Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 506 Xiaoling? Where did this sneaky cat come from? (four k)

Xiao Xi, where have you been in the past two years? Those strange people said that you went on a secret mission, and grandma thought you were dead.

While the old man was talking, he looked at the young man who had returned. He was already crying and couldn't lift his head for a long time.

Luo Xi comforted and deceived the old man for a while before he was able to comfort him.

In fact, since Dawn is almost completely open to the public, Luo Xi's grandmother more or less learned something about Luo Xi from various channels.

If the tourism bureau hadn't been doing ideological work for the old man and told him that Luo Xi was just on a top-secret mission, the old man might have committed suicide in despair.

It wasn't until he saw Luo Xi with his own eyes that the stone hanging in the old man's heart fell.

She wiped away the tears on her face and looked at Ai Xue beside Luo Xi with kind eyes.

I remember, you are Xiaoxue, right?

She had seen this beautiful little girl before.

That time, there were several beautiful girls traveling with her, but as she got older, her memory became worse and worse, and now she can't even remember them clearly.

Ai Xue smiled softly and said: Yeah, grandma, I am Ai Xue.

She presented the elderly supplements she had prepared.

Hey, good boy, come and bring something. Come here, grandma will give you something good.

The old man took out a jade bracelet from his hand, took Ai Xue's hand, put it on her hand, and said with a smile:

This is the bracelet I wore when I got married, and I give it to you now.

How embarrassing.

Ai Xue said she was sorry, holding the bracelet in her other hand without letting go at all. She thought of Wei'er and the others who didn't know they were still there, and a smile appeared on her face involuntarily.

Hehe, win!

This is a gift personally given by the seniors! And the story behind it is so meaningful!

Even if Weier and the others come again in the future, they will definitely not be able to get it~

After that, Ai Xue helped the old man cook a large table of food. The old man looked at Ai Xue with more and more satisfaction. This granddaughter-in-law is really good.

I just don’t know what happened to the other little girls back then.

It would be great if Xiao Xi could get them all back as his wife.

After finishing the meal, Ai Xue put the sleepy old man to bed, and then said softly to Luo Xi: Senior, I want to go see my parents. When Weier can go there, you can call me again. ?”

Luo Xi suddenly remembered that just like herself, Ai Xue had not seen her relatives for a long time.

Should I go with you? Luo Xi asked.

Okay! Thank you, senior!

Luo Xi: .

He looked at Ai Xue's smiling face and thought, you little girl is just waiting for me.

However, this is not the first time for him to meet Ai Xue's family, so let's go together.

Just when he went out, Luo Xi saw a soldier running over in a hurry and said to him respectfully: Mr. Luo, Minister Zhao said that there are many spies from abroad nearby. I hope you will be careful.

What about here?

Don't worry, we've already sent a couple—

Forget it, I'm going to clean up those rats first.

Luo Xi shook his head, took a step, and disappeared from the soldiers' eyes.

On this day, all foreigners who tried to inquire about information or did dirty things near Luo Xi's hometown were sent to see their god by Luo Xi.

Among them was a fourth-order peak transcendent.

In the final recorded transmission of the video, the transcendent person didn't even react, and the screen instantly went black.

This video once again caused a stir on the Internet.

But there are still many people who say that it is only the fourth level. All fifth-level extraordinary beings can be easily killed instantly, which means nothing.

The second day.

At the invitation of Zhao Muchang, Luo Xi appeared at the Xia Kingdom's seat at the eighth meeting of the Global Dream Joint Council.

He made no secret of his dual systems of alienation and sublimation. After reaching the peak of the fifth level together, he released the coercion containing the power of the dragon and the world tree.

The whole audience was silent.

The 'Revenant Weiner' who was specially invited by the United States and said that he wanted to fight Luo Xi did not dare to say a word.

The more powerful you are, the more you can feel the terror of the ‘Black Death’ sitting on Xia Kingdom’s seat.

It seemed that there was a strong evil spirit that could be condensed into substance, forming a visible shadow near his body. It was a giant dragon entrenched in the shadow of the tree.

It's not the same dimension at all.

No wonder he could complete the two world-destroying tasks that left them helpless.

After the meeting, representatives from the United States angrily scolded Weiner for pretending to be dead.

Weiner, why don't you challenge him! We agreed!

I don't fight a losing battle, Weiner said in a cold voice.

