Chapter 113 Blood Queen, Traitor of the Monster Race

I saw a scarlet phantom, desperately chasing Yang Hao.

The terrifying aura that this phantom exudes is many times stronger than the bloody ink-colored insect cloud just now.

Yang Hao’s expression has long since turned unseen, and his flying skills have reached the limit.

But the Phantom suddenly accelerated, turned into a big bloody hand, and grabbed it brazenly.

Accompanied by a neigh, the spirit sculptures in the crowd flew up into the air.

The huge eagle’s beak pierced the air, like a peerless spear, nailing it fiercely.

The big scarlet hand was directly broken open.

But the spirit sculpture was not well, it was shaken to the ground, and bird feathers fell on the ground.

After being blocked by the spirit sculpture for a while, Yang Hao managed to save his life.

At this moment, all the blood in the sky dissipated, revealing a beautiful woman.

Her wings are as thin as a cicada, with long tentacles on her head, wearing blood-red striped shorts, and a long tail pin behind her.

“Is this a man or a demon?”

Everyone was shocked.

Zheng Xiaoguang said tremblingly: “This is the third-level middle stage Demonic Beasts blood queen, the boss of that group of blood needle bees!”

When everyone heard it, they were shocked.

Unexpectedly, this humanoid Demonic Beasts turned out to be third-level!

At this moment, the red queen’s pupils glowed with blood, full of killing aura.

She gently lifted her palm, and strange fluctuations appeared on it.

More than ten sharp tail needles emerged.

Each of them was extremely sharp, and the needles were chilly, pointing at everyone.

“My God, what should I do?”

“If this is hit on the body, wouldn’t it be killed instantly?”

“Find something to block it!”

Everyone was panicked.

The next moment, the blood queen beckoned gently.

The tail needles are like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, calling all over the world.


People kept screaming.

The Royal Beast Sect is unlucky.

The three disciples were knocked to the ground, pierced through their bodies, and were killed immediately.

The remaining people escaped by luck.

The Jianzong disciple is much more stable.

One by one, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he swung his sword to block the tail needles.

It seems that in the recent fight with the alpaca, everyone’s fighting skills have improved a lot.

However, the impact force of the tail needle was too strong, and they shook their arms.

Suddenly, the Scarlet Queen dived quickly, turned into a shock, and rushed towards her.

Wherever he went, it was like a comic scroll of Sword Qi.

Everything is cut into pieces.

Yi Xiaoping was shocked: “Lao Yang, hurry up and fit!”

After speaking, she and Yang Hao resorted to the legendary combination technique.

This combination is not a physical combination.

Instead, they gather the powerful energies of both parties and attach them to their own spirit pet.

This is the real secret technique of Royal Beast Sect.

In an instant, the spirit carving was bathed in divine light, and a pair of eagle eyes showed extremely sharp light.

At the same time, its breath is rising steadily.

From the second-level early stage, middle stage, to the second-level peak.

It’s just a step away from the real third-level Demonic Beasts.


The spirit carving let out a high and fierce scream, with unparalleled momentum, penetrating the clouds.

The next moment, the spirit carving turned into a whirlwind.

The mighty storm takes over the world, like an invincible bulldozer, rolling over.

The Scarlet Queen was not afraid, and rushed into the storm unabated.

It’s like a bloody long sword that runs through everything.


Instantly set off a horrible energy frenzy, overwhelming the world.

A major figure flew out from the center of the battlefield and hit the ground.

It is the spiritual sculpture!

Unfortunately, it has now completely fainted and has no combat effectiveness.


Yang Hao and Yi Xiaoping were pale and spit out a mouthful of blood, as if they were at the end of the battle.

After the aftermath, a thin shadow floated in the air.

It is the blood queen!

She was not hurt at all.

Only the bloodthirsty red glow in his eyes became more intense.

Just like a delicate blood-colored rose, blooming in the killing!

Yang Hao was shocked.

“Sword Sect, if you have any seeing skills, hurry up and use it.”

“Don’t hide it!”

“Otherwise everyone has to die here.”

On Jianzong’s side, all the disciples looked towards Mu Feifan.

Hong Yu: “Master, let’s attack, it’s up to you.”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

Don’t talk about it, civilized you and me.


Without saying a word, Mu Feifan directly incarnates as a giant golden ape.

He has a sea king shield in his left hand and a mountain axe in his right hand, wearing a rhinoceros armor and alpaca shoes.

Full combat power as soon as you appear!

The seven Royal Beast Sect disciples who were still alive were completely dumbfounded.

In a blink of an eye, there was another Demonic Beasts.

And he is bigger and more violent.

The blood queen flapped the cicada’s wings, her eyes were shocked.

She lightly opened her red lips: “As a member of Demonic Beasts, how do you help humans?”

Except for Mu Feifan, no one could understand the words of the Scarlet Queen.

Mu Feifan was taken aback, knowing that the other party had misunderstood.

His brain was running fast, and a plan was immediately drawn up in his mind.

“Isn’t it because my territory was taken away by you demon kings?”

“Relying on your high level, you bully the weak.”

“I pretend to be a human being, and at least I can mix and eat!”

Mu Feifan angrily said.

The people around were dumbfounded.

Are you weak?

Are you young?

Are you not a person?

The blood red queen said: “Look at your breath, it’s not much worse than the Demon King.”

“If you are willing to take refuge in Sky Demon City, I can introduce you to your majesty.”

“Don’t talk about a piece of territory at that time, even the right to reside in Sky Demon City can be easily obtained.”

Mu Feifan was silent.

Unexpectedly, in this secret realm, among Demonic Beasts, there are also classes.

This Sky Demon City should be the base camp of the Demon Race.

If you have been in the secret realm life, sooner or later you will meet the demon clan of Sky Demon City.

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan asked casually: “How many demon kings are there in the Sky Demon City, and what level is your Majesty in your mouth?”

The blood queen suddenly asked with extreme alertness: “What are you asking about?”

“Could it be that you really took refuge in humans and want to attack Sky Demon City?”

Mu Feifei was questioned, but he didn’t panic at all.

He said lightly: “How do I know if you are lying to me?”

“What if I flicker over as a coolie?”

The blood red queen said: “I can tell you everything about the Sky Demon City.”

“But you have to show your attitude.”

“You kill all the humans present!”

“In this way, I will treat you as my own.”

“The monster race has always had no reservations about its companions.”

When Mu Feifan heard it, he lowered his head slightly, his eyes flying between the people.

These people still don’t know what happened.

They all looked at themselves expectantly.

Mu Feifan sighed and raised the mountain and river axe high.

The blood-red queen puts her hands around her chest, and stares at this scene with a smile on her mouth.

Suddenly, Shanhe Axe turned abruptly, turned around and slashed at the Scarlet Queen.

The axe shattered everything and came whizzing.

The blood queen turned into a phantom, still in the same place one second before, and appearing ten meters away the next second.

“I’ve guarded against you for a long time!”

“Unexpectedly, you really took refuge in humans!”

“Traitor of the monster race!”

The blood-red queen sneered, showing her sharp teeth, her expression gradually sordid.


A huge black shadow suddenly appeared behind her.

Sea King Shield doesn’t know when it will come up!

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Then you don’t see that the axe is just a fake move?”

“The real attack is here!”

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