Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 505: How many little mothers do you have? Dawn Server Closure and the Return of Black Death

Weier ignored the pride of her idiot sister.

She looked at the wolf-eared girl seriously and asked, How did you come to our era?

Although she wasn't very clear about it, she also understood a lot about the concept of time retrieval from Luo Xi and Floresia. You must know that Luo Xi, the others, and Ai Xue had traveled to that era eight thousand years ago. , I almost couldn’t come back.

No, they did not come back.

To be precise, they all went back in time and spent the long eight thousand years.

I have no idea.

Speaking of this matter, the wolf-eared girl's ears drooped and she said weakly: I just wanted to steal...borrow some leaves from Liuyue, but I just picked one and the Liuyue shook. After a while, a colorful light flashed across my eyes, and I came here.

it's okay no problem.

Aina stood on tiptoe and rubbed the girl's hair, with a maternal smile on her face: This must be just an accident. When your father comes over, mom and dad will find a way to send you back, but before that, just Let mom and your little mom treat you well, ah, it hurts—

Wei'er withdrew her hand from Aina's head, several '╬'s appeared on her forehead, and she said with a look of embarrassment:

Don't call me baby mama!

Does this stupid sister think she is sure to win?

There are still two months until the day Aina becomes an adult.

Before that day comes, she will definitely keep a close eye on Luo Xi and prevent him from doing anything strange.

Of course, all this is to protect the healthy physical and mental development of her younger sister. She is definitely not trying to get pregnant before Aina and seize the position of the 'main palace'!

That's right, she didn't want to at all!

Aina curled her lips: If you don't want to scream, don't scream. By the way, Xiaona, which child are you?

Luo Xiaona blinked: The first one.

Aina's eyes lit up: Quick, have you called your little mother Wei'er? Ask her to give you a meeting gift.

Wei'er: (╬ ̄俣)...

My fist is so hard that I really want to hit someone!

Luo Xiaona shrank her neck in fear, looking at Weier's mother who seemed to be angry, she didn't dare to shout.

The personalities of the mothers of this era and Weier's mothers seemed to be quite different from the ones I knew.

Ever since she had memories, her mother had been very strict with her, but little mother Weier was very doting on her, so after seeing Weier before, she wanted to go to her to plead for her father.

Mom, where is dad? the wolf-eared girl changed the subject.

What would a father be like in this era?

Is he also so handsome and handsome?

I don't know, brother Luo Xi... your father should be here, right?

Aina looked around at the empty wilderness, and she also found that they seemed to have arrived in a new world.

Near the sun, in the blue sky, a huge planet with star rings is visible to the naked eye, like the sky background in a fantasy novel.

Then let's wait.

Weier opened her hands and lay down, smelling the earthy scent of green grass, and closed her eyes tiredly.

However, the two wolf girls on the side were still chattering.

Wei'er also quietly raised her cat ears.

This way you can avoid becoming a topic and also hear some interesting things from the future.

Hey hehe~ My mother is still little now~ So cute~ She also has a soft personality, completely different from the mother in my impression~

Hey, Aina's character is like this~ In the future, Aina, mom, will my figure become better in the future?

Yes, yes, mom will be the one with the best figure among dad's wives from now on. She is also the mother of the fox mom, and...well, I can compare with you, mom.

Aina's angry voice sounded: What mother fox's mother... is that vixen? Damn it, Aina knew she had no good intentions in bringing that elf old woman here! She wanted to share a cup with Brother Luo Xi Forget about the soup, why are you dragging your family with you!

Wei'er thought to herself, did that guy Luo Xi really not let Listy go?

Yes, such a beautiful elf woman has such a strong impression on him. If Luo Xi, the playboy, can let go, then there is something wrong with her.

However, now that it is unclear how many women Luo Xi has an unclear relationship with, Wei'er doesn't feel too angry anymore after knowing this kind of thing. She just feels that she is very lucky.

At least, when she was in Winter City, she made a choice she would never regret.

That is to leave with Luo Xi.

Now, knowing that she would have a lovely daughter in the future, she suddenly felt that she had no regrets in this life.

Even if I die now, it's worth it.

Oh, you still can't die. If you die now, your daughter will be gone.

