Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 482: The girl who yearns for freedom, I trust you as always, Xingling

The corners of Luo Xi's mouth twitched.

The nature of this slutty loli is indeed a female imp. I didn’t expect that she was so scornful eight thousand years ago.

It's a pity that I don't have that x ability now.

Otherwise, having been with her here for almost 10 years, Luo Xi would have to trick this idiot god into giving him a few monkeys (crossed out), or else he could exchange the reward for losing the card game with some ambiguous operations to deepen the relationship. The feelings of both parties and so on.

The main reason is that Xing Ling cannot read his mind now, and since her mental age is not very old, Luo Xi is certain that she can conquer this inexperienced god.

Unfortunately, just like Floresia in this era is not the future Mother Dragon, Beatrice Suzuki at this time is not the dog text in the future. Although Luo Xi sometimes hardens her fist and wants to punch her, But I have no idea of ​​having any special relationship with her.

In short, it is illegal to fuck idiots~

Xing Ling didn't know what was going on in Luo Xi's little mind, otherwise he would have had to take off his clothes and hang him up for three days and three nights.

Is there really nothing I can do? Luo Xi asked.

The pink-haired lolita said helplessly: If we have a way, according to what you said, in the future we won't just go to your world and use other roundabout ways to save Da Hanhan. We will directly Wouldn't it be better to go up and beat the Lord of Truth away?


Luo Xi remembered that Gou Wenwen also admitted that she could not fight the Lord of Truth head-on.

That was a high-level evil god that surpassed ordinary evil gods.

However, we may have some clues as to how you got here. Xing Ling said again.

Luo Xi was stunned and asked, How did I get here?

He also couldn't figure out how he appeared in Xing Ling's kingdom after death.

The person who entered into a contract with him is the dog text of the future. The Xingling of this era cannot be said to have anything to do with him, but judging from the fact that she cannot feel the hidden power in his body unless she is close to her, The connection between the two is not too close.

The pink-haired loli rolled her eyes and said: What else can I do? In the future, I will be really good to you. I will share all my roots with you. Although for some reason, we can't feel it. That root exists, but in fact it exists, so after you die, you automatically activate the power of that root and move to our kingdom of God to complete your rebirth.

These are all fine. The most difficult thing to understand is that after rebirth, you still use a mortal body. We can't figure out how the body you condensed with our divine power can create a mortal body with no power at all.

Luo Xi blinked cutely.

You, as the god in question, don’t understand it, but I, a human, can understand a hammer.

So does this do anything to get me back?

Xingling thought for a moment, raised her head and said, Let's confirm first. What do you want to do after you go back? Want to change the future of the little girl you mentioned?

Yes. Luo Xi said without thinking.

Although he failed the first time because he couldn't use any power, after being imbued with the power of the Star Bell, he was able to use some abilities, and he would no longer be the helpless kid he was before.

Moreover, as long as the Xingling of this era is on his side, Luo Xi will not believe that he will be crushed to death like an ant if he has the help of gods after returning to the dream world.

Xingling frowned and said: But didn't you say that she in the future was able to survive because of the influence of the evil god? In the original history, she should have died. So if you did something, would it have caused this? Timeline disappears?”

I've thought about this a long time ago.

Luo Xi pointed at himself and said: There are probably three possibilities for me to appear here. First, time is a circle. On the macro scale of void, the future and the past are both fixed. No matter what I do, it is Walking on a timeline that has already been observed cannot change anything that has already happened to me.”

If this is possible, then even if I don't go back now, the evil god will let Floresia live, change the history of that world, and let her live until eight thousand years later. If I go back, then I might just be that Just a participant in a given history.”

What about the second one?

Xing Ling asked with interest.

Then she suddenly remembered that if what Luo Xi said was true, then what had happened in the future could not be changed for Luo Xi, so she and Luo Xi would eventually meet again, and the events that happened with him would happen again. matter.

Wait, that's not right either.

Now she remembered Luo Xi.

Unless the future self forgets Luo Xi, it is impossible for her future self to get along with Luo Xi normally as if she didn't know him.

However, how is it possible to let yourself forget?

He is a real god, the God of Stars in the third quadrant of the void. He is not the kind of mortal being who is separated from the gods by a natural chasm. There is no way he can forget the things of a mortal.

The second is that I came to this era and created a new parallel universe world-

Wrong, wrong.

Before Luo Xi finished speaking, the pink-haired Loli shook his head and interrupted him, saying: There is always only one void. Maybe those majestic beings can walk on the timeline of the void, but no matter what they do, they will create nothing. There is no second void.”

