Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 481 Desperate Lecia, Xing Ling: Come here and get beaten! (four k)

Tire calendar, year 3123, April.

It’s another warm spring.

Pink petals are floating everywhere throughout the city of prayer at this time of year as always.

However, things have changed now.

The girl who should have enjoyed the highest courtesy in this city could no longer enjoy the warm spring scenery freely at this time.

In the center of Duke Morrow's residence, there is a prison building that was supposed to be prepared for prisoners.

In the room on the top floor, a red-haired girl was holding a book on the desk and reading it carefully by the dim light.

On her arms and neck, red scales were clearly visible, densely arranged.


Floresia put down the book, stretched a little, and moved her aching body. On her delicate face, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled because of the pain.

The active blood of the lord-level source beast directly invaded the body and caused great damage to her body. Now she felt as if her whole body was being burned by fire all the time.

The alienation factors of the dragon genus are indeed the most unstable and corrosive. No wonder the aliens in those alien gathering places usually don't like patients with dragon alienation syndrome.

And there is no way to alleviate it, otherwise the problem of alienation would not have become one of the most difficult problems in the world today. After all, in addition to people like her who were voluntarily infected, there were also many descendants of nobles who accidentally became For patients with alienation syndrome, it is basically impossible for them to transform from a different species back into a normal human being.

It would be nice if it didn't hurt so much.

Floresia sighed softly.

She didn't have any regrets or frustrations about her choice, it was just that the pain made her feel a little uncomfortable.

If she could do it again, she would still do it, even if it resulted in death that was coming soon.

Speaking of which, how long has it been since that joke-like engagement day?

It's been exactly one year.

Floresia looked around the current room.

This room is quite big, but it's too empty and doesn't have much lighting. Apart from reading some books, it doesn't have any form of entertainment.

To this day, she is still like a caged bird.

Even though she had lost all her value, her grandfather and brother were still unwilling to let her go.

However, it shouldn’t take too long, right?

Once this year is over, it seems to be the day for the election of the leader of the Kingdom of Gold. At that time, the current leader will immediately abdicate, and then the remaining candidates can compete freely. In the end, one will be selected by the eternal world tree - gold. The new king succeeded to the throne.

It is said that it is a selection, but in fact it still depends on the candidates themselves. As long as enough candidates can be eliminated, wouldn't the remaining ones be more likely?

This is also the reason why the top nobles of the Golden Kingdom have to shuffle their cards every time the king changes.

The winner takes all, and those heroes who rose from the dragon will become the new top nobles.

The Moro family is the family that succeeded from the dragon in the previous era.

But this time, there was actually a candidate for the head of the country in the family, so the old Duke Moro would try every means to let Lesirelia ascend to the throne and bring the family to the highest peak in history.

Of course, the consequence of failure is nothing more than surrender. In order to prevent the family from being destroyed, the top nobles have made an agreement that no matter what the means when the candidates for the kingdom are competing, it will be fine. However, when the new king is born, no one can attack the other competitors. The family behaved excessively.

At least, the clan cannot be exterminated.

Floresia just needs to wait here for the result.

In short, now that she is a patient with alienation syndrome, her grandfather and brother will not still use her as a tool for trading, right?


The locked door was pushed open.

The aroma of food wafted in.

Miss, lunch is ready.

Two maids came in with dinner baskets.

Floresia said without looking back: Put it on the ground. I'll eat it later.

Okay, madam, please use it slowly.

One of the maids left immediately, and the other maid nodded, but did not leave, but came closer.

Is there a problem?

Floresia raised her head in surprise and looked at the little maid approaching.

This maid's duty is to deliver her daily meals. She has been doing this for a year, so she is already very familiar with this maid.

For some reason, she felt that the little maid's demeanor was a little different from before...

In the little maid's mouth, the sweet voice suddenly became hoarse: Miss, do you regret your choice?

Floresia's expression changed.

This voice was exactly the voice of the old maid who gave her the alienated blood last year.

Why did she sneak in again?

