Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 462: The favor of the female imp and the gods, the encounter and origin of Xing Ling and Luo

The power of dog text once again amazed Luo Xi.

It can only be said that it was the power of a true god, released through his body as a medium, and it easily wiped out the monster at the peak of the king.

It seems that there are no side effects, but his energy is a little tired, and even if he is tired, with the Star God Return to Heaven given by the dog text, he can instantly return to his best condition.

This is simply like turning on a plug-in.

[Note: Because you are our first official pope! The welfare benefits are all fully paid???~ Hurry up, poor fish Luo Xi, please say thank you to the Lord God! 】

Luo Xi: ...

He seemed to see an arrogant female imp with pink hair and a proud look on her face.

Thank you, my Lord God. He said in his heart.

Anyway, the dog text mind-reading function is basically always on, so she can definitely hear it. This female ghost god doesn't have the airs of a god, and she is really standing behind him all the time, so he doesn't hesitate to say thank you.

[Note: Humph, what a little bastard?~ (Proud~) But, Luo Xi, don’t you think there’s something wrong with your body? 】

Not feeling well?

I think should not be.

Luo Xi lowered his head and blew gently to disperse the thick fog in front of him.

The black and red scales on his transformed dragon body are intertwined in a very beautiful way. The alienation power of the two dragon types and the two hidden sublimation powers are quietly inside his body. flow.

Once it breaks out, with his current source energy level, he can directly jump to the fifth level.

If alienating him to such a complete degree can be considered wrong, then it is indeed wrong.

Even if he didn't use Dog Wen's power just now, he felt that he could kill the corrupted giant octopus, mainly because he still had legendary high-level source equipment such as Starfire and Spiritual Sword in his hand.

You know, dragon form cannot wear weapons.

Therefore, his current state should not be his strongest state. Even if changing to human form will reduce some of his frontal combat effectiveness, the power after attaching the source device should be greater than that of the dragon form.

He also wanted to know how strong he was with full firepower without the help of Gou Wenwen's power.

Of course, it felt really good to have a god taking care of him.

In the past, Gou Wenwen couldn't directly help him. Now this guy is of great use. If he doesn't use it well, wouldn't it be a big loss?

[Note: Miscellaneous Fish Traveler, you are not very serious about ‘using it properly’! Don't think about that kind of thing now! (〃> dishes<)! 】

Luo Xi smiled.

This little female ghost is probably the one whose mind is full of strange things.

If not now, then...in the future?

[Note: Climb! 】


Of course, Luo Xi didn't know that a certain pink-haired lolita was really considering giving him a 'final reward' after everything was over to satisfy his endless growing desire.

Also, a farewell gift.

At this time, Wei'er, who was sitting on his head, jumped down and landed on his nose, asking:

Luo Xi, is this solved?

Well, as long as I'm here, things in the sea can't come up for the time being.

Standing on this red volcano, Luo Xi felt a huge force forming an invisible wall with his body.

It was this wall that separated the fallen ocean from the land. In his field of vision, there seemed to be a ray of light covering the entire continent.

Now he can be said to have taken over Floresia's guarding position. Although he only plays an unifying role, once he leaves, there will still be loopholes here.

This is why Floresia needs to guard this place all year round.

He also felt that there was an extremely sad but familiar atmosphere in the surrounding volcanoes.

Is this...the remnant of Lecia's mother's power?

During the two years since he disappeared, the Dragon Lady, who had lived for a long time but had a simple personality, must have wanted to find his traces very much, right?

But she couldn't leave here.

Although Floresia's feelings for him became somewhat motherly after that, her feelings for him could be said to be the purest at the beginning.

Speaking of which, the girls surrounding him now are all different.

Are Wei'er and him going in both directions?

Aina was probably deceived by his sweet words... (ahem)

Ai Xue's words...The success history of the Emotional Perseverance Emperor?

Is it because Fiya regards him as hope in despair?

Only Floresia had an extremely pure closeness and love for him from the beginning.

Even she couldn't seem to tell what her feelings were after that.

There were actually signs two years ago. If he could go back then, he might be able to help her solve the problem, but he didn't come back...

