Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 378: Thousands of miles of light! Do you, Miscellaneous Fish Traveler, miss us? (four k)

Chapter 379 A bright future! Do you, Miscellaneous Fish Traveler, miss us? (4k)

Deep inside the city lord's mansion.

An old man in a wheelchair who had lost his legs and had sunken eyes sighed deeply when he heard the man's cry.

Has anyone called in?

He had long thought that such a day would come.

Since losing his wife, he has been living on his last breath, immersed in grief for the past, and his observation of the surrounding things has been reduced to a minimum.

For more than two hundred years, even though we have been so close to each other, we have never noticed any changes in that child.

Now think about it, when did the child he watched grow up change so dramatically?

Was it the day after returning from the South China Sea two hundred years ago?

Since then, the originally energetic young man has turned into a person with a gentle appearance and a gloomy heart.

But he only discovered the countless crimes he had committed more than two years ago.

I yelled ferociously at the old man: Old guy, how dare he betray you?!

A hand reached out from my chest.

However, even if he goes back, he will be miserable on the field.

That old man is a true legend.

[Tip: Before being engraved, the fundamental attributes of creation and reshaping it possessed will gradually transform into time and passage]

Moreover, releasing it would increase Sakurajima's voice in that operation, so why bother?

A brand new mechanical leg was generated from the gathering of soil.

A pale golden spear appeared outside my hand, and the surface of the gun looked dazzling.

The old man looked up at his chest.

In the woman's unbelievable eyes, my control and perception of the true scripture just disappeared.

Old guy! Move the gun away slowly!


I'm sure no matter what I do, I will probably be selected before I go back, right?

The old man gave the woman a sinister smile.


A player who had just retreated into the city through the gap said silently in his heart: That should be big enough, right?

Girl, please use his full strength.

But that's possible.

But I thought I would die in such a difficult situation. The Far Wind Tree is a 400-meter-level sacred tree. It only gives the controller strength, but does not have the endurance to live with the sacred tree.

As the four words came out of the old man's mouth, countless pieces of soil rose up from the ground near the wheelchair and converged on him.

Ha, ha, cough cough—

Everyone in the city seemed to be indifferent and looked at this thin and old figure.

The silver light brought by the sacred tree rushed towards the man, but was blocked by the dim sea of ​​​​small forests. The fiery red light had a faint tendency to ignite the silver light.

Trigger pulled.

My mantra is like a big, quiet lolita, placed smoothly under the hands of the alien human behind.

The teammates on the side looked horrified and said: Jun Dalin, it seems to be very safe outside! Why don't you advance in first? It might be a test if you go up again!

The old man sighed: I am guilty.

But the power of the sacred tree has been almost completely exhausted.


you know.

However, the situation changed again when the figure of another old man suddenly joined the battlefield.

Ah ah ah ah ah-

In the light that had not yet dimmed, Rune looked confused at the old man who shot the woman as soon as he came out.

Two years later, you discovered what Lant had done, but it was not too late, and you had already run out of gas. That old body could only act once more. You would definitely win and there would be no chance again.

You are still alive, but your wife is dead and your body has changed into that of a human or a ghost.

An even more terrifying light than before was released from the muzzle of the gun.

Even if I have upgraded my talent and can remotely project what I see and hear in reality, my game character has been trapped in the town of Belgo. For the lower level of Sakurajima, it is not a person who can do serious business with a low-level talent.

His canon is very wrong. Unfortunately, it is yours now.

The bad thing is, at the end of your life, they come.

You must also send me off with your own hands.

The surrounding air and wind pressure also suddenly tightened, as if no visible heart in the entire world was beating heavily.

But as time goes by, this chance becomes smaller and smaller.

Although that is only a possibility.

I must live!

As soon as he stepped back, he saw not a beautiful figure fighting in the sky, but a body wrapped in a sky blue dress that was surrounded by countless light spots, making it magnificent.

The 'light hole'-like thing formed by the dazzling darkness also gradually dimmed.

The live projection instantly turned into pure white.

Rune was silent for a moment and nodded.

Even if I have been doing everything, I still provide for me badly.

You obviously treat me so badly.

Hey, the first small fish was caught successfully! Did you miss us? Miscellaneous Fish Traveler?

There was a time when everyone who knew Dawn watched that live broadcast.

[Engraved successfully]

[mika: Blindly guess the NPC guy from other cities? 】

That's your atonement for these people.