Now that the alliance between the City of Silver and the City of Prayer has fallen through, she should be satisfied. She has no value anymore, so why would he come to find her?

Even if he kills her now, it will have no effect.

Xiao Huan, what are you doing? Come out quickly. If we are two minutes late, the head maid will punish us. Another maid outside the door shouted anxiously.

Since the spies invaded the Duke's mansion last year and cruelly infected the eldest lady with the alienation factor, the control over the maids in the mansion has been much stricter.

Well, it's coming, it's coming!

The little maid replied, then took out an item from her arms and placed it on the ground next to the meal basket.

She looked at Floresia, smiled and said: You have become like this because of your own responsibility. This is another gift I give to you, eldest lady.

After saying that, the little maid stepped back.

Floresia didn't stop her.

After the door was closed, she walked over and picked up the things the little maid had put on the ground.

She looked at the item in her hand with some confusion. It looked like a small firearm.

This kind of source weapon does not exist on the Mang Continent, and the ones that do exist are passed down from the Tiangong Kingdom in the Pan-Continent.

Did that old maid want her to commit suicide with this gun?

There was also a note filled with writing attached to the gun.

[To the respected Miss Floresia, this is a gun made by the craftsmen of the Kingdom of Heaven. It belongs to the Wind of Freedom, one of the top ten famous guns in the Pancontinent in the last hundred years. Its bullets have been used since its birth. The day has been fixed and cannot be replenished. Now there is still a bullet. You can decide how to use it at will.]


Floresia could feel the huge energy contained inside this small firearm.

Who is behind that maid?

Why would you give her such a powerful source device?

What do you want her to do?

The wind of freedom?

The meaning of the name is concise and clear.

Free as the wind.

But it was still impossible for me to leave this home that was like a devil's cave.

What can she do alone.

Even Mu Yu is no longer by her side.


Lecia, have you finished your meal?

The moment the door opened and Lelia's voice sounded, Floresia's body trembled slightly, then she put the gun into her chest and said goodbye, and straightened her clothes.

Thanks to her plumpness here, she can completely hide this small source device. Otherwise, if it was discovered, even explaining it would be troublesome.

I don’t know what my brother is doing today.

Since that time, her brother came once or twice, but each time he scolded her with a tone of hatred, and then he stopped coming.

Floresia picked up the meal basket, walked to the table, turned to look at the handsome red-haired man who walked in, and said calmly: I was just getting ready to eat, brother, what's the matter with you coming to my place today? ?”

If nothing happens, can't I, the elder brother, come to see you, my sister?

Lesirelia sighed and said: Sister, you don't know how much what you did last year has reduced our family's chances of winning, and it has also brought our relationship with Duke Kelly's family to a standstill. Brother Iroh I am also very sad about your experience. Originally, you were all supposed to get married this year, and maybe you already had children, but it ended up like this.

Oh, what then?

Floresia gently rubbed the scales on the back of her hand and replied nonchalantly.

Seeing that her sister had been locked up for a year and still had no thought of repentance, Lesirelia's face suddenly darkened and she said angrily:

Do you think you can escape the responsibilities you bear after you surrender and become a mutant?

Everyone else thought that Floresia was infected with the alienation factor because she was plotted by a competitor.

Only the Duke of Morrow's family knew that although rival spies had indeed sneaked into the mansion, it was Floresia herself who made the choice.

In order to prevent being attacked by enemies in the city, Floresia and him both had immediate warning spells on them. At that time, as long as Floresia activated the spell, Grandpa could move over and kill the enemy immediately. die.

But she chose to use the alienated blood provided by the enemy, just to escape the marriage that was supposed to be a match made in heaven.

This kind of behavior was completely without consideration for the family. If Floresia hadn't been his biological sister, he would have thought of strangling her to death.

Floresia frowned and said, I'm already a mutant, how do you want me to take responsibility?

No nobleman would marry an alienated man.

If it was just for fun, it would be fine as long as she was well protected, but even though she was a mutant now, her other identity as the granddaughter of Duke Morrow could not be erased.

