Chapter 112 The swarm is here, who not wanting face?

When everyone saw it, their faces were scared.

They lowered their heads and swept around and found that only Hong Yu was wearing red clothes.

“Why do you look at me with such a look…” Hong Yu held his chest, showing a frightened expression.

“Take it off quickly!”

“Who told you to wear clothes in such a shabby color?”

Everyone rushed forward to take Hong Yu off.


“You are too much.”

“This teaches me how to be a man in the future?”

“Who is so unscrupulous and stripped of my panties?”

Hong Yu said very aggrieved.

Yang Hao ran like crazy, whizzing past them.

The bee swarm eagerly pursued it and swept over.

“Effective!” Everyone was overjoyed.

Hong Yu said happily: “Give me the panties quickly.”

Fortunately, he didn’t mention it. Everyone looked at this mention.

The next moment, everyone showed a touch of disdain.

“What can I hide?”

“Yeah, I don’t wear anything and I can’t see…”

“Come on, Xiao Yu…”

Hong Yu said angrily: “You don’t know what.”

At the same time, Yang Hao fled like a mad dog, and finally found a small lake in front of him.

He plunged into the water!

The blood needle bee flew over the lake and circled for a long time.

The mighty swarm of bees makes the scalp numb.

Yang Hao hid under the water, practicing the Turtle Breath Dafa.

The enemy won’t move, I won’t move.

If the enemy moves, I hold it back.

The blood needle wasp was furious and kept piercing the water with its tail needles.

Suddenly, the entire lake was shining with silver and waves.

Seeing that Yang Hao hadn’t come up all the time, they left unwillingly.

At this time, Hong Yu was about to bring clothes, but was so scared that he lost his clothes.

“Bee bee bee…”

Everyone was so scared to see it.

The blood needle bees formed a terrifying bloody long cloud and flew again.

“We are not wearing red clothes. We should be fine.” Liu Zhi asked cautiously.

Mu Feifan said: “I see this group of blood needle bees, something is wrong with just now.”

It must be different.

Now they have red light in their eyes, and they are running away at first sight!

Suddenly, there was a harsh buzzing sound in the swarm.

Then, he rushed toward the Jianzong disciple fiercely.


Everyone screamed.

Mu Feifei summoned the Sea King Shield, and said something in his mouth: “Great!”

The Sea King Shield swelled wildly against the wind, and instantly rose to more than ten meters, blocking them.

Bang bang bang!

Countless blood needle bees rushed up and hit the big shield, making a dense sound like rain hitting bananas.

How hard is the Sea King Shield!

Most of the blood needle bees were knocked out and ejected to the ground.

“Are these blood needle bees so tigery?” Hong Yu was overjoyed.

Suddenly, he felt wrong.

He suddenly raised his head and found a blood sting bee floating in front of him, with a huge tail needle facing him.

Damn it!

The blood needle bee is behind!

Hong Yu screamed.

A shadow of an axe passed, directly splitting the blood needle bee in half.

It was Mu Feifan who made the shot.

He said in a deep voice, “More and more are going around.”

“We are ready to fight!”

“The priority release of the fire spells!”

Liu Zhidao: “I am used to using swords!”

Zheng Xiaoguang vomited: “Just your little sword, no one’s blood needle bee’s needle is thick.”

“The efficiency is too low!”

“Okay.” Liu Zhi sprayed out a football-sized fireball, and the surrounding temperature immediately heated up.

He glanced aside inadvertently.


Liu Zhi took a breath.

I saw Mu Feifan release a fireball blankly.

That fireball is the size of a basin!

Completely compare Liu Zhi’s fireball!

“Senior Brother Mu’s ball is big…” Liu Zhi sighed.

Fireballs flew out one after another, blasting the blood needle bees that circled behind.

There were more cracks in Mu Feifan.

His hands seemed to be swallowing tongues of fire, constantly releasing, without even a gap.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Fuck, there is no cooling time.

Brother Mu, what Spirit Power level is this?

The blood needle bee was in front of him, all shattered to pieces!

Sometimes two unlucky blood needle bees squeeze together, and they are also destroyed by Pyroblast at the same time!

Although the corpse of the blood sting bee lay on the ground, there are still many blood sting bees.

The quantity is staggering.

Mu Feifan shouted, “Don’t let those Royal Beast Sect disciples idle, let’s go find them!”

Everyone nodded and said yes.

Everyone fought and retreated, and slowly came to the camp of the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect.

At this moment, these Royal Beast Sect disciples were still worried about Yang Hao.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect to come to Yang Hao.

But came a group of blood needle bees!

The disciple of the Royal Beast Sect cursed: “You Sword Sect members are too not wanting face.”

“You have to pull the blame to us!”

“That garbage during the refining period without underpants!”

Hong Yu also cursed and said, “Obviously Yang Hao came to us to lead us to blame, is it daddy?”

“Or come and help!”

“Or everyone die together!”

When Yi Xiaoping heard it, he immediately said: “Let’s go together, first solve the blood needle bee, and you will scold again!”

Although she missed Yang Hao very much, the biggest difficulty now was to destroy the bee colony.

Immediately, nine members of the Royal Beast Sect also joined the battle.

Almost double the helper.

The Jianzong disciple also immediately relaxed.

Fireballs crisscrossed in the air.

The blood needle bee gradually prevailed.

The long clouds that had originally converged had long since collapsed.

You can even count the number of remaining blood sting bees.

Mu Feifan’s Sea King Shield is really so cool and eye-catching.

A disciple of the Royal Beast Sect exclaimed, “This buddy has a little shield!”

“Large saucepan!”

Finally, Mu Feifei grabbed Hong Yu’s sword.

One move the river flows eastward.

Sword Qi is like a rushing river, venting out.

Killed the rest of the blood needle bees all at once!


“Finally won!”

“I just want to sleep now!”

Everyone suddenly collapsed to the ground.

But those who should wear clothes hurry up.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes fell on the corpse of the bee on the ground.

His eyes gradually became hot.

Thousands of blood needle bees, how many demon cores, how many points!


The Jianzong disciples unanimously drew out the long sword.

The disciples of the Royal Beast Sect also summoned their own spirit pet.

The swords of both sides were drawn, and the atmosphere immediately became serious.

Liu Zhi sneered and said, “What do you mean by Royal Beast Sect?”

A disciple of the Royal Beast Sect smiled and said: “What do you mean, what do we mean.”

Hong Yu suddenly said: “With so many blood sting bees, is there no queen bee?”


Zheng Xiaoguang said: “Hong Yu, why are you old enough to open which pot and not lift which pot?”

“Don’t look at what time it is now.”

Hong Yu looked aggrieved: “I’m just worried.”

At this time, a scream came from a distance.

I saw Yang Hao flying recklessly, his face pale, almost bleeding!

Yi Xiaoping was overjoyed: “Lao Yang, you really are still alive…”

When she saw Yang Hao behind her, her face changed greatly in fright: “Fun, don’t come over!”

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