Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 504: Aina’s future daughter, Maomao’s unwillingness (4k)

Chapter 504 Aina’s future daughter, Maomao’s unwillingness (4k)

Weier observed carefully again.

At first glance, the profile of the wolf-eared girl in front of me is very similar to Aina, especially the two wolf ears are almost identical, and the big soft tail on the back is still wagging, which is very similar to Aina. The gesture when trying to please Luo Xi.

Could it be Aina's long-lost sister? (laugh)

Back then, my great-grandmother Sia was also regarded as her sister.

However, Aina is not related by blood to her, and she does not know her true origin, so it is normal for Aina to have one or two older sisters.

But why does she call herself ‘Little Mama Weier’?

Is this allowed to be shouted?

And for some reason, when Wei'er heard the name 'little mother', she felt like her fists were itching to hit someone.

Wei'er remembered that Aina seemed to have said that she would let her children call her 'little mother' in the future.

So, this is Aina’s daughter?

How can it be.

It only took Weier a second to eliminate this possibility from her mind.

Taking a step back, even if Luo Xi was a newborn, and Aina's belly had been enlarged when she and she left together two years ago, the child would not have been so big.

Seeing that Wei'er didn't speak, but had a cold expression on her face, the wolf-eared girl's tail hung down from her back.

With tears in her eyes, she hugged Weier's thigh and said in a sweet and coquettish tone: Weier's mother, please help me this time. I got into trouble last time and my father asked me to copy it a hundred times. The text, that’s a hundred times, a hundred times! My hand is almost broken when I copy it. This time Liuyue got out of my way, I estimate that the amount will be at least doubled. I really don’t want to copy it anymore.”

Weier asked coldly: Who are you?

Mother Wei'er, are you angry with me too? I really know I was wrong.

The wolf-eared girl lowered her head in grievance, her eyes turning slightly red.

This time even Wei'er's mother, who loved her the most, ignored her.

Are you really too naughty?

Wei'er watched the wolf-eared girl become depressed, and she felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

She asked again: What's your name?

The wolf-eared girl drooped her wolf ears and slowly raised her head. She looked at her with tea-gold eyes that were exactly the same as Aina's. She pursed her cherry-like mouth slightly and said in frustration: My name is Luo Xiaona. I'm sorry, Mother Wei'er. I will go to dad and apologize.

She felt that Wei'er's mother wanted to warn her, so she was so harsh.

Otherwise, as usual, when her mother wanted to spank her, or her father wanted to punish her, it was Wei'er's mother or Wei'er's 'aunt' who spoke to her.

Wei'er's hands shook. She suppressed her turbulent mood and asked, Is your father Luo Xi?

Of course, mother Wei'er, are you sick with a cold? Why are you asking so many strange questions?

The wolf-eared girl let go of her hand, stood up with some doubts, and raised her hand to touch Weier's forehead.

Weier only saw a towering mass blocking her sight.

so big.

Also, this kid is really tall, 1.7 meters tall?

The wolf-eared girl gestured to her forehead and blinked: You don't seem to have a fever?

let me go.

Wei'er shook off her hand and took a step back, still looking at the girl warily.

Weier felt that she must be crazy.

However, all signs indicate that maybe this girl really came from the future?

Although it was possible, she had been exposed to too many strange things since following Luo Xi, and she couldn't believe such nonsense.

Wei'er's gaze was cast to the sky behind the girl.

In the blue sky, there are white clouds flowing, and a bright scorching sun lies in the center of the sky. Even the top of the 10,000-meter-high flowing moon seems to be far out of reach of this sky. The highest point.

Moreover, the air is extremely fresh.

This is no longer the world she was originally in.

Between opening and closing eyes.

Changed the human room.

Then, the identity of this strange girl becomes even more suspicious.

Maybe the incarnation of the evil god?

Or turned into some unknown monster?

Mama Wei'er, you... The wolf-eared girl hesitated to speak.

Wei'er was so indifferent to her, and now the wolf-eared girl finally realized something was wrong.

She looked around.

