Chapter 114: Our Model, Anti-God of War Skills


The Scarlet Queen screamed and was directly shot flying by the huge Sea King Shield.

Like a fly, he was beaten to the ground.

The blood queen was very embarrassed and took a mouthful of dirt.

Hong Yu sighed: “It’s worthy of being a master, I don’t know how to pity and cherish jade.”

The Jianzong disciples shouted: “My role model!”

Mu Feifan raised his foot and stomped on the Scarlet Queen!

There was a boom.

The Scarlet Queen ran away immediately, and was stepped out of a deep pit by Mu Feifan on the spot.

The huge shock wave spread, and the earth rolled like the sea.

Everyone was staggered one by one.

“too strong!”

“What a terrible athlete’s foot!”

Yang Hao was shocked.

When the blood queen flew into the air again, she was on the verge of running away.

“Big monkey smashed!”

“Toast and not eat fine wine!”

“I must kill you today!”

She stretched out her hand and touched behind her hips, and directly took off the long tail stitch.

That unique tail needle, full of blood, seems to have a powerful force.

“Blood Bee Drill!”

The Scarlet Queen yelled, holding the tail needle, turning into a scarlet sword.

The long sword light burst out, piercing everything.

Mu Feifei immediately raised the Sea King’s shield.

Waves like the sea surface appeared on the surface of the shield, and the sword light was immediately absorbed.


The blood queen was full of horror.

The next moment, the sword light reflected by the Sea King’s shield appeared in her eyes.


A terrible wave of air exploded on the blood-red queen, which shook her in the air several times before stopping.

At the same time, blood stains spread all over the body, looking extremely miserable.

“Oh shit.”

“When did my old lady suffer such a loss?”

The blood-red queen was panting, her eyes were full of tyrannical auras, and she looked at Mu Feifan very fiercely.

In the next second, she was dumbfounded.

Mu Feifan, who was originally tall, completely disappeared at this moment.

Not even a little breath remained.

Such a huge body shape, how can I not see it?

The blood queen was surprised and suspicious.

She didn’t notice it at all. At this moment, a huge blurred outline appeared above her head.

It is Mu Feifan who performs the Golden Cicada Escape Technique!

At this time, Mu Fanping’s palms had already appeared on both sides of the Scarlet Queen.

Once, put your hands together.

The Blood Queen is completely finished.

But she was also the third-level middle stage Demonic Beasts anyway, and she had been born to death many times, and she immediately predicted that something was wrong.

Suddenly, the Red Queen thought of something, and the cicada’s wings swooped behind her, trying to flee away!


Both palms show up and come whizzing.

Jin Chan lost its shell immediately.

Mu Feifan would be too late if he didn’t make a move.

The blood queen reacted quickly, but was also pinched by Mu Feihua with a pair of cicada wings.

“Anti-Japanese War movie magic hand tearing devils!”

With a strong tug, Mu Feifan tore off all the cicada wings of the Red Queen.

The cicada wings were still dripping with blood.

It hurts just looking at it.

The Scarlet Queen screamed, as if she had been hit harder than ever before!

But she staggered, then flew again, and swept away.

Mu Feifan stayed for a while before he understood what was going on.

It turned out that what he had removed was only the opponent’s main wing, and she also had a pair of ailerons!

It’s just very small.

When Mu Feihua reacted, the blood-red queen had already flown away.

“Oh, what a pity!” Everyone on the ground felt regretful.

Mu Feihua transformed back into a human form.

There was no regret on his face.

There was even a sneer that was considered exhaustive.

At this moment, the blood queen was flying very slowly.

After all, the ailerons are not so easy to use.

It may be that the main wing was torn off, and the blood queen’s back was so hot and sore.

She didn’t notice at all, a small thing was attached to her back.

The yawn, the red hair spreading its wings, is like a little turkey.

Just now, the blood red queen was actually let go by Mu Feifei deliberately.

Even at the critical moment, Mu Feifei also installed a position on her body!

The little turkey is now lying on the beautiful back of the blood-red queen, and has no time to appreciate the scenery on the back.

It looked down abruptly.

Suddenly got a cold sweat!

This kilometer altitude is really not the place where chickens should stay.

Damn it’s great villain, why did you arrange such a hard job for me?

The blood queen was still flying forward, even feeling warm on her back.

“Does my wound heal soon?”

“What an amazing physique.”

She is guessing.

At this moment, the blood-red queen’s population has been wiped out, and it can be described as homeless.

“Let’s go back to the Sky Demon City!”

“You must report to your Majesty the news that humans have come to the secret realm again!”

“That big monkey smashed, I must let His Majesty swallow you alive!”

Her silver teeth creaked.

At this moment, when Mu Feifan returned to the crowd.

The Jianzong disciple was nothing unusual.

On the side of the Royal Beast Sect, one by one was like a sculpture, unable to speak for a long time.

“Don’t be idle, just work.” Mu Feifan said.

“Wh…What kind of work?” Yang Hao was dumbfounded.

Mu Feifan pointed to the blood needle bee corpses all over the floor: “It’s a big project to gouge the demon core.”

“By the way, their tail needles are also removed.”

All the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect were extremely sad and angry.

How come they become tool people in a blink of an eye?

Yi Xiaoping was furious: “Sword Sect, you are too bullying.”

Mu Feifan glanced at her.

The girl was so scared that she couldn’t speak at once.

After all, the fierce and mighty look of Mu Feifan just now is still vivid.

“Work, work!”

“All moving!”

Yi Xiaoping commanded.

The Royal Beast Sect immediately became busy.

Mu Feifan sat aside, meditating and resting.

He beckoned gently, and the Sword Sect disciples knew it, and quickly surrounded them.

“Brothers, this secret realm is more complicated than I thought, and there may be a city of monsters.”

“Monster?” Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

When Demonic Beasts appear in the name of an ethnic group, it means that there must be a lot of them.

Zheng Xiaoguang said: “I don’t know how many of them are and how high their level is.”

“If there is a monster city in the secret realm, Dengxian Academy will not sit idly by.”

“Should we think of a way to contact their guards?”

Mu Feifan said: “It is better to ask for yourself than for others.”

“Don’t put hope on the guards.”

“They are not reliable.”

Everyone thinks about it too.

Dengxian Academy only explored the secret realm within a radius of one thousand and one hundred miles, and found eight third-level Demonic Beasts.

But there is a Sky Demon City here!

Such a big thing, but I didn’t notice it at all.

Mu Feifan said again: “I made hands and feet on that blood-red queen.”

“Her ethnic group is destroyed, I guess her next step is to go to the Demon City that day.”

“Soon, we will know the scale of the demon race in Sky Demon City!”

When Hong Yu heard this, he was overjoyed: “I still wonder, with the temper of the master, how could I let the demon girl go!”

“So the truth is like this.”

“As expected, Master, take one step and think three steps.”

“I am the least lazy to use my brain.”

The rest were speechless: “The premise of using your brain is to have a brain.”

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