Chapter 119: Exploring the Demon City at Night, the Fanatic Demon Race

Back to the cave, Mu Feifan came to the own room.

This is a spacious stone room.

He took out two fourth-level materials.

It is the main wing and tail needle of the blood queen that have been upgraded.

Mu Feifei said to himself: “The materials are available, but the beast soul is lacking.”

“But even if there is a beast soul, you can only refine the offensive pseudo Dao Item.”

“I don’t know if I can kill the demon boss with one blow.”

“If she didn’t die immediately, then it must be me who died.”

“But there are so many monster warriors in Sky Demon City…”

Just thinking about it makes me feel a headache.

Just hiding in this barren mountain is not a long-term solution.

Mu Feifan was afraid that one day he would be knocked on the door by the monster clan.

As for the guards who look forward to Dengxian Academy?

Mu Feifan gave a cold snort of disdain.

If they work, why is the monster army outside still making waves?

Moreover, Mu Feihua doubted.

The escort, who has not shown up, was killed long ago.

After all, they only found eight third-level Demonic Beasts in the area they explored.

Unexpectedly, there is a fourth-level demon boss in the secret realm.

This is the result of incomplete information.

One mistake will cause all the games to be lost.

Therefore, we must be extremely cautious to survive in this secret realm.

“I have to prepare with both hands now.”

“Dengxian Academy is after all this Otherworld’s giant of immortality, there must be other means.”

“While waiting for their rescue, think of a way to deal with the monster army.”

“Anyway, during this period of time, let’s stay in this barren mountain first.”

Thinking of this, Mu Feifei took out the Spirit Gathering Pill and began to cultivate.

time flies.

Half a year passed in a blink of an eye.

Mu Feifan has been learning about the movement of the Sky Demon City through the little turkey.

At the beginning, the monster army, after the death of the blood red queen, was furious and rioted in the secret realm for a month.

Finally returned in anguish.

As for slaying the Scarlet Queen, Mu Feifei had no regrets.

If I don’t kill her, I can’t sleep well!

The big deal keeps changing residences.

If you have the energy to search, I have the energy to hide!

Fortunately, this barren mountain is too remote.

Did not attract the attention of Yaozu.

“Even Hong Yu has succeeded in the Foundation Building, but the rescue of Dengxian Academy has not yet appeared.”

“However, I have prepared all the methods to deal with the Sky Demon City.”

“It’s time to make a break!”

Mu Feifan walked out of the cave quietly.

He didn’t tell anyone where Own was going.

It was late at night, and the thunder wing spread out behind Mu Feifan, and flew into the sky with a swish.

Two hours later.

He came near a majestic mountain.

A Sky Demon City that looked like a giant steel beast appeared in his field of vision.

In the darkness, the oppression brought by this big city is stronger.

Mu Feifan squinted, then landed in a dense forest on the top of the mountain.

The next moment, he used the Golden Cicada Escape Technique, and his body entered a state of nothingness.

It just disappeared in the air.

Mu Feifan walked to the gate of the city.

The two monster warriors on duty were dozing off with their weapons propped up on their bodies.

The snoring is thunderous.

“It’s all old social animals.”

“Can you fall asleep like this?”

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched slightly.

At this moment, the city gate is still closed tightly.

Mu Feifan waited patiently beside him.

During the six months of investigation, he knew it was about to change shift time.

Suddenly, the huge gate slowly opened a gap, and two monster warriors walked out.

“Depend on!”

“Don’t sleep!”

“Useless things, except eating and sleeping.”

“Be careful that the captain knows that you two are abolished!”

They all flew out and kicked the sleeping guard down.

The guards were kicked awake and asked in a daze, “Is it time for the rotation?”

The new monster warrior said: “If you two continue to be on duty, we will go back.”

The guard was excited, and immediately became sober: “Let’s go now!”

They ran quickly into the city.

The gate slowly closed again.

At this moment, Mu Feifei had already been walking on the street.

He already knew the layout here.

So go straight to the destination.

Heavenly Demon Hall!

At this moment, in the discussion hall in the temple.

Ten third-level demon kings sat around the round table.

Sitting on the throne in the middle was the girl in the imperial robe.

At this moment, she is sitting gracefully, with her two snow-white slender legs crossed together.

Seeing these beautiful legs, it is hard to imagine that the other party is a monster.

The girl looks even better than humans.

I don’t know if it is the fortune of the monster race or the sorrow of human beings.

And the little turkey was lying on those legs with a look of enjoyment!

Accept the girl’s fluffing from time to time.

“It’s been half a year, and the monster traitor hasn’t been found yet.”

“Moreover, the murderer who killed the blood red has not been found.”

“Your work efficiency is too bad.”

The girl’s face was frosty, her voice low.

Ten Demon Kings, whichever appeared to the outside world, was a stunner.

It’s just that all of them are now bowing their heads, and even trembling all over.

The majesty of the girl is too great!

One of the Bull Head Demon King said: “Your Majesty, is the murderer who killed the blood red the traitor of the Demon Race?”

“After all, there is an enmity between them!”

The girl squinted her eyes and said, “It’s very possible.”

“Unexpectedly, the monster traitor had some means, and Xue Hong had 10,000 troops around him, and they were all beheaded by the opponent.”

A face demon king said: “I heard someone in the army said that the blood red was originally chasing and killing the human cultivator, and was intercepted halfway.”

The girl couldn’t help cursing: “This stupid woman!”

“Following other people’s plans!”

“It seems that the murderer is the traitor in all likelihood, and has joined the human cultivator.”

The demons nodded one after another.

“Blood red is really stupid!”

“Our monster race is a bit cruel at best, and humans are the big evils.”

“They can’t beat us in the face, so they secretly use small tricks!”

The girl suddenly stood up.

The little turkey cried and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the girl said very solemnly: “Humans continue to send cultivators to the secret realm, and we never put our monsters to put in one’s eyes.”

“I decided to send a large army out of the secret realm and go to the gathering place of humans for massacre!”

“Let them know that we are not soft persimmons!”

When everyone heard it, their expressions immediately became excited.

The blood of this group of monsters is full of violent, fanatical warriors.

They can’t score a minute to level the human world.

“Follow your Majesty’s footsteps and destroy humanity!”

“Kill them!”

“Long live your majesty!”

The girl smiled and said: “In this case, we are going to carry out a raid on the human world in three days!”

Suddenly, her expression changed slightly, and she glanced outside the door with some doubts.

“Your Majesty, what’s the matter?” A Demon King asked strangely.

“Nothing…” The girl grinned, showing two sharp tiger teeth.

Outside the door, Mu Feifan in invisibility felt his heart beating wildly.

He left in a hurry.

At the glance of the girl just now, he felt that his soul was freezing!

However, he knew a big thing.

These secret realm monster races are going to attack the human world in a big way!

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