Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 460: For all the beast-eared girls in the city! The stars I chase will never disappear (4k)


The unique light green spots of the Emerald Forest linger on the edge of the protective brilliance formed by the sacred tree.

Many high-level players gathered in the city's office building to discuss how to deal with this mission.

After more than two years of development by players, this city was built by the first batch of players who were forcibly conquered by Luo Xi from the south coast of the Kingdom of Heaven. Later, it was taken over by the Tourism Bureau of Xia Kingdom and jointly managed by the elves. With such a prosperous scene now.

Even the houses in the neighborhood close to the central Dawn Tree are so expensive that a third-level transcendent can sign a two-year contract.

As for the harvested money and source marrow crystals, they were all handed over to the office temporarily set up by the Xia Kingdom, which was supervised by the royal elves sent by the Emerald City. The different races of the two worlds were getting closer and closer during the contact. Got acquainted.

Eighty percent of the travelers (players) from other worlds, plus 20% of the locals in the dream world, constitute the epic level of We Are All Going to Die in this emerging city, and the legendary level can only be seen. It’s a drama, let alone the world-destruction level that feels like it’s still above the myth level...are we just waiting to die here?”

Then what can we do?

Too weak and without power.

By the way, who is the lord of our city? The sky is gone, why doesn't he come out?

Who am I asking? I have never seen the city lord since I came here, but this city should belong to the Xia Kingdom.

Yes, I heard that the City of Dawn was built by the Black God of Death from the Xia Kingdom, who forcibly ordered a bunch of people from the sea. An elf friend told me that the elf emperor appointed Luo Xi as an honorary duke. This city is His territory.”

But he is already dead. Two and a half years ago, he protected our world. Although I admire him very much, he is dead.

Yes, it seems that this city actually belongs to the elves, and it might be taken back at some point.

What's the use of thinking so much now? Why don't we think of a way-

Woo! —

Urgent venting alarms suddenly sounded in the city.

What's going on?

In the office building, a staff member ran over in a panic and said, No, those things in the sea, they, they have come ashore!

【Ding! Traveler, you have triggered the legendary quest: Sea of ​​Corruption]

[Mission brief description: In this fallen ocean, there are countless fallen creatures. After the Eternal World Tree-Tide was destroyed, the ocean became a breeding ground for evil creatures. Because the God of Creation created the continent when , giving the continent itself a protective effect similar to brilliance. They cannot land at will, but there are still three weak nodes on the Pancontinent (the southern sea area of ​​the Emerald Forest, the North Sea Iceberg of the Kingdom of Shining Light, and the eastern sea area of ​​the Kingdom of Heavenly Works). , now, the Emerald Forest's southern sea area node has lost its guardian envoy, and the greatest danger is about to strike! 】

[Reward: Customized source device x1 (quality is determined by contribution)]

[Description: Travelers from other worlds, your ultimate test has come. Let those fallen sea creatures know who is the real fourth natural disaster! 】

Damn it, customized source device!

The South China Sea is where we are, south of the volcano?

it seems to be like this.

I did it, brothers, for the legendary equipment!

For the beast-eared girl in our city!

For the cute elf legal loli!


There was no need for the city to summon them. When the mission appeared, this group of players, who didn't know what to do because of the falling sky, left the city in a mighty manner and headed towards the south coast.

There is nothing they can do if the sky falls.

Tasks of this level can only be left to top players.

But there is something they can do. Isn't it just a legendary mission? At most, they will die a few times. There is no cost for the resurrection of fourth-level transcendental beings and above on the same day. And many fourth-level transcendental beings, the resurrection coins they received two years ago are all It's still useless.


Near the city wall, in an ordinary city, there are many exquisite private houses built with bricks, stones and cement that should belong to the category of 'civilians'.

At first glance, it feels very similar to those renovated new rural areas in reality. Both in terms of design style and practicality, they are much better than those low-rise farmhouses.

