Chapter 120

How could Mu Feihua let them succeed?

He came to the basement floor according to the information of the pre-investigation.

Here is the weapon arsenal of the Yaozu.

Yaozu is known for its tyrannical body and doesn’t use weapons much.

Most of the inventory in the arsenal is captured from human cultivator.

Since the arsenal is not taken seriously, there are only four guards here.

Mu Feifan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and success or failure was determined by this.

The golden cicada’s evasion technique was lifted, and Mu Feihua appeared.

The four guards are discussing which girl is pretty in the demon spring courtyard in the city, and which girl is alive and well.

All smiles wretchedly.

Just as the smiles of the Four Demon were getting more and more perverted, a person wearing a gorgeous armor appeared in front of them.

The two sides looked at each other, and the scene was extremely embarrassing.


Four fireballs flew out of Mu Feifan’s hand.

Killed four first-level little monsters instantly.

Then, he took out huge plants from his storage bag.

The plant is bright red and cherry-like.

It was just in the past six months that Mu Feifei constructed a new type of plant weapon with the technique of being a soldier.

Cherry bomb!

Unfortunately, every time it is produced, all Spirit Power is consumed.

Therefore, in the past six months, Mu Feifan’s Cultivation Base has not made any progress.

He recovered Spirit Power and immediately made cherry bombs.

Two hundred have been accumulated!

Mu Feifan arranged all these cherry bombs in the weapon arsenal.

By the time I was finished, I was exhausted.

“Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng.” Mu Feifei muttered to himself.

At this time, in the palace of the empress.

The girl was already lying down.

The pink curtain fell down.

Under the cover of this layer of veil, the girl’s perfect figure is looming.

The little turkey’s nest is next to her bed.

For half a year, the little turkey was really favored in front of the girl, and the pheasant flew on the branch and became a Phoenix.

Although this small nest is only the size of a vegetable basket, it is extremely luxurious and exquisite.

I don’t know how long it took.

The corns that had been closed suddenly opened.

The little turkey didn’t sleep at all.

It listened carefully to the girl’s breathing, and after confirming that the other party was asleep, it quietly got up.

In the past six months, every time it went out to investigate, it was taking advantage of the girl’s sound sleep.

How many nights, every inch of the Tian Demon Palace has its traces.

All the secrets of Great Hall had nowhere to hide in front of Little Turkey.

At this moment, the little turkey slowly walked towards the entrance of the palace.

This time, it is not to investigate anything.

But to leave here forever.

“Goodbye, Huniu.”

The little turkey couldn’t help but looked back at the girl’s bed, and screamed softly in his heart.

Huniu is its nickname for girls.

It’s just that when the little turkey’s eyes fell on the bed, the parting eyes suddenly became horrified!

Damn it!

Where did Huniu go?

The next moment, the little turkey turned around and was so frightened that his feathers burst.

I saw the girl standing at the door of the bedroom with a smile on her face.

“It’s so late, where are you going?” The girl slowly approached.

The little turkey shuddered, but still cried.

The girl whispered: “It turns out to be peeing, I understand, I understand, there are three urgency for chickens.”

She slowly picked up the little turkey, and gently stroked the chicken’s head with her seemingly weak hand.

The next sentence completely calmed the little turkey.

“But, for the past six months, you have been out almost every night… Are you telling some people?” As the girl spoke, the teeth of her mouth slowly grew out, looking a little scary.

The little turkey panicked completely.

Because it has smelled the breath of Death.

That’s it!

It’s exposed!

Unexpectedly, this tiger girl knew all about it!

The little turkey’s face was desperate.

Because the girl’s silver teeth are slowly approaching.

The little turkey had no doubt that the other party could bite off half of his head with one bite.

Farewell, wicked man!

The little turkey closed his eyes.

“Leave a chicken under your mouth!”

Suddenly, a voice rang behind the girl.

She turned her head and saw a very handsome young man standing at the door.

Little Turkey’s eyes were full of surprises.

It is Mu Feifan.

The girl was not surprised when she saw him. Instead, she sneered and said, “It really is you!”

“Monster Traitor!”

“Unexpectedly, you are so good at calculating, and arranged a small undercover by my side.”

Mu Feifan was silent.

The girl threw the little turkey on the ground, her weak hands suddenly turned into sharp tiger claws, and she patted it very hard!

The breath of fourth-level Demonic Beasts broke out at this moment!

The whole bedroom is shaking!

“It’s over, the wicked man is dead.” The little turkey hurriedly covered his eyes with his chicken wings and couldn’t bear to look straight.

Suddenly, Mu Feifan said: “Wait a minute!”

The girl’s tiger claws were frozen in the air.

“Why?” She frowned, her eyes undiminished.

Being stared at by a fourth-level boss like this, Mu Feifan couldn’t help his heart beating wildly.

However, he still doesn’t want to die!

“If it weren’t for you little guy, I wouldn’t risk it!”

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan glanced at the little turkey with a bitter look.

But no way, he will not abandon his companions!

This is his bottom line.

Next, let’s go!

Mu Feifan gritted his teeth, then lowered his head slightly.

When he lifted it up again, his eyes revealed boundless melancholy.

“Life is infatuated, and this hatred is not related to Feng and Yue…” he muttered softly.

The girl was dumbfounded: “What are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

Mu Feifan said solemnly, “Don’t you understand yet?”

“I did all this deliberately!”

“Because I am defined as a traitor, I can’t stay by your side with integrity.”

“That’s why I let the little turkey replace myself…”

There was a slight looseness in the girl’s cold heart.

She felt that Mu Fanping’s eyes were getting hotter and hotter, and she didn’t even dare to look at them.

“What the hell do you mean?” the girl asked.

Mu Feihua stretched out her hand and put down her ready-to-go tiger claws.

This thing keeps pointing at yourself, it’s really scary.

Then, he grabbed the girl’s small shoulders.

“Because I-like you!” Mu Feihua said loudly.

In an instant, the air stopped flowing.


The girl was dumbfounded.

The eyes are wide.

She has been a demon for so many years, she has never encountered such a thing.

Even if those subordinates have admiration for her.

But the emperor is mighty, and when facing the girl, they are also trembling.

How can anyone dare to confess so boldly.

The little turkey was also dumbfounded, with his mouth wide open, and his jaw almost fell to the ground.

Damn it, wicked man, is this okay?

“What nonsense are you talking about?” The girl was embarrassed and angry.

A blush came from behind her ears, staining the entire pretty face with red clouds.

Mu Feifan had clearly felt that she was panicking!

Although the girl is a fourth-level Demonic Beasts, in the final analysis, she is a girl.

No, it’s a mother.

In order to save my life, I did it!

“The Self-cultivation of Actors” and “Thirty-Six Strategies of Scumbags” flashed in Mu Fei’s mind.

He took a deep breath, and the melancholy in his eyes became more intense.

“That year, I was still a little monkey in Huaguoshan.”

“And you are the demon emperor above all.”

“Since the first time I saw you, everything I do next is to get close to you!”

Girl: (キ`゚Д゚´)!!

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