Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 461: Like me, the god is coming! The reappearance of the black god of death, why is it you a

On the sea, on the back of a fallen whale monster, Ender glanced at the players and humans on the coast with a mocking look.

A large part of his body already had alien features. The tentacles protruding from under his clothes replaced his hands and pushed the monocle on his left eye.

A mantis's arm is like a chariot, and he does not overestimate his own capabilities.

How far-sighted the Lord is. These players have no idea what kind of terrifying power lurks in the ocean. Now that the Dragon Emperors are in trouble, if all the things in the sea land, it is estimated that they can be directly bulldozed except for the Eternal World Tree. The entire pancontinent outside the city.

Instead of stubbornly resisting, it would be better to give up early, then he would be much more relaxed.

The god didn't know if he had chosen a new successor.

However, in the past two years, he has been collecting beautiful illusory beliefs for the Lord, and at the same time, he has carefully increased the number of believers in the Church of Truth. He has caused one or two major group incidents, and no agent has stopped him.

It seems that God is only at that level.

Just a low-level god who came from nowhere, how could he be the opponent of the great Lord of Truth?

“Am I going to become the Lord’s angel too?”

Ender looked at his right hand that had turned into a tentacle and smiled with satisfaction.

A big, snow-white, fat insect crawled from his back to his shoulder.

Hey, do you want to eat?

Ender used his good left hand to pinch the insect off, pressed its mouthparts to his body, and let it eat the flesh and blood. He smiled and said, I have been thinking about how you came back to me. Was it that scene? Did a dream send you here?

Among all the snow bugs I created, only a special individual like you is left. It's wonderful. Is there anyone who wants to convey some message to me through you?

Of course, the snow insect couldn't speak, it was just eating his flesh.

Ender frowned.

The arrival of this insect is very strange.

At first he wanted to crush it to death.

Maybe it's the god's method?

However, the instinct from the bottom of his heart made him not do this, but just kept it like this.

Forget it, just keep it as a pet. Anyway, nothing has happened so far.

Moreover, this big fat worm is quite comfortable to stroke.

Ender didn't notice that there were stars looming in the snow worm's two black dot-like eyes.

-We are not the ones who will just let ourselves be beaten after being cheated on!


As time dragged on and the battle line lengthened, the number of players on the City of Dawn side gradually decreased.

In this battlefield that can be called a meat grinder, extraordinary people below the third level will be killed if they go up. Only the third level, which has initially completed the extraordinary transformation, has the ability to survive.

Or some first- and second-level players wearing power armor and advanced equipment can also play a certain role.

On the eastern defense line, someone killed the incoming tentacled monster fish with one sword, wiped the foul-smelling dirty blood on his face, and complained: It's impossible to kill them all, and there are big guys hiding behind the monsters from time to time. In the group, I have been resurrected three times, and I have used up the number of resurrections today.

Stop complaining, this is probably just the beginning. How can a legendary mission be so simple! Think about the previous legendary missions, which one has not been risked by players from all over the world! shouted someone nearby.

Mader, if only I were level 4, I would be able to open low-level monsters like Domain Veil. Just look at our guild leader, he can pull a few hundred of them in, and then they'll be invincible together!

Wake up and go to sleep. You are a supernatural being of the alienation system. If you fail to control your reason and turn into a source beast or monster after being promoted to the fourth level, then we will deal with you together!


This group of players who were stationed at a defensive line and came from the same Outer World Travelers Guild laughed knowingly.

Although promotion seems to be much easier for players in real life than for natives in the dream world, many people will still be stuck at the third level even if they obtain the sublimation path and enough materials, and cannot successfully advance after repeated attempts.

Not to mention those extraordinary beings of the alienation system.

The source of the alienation factor determines their basic potential, and most of the alienation-type extraordinary people were accidentally infected by the third-level source beast factor. Although they can also find ways to achieve alienation and promotion on their own, such as devouring the same species. It is the flesh and blood of the origin beast, but compared to the guaranteed extraordinary path of sublimation, it is still too unstable.