At this moment, a cute cat-eared loli was huddled on the top floor of a private house, raising her head and looking worriedly at the dark sky that seemed to have a big hole in it.

The stars that once shone in the night sky disappeared.

The oppressive darkness, and the hollow that seemed to be falling every moment, made her breathless as she looked at it. ,

The rapid sound of air raid sirens in her ears made her want to cover her ears.

Xiao Jiang, why are you here? Go back to the house quickly.

The mother of this girl with cat ears, a woman who also had cat ears, found out that her daughter was missing. She hurried out of the house and pulled her into the room.

The girl held on to the railing but was not pulled. She asked gently: Mom, is the sky falling?

Don't think too much, kid.

The cat-eared woman looked at the sky with some fear.

She hid her inner fear and comforted her daughter.

Obviously, it was not easy to find such a place.

Although the Elf Emperor promulgated a new Elf law just a few days ago, which prohibits discrimination against patients with alienation syndrome who are still in a normal state, she still doesn't quite believe that the elven city lords who have their eyes on the top will really implement this. Laws and regulations.

From ancient times to the present, alien species have been a tool for them to create wealth and have fun. Who can believe that one day all alien humans will be equal to the elves with noble blood?

The mother and daughter came to this city a year ago from a distant alien gathering place, protected by a group of alien travelers.

After arriving, they were assigned by the city's administrative department to a three-bedroom apartment located in the new city wall area.

I was also assigned a job.

Speaking of which, she still couldn't believe what she was going through.

Like a dream.

Her job is to wear good-looking clothes every day and walk around in places called Alternate Comics Exhibitions. If she brings her daughter with her, her salary can be doubled.

Although there are always people who come to harass her, touch her tail and ears and give her money, but if she doesn't want to, the city guards will come and 'arrest' the harasser and put them in jail.

Until now, the cat-eared woman still couldn't understand why those travelers from other worlds were so fanatical after seeing her alien features.

She has been living in this world and has been persecuted by the concept of heterogeneity for a long time. She cannot understand that for most human beings in reality, the beautiful beast-eared girl is the rarest treasure!

But after a year, the woman gradually got used to the rhythm of life in this city. She thought that if she could continue like this, even if other cities had laws to protect people like them, she would never leave this city that was too important to them. It seems like a dream city.

However, today, the screams from the broken sky and the air-raid sirens in the city made her realize that this year might be the last warmth in their lives.

Come on!

For the animal ear loli... for the high-end equipment!

Drive out all the intruders!

Below, noisy shouts rang out.

The cat-eared woman was stunned.

She walked to the edge of the railing and saw the densely packed travelers from other worlds on the road. She rushed out of the city with her hand.

What did they do?

Sister Jiang, do we also want to go together? It seems that they are here to protect us. We should be able to do something, right? Even if it's just for logistics.

On the right side of the platform, a woman with rabbit ears faced her, wiping her tears and crying.

Well, there's something we can do.

The cat-eared woman looked at the flow of people below and made up her mind.

Even as weak as her.

She also wants to protect the city!

Alien humans and elves with such thoughts can be found everywhere in this city.

But no one noticed.

The sacred tree, Dawn, is slowly growing in height.


Auroville players were on the front line and were naturally the first to encounter the fallen creatures that came ashore.

A rotten shark with eight legs, a tuna with red muscles, and a marine species unique to the Dream World with an unexplainable scientific name...

The two sides fought directly.

Surprisingly, those fallen creatures were pushed back several kilometers by the fearless players, and were forcefully forced back to the edge of the coastline.


At the edge of the crater, Feiya praised sincerely.

These travelers from other worlds are worthy of being from the same world as Mr. Luo Xi. Their immortality allows them to trade their lives for lives without any scruples.


Still not enough.


The shrill, high-frequency cry that was not capable of being emitted by humans came from the octopus, which was hundreds of meters tall and had eyes and tentacles all over its body.

In an instant, countless marine creatures climbed onto the coast again from its side.

The players who had already reached the side of the volcano were frightened by the black tide of monsters coming in front of them, as well as the octopus monster that descended upon them at a glance.