As for those bubble worlds in the void, new branch bubbles will not suddenly appear due to the influence of a great being. If a small world is erased by a great being returning to the past, then it will only disappear suddenly in the future. No Appears in the observational memory of any mortal being.”

One hair move affects the whole body. Luo Xi murmured thoughtfully.

But you don't have to worry too much.

Xingling smiled and said: There are probably not many existences in the entire void that can do this kind of thing, and they don't bother to do this kind of thing. Those ordinary gods who use some way to affect the entire time in the void, even if No matter how small the change is, they themselves will bear a huge backlash, so I think the evil god you mentioned should just do something on the timeline in the small world.

You are higher than the time dimension he spans. He cannot sense your appearance. You are most likely an accident to him.

Luo Xi was a little surprised and said: Don't you know a lot? I thought Xingling you were really a god with no knowledge or skills.

The pink-haired loli proudly turned her head and said: Hmph, we still know a lot, so just respect us~ By the way, where is the third one?

She would not tell Luo Xi that in order to understand how Luo Xi came back across time, she had been secretly recalling the fragments of words the teacher said in class and some classroom materials over the past few years, and now she had almost finished her research.

The third one.

Luo Xi's voice became deeper.

That is my time travel. No matter what I do now, I am creating new history. When I return to the future, everything will change. As you said, the one you choose in the future may not be me. I I will also disappear in that era, because I may not even be born, or I may be born, but I will live a mediocre life, and I will not meet so many people I like, and there will be things worth remembering.

So, is everything I do now still meaningful?

Xingling: ...

In fact, she recognized the third possibility mentioned by Luo Xi.

For her at this moment, she is an observer, the future is uncertain, and she can create a new future.

It's fine.

The pink-haired loli quietly appeared behind Luo Xi.

She put her little hand on Luo Xi's head, stroked it gently, and whispered: Aren't you so confident? We might have to choose you. Also, even if we choose someone else, we will not forget it. Yours, after all these years of getting along with you, we still like you quite a bit.

Luo Xi, as proof of my name, I will remember your name.

Now, let's create opportunities for you and send you into Dahanhan's world. No matter what the future holds, you want to believe that you are who you are.

Star Bell...

Luo Xi suddenly couldn't recognize this loli.

Xingling raised her chin and said, Humph, I'm handsome~ This is what I thought about for a long time. Has your faith in me deepened?

Well, pretend he didn't say it.

The female imp really deserves mugwort.

Luo Xi asked: How are you going to create opportunities for me? Isn't it impossible to enter the black box world?

But you are different. If you are special, maybe you can go in and we can send you near that world. From then on, you will be on your own.

Xingling's expression became serious: But if you fail, you may be captured on the spot by the Lord of Truth. In that case, even if you die, you will not be able to return to us. Have you thought about it?

Well, let's do this. Luo Xi said.

Xing Ling was stunned.

Why don't you think about it?

I trust you.


Luo Xi said seriously: I believe in you, I believe in you as always, no matter it is the future or the past, I don't understand the things between your gods, and I can't get involved. The level difference is too big, but I can only do what I do Something that can be done.”

The pink-haired loli raised her eyes, slightly stunned. .

It's really... different.

She may understand why her future self has such a good relationship with this mortal.

Then, let's get started. We haven't fought with such a high-level evil god yet, Zaiyu, don't let us be disappointed!



May 1, 3123 in the Tire calendar.

The entire city of prayer is decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and there is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

This day is the day when the eldest lady of Duke Morrow's family and Iroh, the heir of Duke Kelly's family, get married. After completing the wedding ceremony here in the City of Prayer during the day, Iroh will take Floresia back to Silver. city, and finally completed the engagement.

On the streets, people were talking about it everywhere.

Didn't I hear that the eldest lady of the Duke's family was attacked by bad guys and infected into a mutant species?

Yes, but the one from the Kelly family still likes her. I heard that he had a cold war with his father, Duke Kelly, for a year before the Duke agreed to continue the engagement.

That young master Iroh is really a crazy person.

Miss Floresia is also lucky enough to meet such a beloved person.

Bang bang bang bang! —

Brilliant fireworks suddenly bloomed over the entire city.

Duke Kelly's party took a large airship and landed in the center of the mansion. A large group of attendants came out, holding various gifts.

The leader was a young man with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing snow-white clothes, and his body was so sexy that it almost glowed.

Brother Iroh, long time no see.

Lesirelia, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately came forward to greet him.

