Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 517 The fight between gods and gods (4k)

In a dead world.

A petite figure shrouded in starlight wandered around, dropping unknown items one after another.

Every item exudes a strong smell of the Void Evil God.

Since all the creatures in the dream world were transported to another world, and the Seven-Colored Dragon Emperor who maintained the stable operation of the bottom layer of the abyss left, all the source codes were extracted, and the lifespan of this world is less than a few months left.

The bottom of the abyss is constantly collapsing. It is the part closest to the void. After the Lord of Truth dissolves the shell of the world, he will be the first to contact that shell.

After this, the world will fall apart again. This time, no one will be able to go back to the time when the world was still intact.

Dahanhan, are you ready?

The pink-haired loli looked at the girl with silver hair and blue eyes who was following her.

In this world, Tilana also changed back to her original appearance. Her beautiful side face slightly nodded and said: You can do it at any time. Those source disasters that correspond to each source code generated from the creation of the world have been removed by me. It was smelted into one body, enough to cause an unexpected heavy injury to that guy.

Very good. Let's treat him to a big one first. Xing Ling was eager to give it a try.

Although the strength of the two of them has been greatly weakened after entering the third quadrant, the two of them should be able to barely compete with the Lord of Truth together.

At least, it can make him suffer the loss of silence.

Anyway, now that Luo Xi's intact world is used as a stronghold, she can advance, attack, retreat or defend. Even if the coordinates of Luo Xi's world are discovered, it won't matter. She has already prepared to run away with the world.

Bah, bah, why are you thinking of Luo Xi again? That guy must be having fun with his beast-eared sisters. It's unlucky to think about it.

Then let's let that guy's followers call him.

Xing Ling raised his head and looked at the shattered abyss layer, and sneered: How dare you do this to our best friend? We must let him know that we gods who came out of the Academy of Stars are not those unorganized weaklings. Gods are easy to bully.

Tilana heard Xing Ling talking about the academy, so she said: Xiao Ling, I plan to go back to the third quadrant after this to meet my friends in the academy. We have not said goodbye for a long time. Do you want to go with me then?

Ah, Dahanhan, you have to go back now. Once you go back, it may not be easy to come back.

Xingling hesitated for a moment and said, We still want to travel in the void here. Maybe we should learn from you and create a world for fun.

I don't think it's feasible.

Tilana shook her head and said: Xiao Ling, you have no sense of responsibility. If you created the world, then the creatures in your world would have a hard time.

Nonsense! We are very responsible, okay?

The pink-haired loli curled her lips and said, If we didn't have a sense of responsibility, we would have dragged you away long ago, no matter what the mortals in your world do.

I'm not stopping you. Creation can indeed allow us to master many deep-seated rules, but if you, Xiaoling, create the world just for the sake of creation, then it is meaningless. The most important thing is your creation, Xiaoling. The knowledge reserve is not enough. Tilana said.

Xingling lacked confidence and whispered, It's okay if we don't do it. And Dahanhan, you underestimate us too much. We were ranked second in the class in the creation class.

Tilana's face was expressionless: The first one is me. Xiaoling, you copied everything from me at that time. Because I had the same test paper as yours, both of us were pulled out by the teacher and punished. In the college I stood at the door all day.

Xing Ling said with a guilty conscience: Hush, Dahanhan, please lower your voice. There is no need to talk about such old things so loudly.

Click, click, click, click—

Suddenly, a large, irreparable black gap appeared in the abyss at the bottom.

Xing Ling immediately looked solemn and said: The world's infrastructure is no longer able to hold up. Dahanhan, prepare to take action.


Tilana was still expressionless. She held a chaotic sphere in her hand and slowly raised it, ready to throw it down.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Throughout the world, tens of thousands of believers in the Lord of Truth cut their own throats at the same moment.

On the planet where the dream world was transferred, hundreds of thousands of members of the Church of Truth also chose to commit suicide at the same time.

Great Lord, we, the humble ones, hereby pray for your attention, have mercy on our short life, and grant us eternal life and truth. Our souls will become guideposts to guide you, and you will shine with your glory. Part of the world!”

Since the founding of the Church of Truth, this is the largest sacrifice, including not only ignorant people, but also all believers of the evil god, including the bishop level.

In this way, a road will be led directly to this world, and the Lord will be able to cross the endless space and come directly here!

Ender couldn't wait for that time to come.

He heard the Lord constantly encouraging him in his ears, saying that when He comes, He will make himself His first angel.

This made Ender not go crazy.

After the bishops fell one after another beside him, Ender pushed up his monocle and took out the dagger.

Snowworms crawled on his shoulders, biting his skin with their sharp mouthparts.

It starts with this snowworm, and it ends with this snowworm.

Ender took the snowworm off, placed it on his heart, and stabbed it through with a dagger, stabbing it into his heart.

Snowworm's pale golden body fluid blended with Ander's red blood, turning into a mysterious rune that entered the inside of the statue in the altar.

From his perspective, from the sky and from beside him, there were many rays of light flying over and entering the statue.

These are the souls sacrificed by all believers who pursue the truth.

Lord, do you see that?

We saw it.

A cold voice sounded.

Lord, you are here!

Ender was about to kowtow with a face full of ecstasy, but halfway through, he realized that something was wrong with the sound.

He raised his head tremblingly, his monocle slipping to the ground, and then he saw a tall figure shrouded in starlight stepping on the twisted statue in front of him.

Ender's breathing almost stopped.

He figured it out quickly.

This is the god behind Luo Xi!

He finally discovered his traces, so did he come up to kill him?

We've discovered you a long time ago.

The figure seemed to be looking down at Ander, saying: Thanks to your coordination, although the power of these beliefs is a bit dirty, it is probably very good to use it as a cannonball. He never imagined that those pointing to His faith will be a weapon to turn Him into a dog, right?

This is a secret skill once taught by the Dean of the Academy of Stars - the loss of faith!

This is a method that is used when gods from different pantheons are at their most frenzied.

The principle is to use the believers' faith. When the believers' faith reaches the highest level, they will be collected and refined by special means to make it a weapon that can directly attack God.

At this point, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The two sides are basically fighting to the death, so although the dean of the secret technique has spoken about it, he has explicitly prohibited its use unless absolutely necessary.

Oh, except for those evil gods in the void.

That's okay.

The special snowworm with the soul of Delkos, after being taken away by Ender, became the key for the Star Bell to monitor Ender. In the past few years, the Star Bell gradually blocked the connection between Ender and the Lord of Truth. The statue of the Lord of Truth was also modified.

The Lord of Truth probably also felt something was wrong.

But the problem is not big. That guy doesn't know the situation in the world. He probably thought that his followers might be caught and killed, or he simply didn't notice.


Ender's eyes widened and he looked angrily at the figure whose true face he couldn't see, and could only let out a helpless and furious roar.

He finally realized that he seemed to have been trapped in a trap from the beginning.

The wound on his chest should have healed, but it didn't. His life continued to pass, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

You can't do this, I am the Lord's

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