Chapter 118 He is a good man

The blood queen grinned in pain.

She looked up and saw the wings of thunder and lightning flapping behind this young man.

It is Mu Feifan!

“It’s you? Monster race traitor?” The blood-red queen’s eyes were red.

New hatred and old hatred came to my heart together.

She hates madness.

When Fang listened leisurely, he looked up and down admiringly, very shocked.

Unexpectedly, Brother Mu would be undercover in the Yaozu.

Compared with him, my practice is too shallow, I can only mix in the circle of people.

Unlike him, shemales take everything!

Mu Feihua held a shield in his left hand and an axe in his right hand, saying: “If you were in your heyday, maybe I wouldn’t dare to fight it hard.”

“But you are hurt now…”

The blood queen suddenly felt something wrong. In addition to the burning pain behind her, she also had a tingling and itchy sensation.

“Poisonous?” She was shocked.

Mu Feifan said: “My axe just hit not only the poisonous dragon attack, but also the real fire of my magic dragon.”

The blood queen felt that there were two tyrannical energies entangled in her body, and she was looting her own vitality crazily.

“Do not!”

The blood-red queen’s hair swayed, her eyes were full of blood, and she was about to fight back.

Mu Feifei stepped over.

A pair of sacred shoes flashed with holy light, and there was a sound of shaking the sky.

In a short time, a strong pressure blasted down.

The blood queen was stepped directly into the ground.

At the same time, the poisonous dragon and the magic dragon erupted.

The blood-red queen turned into a pitch-black coke in a scream.

It’s a bit miserable.

Fang Qingxian and Xiao Loli were both terrified.

Little Loli said tremblingly: “No time, your friend is terrible.”

Fang Qing said leisurely: “Don’t be afraid, he is a good man!”

Little Loli looked suspicious.

Attacked, poisoned and set fire… and then you told me he was a good man?

At this moment, Mu Feifan fiddled with the corpse with an axe with a look of disgust.

Prompts appeared in my mind.

Kill the third-level middle stage Demonic Beasts, the blood queen.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred bloody needle battle seals.

Two: One Blood Shadow God Needle Battle Seal.

“Oh? It turns out that the seal is to learn spells, so the seal is a combat technique.”

With a big wave of his hand, Mu Feifan put the body into the storage bag.

He ran away again and picked up the missing tail needles.

This is the best refining material.

Unfortunately, the blood-red queen’s beast soul had completely shattered under the explosion of the Shuanglong energy.

“Make the best use of everything.” Mu Feifei felt a little regretful.

He turned and looked at Fang Qingxian.

From the moment Fang Qingxian got in the car, he kept sending messages to Mu Feihua with communication symbols.

After Mu Feifan listened, his heart became ruthless, and he simply did not stop doing two things.

Decided to lie in wait here and do the blood red demon girl!

Fortunately, everything went well.

However, if it were to fight hard, Mu Feifan wouldn’t be afraid with a lot of equipment.

It just takes more effort.

If you can win by surprise attack, why do you have to shoot the gun in the front?

Fang Qingxian stepped up, slapped Mu Feifan, and said with a smile: “I didn’t expect Brother Mu to be so strong now, killing monsters by leapfrogging is so easy.”

Mu Feifan said: “The weapon level is high. If you can’t break the defense like this, then I’m really doing it for nothing.”

“But the general Foundation Building cultivator can’t activate the treasure.” Fang Qing said leisurely.

“My name is Mu Feifan, not Mu general.” Mu Feifan smiled: “Let’s hurry and leave this place, I’m afraid the monster army will come in a while.”

Fang Qingxian stared and said, “I thought this mountain is where you hide.”

Mu Feifan: “How is it possible?”

“There will be traces of battle when I fight, so I won’t expose my hiding place.”

“Let’s go!”

The thunder wings flickered on him, turning into a thunderstorm, and the two of them rushed into the sky.

The momentum at takeoff was shocking.

Like lightning piercing the sky.

The speed is staggering.

Fang Qingxian and Xiao Loli were still dumbfounded, and appeared a hundred meters away in a blink of an eye.

Mu Feifan flew for about an hour, and finally arrived at a barren mountain that looked extremely dilapidated.

The cave where the Sword Sect disciple was located was covered with vines and other obstructions outside.

At first glance, I didn’t know that this was a cave at all.

The three of them walked in.

The space in the cave is huge, and nine Sword Sect disciples are meditating.

Seeing Mu Feifan brought two people back, everyone couldn’t help but look curiously.

Hong Yu asked: “Master, who is this hooded man?”

Only then did Fang Qingxian lift his hood, revealing his true colors.

Hong Yu was overjoyed: “It turned out to be Brother Fang, where have you been this year?”

“I’m still wondering which day I will burn something for you.”

Fang Qingxian smiled and cursed: “Go away, you can’t expect me to order.”

He threw a brocade box over.

Hong Yu took it directly, and when he opened it, his eyes were shocked.

“Foundation Building Dan!”

When the others heard it, they all gathered around, and said in surprise: “It’s really Foundation Building Dan!”

“Such a rare thing, I don’t know where Xiaofang got it.”

“There are very few Foundation Building Dans on the market now, and Xiao Fang must have paid a great price.”

Suddenly, Hong Yu thought of something, her nose sour, and said, “Senior Brother Fang, you won’t be the son-in-law to help me get the Foundation Building Dan.”

Fang Qingxian looked embarrassed.

This was not the original intention, but now it seems that it is almost the same.

The little Loli next to him looked at all this with amazement.

She seemed to understand something, and suddenly said: “Senior Brother Fang, you and Jianzong have known each other a long time ago?”

After listening to Fang Qingxian, he shook his heart.

Originally, the young Loli had been calling his name cordially, but now that he said the three words Senior Brother Fang, it was obvious that there was a gap in his heart.

Fang Qing said leisurely: “Give me one minute to explain, okay?”

Little Loli nodded with a sullen face.

The two walked to the depths of the cave.

The cave has already opened up several rooms for everyone to rest.

They turned into a room and stopped coming out.

The rest of them looked surprised and all looked at Mu Feifan.

Mu Feifan: “Leave it to him to solve the emotional matter.”

After a while, Fang Qingxian pulled the flushed little Loli out.

Obviously, the two had a very pleasant chat.

Little Loli is more relaxed and obedient.

After two days, Mu Feifan and Fang Qingxian were looking for game on the barren mountain, and suddenly brought up the matter.

“What did you say at the time?” Mu Feihua asked.

He is also very curious.

Fang Qing said leisurely: “I told her the facts.”

“Then said, if she forgive me, I will marry her and protect her for the rest of my life.”

“If she doesn’t forgive, we will part ways, and we will never be in contact with each other.”

Mu Feihua was shocked.

At first glance, he was an old steel straight man.

This is too straightforward.

“Then she forgave you?” Mu Feifei continued to ask.

Fang Qingxian shook his head: “…not only did he not forgive, but he cried desperately.”

Suddenly he flushed and said, “Later I blocked her mouth.”

Mu Feifan got it.


Not even Loli let it go.

Fang Qingxian saw his weird look, and immediately understood something, and said in shame, “Brother Mu, what are you thinking about?”

“I use my hands and my hands.”

“She was covering her mouth and making a fuss for a while, and she forgave me.”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

Then you blush a bubble teapot?

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