Jianzong.

“Great, Brother Mu, you really are still alive.” Fang Qingxian was also very excited.

“No one told you when you left, we were very worried about you.” Liu Zhi and others also said.

Mu Feifan smiled bitterly in his heart.

I thought that Sky Demon City could be solved in one night.

Unexpectedly, it was a blunder, only to return now.

Missing for two months, no wonder everyone is not calm.

Hong Yu asked hurriedly, “Master, where did you go?”

“If you don’t show up again, Brother Fang’s child will be born.”


Mu Feifan looked dumbfounded.

Fang Qing said leisurely: “Ball, what nonsense. Brother Mu, don’t listen to Hong Yu’s nonsense, Luo Li and I are innocent.”

It turns out that Little Loli is called Loli.

Zheng Xiaoguang said: “We almost walked all around the area, except for the mountain range of the Yaozu base camp.”

“But I still have the courage to come today.”

“Unexpectedly, I really met Senior Brother Mu.”

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “I have been in that mountain range for the past two months.”

Everyone suddenly became surprised.

That is the settlement of the Yaozu.

How did Mu Feifan survive?

Hong Yu trembled: “Master, you won’t really be an undercover agent in the Yaozu, right?”

“It’s okay, a big man can bend and stretch, and those who make big things don’t stick to the trivial, even if they enter the Yaozu, we also support…”

Little Turkey heard this and looked at Mu Feifan with an ambiguous expression, and couldn’t help but smile three times.

Guessed correctly, he almost became the big sister husband of the monster race!

Mu Feifan was full of black threads, and said, “How could I do such a thing, it’s just to destroy the Sky Demon City…”

Damn it!

Everyone was like a bolt from the blue sky, all stunned.

“Destroy the Sky Demon City…?”

“Aren’t there tens of thousands of monster warriors there?”

“Senior Brother Mu, how did you do it?”

Everyone is still unbelievable.

Until he followed Mu Feifei to the mountain range.

However, the protruding rocks on the ground here are no longer enough to be called mountains.

Deep pits emerged one after another.

Mu Feifan watched for a long time, but didn’t recognize which area the Sky Demon City occupies.

After all, the mountains were destroyed.

No one was left.

The sword sect disciples’ jaws almost fell to the ground.

This picture is too impactful.

The ground is full of deep pits and scorched earth, which can be described as thousands of gullies and has experienced a great catastrophe.

“Master, where is the mountain?”

“It was blown up.”

“Where is the Sky Demon City?”

“It exploded earlier than the mountain.”

“Where is the Yaozu?”

“It was exploded earlier than Sky Demon City.”

“how did you do it?”

“I just slashed…”

After a brief conversation.

Bang bang bang!

Everyone’s legs softened and they all knelt in shock.

It’s not flattering, it’s that the knees really don’t work well.

This f*ck is too scary.

One sword turned the mountain into a basin?

Pangu breaks the ground!

Suddenly, Hong Yu remembered something, and asked: “The Yaozu is dead, will we be safe in the secret realm from now on?”

Mu Feifan said: “There should be some monsters out there, but it’s not enough.”

“Four months before the trial is over, I want to find a place to cultivate.”

“Everyone is free to move around, but also pay attention to safety.”

Everyone nodded.

Mu Feifan found a cave nearby and started Closed Door Training.

He took out the fourth-level beast soul from the storage bag.

Unexpectedly, the space in the bag was so magical. Two months later, the beast soul was not packed in a special bottle, and the energy still remained.

“I choose the second item.” Mu Feifan said.

Suddenly, a sentence appeared in his mind.

Reminder: This system is also temperamental and will never serve the guy who looks exactly like you!

Mu Feifan was startled, then Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I didn’t expect that the demonized self would be so hated by others.

But the mentality after demonization, even oneself can’t control it.

It seems that people all over the world are so weak and garbage.

I couldn’t help but ridicule.

Well, it’s right not to use the Demon Abyss Sword anymore.

This sword is absolutely poisonous!

The next moment, the fourth-level beast soul becomes the fifth-level beast soul.

Mu Feifei fell into thinking, muttering to himself: “I haven’t thought of refining any weapons yet.”

“This young White Tiger beast soul should be aggressive.”

“The Sea King Shield can be repaired, but the Ling Rhinoceros armor is scrapped.”

“I desperately need a treasure armor now.”

“It’s a pity that there is no defensive beast soul.”

In a blink of an eye, three months passed.

“There is one month left, and I have been in the secret realm for a full year.” Mu Feihua felt the Spirit Power in his body and was very satisfied.

During this period of time, I concentrated on Closed Door Training, Cultivation Base and Ascension, not far from the middle stage of Foundation Building.

Originally, he wanted to hunt down some third-level demonic beasts, but this group of third-level Demonic Beasts seemed to have heard some news. They didn’t know where they were hiding and didn’t die.


Mu Feifan, who had no wish, could only practice hard by Closed Door Training.

Suddenly, squeezing force came from all directions.

The 700-day return time has come.

Mu Feihua chose the soul wear.

When he opened his eyes, he found that consciousness had returned to the private room of the temple.

“Finally home!”

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