That's right, this is right below Liuyue.

But something was different from what she remembered.

There should be a lot of buildings here. There are city walls surrounding this place in the distance, forming a super giant city. However, at this moment, it is very empty, endless, and deserted wilderness everywhere.

The wolf-eared girl asked softly: Little mother Wei'er, what year is this year?

Wei'er's heart moved and she told her: It's Pangea—

Uh-huh, it's over.

The wolf-eared girl covered her head and howled.

Although she didn't listen to the whole story, she was as smart as she was and figured out the problem she was encountering at once.

Why did she go back to the past?

Although she heard from her father that Liuyue was the tree of the world that had the power to control time, she never expected that she just wanted to pick a leaf, but ended up traveling through time and space!

This is no longer just causing trouble.

Mom and Dad are going to spread her ass open together!

What's that called, mixed doubles?

Weier hesitated and asked, Are you really from the future world?

The wolf-eared girl nodded with a grimace and said, I heard that the Pangea Calendar was discontinued fourteen years ago.

That year, the dream world merged with the 'Dawn Star', and this world started a new era calendar - the 'Dawn Calendar'. From then on, history opened a new chapter. This year is the 13th year of the Dawn Calendar!

Weier: .

She said it so matter-of-factly, and she was much less suspicious of this 'Luo Xiaona'.

Are you really Luo Xi's daughter? Weier asked again.

The wolf-eared girl said naturally: Yeah, that's why my surname is Luo.

Your mother is Aina?

Yes, so my name is Luo Xiaona.

how old are you?

He just turned 13 this year.


Weier was stunned for a moment.

She secretly glanced at the girl's plump part.

I recall that when Aina was 13 years old, she was still thinner than her. I didn't expect that her daughter would already have such an impressive figure at this age.

When the wolf-eared girl saw Weier looking at her breasts, she straightened her breasts proudly, thinking that indeed Weier's mother in this era was also very concerned about her breasts.

Wei'er's voice deepened and she asked: Since you are Aina's daughter, why do you call me little mom?

The wolf-eared girl panicked and waved her hands in a panic: Well, my mother said that because I am my father's eldest daughter, she is my father's eldest wife. Although mother Wei'er, you are my mother's sister, you are also my mother's sister. Dad’s wife, so she asked me to call you little mom instead of aunt.”

Weier: .

So Luo Xi was really the first one to get Aina pregnant? !

Aina is still so young

Wei'er suddenly remembered that Aina was indeed not young anymore. The two years she disappeared with Luo Xi made her often misjudge her sister's age.

Wei'er bit her lip, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she said in a low voice, What about me? He, Luo Xi, and I have children?

Yes, I have.

The wolf-eared girl smiled and said: Xiaowei, she is my favorite sister. She is one year younger than me, and she looks almost exactly the same as Wei'er's mother. Speaking of which, Wei'er's mother's family genes are really strong. , you, Grandma Liya, Grandma Melissa, and Grandma Ciya are almost all carved from the same mold, but their body sizes are different~

Wei'er felt happy, but at the same time her eyesight went dark.

Exactly the same?

Does her daughter have to be like her, a tablet whose toes can be seen at a glance?

This is unscientific. It was due to alienation that her body's development stagnated. Her daughter should not be able to

Wei'er glanced at the wolf ears on the girl's head.

Oh, the alienation factor can be inherited from mother to child.

That's okay.

I'm sorry for my poor future daughter who is not yet born (﹏), it was your mother who 'tricked' you.

Luo Xiaona came up and asked, Mama Wei'er, what time is this now?

Wei'er looked at her deflated breasts and said with despair: It's the day you mentioned that the dawn calendar starts. You should think about how to go back. From what you said, you don't know how you got here. , then your mother and father will definitely be very worried.

Oh, mother Wei'er, you should be nice to me. Mom and dad always want me to learn things, but I'm really stupid and can't learn at all.

Weier felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing in front of her eyes, and then there was a very soft cushion feeling on the top of her head.

