Chapter 121 The Demon Emperor Goes Away

The girl exhaled a long breath, dispelling the scorching heat in her heart.

She became calm again.

“Then why do you appear next to humans?” The girl tried to keep her tone cold.

Mu Feifan sighed, “I know that I am inferior and I am not worthy of you.”

“So mix in with human beings, learn their knowledge, wait until you have learned it, and then dedicate it to you.”

“Because I know that you have always been interested in human knowledge…”

The girl’s beautiful eyes widened.

Her voice even trembled: “Do you even know this?”

Mu Feifan said in his heart, I know that even your aunt will investigate any day, and this six months has not been in vain.

However, he still maintains a melancholy temperament on the surface.

The feeling that you can’t afford to love is vividly expressed.

Melancholy is the greatest weapon against girls.

“If you like someone, you naturally have to understand everything about her.” Mu Feifan said softly.

The girl’s face became more and more red, but she still snorted: “Then how do you explain the killing of blood red?”

She stared at Mu Feifan closely.

Even my men dare to kill, you still say you like me?

Mu Feifei suddenly became excited.

He couldn’t help raising his voice: “That’s because I’m jealous!”

The girl’s heart was shocked again!

Mu Feifan’s performance continues.

“Why do I like you for so long, but can’t get close to you?”

“And what did she do to get the command of the ten thousand army easily?”

“What is the difference between me and her?”

The girl’s cold and merciless eyes gradually softened.

She whispered: “Fool, eat even women’s vinegar…”

Suddenly, the girl felt something was wrong.

The demon emperor of his own dignified generation was able to say such a thing.

It’s incredible.

However, we still have to be reserved.

The girl snorted heavily: “Even if what you say is true.”

“But the emperor’s husband-in-law must not be a waste!”

“We are going to attack the human world in three days. You must accompany me and behave well!”

Mu Feifan’s heart sighed, damn, what a problem with daddy, he wants to beat him with you.

He suddenly smiled and said: “No problem, as long as you promise me, even if you are an enemy of the world, what about it?”


The girl’s face became even hotter.

In order to be with me, it doesn’t matter even if you are the enemy of the world?

What an affectionate person is this to say such a thing?

The girl tried to stay calm.

However, his heart beats like a snare drum.

Really can’t calm down.

Suddenly, Mu Feifan made another amazing move.

He leaped forward and hugged the girl.


The girl exclaimed.

She was completely panicked.

Why is he so bold?

What is he going to do?

The girl felt the unique breath from the man, and her whole body trembled slightly.

Both nervous and excited.


Mu Feifan’s face lying on the girl’s shoulders winked desperately at the little turkey.

“Don’t leave soon?” Mu Feifei secretly shared.

The little turkey knew immediately and ran out from the door quietly.


Spicy eyes Spicy eyes!

Benji didn’t want to stay for a moment.

Seeing the little turkey running away, Mu Feifan let go.

When he left the girl’s shoulder, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Why is the demon boss so strange in his eyes?

The girl blushed and said, “I felt very special just now…”

“It’s a little addictive.”

Mu Feifan:…

The girl suddenly grabbed Mu Feifan and threw him onto the bed.

Then the soft body also rushed forward.

Mu Feihua was shocked.

Damn it!

“Your Majesty Demon Emperor, what are you doing?”

The girl’s face was full of red clouds, but her eyes were even more presumptuous.

“I have long heard that two people who love each other will be very happy to do that kind of thing.”

“We Yaozu have always been bold, and if we agree, we will have no reservations.”

“Let’s try it!”

Mu Feifan was dumbfounded.

Is this demon boss in estrus?

“Wait a minute, I am now in human form…” he exclaimed.

The girl will start to take off.

“What are you afraid of, me too.”

“And there is no difference in the body structure after transformation.”

“I have seen that place, like a peach blossom, I promise you will like it!”

Mu Feifan is going crazy.

If you are forced by a demon, you might as well kill him.


Mu Feifan shouted.

While the girl hesitated, he quickly fled from under the other party.

“What’s the matter, you can’t look down on this emperor?” The girl’s face was a little unhappy, with a faint Killing intent between her eyebrows.

Mu Feifan said hurriedly: “Of course not, Your Majesty, I have difficulties.”

“Talk about it!” The girl put the clothes that had been half faded just now on her shoulders again.

Show the domineering demon emperor once again!

Mu Feifan’s mind changed sharply.

He knew that the next sentence would decide his own life.

But at this time, what excuses are you thinking of.

The beauty is by the side. If you don’t be a beast at this time, it is really sick.

“I’m sick…” Mu Feifan gritted his teeth and said directly.


The girl was taken aback, obviously she didn’t expect the other party to give such an answer.

“What disease?”

Mu Feifan said sadly: “Tianwei…”

It really took the risk.

At this moment, even the dignity of a man is no longer needed.

The girl was stunned immediately.

No matter how slow she was, she understood it all at once.

Mu Feifei continued: “For so many years, I have found many doctors.”

“I can’t say this is anxious, it needs to be treated slowly.”

After the girl listened, her initially sullen face gradually softened.

“So, I blamed you.”

“Don’t worry, this emperor will never despise you.”

“You have said that you want to be an enemy to the world for me, then I will accompany you to fight against Tianwei to the end.”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

When did the world and Tianwei equate?

Are they all superheroes as another level of identity of male doctors?

“You take a good rest, I won’t bother you tonight.” Mu Feifan said.

The tenderness in the girl’s eyes: “Tomorrow you are going to find me…”

Mu Feifan nodded.

He quickly withdrew from the bedroom and hurriedly walked outside the palace.

The little turkey was waiting there.

At this moment, it looked very strangely at Mu Feihua, as if I could see that you were lost.

“Lost you!”

Mu Feifan grabbed the little turkey and quietly left the Sky Demon City.

They flew to the top of the opposite mountain.

Looking at the towering Sky Demon City, Mu Feifan said coldly, “Farewell!”

At this moment, the basement level weapons storehouse of the Sky Demon Hall.

All were stuffed with cherry bombs.

Under Mu Feifan’s orders from a kilometer away, their bodies slowly expanded.

There was a violent red light flowing on the surface.

Not long after Mu Feifan left, the girl slowly calmed down.

The more she thought about it, the stranger it became.

How come a person who just met is so affectionate for himself?

The girl still has some brains.

But under the bombardment of Mu Feifan’s language, a girl couldn’t stand it.

Her generation of Demon Emperor was also fooled by the fool.

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