Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 518 I won’t owe you anything from now on (4K)

Chapter 518 I will never owe you again (4K)

Late at night, Luo Xi hugged the back of his head and leaned against the top of the Flowing Moon World Tree. He looked at the cold night sky and the bright moon, rubbed his scalp and said to himself: I'm so exhausted, even more tired than fighting the evil god. This kind of intrigue As expected, it’s not suitable for me.”

In the past few days, Luo Xi accompanied everyone from Xia Kingdom to many places in the new dream world.

In the end, almost all countries that were able to sign a friendly contract on mutual help and assistance signed it.

The term of the contract is twenty years, and it can be renewed based on circumstances after twenty years. During this period, Xia Guo enjoys the rights of the first partner.

Except for Jade and his own gold, as well as Ai Xue's Kingdom of Darkness, the leaders of other countries are too difficult to deal with, especially Donghuang Luoshuang of Dayan, who wants ten thousand cute and beautiful little ones. Loli, Luo Xi and Zhao Muchang are all in trouble.

Luo Xi can still recall the weird looks they gave her.

-Did you instigate it? (Is this what you want?) (How about you just say it?)


I'll continue to be a hands-off shopkeeper from now on.

I don’t know what’s going on with Gou Wenwen. She and Little Feng Chime haven’t seen each other for a long time.

You won't sneak away after secretly dealing with the Lord of Truth, right?

Although Luo Xi had expected it, he always felt a little disappointed.

The family also has a daughter who is coming in the future and has not yet been able to send her back.

What should I do?

Although Luo Xiaona and Maomao got along very happily.

Suddenly, an anxious voice suddenly sounded, and Tilana appeared next to him, with Sanwu's face filled with nervousness and eagerness.

Luo Xi, Xiaoling doesn't seem to be back! Do you know where she is?

Luo Xi was confused.

Does he know a hammer?

Aren't you together?


A beautiful woman with black hair fell from the tree, and behind her lay a sleeping young girl with green hair and dragon horns. She said: We just completed the decisive battle with the evil god with the two gods as planned, but at the end of the evacuation, That one doesn’t seem to have come back from there.”

Bahamut and Ysera?

Luo Xi's heart also tightened, and he asked Tilana: Is it okay if Xingling doesn't come back? Do you usually use avatars?

It's the incarnation of divine power.

Tilana nodded and shook her head and said: But Xiaoling's location in the Kingdom of God showed signs of being torn apart, as if she had been dragged away. I couldn't find her. There was no response to the summons, and calling out the name of God didn't work. It was very difficult. Something might have happened.

Luo Xi: .

Damn it, even if you tell him this, what can he do?


Tilana stretched out her hand and took Luo Xi's hand. She looked at him with a face exactly like Xing Ling's and said, If that is the future that has been decided, then you can definitely do it.

Luo Xi: .

Don't quite understand what she is talking about.

Didn't Luo Xiaona tell you about your daughter?

No. What?

Then I won't say much more.

Tilana said: Think carefully, Dad, do you have a way to contact Xiaoling?

No, it's useless even if you call her God's name, then there's nothing I can do. Luo Xi said helplessly.

Really do not have?


How about you shout too?


Tilana said softly: Dad, the connection between you and Xiaoling is much deeper than that between me and her.

In the void, a group of broken starlight was thrown far away as the small world suddenly disappeared and exploded.

In the broken starlight, a thin figure could be faintly seen, which was the blown up star bell.

Under the last afterglow of the whole world and the evil god's breath bomb set in advance, even if she was still in good condition, she was blown to death in an instant.

It was a 'big meal' prepared for the Lord of Truth, but she ended up eating less than half of it herself.

Ahem, damn it, we've made a big mistake this time. We'll definitely be laughed to death by the idiots when we go back.

Who would have thought that the hidden ability of the Lord of Truth is so weird, not only the cause-and-effect type of counter-injury and locking magic, but also the ability to forcibly pull out her true body in the kingdom of God.

It was obvious that she had equipped herself with countless types of divine protection.

But it's still hard to guard against.

Fortunately, that guy was probably maimed by the explosion. In addition, he had no faith in the bomb before, so he wouldn't be able to jump up in a short time.

Hum, after she returns, she will completely hide Luo Xi's world transfer coordinates, and then she can continue to wander around.

Now, she doesn't want to stay in that world for a moment. She gets angry when she thinks of Luo Xi, who still spends money every day while she is working hard. What is there to be angry about? Anyway, that guy has nothing to do with her. In the past, For those things, just observe the psychological state of mortals at certain special times, go back and re-study the psychology of mortals, and then write a paper.

Where are you going?

While Xing Ling was thinking wildly, an indifferent roaring sound suddenly appeared on the way forward, and a large amount of fog gathered.

Immediately afterwards, the mist shrank and turned into a huge two-headed figure.

On the left is a human head with a handsome appearance and indistinguishable gender characteristics. At a glance, it seems that you have seen the truth and peeked into the mystery of the void.

On the right is a weird, twisted and ugly head, exuding a crazy and chaotic atmosphere, with weird blood-colored eyes, as if to deny everything into a paradox.

Starlight paused.

After a while, it wanted to run back.

However, the same giant shadow appeared behind her again, blocking her back.

The void showed signs of solidification unconsciously.

This is a temporary divine kingdom formed by the large-scale release of divine power in the void. Only some gods who are powerful enough can use this level of power.

Although one of you escaped, you can do it too.

There was an unpleasant sound coming from the ugly head that made Xing Ling want to cover her ears.

After Xingling heard his words, she suddenly realized something: Your goal from the beginning was to make Dahanhan her, not the origin of the world?


The Lord of Truth said without joy or sorrow: There are countless small worlds in the void. What is special about these worlds to me? You are the gods of other quadrants, with different rules of authority. Food can be a great supplement. Therefore, you I want both the origin of the world and your people.


Xingling spat, UU reading www.uukanshu. nnet said angrily: We thought you were targeting the world created by Dahanhan, but it turns out it's her body! Despicable and shameless!

The Lord of Truth: This matter has nothing to do with you. You broke in on your own. Moreover, I seem to remember you and me.

He seemed to remember that a long time ago, this god from another quadrant seemed to have had a fight with him.

That time He hung this god and beat her, and drove her away for a long time, but then he forgot about her.

I didn't expect to see it again now.

It's fate.

So today, this fate must come to an end.

The eyes of both heads of the Lord of Truth became sharp and violent.

The surrounding fog gradually shrinks towards the position of the star bell.

Xing Ling roared: It's impossible that the explosion just now had no effect on you, and it also caused the loss of faith. You are definitely seriously injured. Don't force us to self-destruct the source and die with you!

You can try it.

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