If I marry her back, I'm afraid I won't be able to move her, so I can only serve her as an ancestor.

Therefore, it stands to reason that no one would have any thoughts about her.

Tell you something happy.

Lesirelia's tone was no longer as gentle as before. He sneered: Brother Iroh, he still decided to marry you, a woman who can't have children and doesn't have a few years to live. Wife, even if it will stain his future reputation.

What did you say?

Floresia's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Her complicated mood suddenly became more mixed.

She's already like this, why won't they let her go?

Why does it have to be yourself?

I...but I am a patient with alienation syndrome... she said at a loss.


Lesirelia walked to the table and growled angrily: Do you know now how stupid you have done? You should have a better future, but you completely ruined yourself! But... ....It doesn't matter. Anyway, what our two families need is your identity as a representative. Brother Yi Luo is willing to accept you after being wronged. Then you can make good use of the rest of your life to make up for those stupid things you did. !”

Floresia said with tears in her eyes: I feel wronged... Why don't you feel wronged by me, brother?

Lesirelia waved her hand, swept the meal basket on the table to the ground, and sneered: What are you wrong about? Grandpa gives you good food, drink, and clothes. Everything you own is given by the family. Yours! I’m just asking you to marry someone, I’m not killing you!”

I really regret having a sister like you. If my parents were still here, they would be ashamed of you!


Floresia bit her lip and looked at the smashed food on the ground, her fingernails drawing blood from her palms.

Even though she already understood what her grandfather and brother thought of her, she still felt extremely sad when her close family members treated her so coldly.

Lesirelia said: There is no need for an engagement ceremony, and the time is not long. You will get married directly on the 1st of next month, so that Duke Kelly can help us with peace of mind.

He patted Floresia on the shoulder and said meaningfully: Sister, you don't need to have any ideas. When my brother becomes the leader of the country, he will find a way to help you suppress the alienation factor in your body.

Also, you don't want that maid to die because of you, right?

Floresia's body trembled slightly, she lowered her head and said, Yes, brother.

Isn't this enough?

Lesirelia turned around and left with satisfaction.

He didn't see that at this moment, the girl's red eyes turned into a pair of golden vertical pupils.



Endless void.

Inside the starry Kingdom of God, a pink-haired lolita was playing ghost cards with a little boy, and both of their faces were covered in graffiti.

you lose.

Luo Xi took away the last card and left the ghost card with Xing Ling.

Ah, boring.

Xingling threw away the cards and muttered in a low voice: Why are you so lucky? It makes us all want to cheat.

Luo Xi shrugged and said, I won't play with you if you cheat.

In this world of the Kingdom of God, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net This loli can cheat completely without anyone noticing.

So we are just talking.

Xing Ling suddenly approached Luo Xi, staring directly into his eyes with her pale pink eyes.

It's strange, it's been so long, why haven't you grown up?

Didn't I tell you that I was originally an adult?

Are you talking about the thing about storing the imprint of the soul on the bodies of your harems and then recycling and resurrecting you? Because Floresia is missing, your body is fixed at a young age?


Are we among them?


Luo Xi wanted to say that you were still my sister at that time.

I almost went to the orthopedic surgery line in my dream.


Xing Ling stared at Luo Xi suspiciously.

Forget it, these are all things for the future anyway.

Although she and Luo Xi had gotten along quite comfortably in the past few years, playing games and cards every day, she still didn't feel that she had to choose this guy.

Almost there, she said.

Luo Xi looked happy.


Mad, playing all kinds of cards with this loli god every day, he feels like he is going to become a card king.

The pink-haired lolita said: Well, we have felt the terrifying power of the evil god. Next, we will find a way to send you back, but Dahanhan's world is a black box, right? That will be troublesome... ..Do you have a way to go back?

Luo Xi couldn't help complaining: I have a way, so why do you use it!

Xingling's eyes widened: You are disrespectful to me again! Zayu, come here and get beaten!


There is another chapter

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