However, according to Xiaona's words, is there anyone else whose figure can compare with the grown-up Aina in the future?

who is it?


Or Ai Xue?

When Luo Xiaona heard her mother complaining about little Feiya's mother, she said with some embarrassment: Uh...Mom, um, our family doesn't seem to have the qualifications to say that someone drags a family with a child...

Aina was stunned, then looked down at her sister who was pretending to sleep next to her, and said with a puffed up face: That's different. Sister Wei'er and I are two people. If we get married together in the future, we can sleep together. A bed! I think that vixen just wants to win over her mother and compete with us sisters for the position of the eldest wife.

A blush appeared on Wei'er's pretty face.

Who wants to sleep in the same bed with Aina, you and that guy after getting married?

It's so shameful to do something like that, you must be separated into different rooms!

No, what the hell are you thinking!


The wolf-eared girl hesitated, but still didn't say anything.

Because she is also afraid that she will accidentally change the future.

Aina, Weier, where are you?

Another clear girl's voice floated to several people's ears along with the warm wind.

It's little mother fox!

Luo Xiaona stood up and ran towards the place where the sound came from.

Feiya is also a very good little mother to her.

In other words, as her father's first child, all his wives are particularly kind to her.

Wei'er opened her eyes and sat up, looking at the excited back of the young girl as she left. Her light red eyes were thoughtful, and she said, Aina, that kid said we were not qualified. Maybe he wasn't referring to me. After all, we and Luo Xi’s relationship has been known to everyone for a long time, we are not qualified, and others are even less qualified.”

Aina was stunned: Who could that be?


Wei'er gritted her teeth and said, It's great-grandmother Xia!

Aina paused slightly.

Yes, great-grandmother Xia and sister Wei'er look basically the same. They are very cute when they are little. Brother Luo Xi also likes little girls, otherwise he would not propose to himself for more than two years, maybe... ...


In that dream where they were each playing a role, Luo Xi's brother seemed to prefer the likes of Listy and her mother to those of them, little girls who were still young...

Aina asked suspiciously: Then why can't it be our mother?

She remembers a certain... being from that time? (Who is that?) When they resurrected their brother, it seemed that their mother was still a part of it.

Weier: ...

Don’t I dare to think about it?

But speaking of my mother Liya, I heard that her damn father is still alive.

The 'biological father' whom she had not seen since he was born, but ended up shocking her in her dream.

After that dream disappeared, she and Luo Xi disappeared in the mezzanine dimension of the void for two years. After returning, Aina said that Haosus was not dead yet, and was still working as a mere slave in the slums of the outer city of the Twilight City. A paralyzed cripple who can open his mouth to eat food stuffed by his subordinates.

The Hykmedia family has basically been destroyed. Haosus is still alive. It's just that Liya didn't want to dirty her hands. She just wanted him to starve to death and freeze to death. She didn't expect that he could still be alive after more than two years. It only shows that his will to survive is quite firm.

That guy Luo Xi can't really...

At this time, a huge shadow fell from the sky, it was the familiar red dragon.

The dragon's form turned into a point of light. Floresia pulled out a white skirt and long white silk stockings and walked out. She flicked the dragon's tail behind her, and the dragon's horns on her head burst into flames. She probed her head and asked: Where are the little Luoxi people?

Still not here.

Weier glanced at Floresia's towering white figure, then compared her height with her own, completely ruling out her suspicion.

This figure is good, but not tall enough to meet Luo Xiaona's description.

It's Mother Lecia!

Over there, a golden light extended over, and under Floresia's confused gaze, he threw himself into her arms and rubbed her hard.

Hey, Lecia's mother's place is so soft and big. No wonder dad likes it, and so do I~

Feiya stood behind the wolf-eared girl, panting slightly, casting doubtful glances at Weier and Aina.

Aina curled her lips and opened her red lips.

Weier immediately knew that Aina was going to show off again.

She grabbed Aina's tail, interrupted her words, and quickly introduced Luo Xiaona's origins to Fiya and Floresia.

There was no need to hide it. After all, Floresia had experienced time travel. When Weier said this, she immediately understood.

Are you the daughter of Luo Xi and Aina?

