Chapter 115 Senior Brother Gao Yi, Monster Race Boss

Mu Feifan said: “But there are pros and cons to do this.”

“At the same time we understand Sky Demon City, we have already exposed ourselves.”

“I suspect that in the next few days, this secret realm will not be peaceful.”

“So find a safe place to live as soon as possible.”

“Continuously Ascension strength.”

“As for trials or something, put it behind your head!”

Everyone nodded: “Okay, everything depends on Senior Brother Mu’s arrangements.”

Everyone has gone through so many things together, and Mu Feihua has long become their backbone.

Two hours later.

Yang Hao handed a sack of demon core and tail needle to Mu Feihua.

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “You deserve to be a big disciple. Work is efficiency.”

All the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect showed pain in their faces.

This is the result of their hard work for a long time.

So the cupped hands gave in.

However, when I thought of fighting, it was Jianzong who contributed the most.

They felt a little comfort.

Mu Fandian’s Divine Sense quickly swept through the sacks.

Estimated something quickly.

He took out a bag of Spirit Stones and handed it to Yang Hao.

Yang Hao:? ? ?

Mu Feifan: “You can’t do it for nothing.”

“I will not owe other people’s wages.”

All the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect were overjoyed.

They thought it was a waste of work, but they didn’t expect to have money to get it.

Instantly increased his favor with Mu Feihua.

“This senior brother is really good-natured!”

“My disciple of the Royal Beast Sect is very impressed!”

“A good man is safe forever!”

They said excitedly.

Mu Feifan said: “Next we will part ways.”

Yang Hao cupped hands and said: “If the green mountains don’t change to the long flow of green water, we will have a period later.”

Mu Feifan’s heart moved and said, “By the way, Brother Yang, don’t go out hunting Demonic Beasts now.”

Yang Hao was startled: “Why?”

Mu Feifan said meaningfully: “This is a kind reminder.”

After that, he took the Jianzong disciple and left slowly.

Yang Hao suddenly thought of something and asked loudly, “I haven’t asked this senior brother for his name!”

Suddenly, a loud macro sounded.

“Since I know of extraordinary talents, I don’t admire the heavens and immortals.”

Mu Feifan said without turning his head back.

The disciple of the Royal Beast Sect was dumbfounded.

Someone was surprised: “Brother Yang, what does he mean?”

“Is he called Shi Feifan?”

Yang Hao was shocked: “This is really a name full of flavor!”

Yi Xiaoping suddenly coldly snorted: “This guy with a pretense.”

“He is afraid that we will get more points than him, so he doesn’t want us to hunt Demonic Beasts.”

When everyone heard it, their original impression of Mu Fei Fei’s inscrutable immediately plummeted.

Unexpectedly, Yang Hao shook his head: “Wife, neither is it.”

“I feel that his reminder just now was definitely not groundless.”

“So, let’s find a place to hide.”

“This secret realm is going to be a big change!”

It is rare for Yi Xiaoping to see Yang Hao being so solemn, and his complexion can not help but he blushes.

“Lao Yang, the last time you were so serious was when we first dated.”

“Later you became a pro, you are passing by every day.”

“Cough cough cough!” The other disciples heard, coughing and left.

I really don’t want to stay here and be killed by acid.

At the same moment.

The Scarlet Queen has crossed a lot of mountains and Daze.

Finally appeared in a towering sacred mountain.

She looked at the huge city on the top of the mountain, showing a slight smile.

“finally reached!”

“Sky Demon City!”

The blood queen speeded up and rushed past like lightning.

Soon he came outside the city gate.

“Stop! Whoever comes, is there anyone who recommends it?”

The two monster warriors in battle armor questioned coldly.

The blood queen frowned: “Are you new here, don’t you even know me?”

A terrible coercion patted like a mountain and the ground cracked.

The two monster warriors were trembling with fright: “It turns out to be Lord Blood!”

“My lord is spared, we are only temporary workers.”

“For a while, I hope you will forgive me!”

The blood-red queen snorted and flew into the city.

In the Heavenly Demon Hall.

“…Your Majesty, this is how things are going.”

The blood-red queen knelt on the ground, curvaceously, with a very attractive posture.

In front of her, there was a void of darkness, and a dim silhouette of a human figure was faintly visible.

Just listen to the other person’s indifferent opening: “I didn’t expect human beings to be so bold.”

“The guards of that college were killed last time, and now they are sending people into the secret realm.”

“Is it true that my monster clan is a soft persimmon?”

“Pass my password and dispatch an army of 10,000 monsters to sweep away the secret realm!”

“As for that monster traitor, I am very interested in him.”

“Catch him alive!”

The Scarlet Queen was overjoyed at first, but then hesitated: “Your Majesty, that traitor is very cunning. It is safer to kill him on the spot.”

The other side said: “I am a high rank monster race. Although I can transform, I still retain some characteristics of the monster race.”

“I want to know what methods the traitor used to disguise so seamlessly.”

“If it can completely transform into a human being, my monster race will be able to blend into the human world. This is of great significance.”

When the blood queen heard this, she said excitedly: “Your Majesty is really foresight.”

“I will execute it immediately.”

“The traitor must be captured alive!”

She soon left the Great Hall.

At this moment, the little turkey was curled up in a corner, not even daring to breathe.

To be careless, you should hide after entering the city.

Unexpectedly, the Blood Red Queen was so fast, she flew directly into the Heavenly Demon Palace.

The little turkey now looked nervous.

Unexpectedly, a sound that made its soul fly away.

“Come out, kid, I see you.”

The little turkey shrank tighter, like a hairy ball.

The villain, let this chicken come to such a dangerous place!

Now that the head of the monster race found out, my chicken life is over!

Soon, a tall figure appeared in front of it.

A gaze that penetrated the soul shone through.

The little turkey suddenly felt that he had several feathers that were clearly seen by the other party.

“So cute?” The man suddenly let out a soft surprise.


The little turkey raised his head blankly.

Are you the boss of the monster race?

Why did you exclaim like a girl?

The style of painting doesn’t match.

When it saw the visitor clearly, his expression was finally completely messed up.

I saw this person wearing a slender imperial robe, with two cute cat ears erected on his head, and a long tail behind him.

Although she has a touch of imperial prestige on her body, but with such a pure appearance, it is really impossible to associate it with any demon boss.

“Mao’s ear mother?”

“This is the head of the monster race?”

Little Turkey was still wondering, but was picked up by the girl.

“Little guy, I found out when you fell off Blood Red.”

“You have to honestly explain the origin of own.”

“Otherwise, if you are so cute, it won’t be good to be eaten.”

The girl smiled suddenly and opened her mouth.

Sharp tiger teeth suddenly appeared inside!

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