Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 519: A world only without you (4k)

Time flies.

More than a month has passed since the two worlds were connected by the star gate that appeared over Xia Guohai City.

Since the Star Gate is located within the Xia Kingdom, the Xia Kingdom has undoubtedly become the focus of the world.

Zhao Mucang looked at the report presented by his assistant with a headache.

That's a naked threat.

Strange, why did I think at first that even if the people at the top of the list come, we can still catch them.

The destructive power that a fifth-level transcendent can exert is comparable to that of a moving mushroom egg.

On the Xia Kingdom's side, there were only Huaxian and Qingdi, and it was difficult for them to withstand the joint attack of so many extraordinary beings.

Even if they could withstand it, would the people of Xia Land still be alive?

The secretary handed over a new document.

This is the communication just sent from the United States.

When Zhao Mucang saw it, his neck turned red with anger.

There are naked threats between the lines, saying that if the Star Gate is not shared, then they cannot guarantee that those high-level extraordinary beings who care about the country will not take some drastic actions.

Of course, they will also pay some tolls, a round trip fee of 10,000 meters per person.

Who wants such banknotes?

Who doesn’t know that your money is waste paper that can be printed at any time? Forget it before, it has no value in this new era. If we use those source marrow crystals generated in the ocean, it would be acceptable.

Zhao Muchang loosened his clenched fists and sneered: If they have the ability to gnaw the meat from our mouths, then let them gnaw it themselves. We don't care about the shredded meat.

That's what he said, but this feeling of being threatened is really unpleasant.

The secretary was a little curious and said: There is something that I don't understand. How did we reach an agreement with those countries in the dream world? Is it because of your face?

How can I have any face? I rely on... eh, who do I rely on?

Zhao Muchang was stunned.

He seemed to have forgotten a person who should be very important to the current Xia Kingdom.

Having him there and not having him there are two completely different feelings.

who's that person?

However, this thought only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared.

Zhao Muchang sighed: Maybe it's luck.

It's luck.


Ring ring ring—

Zhao Muchang picked up the phone.

No, the world's sixth-ranked natural lion king and the seventh-ranked immortal demon wolf are fighting above Haicheng City!

What? Let Lin Yu and Li Xiyao go over and stop them!

I've been notified, but it's probably too late!

Zhao Muchang slammed the table and said angrily: They definitely did those things on purpose! Tell the people behind them not to force us to send people to their side too!

Well. I just got new news here. Ai Xue took action. She was wearing a dark golden armor and knocked those two people out of control. I will send you photos of the scene later.

Okay, that's good.

Zhao Muchang felt like he was going to lose all his strength.

Fortunately, Ai Xue is still here, and she deserves to be his


Who is he?


Ai Xue stared at the remains of the two fifth-level extraordinary beings that she had killed with her brilliant flames to break the world. She moved her fingers, and the dark golden armor on her body slowly turned back into liquid and condensed into a ball again. A little blond girl with a figurine size jumped out and sat on Ai Xue's shoulder.

Xinghuo is very powerful~

Ai Xue nodded and said: Yes, very impressive.

The void shuttle that can flash everywhere has no CD, and a bunch of additional abilities are even more terrifying. This level of power armor also has its own weapon spirit, which makes other people how to play.

Speaking of which, how did she get such powerful equipment?


Did you get it from the Kingdom of Dark Night?

Or was it sent by Wei'er and the others?

I don't want to think about it anymore, anyway, with Xinghuo here, and since she has broken through the fifth level, she is absolutely sure to be able to suppress those outside extraordinary beings who dare to come to Xia Kingdom to cause trouble.

And she also has an entire country in the dream world as her backing, so she has no fear at all.

But, Xinghuo thinks that someone can make better use of Xinghuo. Xinghuo whispered.

Is that person Wei'er?

No. It's the master.

Who is the master?

You don't know that the master is Ai Xue?

Why do I need to know who your master is.

Ai Xue stood there blankly, and the reporters and tourism bureau staff from the surrounding Xia Kingdom looked at her dumbfounded, fearing that something might happen to her, so they surrounded her one by one.

A petite figure invisible to others walked past Ai Xue.

Leaving behind a faint sigh.


Emerald City.

Feiya's fox tails were wagging, and she pushed all the books in front of her away in frustration.

Mom, I don't want to learn how to govern. These books are too boring.

Listy said: If you don't learn, who will take over if your aunt abdicates and runs away? I think she already has this idea. We don't have many people in Silamare.

Feiya smiled playfully and said: Of course it's you, mom~ How about you, mom, have another baby?

How can I have another child? Besides, Sasha, you are not my biological child.

So what, mom is my mom.

Listy asked with soft eyes: Sasha, you are not young anymore, have you ever -

Feiya shook her head wildly and said: No, no! With that said, I also want to ask you, mom. You are over two hundred years old, have you ever -

Listy said helplessly: Stop, stop, stop, let's not talk about this topic. I'm not willing to hand over Sasha.

The actual relationship between mother and daughter is more like that of sisters, so when talking about this topic, all the commonly used words can be used on each other.

Feiya agreed: I don't want to be separated from you, mom, so let's not discuss it.

Isn't this problem easy to solve?

Kureya suddenly opened the door and came in. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net smiled and said, Can't you two just find the same man?

Listy and Feiya were both stunned.

The two looked at each other.

This time it was Kureya's turn to be confused: Why, do you really have such thoughts?

Feiya lowered her head and muttered: Why do I feel like it has happened before?

Listy's face was flushed, and she waved her hands hurriedly: Of course not, and Kureya, can you knock on the door when you come in from now on!

A petite figure walked past Feiya with a sad expression.

Even the incarnation of fate, can't you see him?


Floresia lay on the magma in the earth's crust, sleeping extremely deeply.

She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt that the world was boring, so she found a place to sleep.

The snoring sound of the red dragon while sleeping caused the ground above to vibrate from time to time, scaring away many people who were eyeing the land above and wanting to come over to explore.

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