Some countries even have legislation that does not allow alienated supernatural beings to advance to level four or above privately in the city.

Once it fails, whether it is the origin of beast transformation or degeneration, it will cause great damage in reality.

So now basically no one is willing to take the path of alienation.

Even if the animal ears are good, the risk of them becoming like that is very high, so it’s better to spend some money and go to those stores in Rua...

Damn it, the president seems to be dead! A fourth-level fish monster has sneaked in! Someone suddenly exclaimed.

Isn't Captain resurrected?

His resurrection coins have been used up!

There is a limit to the number of players' daily resurrections, and the resurrection of high-level players will have great side effects. After all, they are not the real fourth natural disaster with background hang-ups.

The fourth-level fallen creature that killed the president with a sneak attack seemed to be dancing like a warrior, sweeping away nearby players.

The moment before this line of defense was about to collapse due to the loss of its leader.

A figure suddenly fell into the group of monsters.

A golden light and shadow appeared in the space without warning, and several huge fox tails bloomed, instantly evaporating the surrounding fish monsters into black gas.

Feiya coughed up a ball of bright red blood, which dissipated into light spots before hitting the ground. The fox tail behind her touched the ground like a catapult, launching her back towards the most dangerous giant octopus.

The reaction force made the surrounding ground sink, but the warm golden light protected the surrounding players and did not cause any harm to them.

She can already control the part of her destiny that brings disaster to others.

Who is that? A player asked as he collapsed on the ground.

A woman frowned and said, I have the impression that she seems to be the princess from the Emerald City? Didn't she just give a speech in the Emerald City two days ago?

Oh, when you said that, I also remembered it. Why did she come here?

This is a different world for us, but for her, it's her home, right?

Also, there is no need for a reason to protect your own world.

Stop talking, there's another fucking monster coming!

Ah, I'm tired. Why are the reinforcements so slow? I'm going to quit synchronization. Let's play with words.

Me too, I slipped away because I was afraid of pain.

From time to time, players quit the battlefield, their eyes and faces becoming stiff.

Now the dream synchronization module has been completely opened. You don't need to control the sacred tree to synchronize for several hours a day, and there is no limit on the number of times. Instead of feeling the pain here in person, it is better to go out and use words.

Until a group of panting people came to the rear of the battlefield.

They pushed small carts and carried supplies on their backs, and some people with certain strength personally went to the front to meet the enemy.

Then, he died silently.

Don't I just tell you not to come out and stay in the city? Are you stupid?! Someone yelled at the indigenous militia groups coming from the city.

Their players can be resurrected, but you natives can?

There's nothing we can do, we can only send you some supplies. A woman with cat ears had tears in her eyes as she handed the medicine she brought to a player.

We have a dream bag... The player's words were stuck in his throat.

He looked at more and more alien humans, ordinary people, and even elves appearing on the battlefield in Dawn City...

What you want to protect is behind you.

You see, they all hope that we can win.

The so-called sense of belonging is condensed bit by bit in this way.

Everyone forms a formation and must not retreat! Where are those source marrow cannons transported from Tiangong Kingdom? Give them to me!

The dead guild leader chose to be forcibly resurrected, roaring from the sky to command the guild members below.

We and these people in the dream world may be able to live happily in the same place in the future. He thought.

The president looked at the most intense battlefield in the distance.

The bright golden light blocked the huge thing rising from the sea.

They are just fighting here, but the most difficult thing is over there. There are no fifth-level extraordinary beings in the City of Dawn. Facing the sea monster that exudes the aura of the peak king, all players will be killed instantly if they come together. .

This is the naked reality.

However, even if you just kill a few low-level monsters, it can reduce the pressure on that person, right?

That's all they can do.


