Chapter 117

However, this is only the beginning of the tragedy.

Before long, the disciples of Tianxiu Valley also suffered misfortune and were buried in the belly of a demon.

Same day.

The disciples of Tian Puppet Sect were walking on a mountain road.

A young man in black with a hood buttoned on his head suddenly said: “Let’s stop hunting Demonic Beasts.”

“Find a place to hide, it’s not peaceful these days.”

“What’s the matter, no time?” The little Loli next to him looked so serious and couldn’t help feeling a little nervous.

This young man is the undercover in the Tian Puppet Sect’s Fang Qingxian.

His current name is Fang Buxian.

Fang Qingxian smiled bitterly: “I heard that the monsters formed an army and are looking for human cultivators everywhere.”

On the other side, Chang Yi sneered disdainfully: “Monster? The army?”

“Fang Buxian, your mind is flooded, right?”

“The IQ of Demonic Beasts can still be like humans, and will lead soldiers to the battlefield?”

“You don’t want to be the inner disciple of the college, but don’t delay others!”

“To come up with such a crude excuse.”

“Extremely ridiculous!”

Fang leisurely smiled bitterly.

When ordinary people hear this kind of thing, they think it’s a fantasy.

Where can I believe it?

But Fang Qingxian trusts Mu Feifan 100%.

He is much more reliable than himself!

“Brother Chang, I believe it is not idle.” Little Loli said suddenly.

Her voice was soft and waxy, like a cute little sister next door.

Fang Qingxian’s eyes widened.

I didn’t expect little Loli to believe in himself so much.

He was a little moved.

Chang Yi said, “Little Junior Sister, do you believe in Fang Buxian’s words?”

“Can you grow your mind?”

Little Loli opened her mouth, trying to say something but couldn’t say it, with grievances on her face.

Fang Qingxian suddenly shouted in a low voice: “Senior Brother Chang, don’t say that to Junior Sister.”

“She trusts me so much, I’m so touched…”

“But I hope you all believe me in this matter, for the sake of everyone’s safety…”

Although he is an undercover agent, he does not want these people to be harmed after getting along for a year.

However, before the words were finished, Chang Yi interrupted roughly: “Pull it down, if Demonic Beasts can form an army, I will twist my head off and kick it for you!”


As soon as his voice fell, his head soared into the sky.

The blood on the neck is blooming like a fountain!

The remnant fell to the ground with a bang.

All the disciples of Sky Puppet Sect were dumbfounded.

When Chang Yi fell, he saw a tall woman appear behind him.

This woman is obviously beautiful and thrilling, but she carries a strong Monster Qi.

Especially, she still had blood donation drips in her hand, which looked extremely cruel.


Everyone just remembered screaming.

Screams came and went one after another.

“The third wave…” The Blood Queen was very satisfied.

The monster army behind her arrived immediately.

At the moment when the Red Queen appeared, Fang Qingxian released the speed car very quickly.

At the same time, he hugged little Loli and stuffed it into the car.


start up!

Fang Qingxian urged the car’s energy to the extreme.

The speeding car burst out with a roar and rushed into the air like lightning.


“Is anyone else wanting to escape?”

“The reaction is very fast!”

The blood-red queen smiled grimly and slowly floated into the air to get a panoramic view of the whereabouts of the speeding car.

“You can’t run!”

“The game of cat and mouse is the most interesting.”

She didn’t even bother to care about other people on the ground.

Focus on Fang Qingxian.

In the next second, the Scarlet Queen turned into a phantom, cut through the air, and chased away.

At this time, the demon army that rushed forward pushed all the way.

The rest of the Tian Puppet Sect disciples also followed in Chang Yi’s footsteps.

“No time, will we die here?”

Little Loli was scared with tears in his eyes, and cuddled tightly in Fang Qingxian’s arms.

Fang Qingxian glanced at her.

I don’t know why, at this moment, he has a desire to protect little Loli that he has never had before.

“We will not die!”

Fang Qingxian suddenly shouted and slapped the storage bag hard.

A lot of top-grade Spirit Stones flew out and turned into energy for the running of the car.


After flying into the car, a terrifying wave of air was sprayed, and it was directly propelled more than ten feet.

The speed is up to the next level!

Little Loli was very excited: “Wow, no time, your driving skills are great!”

Fang Qingxian’s mouth slowly raised: “Brother Mu once said, holding his sister in his arms, his combat power doubled.”

In the back, the blood-red queen, who had been gradually pulling her distance, was startled suddenly.

“Why is the other party speeding up again?”

“If it weren’t for the destruction of the main wing, I wouldn’t even be able to catch up with a broken car.”

The blood-red queen was secretly angry, and scolded Mu Feifan again.

The next moment, her Monster Qi all over her body, the power of the third-level middle stage Demonic Beasts broke out completely.


The sound of breaking through the air!

The blood queen also increased the speed.

As soon as the two sides chased and fled, they ran out hundreds of miles in a short time.

As for the monster army, it has long been dumped and can’t be found.

Suddenly, little Loli’s face changed, and he pointed out the window and said, “It’s not free, look at it!”

Fang Qingxian was concentrating on driving at the moment, without turning his head, and said, “I’m busy.”

Little Loli almost cried: “We seem to be caught up…”

Fang Qingxian glanced at the car window, and his scalp numb instantly.

I saw the Scarlet Queen walking side by side with the speeding car, her face almost touching the car window.

This f*ck is too scary!

“Ha ha!”

“You guys are running!”

“No matter how far you run, you can’t escape the palm of my old mother!”

The blood queen was very proud.

Fang Qingxian handed over a tool hammer.

Little Loli: “What are you doing?”

Fang Qingxian: “Knock her head!”

Little Loli let out a cry, rolled down the car window, and struck him with a hammer.

Unexpectedly, this little Loli looks petite and is also a Vajra Barbie.

Very strong!

With a cry of the blood-red queen, her face was splashed with blood, and she looked even more hideous.

The hammer almost fell her off.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Qingxian’s speed car threw her away again.

Soon, they came to the sky above a deep mountain.


“No time, the car is smoking!”

“We are going to crash!”

Little Loli screamed.

Fang Qingxian also panicked.

The load on the speeding car was too great and I couldn’t bear it immediately.

The blood-red queen at the back looked ecstatic: “Look where you are running?”

Fang Qingxian controlled the speed car, gliding down directly from high altitude and hitting the mountain road.


The speeding car fell apart instantly.

The smoke was soaring into the sky.

The two walked out in disgrace.

Little Loli: “No time, why didn’t we jump off the car just now?”

Fang Qingxian: “I didn’t expect it either!”

The blood-red queen descended from the sky, and Monster Qi rolled, like a demon king was born, the scene was terrifying.


Little Loli screamed in shock.

The blood-red queen sneered: “Scream, scream, no one will come to rescue you even if you break your throat!”

Fang Qingxian suddenly yelled, “I will leave the rest to you, Brother Mu!”


The blood queen suddenly raised her head, but saw a young man in armor rushing out of the void.

There is also the roar of thunder and lightning around!


The young man slammed out with an axe and slashed directly on the blood red queen.

The blood-red queen fell to the ground, and a long blood trail appeared behind her!

The young man pointed to her and said lightly: “You must die today!”

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