Chapter 111 Divine Sculpture dao companion, what a big nest

The disciples were shocked when they saw Fang Zunlu’s birth.

They had long heard that Mu Feifan was a senior refiner.

But this was the first time I saw Mu Feifan refining weapons.

I didn’t expect the scene to be so big!

“Did you find out?”

“Senior Brother Mu usually keeps a low profile, but when he does it, the world changes.”

“Senior Brother Mu, the moment he shows up is a big scene!”

“Scene people, didn’t run away.”

Mu Feifan stepped on the alpaca Fangzun’s shoes, feeling that the whole person was light and fluttering, and he was about to break through the air at any time!

This comfort level is invincible.

“Everyone, come here, I want to announce one thing.”

The crowd trot over obediently and listened respectfully.

Mu Feifan said: “We have spent more than ten days in this green grassland. It’s time to set off.”

Everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, it was such a thing.

Hong Yu said: “Master, are you leaving in such a hurry?”

Mu Feifan said: “This place is in Pingchuan, it’s not safe.”

“If we encounter an attack by the herd, we can’t deal with it.”

“Besides, we have been in peace here before, because there is an alpaca king living there.”

“Demonic Beasts has a very strong sense of territory, and foreign demon basically won’t come to the local area.”

“Now that the Alpaca King is dead, it’s hard to guarantee that no other big monster will look at this grassland.”

When everyone heard it, they nodded and said yes.

“Senior Brother Mu is thoughtful.”

“Our tent is a living target, in case it is raided while sleeping, it will be over.”

“Compared with Brother Mu, I feel that I am a mentally retarded child.”

“Huh? Don’t people often say that villain doesn’t have a brain. Are you a funny guy hiding in us than an undercover agent?”

“Fuck you!”

Hong Yu suddenly said: “The sheep haven’t finished eating yet!”

Mu Feifan smiled.

“As for the remaining little alpacas, we don’t want to kill them all.”

“After all, they have never done anything to hurt us.”

“The next stop will be even better!”

Everyone said: “It’s all up to Senior Brother Mu’s arrangement.”

They quickly withdrew the tent and began to move.

After walking for a day, no animal herd was found.

However, there are a few first-level Demonic Beasts that were singled out, and they were solved by everyone.

At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly sensed something and said vigilantly: “Brother Mu, there seems to be a temporary camp in front of him.”

“I heard someone talking loudly.”

Mu Feifan said: “Let’s go over and take a look quietly.”

Ten people hid their breath, sneaked over, hiding in the waist-high grass.

Sure enough, there was a campsite made up of tents in front.

Yan Chao was shocked: “It’s from the Royal Beast Sect!”

“I saw their carving.”

Everyone’s heart shuddered, and immediately remembered the thirty-meter-long giant eagle of the gods, and hurriedly looked up.

After searching the whole screen for a long time, I finally found a god sculpture resting on the ground in a corner of the tent.

Incubate an egg with the old hen.

It’s just that this carving is too small.

If you stand up, at most three meters high.

“Why is this carving so small?” Liu Neng asked.

Zheng Xiaoguang said: “The 30-meter god sculpture belongs to their Sect Leader, how could it be brought in?”

“This little eagle is the companion of the pair of divine eagles.”

Mu Feifei asked: “How much do you know about the dao companion?”

Zheng Xiaoguang thought for a moment, and said: “The male is called Yang Hao, and the female is called Yi Xiaoping. I heard that they are more than a dozen years older than the male. They are both Foundation Building middle stage Cultivation Base, good at fit!”

“Fuck, marrying your mother on the wrong sedan chair?”

“What do you know, half-old milfs have a taste.”

Everyone whispered.

At this moment, Yang Hao leaned on his waist and walked out of the tent with a pale face, not knowing what he had done just now.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoping also walked out.

Contrary to Yang Hao’s expression, Yi Xiaoping’s face was radiant, as if he had eaten some delicacies.

“Useless things!”

“The level is getting worse and worse!”

Yi Xiaoping angrily said.

Yang Hao sighed.

Only oneself understands the suffering of men.

Jianzong’s side.

Everyone whispered: “Have you seen it? They must have been practicing the fit technique just now!”

“Then Yang Hao can’t beat Yi Xiaoping!”

“It’s so useless!”

“To the man Losing face.”

Suddenly, a disciple of the Royal Beast Sect in the distance ran over with a big beehive.

The honeycomb in the secret realm is as big as a table.

“Good news, good news!”

“Good honey!”

“We have some sweetness today.”

Yang Hao is overjoyed, now I can make up for it.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoping’s face changed, and he asked, “What kind of bee’s nest is this?”

“Why is it so big?”

The disciple said, “When I went there, I didn’t see a bee.”

“After waiting for a while, I had the courage to chop off a small piece of honeycomb.”

“Don’t worry, they won’t be able to tell when they get home.”

When everyone heard it, their expression changed drastically!

“A small honeycomb, there is a table as big as that?”

“Then how big is the whole honeycomb?”

The disciple smiled and said, “It’s about the same as the statue of our Sect Leader.”

Damn it!

After listening, the collective lost his voice.

Thirty-meter honeycomb?

Everyone just thinks the scalp is numb!

Suddenly, a cloud of blood and ink floated from the horizon.

There was even a buzzing buzzing sound!

“It’s a blood needle bee!”

“Second-level early stage Demonic Beasts!”

“There are so many?”

Everyone was scared silly.

In that cloud group, more than thousands of blood needle bees gathered!


“We will definitely be eaten without bones left!”

The disciple of the Royal Beast Sect wailed.

Yi Xiaoping was angry: “A bunch of useless things.”

She drew her sword forward.

Only when he saw a blood sting bee half the size of a human and its tail needles were thicker than corn, he shrank back behind Yang Hao in shock.

Going down with such a thick needle, it’s not straightforward to die!

“Let’s release our spirit pet!”

“Let them resist for a while!”

Someone suggested.

“It’s useless, there are too many blood sting bees.” Most people are desperate.

Suddenly, someone had an idea.

“I have read in the ancient books of the Zongnei. The blood needle bee has very poor eyesight and is only sensitive to red!”

“We take off our clothes and it’s okay.”

Everyone looked down and saw that their Sect uniforms were all bright red.

“Fuck it, don’t say it earlier!”

“Take it off quickly.”

“I’m dead a little later.”

Everyone began to take off in place, and soon became exhausted, except for the underpants with spicy eyes.

Yi Xiaoping cried: “What should I do?”

She was the only woman present.

After listening, Yang Hao gritted his teeth and immediately put on the clothes he had just taken off.

“Death Blood Sting Bee, I’m fighting with you!”

He yelled, rushed to the distance, cursing as he ran.

Successfully attracted the attention of the blood needle bee!

The cloud-like swarm of bees made a harsh buzzing sound and rushed towards Yang Hao.

The scene is extremely horrifying!

The disciples of the Royal Beast Sect were all touched!

Yi Xiaoping even had tears in his eyes.

“Brother Yang, I burst into tears. Have you been moved?”

“I dare not move, my legs are stiff.”

In the grass in the distance, Jianzong disciples were still watching the excitement.

Liu Zhi said, “This Yang Hao looks like a man.”

Everyone nodded in sympathy.

Suddenly, Hong Yu’s expression changed drastically: “Fuck his uncle, he ran towards us!”

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