[Note: Don’t worry too much, your unharvested star has not disappeared~]

That's it.

Thank you, my lord God.

Luo Xi said something else in his heart.

By the way, do you think my current soul characteristics have been changed by your divine power?

Luo Xi asked: So, can I still use the abilities related to Liuyue?

[Note: Hehehehe...uh...we don't know either? Do you want to disdain travelers? 】

You smug little bitch, come out of the wormwood!

However, Luo Xi actually already has the answer.


There are no changes before my eyes.

The fog is slowly disappearing, and time is still flowing normally.

Luo Xi felt a little complicated.

He really lost these abilities.

The talent bar module of the text unfolded before his eyes.

[Flowing Moon·Zero Point (Gray)]

[Flowing Moon·Stagnation (Gray)]

[Control Shaping (Gray)]

Although he felt that 'Yuandian Liuyue' and 'Yuandian Kong' were still in his soul, these talents related to Yuandian were in a completely gray state.


In the kingdom of God illuminated by stars.

A certain pink-haired loli was rolling around crazily on her bed. Her cheerful look made the Black Moon figure next to her look confused. It almost thought this self-proclaimed god, but in the end, it didn’t even understand how to play with the minds of mortals. , and the God who was trained in turn almost went crazy.

After a while, Xing Ling calmed down.

Being called God by Luo Xi so sincerely made him feel quite happy for some reason.

After noticing the gaze from the side, she immediately kicked the figure away.

What are you looking at? Are you laughing at us? If you weren't still useful, I would have destroyed you long ago!

Black Moon: ...

Do you want to be beaten even while sitting?

It's a pity that although Liuyue's is still deep in his soul, it can no longer be used.

The smile on the pink-haired loli's face disappeared and she sighed softly.

Although Luo Xi didn't seem to be her number one dog-licking pope because of her divine power, this guy was still more or less influenced by her.

The chasm between gods and mortals is insurmountable, but when God takes the initiative to send divine grace, crosses that chasm and falls on mortals, then mortals will be imbued with His color.

Speaking of which, why did you choose Luo Xi?

Xingling lowered her head and glanced at the '∞' symbol on her hand, and she recalled the memories related to it one by one.

The cause of everything was that Dahanhan sent her a very vague distress message that had been weakened by various dimensions.

—[Bell, save $^^$ # ]

But when she followed the distress message and rushed to the coordinates in the void, she didn't find the world where Dahanhan was, but found the '∞' symbol floating there alone.

After absorbing this symbol, Luo Xi and their world allowed her to invest her vision into it, and also gave her certain control rights in the world. She also discovered that this strange large world was actually related to Dahanhan. There is a connection.

Dahanhan could still respond to her words at that time.

She told herself that she could not tell her the coordinates of her world. There was a very powerful evil god outside. She accidentally discovered the outer wall of the world she created, and it intersected with another world unknown in the void in some dimension. , so I used that world coordinate to give her the distress message.

After preliminary discussions, the two decided to use the strategy taught by their teacher to integrate different worlds.

Mainly because Dahanhan refused to give up on the creatures in her world, otherwise he would have forcibly taken her away.

'Dawn' also emerged in response to the situation. Through the world authority granted by '∞', Dawn has gone through several small-scale preliminary tests, pulling some humans into the dream world, proving that the actions of living beings can increase the underlying rules. degree of integration.

She didn't seem to notice Luo Xi in the first few small-scale internal tests. It wasn't until the first large-scale internal test that Luo Xi suddenly came into her sight.

From then on, it seemed that she had only been staring at him.


Xing Ling finally noticed that there seemed to be something wrong.

Forgetting everything else, how did she find out about Luo Xi's specialness?

Logically speaking, no matter how special Luo Xi's soul is, she should not be able to see it directly. In the degraded state of the god, she does not have the kind of divine eyes that can see through the authenticity of the soul at a glance.

When did it start...

Xing Ling was confused and searched for the reason why she found Luo Xi in her memory.

There doesn't seem to be any reason.

An incredible idea came to this star god's mind.