Iroh smiled and said, It's been a long time since I saw Lelia. Where is your sister?

Lesirelia also smiled and said: I'm putting on makeup. Of course, Lecia will come to see you, Brother Iroh, in her most beautiful appearance today.


Iroh felt a little hot in his heart when he thought about the girl's posture after she fainted last year.

She has such a beautiful face and extremely hot body. Except for her height, she is simply better than all the women he has ever played with.

But height doesn't matter.

He occasionally tastes the younger ones.

At that time, he thought he was about to get it, but it turned out that it was in the state where she could see but not touch it. Even if he married her back, he wouldn't dare to touch it. The dragon genus was the most troublesome type.

Forget it, you can try other ways to play it after taking it back.

He had long wanted to touch those plump parts.

Let's go, don't keep the master waiting too long. Duke Kelly said behind him.

Yes, father.

Iroh smiled and walked ahead.

Soon, we arrived at the exquisitely decorated and luxurious auditorium.

In the hall, Duke Moro was sitting peacefully, flanked by people sent by the major families on their side to watch and give gifts. The old man's hair was specially dyed black, and he looked particularly energetic today.

Hello, Grandpa Moro.

Iroh bowed slightly to the old man.

Duke Moro smiled and said: Hahaha, my good grandson-in-law, are you tired? Come over and eat some fruit first?

Iroh shook his head and smiled: I'm not tired. When I think about getting married to sister Lecia soon, I'm not tired at all.


The old man's hearty laughter infected everyone in the hall, and they all laughed together.

Duke Kelly pretended to be displeased and said: Don't laugh, old man. It's time for our bride to appear next. Where is the bride?

Here comes the bride!

Someone shouted outside.

A beautiful girl walked in slowly wearing a white wedding dress. Her long fiery red hair fell on her majestic and undulating breasts. Her delicate face became extremely charming under the makeup of the makeup artists.

Iroh's eyes lit up.

She was getting more and more beautiful, and he couldn't help it. He wanted to have sex even though he knew there were risks.

Hello uncles and uncles, hello Duke and Mrs. Kelly, hello Iroh.

After Floresia came in, she bowed and said hello to all the guests.

This made Duke Morrow quite satisfied.

No matter what, this child is still his granddaughter. Although she went astray, in her final life, she was able to contribute to the path of her good grandson to the throne, which can be regarded as having a beginning and an end.

Duke Kelly responded with a smile, sighing inwardly.

He really wanted such a daughter-in-law.

What a pity.

Iroh could not marry another until she died of illness.

Lesirelia pretended to be angry and said: Salute to my uncles, but not to my grandpa and brother. Lecia, you haven't learned the etiquette well.

The guests quickly smiled and said that the bride respected them as guests.

It's coming.

With a smile on her face, Floresia walked to the seat of the Grandpa, touched his wrinkled old face, and said with a sweet smile: Grandpa, you are old. My granddaughter really hopes that you can be young. Come back, it would be nice if you could be like you were when you were a kid.

Okay, okay, you are finally growing up. Duke Morrow smiled from ear to ear.

This kid seems to have suddenly changed his gender today.

Or does she have any ideas?

But no matter what she does this time, UU Reading www. uukanshu.net She is getting married today. Even if she is knocked unconscious later, she will be kidnapped and taken to Silver City.

After putting down her hand, Floresia walked to Lesirelia's side. She looked at her biological, but strange, brother, with that sweet smile on her face, and also extended her hand. Handed.

Lesirelia looked at her with a smile on her face.

At the same time, he was also sneering in his heart.

He knew he couldn't resist, so he pretended.

But he still had a smile on his face and joked: Sister, you gave grandpa your blessing, what about me, brother?

There are some too.

Floresia said softly: Lescia hopes that you, brother, can ascend to the throne in another world?

Thank you sister for your blessing...huh?

Lesirelia's smile suddenly stopped.

In his field of vision, the muzzle of a small gun was pointed at his eye.

boom! —

Incomparably terrifying source energy fluctuations burst out from the muzzle, erupting into a terrifying storm that swept everything in front of it into the wind mass, and directly tore apart the five-layer defense triggering spells.

All the guests in the hall had smiles frozen on their faces because of this sudden change, and they didn't react until Duke Moro roared like a beast.

This is the crazy decision that a girl who yearns for freedom makes after knowing that she will never be free.

She couldn't kill grandpa, but with the power of this gun, she still had a chance.

No matter what the outcome was, she wouldn't be able to survive after this.

But that's okay.

Because death is also a kind of freedom.

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