You haven't fought him yet, how do you know you will lose?

Haha. Weiner didn't want to say more and sneered: The agreement between us is over. I will call you tomorrow for liquidated damages. Whoever wants to do this can do it. Don't look for me. The number one position in the world is still Give it back to Black Death.


The American representative was so angry that his hair exploded.

Could it be that the Xia State was allowed to get so many benefits in vain?

He is not willing to give in!

Every one of these extraordinary beings deserves to be damned. They want to take all the benefits and do nothing.

On the contrary, the representatives of the Xia Kingdom were all smiling.

Over the past two years, they have been disgusted to death by the Western Alliance led by the United States, but their top level strength is not as good as theirs, so they have no choice but to endure it for the time being.

Are nuclear bombs powerful?

A fifth-level transcendent can directly use his own domain to swallow the nuclear bomb and send it to the country where it was launched.

This is the ultimate deterrent more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

There are only two fifth-level people in the Xia Kingdom, 'Qingdi' and 'Hua Xian'. Counting several friendly countries, they can only be counted in one hand. However, in the alliance with the United States, there are about seven or eight fifth-level people. Even more so, the strong players on the rankings have basically been won over by them.

Now, his own Black Death has returned, and just by sitting there, they dare not even look at him, and they dare not ask for more when discussing seat allocation.

What does a super boss mean? (tactical fallback)

【Ding! Global announcement: The final version of Dawn has been updated. From now on, the 'Dream Synchronization' and 'Text Module' will no longer be available. The overlapping world areas will be completely closed. The cosmic coordinates of the Dream World (Rebirth) will be announced later. Travelers, please find your own way to the dream world (rebirth)]

The sudden game announcement made most people in the venue confused on the spot.

What does it mean to no longer open ‘Dream Synchronization’ and ‘Text Module’?

What the hell is this new dream world?

In reality, the areas that originally overlapped were all closed yesterday and returned to their original appearance. According to the announcement, they will not be opened in the future?

So what was the point of doing this before?

And the coordinates of the universe are announced, so that we can go there by ourselves in a spaceship?

How funny!

Human spacecraft can’t even reach Mars!

When everyone in the venue was confused, surprised, puzzled, and angry, Luo Xi's body transformed into countless light spots and spread outside the venue, and then turned into a huge black-red dragon, soaring towards the sky, and in an instant Thousands of miles.

Representative from the United States: (O_O)?

Even the representatives from the Xia Kingdom were dumbfounded.

What ability is this?

A king-level dragon turned into a beast?

How did Luo Xi stay sane?

The American representative looked at Weiner with a trembling body.


Weiner: Oh, don't ask me.

He took out his cell phone, took a photo of Luo Xi's distant back as he left, and then sent a message.

[Ghost Weiner: I would like to apologize for my ignorance and the Black Death. He is the well-deserved uncrowned king [with pictures]]

[Argo: Hahahaha, at the scene, you didn’t expect that Boss Luo Xi turned into a dragon! 】

[Bear King: So he died? 】

[Argo: Of course not, otherwise Mr. Weiner can still post? (smirking)]

[Sakura in Hometown: You cowards! I don’t even dare to fight! 】

[Extreme God Zeus: +1 on the spot, he can't fight at all, only the weak dare to complain in front of him, the momentum is too scary]

[Heart of the Deep Sea: By the way, have you seen the latest announcement? 】

[King Bear: What do you say? Will the final update of Dawn close the server? 】

[sensei: Yaya Lou! I don’t want to do that kind of thing. One hundred of my wives are still in that world! 】

[decade: The kidney upstairs is really good]

While the whole world was frantically trying to find a way to get to the new students in the 'Dream World', Luo Xi had already returned to the Xia Kingdom, called Ai Xue, took out the little pink skirt given by Xing Ling, and the 'Cradle and Return' The homing part of the nest'.

The other part of the cradle is still in the dream world.

Luo Xi threw the cradle and skirt into the sky.

The skirt reflects the bright starlight, and countless branches and leaves extend from the cradle, entangled and woven with the starlight, and finally form a huge 'star gate'.

This star gate is located above Haicheng City.

Luo Xi told Zhao Mucang, Director Jiujian and Director Jiao of the Haicheng Branch about the Star Gate, and asked them to find a way to deal with the only 'Star Gate' in the world, and then took Ai Xue and eagerly stepped in.

