Chapter 123 The Demon King Descends, Invincible in the World

Suddenly, Mu Feihua felt the scene in front of him a little confused.

what happened?

Is there too much blood loss?

Going to coma?

The girl said softly, “Farewell, little liar.”

The sharp claws slapped it fiercely.

This thunder strike is enough to destroy everything!

It can be seen that the girl’s unstoppable murderous intention!


Unexpectedly, the claws hit some hard object.

The sound of Jin Ge mingled.

The girl was taken aback.

Look down.

I saw Mu Feifan lowered his head, but his right arm was in the air, blocking the fatal blow.

“Your body can’t be so strong!” The girl was surprised.

“I don’t know what’s going on… Just now, my arm was raised unconsciously.” Mu Feifan’s voice became lower and lower.

A ray of black light suddenly appeared on the right arm, and it quickly condensed into a strange big sword in the air!

This sword is dark and dark, and black energy is constantly churning on it.

The sword is wide, and the upper end of the hilt has cast a pair of extremely ferocious magic horns.

Just like a masterful evil soldier!

Mu Feifan stretched out his hand and held the hilt uncontrollably.

The next moment, his body is full of black light!

Then, something strange happened.

After his armor was broken, a white robe was revealed.

It’s just that the white robe suddenly seemed to be dyed by darkness, completely turning into a heart-palpiting black, just like the color of The Underworld.

The long hair behind Mu Feifan’s head suddenly grew a lot, as dark as the Galaxy Cluster hanging down.

The girl was shocked!

She murmured: “What weapon is this?”

“what happened to you?”

Mu Feifan raised his head slowly, the corner of his eyes seemed to have a black light, and it seemed to be traced with an eyeliner, full of evil charm.

“This sword is called Mo Yuan…”

He stood up, holding a broad sword, his eyes extremely indifferent, like a demon aloft.

I don’t know why, there is an extra memory in Mu Feifei’s mind.

The name of Mo Yuanjian can also be blurted out.

The girl was completely stunned like a sculpture.

The people in front of me showed that they were just what they were just now.

But why is there such a big difference in temperament for the same person?

She even felt a terrible power from Mu Feifan.

“I was hurt.” Mu Feihua’s voice was very hoarse.

Strands of black light gushed from his body and quickly flew towards the wound.

It didn’t take a moment for the wound to heal as before, without a drop of blood flowing out.

The girl was shocked again: “It’s a powerful recovery ability, was it devilish energy just now?”

Mu Feifan said: “I’m not quite used to the current power.”

“Can you accompany me for a walk?”


The girl was dumbfounded.

Are you kidding me?

Now it’s obviously a critical juncture for your life and death, you actually asked for a walk?

However, the girl couldn’t help taking a few steps back.

Because she can’t see through the current Mu Feifan at all.

Seeing her silent, Mu Fei chuckled softly, turned and walked away.

The girl looked at his back, and suddenly sneered: “Are you pretending again?”

“You lied to me so many times, thinking I would be fooled every time?”

“go to hell!”

She reached out her sharp claws, and the incomparable Spirit Power spurted out, like a Death shock wave, whizzing.

Seeing this attack is about to swallow Mu Feifan.

He turned his head back abruptly and gently raised his palm.

There seems to be an endless vortex circulating in the palm!

The terrifying shock wave, in front of Mu Feihua, was like a piece of paper, and was quickly divided into two halves.

With Mu Feihua as the center, the shock wave resembled a raging wolf wave, slamming his sides fiercely, causing a big explosion.

But there is no trace of Mu Feihua!

Mu Feifei’s area is as if Wanfa does not invade, all fierce attacks will fail.

The waves of air billowed, blowing his black robe.

At this moment, Mu Feihua really came down like a great devil.

Invincible in the world!

The girl was dumbfounded.

However, the moment she blinked, Mu Feihua started.

He lifted his foot gently, and the distance of several hundred meters completely lost its meaning.

Mu Feifan had appeared in front of the girl like lightning.

“Fast speed!” The girl’s brain was completely short-circuited.

She didn’t have time to react at all.

Mu Feihua reached out with one hand, grabbed the girl’s collar, and slammed it to the ground!


The girl fell to the ground, smashing the entire peak.

She screamed, not knowing how many layers of earth and rock had been smashed.

The mountain collapsed and turned into rubble!

Mu Feihua slowly floated up.

He suddenly thought of something and stretched out his hand.

A fluffy thing, like a ball, quickly shot backwards into his arms.

It was a comatose little turkey.

Mu Feihua put it in the spirit beast bag.

At this time, in the messy ruins below, there was a roar of a heaven-shaking beast!

A white light rushed up like a lance.

It was the demon emperor girl.

At this moment, a silver White Tiger pattern appeared on her cheek, and her eyes burst with fierce light.

Obviously it has experienced some kind of increase.

“Yeah, it turned out to be the White Tiger.” Mu Feihua said lightly.

The ridiculous tone seems to have not put the girl in one’s eyes at all.

The girl said angrily: “Although you don’t know what you are, don’t underestimate me!”

Mu Feifan said: “Should we go to another mountain to fight?”

The girl froze for a moment: “Why?”

The corner of Mu Feifan’s mouth curled up slightly: “Because I like the sound of your head hitting the ground.”

After speaking, he flew to another mountain, and in a flash, his feet stepped on the solid ground.

The girl couldn’t help it anymore, she chased it frantically.

“Come down and play.” Mu Feifan raised his hand.

The girl’s eyes were full of madness, and she swooped down.

Sharp claws slid in, and directly grabbed Mu Feifan’s wrist.


The girl screamed, she wanted to learn from Mu Feifan just now, and she wanted to smash her to the ground.

In the way of a person, he is also treated as a person.

The girl really holds grudges.

However, Mu Feifan’s dexterous move, went around the girl’s back.

Just listen to a click.

The girl let out a scream, her face was completely bloodless.

Mu Feifan held a severed arm in his hand and sighed softly: “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to be so fragile, and accidentally snapped.”

“Don’t scream so loudly, otherwise others will think I have done you something.”

“I prefer to hear the sound of your head hitting the ground more than your moaning!”

Mu Feifan sneered and stepped down wildly.

The girl was kicked to the ground like a ball.

Suddenly, the earth burst and the mountain collapsed again!

When she flew up again, she was covered with blood and gritted her teeth, wishing to swallow Mu Feifei in one bite.

Mu Feifan said, “Hey, don’t look at me like that.”

“I didn’t sleep with you again, so I won’t be responsible.”

The girl roared: “I want to kill you!”

Although she lost her arms, the fourth-level Demonic Beasts is so terrible, as long as she is given time, she will return to the same level.

At this moment, she was soaked in spirits, and she was about to explode.

Mu Feifei shook his head: “You still have the strength to say such things. It seems that you don’t know anything about true power!”

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