Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 483: Lecia and Xiao Luo Xi meet again, did I do something wrong? (four k)


With a sharp shout, the smoking gun in Floresia's hand with a relieved smile on her face was knocked away, and her whole body was swept away by a cold light, and her body It was embedded in the wall, and a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out from its mouth.

At this time, the group of nobles stood up in a panic and wanted to check on Lesirelia's situation.

All their wealth is placed on that one person.

If Lesirelia dies like this, let alone whether they can switch to other families and become slaves of the third surname in the future, won't the huge resources invested in advance be wasted?

The stingy Duke Morrow would not return it to them.

so far so good.

Scared me.

Someone saw Duke Moro hugging Lesirelia, who had no piece of flesh on his body. His chest was still rising and falling rapidly, indicating that he was not completely dead yet.

It’s better not to die.

As long as there is still breath, with their huge alliance of forces, no matter how high the price is, they can save Lesirelia.

Duke Morrow also stroked the irregular crater on his grandson's forehead with lingering fear.

In order to prevent being assassinated by competitors, he filled Lesirelia's body with the highest-level triggered defense spells, as well as several defensive source weapons.

At that moment, all the defense methods on Lesirelia were broken through almost instantly. Unexpectedly, this child who brought the hope of their family was just one step away from returning to the underworld.

Who would have thought that the granddaughter he loved most would do such a heartbreaking thing to his biological brother?

Morrow turned to look at the gun that had been knocked to the ground.

The lost source device from Pancontinent?

Who gave it to Floresia? When was it given to her?

Are they enemies of other forces?

After confirming that Lesirelia's life was safe, in the blink of an eye, the old Duke had many ideas in his mind and locked in several families who might be suspects.

Duke Kelly's family on the other side was stunned.

Iroh belatedly asked his father: That father...am I not allowed to get married again today?

He glanced with regret at the red-haired girl who was fixed on the wall by Duke Moro using the power of the sacred tree.


Snapped! —

Duke Kelly slapped his stupid son hard.

How long has it been since my son, who is full of pornographic waste, is still thinking about women.

Even if I really marry you, would you dare to do it?

However, even if Floresia doesn't die today, her end will not be too good.

If there was nothing that could be done about Floresia being infected by the alienation factor before, and she was also a victim, then the current situation has become that Floresia intends to kill her brother. This kind of parricide is a heinous crime and cannot be tolerated. Forgiveness should be directly executed.

She has completely lost the qualification to marry into her own family.

Next, it depends on how Duke Morrow makes a choice.

But no need to think about it, he already knew what Duke Morrow would do.

A parricide criminal and a candidate for the country's unlimited future. The former has completely lost all value and has done such a crazy thing. If their positions were reversed, he would give her to her now. Behead them in public to appease the hearts of these allied nobles...

Duke Morrow thought so too.

He looked at Floresia who was pressed against the wall by the power of the sacred tree. His eyes were as cold as ice that had lasted ten thousand years, without any warmth.


Lesirelia in his arms finally woke up and regained consciousness slightly due to his continuous infusion of the power of the sacred tree.

Grandpa, grandpa, give her to me, I want, I want to kill, kill -

He hates it so much.

He was obviously Floresia's biological brother. He just wanted her to do some trivial things and help recruit some strong support. As a result, Floresia not only escaped in various ways, but also degenerated into a different species. Getting rid of responsibility delayed a lot of time, and today he almost killed him in a sneak attack.

Floresia, who was hanging on the wall, suddenly laughed hoarsely and said: Grandpa, do you think the effect of the wind of freedom is over?

Duke Morrow raised his head in astonishment and asked, What do you mean?

Someone on the side shouted in panic: Your Majesty the Duke, Master Lelia, his face is festering and cracking. Hurry, go and save him!


Duke Moro looked at Lesirelia with eyes wide open, his body obviously getting better, but his body was rapidly breaking apart again. Bloody seams were visible to the naked eye on his originally handsome face.

