Chapter 124 Master of The Underworld, taunting skills

The real power?

The girl was in a trance.

At this moment, Mu Feifan raised the Demon Abyss Sword.

The sword body was surrounded by demonic energy, like a real fierce beast, who wanted to roar and drink blood.

“What is your meager ability?”

“Let you see the horrible blow that can wipe out thousands of creatures!”

Mu Feifan flew into the sky with the Demon Abyss Sword.

Like the darkness shattered through the long sky, it soon climbed to the commanding heights.

Mu Feifan lied in the air, like a real demon king over the world.

The power of magic is mighty, overwhelming everything.

It was the demon emperor girl who couldn’t help looking up.

Under Mu Feifan’s feet, her body began to tremble, and there was an urge to kneel down on the ground.

“What kind of power is that?” The girl’s eyes showed horror.

The next moment, Mu Feifan’s black hair bulging and fluttering.

The Demon Abyss Sword in his hand suddenly sprayed out a black flame of five or six meters.

“Kill · The Underworld Abyss!”

Next, he held the hilt in both hands and swooped down from a high altitude.

The devilish energy is rolling, and the black flame is soaring.

It was like a burning meteor, dragging a long dark star tail, and hitting the ground.

The entire sky curtain is like a still picture scroll, cut instantly.

Mu Feihua turned into a terrifying black light and bombarded down.

This area is a continuous mountain range, I don’t know how many high mountains lie across it.

However, the moment Heimang landed.

There is a sense of doomsday that the sky is falling!


The mountains collapsed, and the air waves blasted into the sky.

Huge ripples spread in all directions, like a dark wave, swallowing and disintegrating everything.

The scorching sun from rounds of explosions rose up, like obsidian eclipse the sky, constantly impacting the high altitude.

The girl hung in the air, her eyes full of the grand scene like The Underworld.

“This is too scary!”

She began to tremble uncontrollably.

Suddenly, an afterimage appeared in front of the girl.

In the blink of an eye, it turns into a look of admiration.

“Moyuan pulled me back to the world from The Underworld, but I can turn the world into The Underworld.” Mu Feifan whispered in the girl’s ear, with a sarcasm smile at the corner of his mouth.

The girl was so frightened that she backed away quickly: “What do you want to do?”

Mu Feifan shrugged: “I just want you to listen to this beautiful explosion.”


She lowered her head and found that the entire mountain range had been destroyed, revealing deep pits, covered with scorched earth and thick smoke.

All the mountains are gone!

Under the blow of Mu Feifan just now, they all turned into endless particles and completely dissipated.

“Destroy all the nearby mountains just to let me hear the sound?”

The girl’s face was full of fear.

She suddenly felt like a mouse, being played by a big cat.

No, compared to yourself, the other is a tiger.

This is the suppression of strength!

Not an order of magnitude at all!

The girl’s mind turned sharply.


“You must run away immediately!”

“Otherwise, you will die!”

She turned around and wanted to run away.

“I advise you not to leave anymore.” Mu Feifei suddenly said.

The girl’s figure froze immediately, and her face was extremely ugly and said, “What?”

Mu Feifan said: “Do you know what The Underworld Abyss means?”

“With a radius of a hundred li, everything is transformed into The Underworld, I am the master of The Underworld!”

“In The Underworld, living creatures cannot survive…”

The girl’s eyes were filled with despair, and then a trace of determination flashed.

She resolutely fled to the distance.

There was teasing in Mu Feifan’s eyes, as if mocking the other party’s ignorance.





Mu Feifan snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the girl’s legs exploded directly and turned into blood mist.

Immediately afterwards, there were the delicate bodies and beautiful faces that made countless men greedy…


The girl uttered the last scream in the world, very sad.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “I have reminded you a long time ago.”

He stretched out his hand, and a green ball of light floated from the blood mist.

He was held in his hand by Mu Fei Fei.

Suddenly, a reminder appeared in his mind.

Obtained a fourth-level early stage young White Tiger beast soul.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred fourth-level early stage young White Tiger beast souls.

Two: fifth-level early stage young White Tiger beast soul.

Mu Feifan’s eyes were cold, and he sarcastically said, “What kind of trash can be used to assist me?”


After that, Mu Feifan didn’t even look at the beast soul, and stuffed it directly into the storage bag.

Suddenly, his expression changed drastically.

Feeling the rapid loss of strength.

“Damn it! There is a time limit.”

Mu Feifan fell directly from the height and hit the ground heavily, stirring up a piece of dust.

With a loud cry, the darkness on Mu Feifan’s body slowly faded like a tide.

The whole person became what it was before.

The Demon Abyss Sword also turned into a black light and flew back into his right arm.

Mu Feifan tried to get up, but couldn’t get up anyway.

“Is the highlight moment over?”

This was the last thought that appeared in his mind, and then he fell into an endless coma.

At this moment, the Shura community.

The white-clothed man gently stroked the body of the Sacred King Sword, his eyes complicated.

“I saw the revival of Demon Abyss Sword just now.”

“He is in great danger.”

The beautiful woman next to him looked worried: “Then how is he now?”

The white-clothed man chuckled, “Don’t you know how strong the Demon Abyss Sword is?”

“If I hadn’t picked up the Demon Abyss Sword, I wouldn’t be able to control the killing in my heart, so I wouldn’t make that kid cheap.”

The woman said: “While the Demon Abyss Sword increases its strength, it also enlarges the dark side of the heart.”

“You are murderous, what about him? Will he also kill?”

Speaking of this, the white-clothed man has a strange look: “I don’t understand him a little bit, my temperament will soar and kill me, but his cautious character feels full of taunting skills.”

The woman was stunned for a moment.


This is too long on weekdays, can’t wait to find something?

The white-clothed man smiled and said: “Don’t worry, the Demon Abyss Sword is just a foreign object. Once he grows up, he will gradually open the seal of talent, and he can become a peerless strong without relying on the Demon Abyss.”


Mu Feifei was still in a coma on the scorched earth surface.

One day, two days…time slowly passed.

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

Mu Feifei still did not open his eyes.

Like a quiet corpse.

Suddenly, a few vulture beasts specializing in eating rotting flew in the distance.

They landed on the ground, staring greedily at Mu Feihua, and then they wanted to peck.

At this time, a red light flashed from the spirit beast bag on Mu Feifan’s waist.

The little turkey appeared instantly.

It looked at the vulture beast with unkind eyes, puffed up its cheeks and spewed out a phoenix flame.

“Crack quack!”

Several vulture beasts were burned to coke in the screams.

Another month passed.

Mu Feifan suddenly felt itchy nose and couldn’t help but sneezed.

He opened his eyes abruptly, only to see the little turkey teasing his nose with a feather.

Mu Feifei was speechless: “I’m awake, don’t intervene!”

“Sister Ni’s little chiji, do you only poke one every day? I feel that both sides are asymmetrical!”

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