Look, this is the possibility that Mr. Luo Xi showed me. The obscured stars will not lose their starlight. Just like the stars I chase, the stars they pursue are still shining in their hearts.

The corners of Feiya's mouth raised slightly, letting the shadow covering the sky cover her body, and her strong perception made her feel what happened in this battlefield.

Life, it is so bright and song-like.

The part of destiny that belongs to luck is protecting that group of people as much as possible.

The power of the disaster was all poured onto those monsters.

This is the true use of the rules of fate.

This is something she can do.

Next, it’s time to make a substitution.

Mr. Luo Xi!


Following the call of the fox-eared girl, above the sky, a dark shadow that was even more terrifying than the octopus monster coming out of the sea, wrapped in blazing flames, crashed down, smashing the monster back into the sea. !

The eyes of all the players reflected the rising black and red firelight of the terrifying creature. Large areas of seawater were evaporated, and the massive steam formed a thick mist.

On the sea surface, Ender's smile gradually disappeared, unable to conceal his gloom.

The tentacles deep in his body were dancing, his deformed body was shaking uncontrollably, and his eyes were full of disbelief and hatred.

This familiar feeling...

Nmd, why? !

Didn’t the Lord deal with him two years ago?

He saw with his own eyes that the warships that the shadow merchants had exhausted all their resources to rebuild disappeared into the hole created by the Lord.

In the Lord's oracle, He told Himself that the troublesome guy was also inside and was dead.

Although I don’t know why the Lord gave him the oracle that time, he seemed to feel a little sorry for the death of Luo Xi.

But just die.

But if he dies.

So what is this dragon? !

Time and time again, even if he was sentenced to death by the Lord, he could still rise from hell to disgust him. Is this Luo Xi his destined enemy?

At the same time, on the battlefield.

The players each looked at each other.

Is this a helper from our side?

Shouldn't it be the elves who sent help?

Is it the red dragon that was originally on the side of the volcano?

No, the color and appearance are different. This one is darker. Black dragon? Red dragon? King?


A player covered his eyes and shouted: You may not believe it, but I have an epic appraisal talent. It told me that the name of the dragon is... Black Death - Luo Xi!

How can it be!

The player next to him looked at the speaker with a look of 'Are you kidding me?'

Luo Xi of Xia Kingdom had already died in the version 3.0 update incident two years ago.

Otherwise, how could he still disappear after two years?

He did not participate in several ladder competitions in the gray dream world. UU Reading www.uukanhhnet Xia Guo did not get a satisfactory ranking. If he were still there, judging from his previous behavior patterns, he would definitely not hide his evil intentions. come out.

But, he really is.

The player still wanted to defend himself.

However, the battle over there is about to break out.

A low roar spread from the inside of the sea area, bursting out with earth-shattering roars, and the rolling tide rolled up. The huge monster that was beaten back into the sea crawled back from the mist, and the parts of its body that were burned by the flames were rapidly moving. of rebirth.

In the sea water behind it, there are countless fallen creatures gathering here.

At this moment, a huge moving circle appeared, and a team of elves emerged from it, led by Listy.

At a glance, she saw the shadow of the fox that was concentrating its strength.

Sorry, Sasha, are you okay? The Dragon Emperor above the Emerald City is still going crazy. Your aunt finally calmed it down and was able to send us off...

It's alright.

Feiya turned around and said with a bright smile: Look, it's over, Mom.

The giant dragon's body had a layer of dazzling starlight added to the two already terrifying flames.

All the fallen sea creatures that came up, including the corrupted octopus at the peak of the king, were instantly cleared away without a trace.

[divine presence technique]

[Effectiveness: There is no need to completely descend from the gods, communicate with the gods you believe in, and after obtaining consent, you can exert part of the power given by him]

[Description: As if I were here—(We are so kind to you, Miscellaneous Fish Traveler, right? Please say thank you, Lord God)]


There will probably be another chapter later.

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