Wasn't it because she chose him.

Because of.

Did he choose her?

Haha, how is that possible? No matter how you look at it, that guy is still a human being. At most, there is something special about him.

Beatrice Suzusei thought so.


Red Flame Mountains.

After the starlight melted all the monsters that came ashore, the fierce battlefield instantly became calm. Everyone looked at the dragon that had created such miraculous results and discussed its origins with each other.

Some people are still shouting, That's the black god of death, Luo Xi. Why don't you believe me? Then he was dragged away as a mentally ill person.

This giant dragon is so handsome, even more handsome than the one that guarded the volcano before.


The dragon groaned.

In an instant, all players who wanted to get closer were restrained in place.

Listy immediately moved behind Luo Xi, held a staff to amplify her voice, and said: I am the governor of the Emerald City, Listy Silamare. Travelers from other worlds, please go first. Go back to Auroville.

Royal Elf?

Sister Elf!

Hey, let's go, let's go back and prepare. This legendary mission has not been settled yet. I guess the mission will have to continue in the future. Players from other cities are expected to arrive one after another today and tomorrow.

Ah, I want to take a picture with that dragon.

Yeah, maybe I can be a dragon knight.

What a beautiful thought! How can a high-level dragon of that level be ridden by you?

Speaking of which, except for the big boss of Xia Kingdom two and a half years ago, no one else has ever ridden a king-level dragon, right?

Probably...bring back those beast-eared girls who ran away first. If they die, won't our city of beast-eared girls be unworthy of its name in the future?

Yes, everyone, protect the ladies and sisters in our city!

A group of players escorted those who came out one after another to return.

Seeing that they were all gone, Listy turned around and asked, Luo Xi, what's going on?

Things from the sea are coming up.

Luo Xi narrowed his eyes and said, I guess I can't leave casually, otherwise those ghosts will come again.

But we can't wait here, right? Weier said.

Luo Xi raised the red gold vertical pupils, looked at the invisible barrier that only he could see, and said: I have to find a way to find a high-level source beast to help.

He had to find someone, and there was no time to waste looking after the house here.

I wonder if a fifth-level transcendent can...

Luo Xi felt that there was a high probability that he couldn't, otherwise there would be no need for Floresia to guard this place for so long. The elves in the Emerald City could all go there themselves.

[Note: No, you must have a Dragon Origin Beast of the Red Dragon genus to be able to sit firmly here. This is one of the supporting nodes of the Pancontinent. If it is gone, it will be gone~]


Then where would he find another king-level red dragon to work as a coolie?

In this pan-continent, there are actually not many high-level source beasts. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net only has a few records.

It's okay, just go do your thing.

Listy saw Luo Xi's hesitation and said, Leave it to us. Kureya has already freed up her hands. There will be no problem here.

Luo Xi thought about it and felt that this was okay.

With the Elf Emperor here, with one divine strike, all abyss-level fallen creatures would be instantly killed.

After most of the players retreated, Luo Xi sent down the few people above him. As the phantom shrank, he transformed back into human form.

Mr. Luo Xi, I knew you would come.

Luo Xi followed the sound and saw that Feiya's body was covered in blood and she was smiling at him as brightly as the sun.

Fiya, you...

Mr. Luo Xi, I see another direction of destiny.

Feiya interrupted Luo Xi's words, pointed at the ocean and said, Destiny seems to be guiding us there.

Luo Xi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he remembered the hollow female flower he saw under the ocean.

He planted one of the Hollow Mother Flowers after he came back, which was like a transfer station that recorded the coordinates of most of the nearby Hollow Flowers.

Floresia tried to activate him at that time, but failed.

Now that he cannot use the power of the source code, he probably cannot activate the petrified hollow mother flower, right?

[Note: It’s not necessarily true. Maybe, Zayu Traveler, you haven’t really lost the characteristics of your soul? After all, you can still think about fucking me now, which means that my influence on you is not that profound?_?】

Luo Xi was stunned.

Can it still be like this?

Then why don't you give me a test on Dog Text...

[Note: Get out! (〃> dishes<)! 】

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