Floresia laughed happily, but her expression became dull again as she smiled.

It's so... boring.

She ignored the noisy guests below, endured the pain all over her body and body, and looked at the snow-white clouds in the sky through the skylight of the translucent auditorium, her golden vertical pupils lighting up slightly.

This is the end of her story.

Sorry, Mu Yu, I may have caused trouble to you again.

Xiao Luoxi... If I hadn't picked you up in the first place, would everything be different now?

Lelia, hold on!

Hurry up and take out all the healing supplies!

Duke Moro below felt the passage of Lelia's life and was giving orders to everyone almost like a maniac.


Duke Kelly looked at Lelia's tragic situation and sighed inwardly. It was probably hopeless.

That gun definitely had the power of a legendary level, and the bullets carried the power of rules. It should be a famous gun on the Pancontinent. It was a miracle that Leilia could survive such a close-range hit on the head.

And where did Floresia get this gun?

Under the care of many guests and Duke Moro at all costs, Lesirelia finally... turned into a ball of minced meat that looked like it had been cut into countless pieces by thin wires.

No more...all gone.

Duke Morrow looked at his 'grandson' with dull eyes.

All ambitions turned into illusions with the death of grandson.

The many nobles who were watching were also in agony.

It's so numb, why is he really dead?

A lot of candidates for the leadership of the Kingdom of Gold die every time there is a change of office. There have even been cases where all the candidates died together and were eventually picked up by an unknown guy.

However, this is probably the first country leader candidate to die at the hands of his own family in history, right?

It can be regarded as a famous name in history.

In the future, everyone in the Kingdom of Gold will know that there is a candidate for the kingdom who was tricked and killed by his own sister.

Flo, Lacey, Ya!

Duke Morrow teleported to Floresia's side with red eyes, grabbed her neck, stared at her and said:

What did grandpa do to you? Why did you do this to me? Why did you do this to your brother? He is your biological brother, your biological brother!

Floresia's pale face quickly turned red, but she was speechless and could only look at the old man with sad eyes.

Duke Morrow let go of his hand tremblingly.

What do you want to say?

You...are no longer my family.


Duke Morrow couldn't bear it anymore and was about to break the neck of his unfilial granddaughter on the spot.

Anyway, everything was ruined.

at this time.

Stab! —

The sound of the blessing light being torn apart resounded in the sky.

Floresia felt her eyes flash, and her grandfather was instantly knocked away by a huge force. A beautiful black-haired woman appeared in front of her, holding the hand of a little boy.

Enemy attack!


Your Majesty the Protector Duke!

Before the attendants in the hall could react, the black-haired woman took Floresia and disappeared instantly. Nothing was left at the scene, except for the huge torn torn hole in the sky outside. The claw marks tell the story of what terrible thing happened just now.

Damn it, who is it, come out!

Duke Moro also moved back, his face covered with blood, and he yelled at the sky angrily.

The nobles looked at each other.

It's crazy. What happened just now?

Who tore apart the protective brilliance of a Davidic City, knocked away the controller of the sacred tree on the spot, and snatched people away?

Someone came up and said, Grand Duke Moro, we have something to do, so we'll leave first.

Also, how about we slow down the alliance first? Another marquis noble said.

Another person said in a weird voice: Duke Moro, why don't you have another child? Otherwise, no one will inherit your family's huge foundation after your death. Or is it because your health is no longer good? , how about I adopt one for you?

As soon as these words came out, the nobles who were silent and pretending to be dead were all dumbfounded.

Damn it, is that evil pen seeking death?

Now Grand Duke Moro has no biological grandson, and Floresia, who wanted to kill her with his own hands to vent his anger, was taken away by someone unknown. You still provoke him so much, don't take us with you if you want to die!

The person next to him hurriedly smiled and said: My lord, don't listen to his nonsense. I have the best medicine here, which will definitely help you have more children!