We can't let them all come over.

Feiya crushed the wooden sign in her hand and asked for support from the Emerald City.

She herself had a bright golden light shining on her body, six big white tails spread out, and the shadow of a big fox loomed over her body.

The fourth level peak is only one step away from the fifth level king. This is the growth she has achieved in the past two years.

Hiss! Phew!—

The largest monster let out a scream.

There is also an unspeakable power attached to it. Only Luo Xi and Wei'er can recognize it at a glance. It is the power of the Lord of Truth!

This power spread towards Feiya, trying to corrode this fox-eared elf girl.

The black silk thread seemed to wrap around her body without her noticing.

Feiya seemed to have fallen into a dream, where everything was destroyed, including the stars in the sky, leaving only weak residual fire in the night.

I've already experienced this trick once.

The stars I chase cannot possibly be extinguished.

Feiya murmured softly, and pure golden flames burned in her pair of green eyes as pure as clear water, burning away all illusions.

She seemed to hear a dissatisfied snort.

—[You are so weak, how dare you touch your fate]

We are so weak, but the ants on the ground also want to look up at the stars. Who are you? How dare you question me.

The power of fate, you gave me disaster in the first half of my life, but that was just because I couldn't control your power, right?

Now, please watch me, me

Feiya smiled, the source element in her body broke through the shackles, and another tail appeared again.


Things from the sea seem to be coming up.

After Ysera led Luo Xi and the others through the Lost Mountains, they immediately felt the uncomfortable smell coming from the sea.

Although it is managed by Hei and Xiaohong, the Emerald Forest was her territory from the beginning, so she also understands it.

As one of the weakest points in contact between Pangea and the surrounding ocean, it needs to be guarded by a king dragon of the red dragon genus all year round.

Those fallen creatures in the sea are just a matter of one breath and one paw for a being of her level, but the problem is that they can't take action casually.

After they take action, they may cause more damage than they save, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Fallen sea creature?

Luo Xi looked at his newly triggered legendary mission and thought of the ocean full of 'filthy things' that Floresia had taken him to see before.

Were those ghosts so eager to go ashore after Mother Dragon left?

Aina was lying next to Luo Xi, her head facing downwards, her delicate nose wrinkled, and she smelled the scent of the elf fox girl floating up from the air.


Brother Luo Xi, the little vixen Feiya seems to be there too!

Luo Xi's expression condensed.

Feisela, please go over there and have a look.

Well, the time I can stay on the mainland seems to be coming to an end.

Ysela said a little embarrassed.

Although she came in a dream state, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net, her existence itself is a kind of destruction to this continent.

Luo Xi: ...

It turns out that this Supreme Super Fighter is also an experience card.

Fortunately, under Ysera's 'persuasion', the emperors or popes of those big countries happily gave him the city. The rest of the Emerald Forest can be obtained from Kureia. Seats are not a problem.

And the ‘City of Dawn’ below was originally his.

Luo Xi hadn't seen each other for more than two years. At a glance, Luo Xi felt that the city had become a little unrecognizable. The prosperity was visible to the naked eye.

Because they all regard this city as a 'player's self-built city'. Every player who comes in will contribute to building their 'home'. There are also many locals from the dream world who are constantly entering this city. Ai Xue said from the side.

She still knows this city that belongs to seniors, but she has never been to it often.

This city has another name among the locals in Dream World.

—City of Fantasy!

A city that only exists in dreams.

They work very hard.


I'm going to disappear. Next time, it will be about a day later...

Ysera's body suddenly dissipated into countless green light spots.

Luo Xi also instantly transformed into the form of a dragon, rolled up Wei'er and the others and disappeared into the air.

He had already seen a picture of a beautiful fox-eared elf girl in the ocean, facing a terrifying monster that was at the peak of its king and even stronger.

The corpses of fallen creatures are everywhere!

She was also covered in blood, staining her clothes red.

But he didn't give in even an inch!

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