In the headquarters, Zhao Muchang put down his cell phone and his face turned red to the extreme.

The only stargate in the world!

The portal that represents the two worlds crossing each other is now within the borders of Xia Kingdom!

Of course, he knew that Xia State could not monopolize it, and there was no need to monopolize it. This would hinder the development of mankind, but they could delay it for more than ten years, and then open it to other countries after Xia State had completed its exploration.

You can also charge sky-high tolls!

There are also taxes and fees!

Throughout world history, whether it is the Strait of Malacca or important waterways such as the Suez Canal, countries along the way can make a lot of money, let alone this kind of star gate connecting two worlds.

What, you think it’s expensive and you don’t want to give it?

Then don't go in, why don't you build your own spaceship and look for it~


Liya held her chin up and looked at the wolf-eared girl who seemed a little afraid and didn't dare to look at her.

So, this is my granddaughter from the future world?

After finding the location of Wei'er and the others from the universe, she came down immediately. Unexpectedly, in addition to the two daughters, she also saw a girl who surprised her.

After listening to Aina's triumphant introduction, Liya roughly understood the situation.

Luo Xiaona secretly looked at Liya's beautiful face and said cautiously: Grandma Liya.

After shouting, she twisted her little hands, her face looking unnatural.

When Liya heard the title of 'grandma', her pair of purple eyes as clear and sultry as autumn water lit up.

Child, what is your name?

Luo Xiaona.

Liya said displeased: It doesn't sound good. That guy Luo Xi's naming talent is too poor.

The wolf-eared girl smiled and said, This is my name in my father's world. In fact, I have another name. It sounds nice.

There is another name? What is it? Aina also asked curiously.

Shayna Serra.

The wolf-eared girl looked at her 'mother' who was half a head shorter than her, and said softly: This is the name you gave me, mother.

Aina was startled.

Did she name the child?

No, even if she gave her a name, she would probably use the surname of 'Sophia'. Why is it 'Sela', a surname that has no relationship at all?

Did she take it randomly?


This is her daughter, and Aina would never think that she would name her randomly.


The wolf-eared girl's stomach suddenly made a soft sound.

How about we eat something first and then talk slowly?

Under Luo Xiaona's embarrassed look, Liya smiled. She also had many questions that she wanted to ask her future cute little granddaughter.

A few people sat on the floor, and Liya took out the ingredients from her domain space and started cooking on the spot.

Weier learned her cooking skills from Liya, so when Liya started cooking, she went up to help skillfully.

On the side, Listy took Lafia's hand and lowered her voice: Sasha, what did she mean by what she just said? Why did you call me little mom?

Who knows.

Feiya's eyes were a little complicated. UU reading www. uukanshu.nett

From what Luo Xiaona said, her mother seemed to be getting along well with Mr. Luo Xi, but in the end she still fell behind.

It’s not that Listy doesn’t understand, she just can’t believe it.

She promised that she had no intention of competing with Shasha for a man.

At least, it's impossible to do this in the past few years. She hasn't been so horny yet.

During the meal, everyone kept asking Luo Xiaona questions. Luo Xiaona seemed to be shrewd this time and just replied: It's not that I don't want to tell you. Knowing too much may change the future~

Liya thought for a while and asked: The last question, besides Aina, how many other mothers do you have, Xiaona?

She wanted to see how many women Luo Xi had found.

It's not enough that both of his daughters are married to him. Doesn't that guy's desire have no limit?


The wolf-eared girl suddenly froze. She suddenly clapped her hands, stood up and pretended to be stupid: Well, you can just ask dad in the future. It's useless to ask me. I'm just a girl who doesn't know anything. I just didn't know anything this year. 13 years old!”

But I can guarantee that dad has not treated anyone badly. It doesn't seem right. The one dad usually bullies the most is Xiaoling's mother. Although that doesn't seem to be called bullying adults, I don't understand.

Wei'er: Xiao Ling?


Luo Xiaona nodded and said: Yes, when I was a child, I always saw my father pulling Xiaoling's mother into the room and saying that he wanted to teach her a lesson. Every time, Xiaoling's mother would limp out and shout something. 'You idiot, how dare you do this to me, I will make you look good in the future'.

Weier and Aina looked at each other.

Both of them had suspicious looks on their faces.

Where did this sneaky cat come from? !

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