Yes, little mother Lecia~

Floresia looked forward to it and asked, Then will Luo Xi and I have children in the future?

The wolf-eared girl shook her head and said, It wasn't there when I came here, but little mother Lecia already had eggs in her belly at that time. I just heard that it would take many years to hatch out.

Many years...

Floresia rubbed her belly.

Although it's a bit unsatisfactory, she can do it.

Because high-level source beasts basically have no ability to reproduce and rely on alienated factors to reproduce, she thought she would not be able to have children.

Feiya shrunk the tails behind her and asked anxiously: What about me?

The wolf-eared girl thought for a while and said: It seems not yet. It's very difficult for the elves like you, Mother Fox, to get pregnant, but Mother Fox's mother - when I was twelve years old -

Sasha, Wei Erina, you are here, I finally found you...

Mother Listy!

The wolf-eared girl called out to Listy who was coming over. While calling Listy into silence, she turned back to Fiya and smiled encouragingly: Fox mother, you have to work hard! My favorite when I was a child. Your tail is so big! Of course I like it now!


The original city of twilight.

Liya stood at the top of the city, looking at the new world that had changed completely. Her aura was constantly increasing.

Level six!

Although she has become a grand master-level rune magician, her path to ascension is still only at the fifth level. Unexpectedly, after arriving in this new world, the level of the rune magician will be reflected back to her extraordinary path. Push her to the sixth level simultaneously!

Liya realized something.

Maybe this is the difference caused by the different rules of the world?

I don’t know how Weier and the others are doing.

Liya's body gradually began to lift into the air.

Almost during this period of time, the dream world creatures that were fused and migrated to this planet, all beings with the ability to fly, were flying towards the sky.

Ten thousand meters.

Forty thousand meters.

Fifty thousand meters.

Sixty thousand meters.

The air becomes thinner as you go higher, but when extraordinary people reach the fourth level of strength, they can already ignore the air for a short time, so many extraordinary beings are still flying upward.

However, when we reach the outer space area, that is, after reaching 100,000 meters (the Kármán line of this planet), the temperature drops to an extremely low level, and only creatures of level five or above can continue to move up.

When Liya continued to go up and came to the dead and cold deep space universe, she had already seen many creatures exuding huge power, such as the seven terrifying giant dragons, floating in the deep space. .

Underfoot is an aqua blue planet.

Visible to the naked eye, many dots of about the same size are dotted all over the planet.

Those should be the Eternal World Trees.

Is this our new world?

Liya lowered her head, her superb perception spreading downwards, looking for her daughter's location.


Gou Wenwen, why can't you use this skirt?

[Note: Miscellaneous fish, don’t worry, UU Reading www.uunshu.net Now is the critical moment for fusion. The space near the planet is unstable. Of course, we can’t get through it. We have integrated all the rules of the dream world. , when the Lord of Truth takes a bite and finds out that he has eaten a shell, let’s see if He will be angry to death~]

Luo Xi could only put down the pink skirt in her hand helplessly.

I’ll give this skirt to Maomao from now on.

Holding it in his hand, he always felt a little perverted.

Senior, where should we go first? Ai Xue asked beside him.

The girl held his hand, her face full of contentment.

This is a rare time to be alone with the seniors.

Go to my grandma's house.


Twenty minutes later.

[Major foreign player forums]

[Extreme God Zeus: According to reliable information, the black god of death Luo Xi and his girlfriend Ai Xue appeared near his hometown. Is anyone going to test his depth? 】

[Agor: The super boss of my Xia Kingdom is back! You trash who covet our Xia Kingdom are waiting to die! 】

[Bear King: Don’t dare to covet him]

[Heart of the Deep Sea: I guess he is not dead. Sure enough, a boss of this level would not die so quietly]

[Revenant Weiner: Looking forward to the day when I can fight him (smile), I want to see the gap between myself and him now]

[Agor: The boss is infested upstairs, but it’s okay, you’ll die if you try~]

【Sakura in my hometown: Haha】

[Emperor Bodhisattva: He was only the number one in the world two years ago. The Buddhas in our country can hang him up and hammer him! 】

For a time, due to the closure of the Dawn server, most players around the world had nothing to do because Luo Xi's affairs were raging.

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