You fucking don't know what to say, don't talk nonsense! Ah, Duke Morrow, I'm not talking about you!

You bastards...

Duke Morrow's heart surged with murderous intent like a sea wave.

Why am I the only one who wants to lose everything, and why can you still stand so comfortably and watch my jokes?

Since he has nothing left now.

Then, let's all die together.

The extremely terrifying pressure was gradually released from Duke Moro.

Duke Kelly's expression changed and he roared angrily: Moro, are you crazy? I have the communication token of the king here. How dare you attack us! Do you want to completely destroy your family?

The current leader of the Kingdom of Gold is still in office, and he does not support anyone on the surface, but he has a good relationship with the old leader.

With so many nobles here, even if Duke Moro can display his sixth-level strength in the Prayer City, there are two of them who are at the peak of the fifth level, so they can at least resist for a while.

When the old king comes, the city of prayer will be finished.

The old man's pressure stagnated for a moment and then dissipated.

He seemed to have aged more than ten years all of a sudden. He looked at the guests in the hall with turbid eyes and waved his hand.

let's go......

Duke Kelly breathed a sigh of relief, picked up his family members, and flew directly outside.

The rest of the people also left one after another, leaving only a messy hall and a piece of humanoid meat on the ground.

Duke Morrow leaned over, tears streaming down his face.

The image of the two children playing and laughing together when they were young echoed in his mind.

Why did it become what it is today?

Did I...did I do something wrong?

It was only after this irreparable incident happened today that the old man remembered that he had never paid much attention to his little granddaughter. From the beginning to the end, he had only regarded her as a tool for marriage.

Your Majesty, do you want to make a deal?

A male voice sounded calmly.

Duke Morrow's eyes turned cold, he raised his head and looked over with all his energy.

Who is it? Come out!

The divine power of the sacred tree descended on the corner ahead.

Don't be so scary.

A handsome and elegant man walked out from behind the pillar in front with his hands raised, and said with a smile: I am the 50th Pope of the Church of Truth. I am the 50th Pope of the Church of Truth. I am here today to talk to you, the Duke. Let’s make a deal and we can help you resurrect your grandson.”

When he returns, he will become the new Pope of the Church of Truth and the Lord of the Kingdom of Gold! Thus he will rule the world!



Floresia looked at the boy who appeared in front of her in disbelief.

On the delicate and cute little face, there is a pair of beautiful eyes that seem to glow with starlight. The familiar facial features are exactly the ones she recognized as the child she had traveled with for four years. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

Xiao Luoxi? You...are you still alive?

Well, Mother Lecia, I'm back.

Luo Xi gently buried the girl's head in his chest.

She used to bury herself, but now it's the other way around.

Xiao Luoxi, I miss you so much.

Floresia felt the familiar body temperature and finally burst into tears.

Luo Xi could only comfort her softly.

Speaking of which, Dog Text is really awesome.

Although he said that he was no match for the Lord of Truth, in order to create an opportunity for him, he rushed forward and pulled the evil god into the depths of the void for a fierce battle.

He was thrown out, and then it was like diving into water. After breaking through a certain level, he fell into a dark world that looked like the universe, and happened to meet Bahamut, the Black Dragon, flying by.

Bahamut said that after she left last time, she went to explore the cause of the destruction of empty to no avail. She wanted to find the source disaster corresponding to empty in the abyss - the source disaster of empty. Sibesia checked the situation, but the result was unexpected This search took more than ten years.

She thought it would only be about a year.

Luo Xi saw the immortal species' insensitivity to time again.

But this is thanks to the arrival of the black dragon. Otherwise, Luo Xi would have to drift in the abyss at the bottom for who knows how long. There is no air there yet. It may be because of the star bells of this era. Luo Xi does not need to breathe and is fine, but he will still starve to death. of.

It's a pity that the Star Bell can't unlock his power. What Luo Xi can use now is only the part of the starlight she put on her body, and she can't perform operations such as divine descending.

By the way, she should be fine...

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