Luo Xiaona somehow got behind her, hugged her from behind, put her jealous breasts on her head, and burst into tears behind Wei'er.

1.7 meters and 1.49 meters.

Looking from one side, one doesn’t know who is the elder and which is the junior.

One of Aina's original dreams seemed to be to do this.

Now, she hasn't finished yet, but her daughter has finished it for her.

Weier tried to push, but she didn't dare to use too much force because she was afraid of hurting the girl behind her.

She sighed.

never mind.

Who called this girl her niece?

It is better to find Aina first and let her see her daughter for herself.


Weier could imagine how arrogant Aina would become after learning about Luo Xiaona's origins, fearing that she might not want to climb on her sister's face and ask her to be her sister.

Luo Xi is also true.

Why do you just listen to Aina?

Can't you give your first child to yourself?

The more Wei'er thought about it, the more depressed she became.

Sister, Sister Weier! Are you in front?

As he said, Aina's call came from not far away.

It's mom! Luo Xiaona exclaimed in surprise.

Wei'er felt the weight on her head loosen, and when she turned around, she only saw an afterimage flying away.

Such a hot-tempered person is not at all similar to Aina's character.

Wei'er put away the depressed mood in her heart.

Anyway, there are still opportunities in the future, and she must get ahead of Aina.


Sister Wei'er!

Aina shouted as her body turned into a flowing golden light and fled towards the place where Weier's scent was.


Then, a figure suddenly jumped out in front of her and shouted Mom. She jumped on her and broke her ability to escape!

The two of them rolled many times on the soft ground before stopping.

Who are you!

Aina shouted sharply, broke free from the soft embrace, jumped out, and landed on the top of a small tree. The space in her hand began to twist faintly, and she was ready for an attack.

Behind her, she saw a wolf-eared girl wagging her big tail looking at her with a fawning expression.

Aina: .

The same thought came to her mind as when Wei Er saw this girl for the first time.

Who is this person?

Luo Xiaona's tea-gold eyes seemed to be shining with little stars, and she said to herself: I didn't expect that my current mother would be such a little one. She is similar to the one in the wedding photo, but she is so different from the future mother. , no wonder Wei'er's mother will always be very unhappy with her mother's teasing behavior in the future, and she can't tell who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister~

Aina moved her delicate little nose.

She smelled a smell similar to hers from this girl's body?

There is also a smell that comes from brother Luo Xi.

It's not the kind of smell that you just come into contact with, it's the smell that's rooted in your blood. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Moreover, why did she feel that this girl with wolf ears looked very familiar? The outline of her face was about three-thirds similar to that of brother Luo Xi.

Mom, I am your daughter! I come from the future world!

Seeing Aina's hesitation, Luo Xiaona patted her plump chest and stood up, wagging her tail like a dog in order to avoid the same misunderstanding as Wei'er, with a smile as bright as a flower.

What evidence do you have?

Aina did not immediately suspect that she was lying, but instead asked for evidence.

After all, in Aina's opinion, the smell on her body was simply a fusion of her and Luo Xi's brother's blood.


Luo Xiaona thought for a while and said: Mom, you told me that your father said he wanted to marry you when you were 13 years old. You were the first girl that your father said he liked. Wei'er's mother was still a little bit shy at that time. You dislike your father, and you are thinking about kicking Wei'er's mother out so that you can have your father all to yourself. However, mother, you think that you and Wei'er's mother have been dependent on each other since childhood. It is wrong to monopolize the person you like regardless of each other, so you let Wei Mother.


A girl's slight cough interrupted Luo Xiaona's words.

Weier came up from behind and looked at Aina with dissatisfaction.

This is nothing.

When did I dislike Luo Xi!

At that time, I just had an arrogant and awkward personality!

Sister Wei'er!

Aina trotted to Weier's side, pointed at the wolf-eared girl and said proudly: Let me introduce to you, this is my daughter! She is the daughter of me and brother Luo Xi. She comes from the future world!

Weier: .

See, she knew it.

This stupid sister’s tail is almost sticking up to the sky.

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