Rune's eyes narrowed slightly: This little grandmaster who built two legendary guns in the small continent's work calendar? Are you saying that you passed through a big city in order to divert the wind disaster Herikant, and sacrificed everything before you could?

This petite figure shrouded in the starlight, with a figure sitting under his shoulders, suddenly appeared next to Luo Xi, leaning his head and saying:

Yes, old guy, yes, you are his disciple! The disciple he taught himself!

But who wants to ensure their own survival?

Luo Xi firmly pressed Yuanfeng Mandian, who was struggling in my hand, and said with a smile:

At the beginning, I might have had a chance to bring him back to the right path.

No matter how the woman begged for mercy, she could only watch a dazzling light gradually emerge from the muzzle of the gun.

I raised my pale gold spear and pointed it at the woman.

The old man held a pale golden spear in his hand. The densely packed mechanisms below were retracting, the overlapping small forest was being rebuilt, and a faint smoke screen was rising from the muzzle.

The old man was not ready to pull the trigger yet.

I saw that the woman who appeared in it was covered in injuries. A small silver metal book appeared under my body, and her injuries were repaired quickly.

Snapped! —The world is dyed gray.

Judging from the picture, it feels like the two sides are evenly matched now, and no one can win.

The woman used the authority of the sacred tree to move her hand in front of me and take a deep breath.

As a little master who has reached the ultimate level in the world through forging, my physical disability is not a problem to me, even if I am only a seventh-level ascender.

Your father asked him to take care of you. Did he take such good care of you? How could he do anything to his disciples?

Big Lant, the real him, it's time to come back.

[Detected the health status of Yuanfeng Divine Tree]

So people are trying their best to get closer to the screen, trying to see what is happening outside.

That kind of image collection makes no sense.

The famous gun is filled with darkness and brings darkness to the world. That was not my real idea when building that gun.

Rune felt the remaining power of Xiao Lin in his heart.

A muffled groan sounded.

The woman's expression suddenly became horrified.

It turns out you were wrong.

Isn't that my reward for myself?

The city lords of the remaining cities looked over together.

Since you are using it as an item and have not truly absorbed it, you will lose that little master power before the gifts left by these souls are gone.

We also want to explore the best of Xiaolin!

Why did he do that?


Final skill, one hundred thousand darkness—

A woman has never thought that her master would betray me one day.

There can be no sacrifice, but the worst is no sacrifice.

Just when the Tokaze Shindori disobeyed my order and appeared to move the ring, a figure suddenly appeared and held the Tokaze Shindō.

at the same time.

Lant, I am sorry for him.

There are mountains and rivers all over the place!

It’s just that throughout my life, I mean to bring darkness to the world, even to myself.


[Big Fox: Indeed, the white-haired lady yyds! 】

Have you let down your guard just because the old man attacked this woman?

[Kamen Rider No. 1: That young lady’s screenshot looks super pretty! 】

Although if the conflict comes again, the Far Wind Sacred Tree will probably block it, but I have no other options.

The shot just now was so terrifying that even now you can't block it head-on.

The sacred book of the sacred tree will only be possessed by the controller. Just like the situation in Winter City, the sacred book is still outside the hands of the controller.

【Ding! Will his soul be carved into the sacred tree - Far Wind? 】

An extremely evil aura came out of the woman's body.

But there is also a way to determine who will win.

Before the projection in Obayashi Field was started, Sakurajima immediately synchronized the live broadcast to the upper levels of the island's Dawn-related community. After decision-making, each lower level then put the projection on various small forums around the world. Down.

We can't let him... die at the hands of others.

The old man's eyes showed sadness: Before this, you came to that city near the south. This was your wife's dream. You wanted to settle in the south when you were old. Over there, you took in the son of the old city lord, and you also It’s not Lant. I, as a disciple, taught me Xiaolin and forging skills. I have outstanding talents under Xiaolin, but I am interested in forging. You know little about Xiaolin and taught me too little. Before I was promoted to a junior master , you just care about me.

In a situation where he was in urgent need of help, the old guy took out his gun and shot it at me. He must have aimed the shot just now at Sheng Xiao. He said that he must have not taken you yet.

It was almost as if the light of the blazing sun lit up in the sky below the city.

During the stagnant time, the starlight fell that made Luo Xi feel strange and comfortable.

That time, I was given a death order, telling me to take photos of something heavy enough.

The General Office of Xia Country Tourism Bureau, Zhao Mucang is the same as a special person.


I came here to atone for my sins that time.

[Decade: That is Yuanfeng City in Tiangong Kingdom. You have been there in the dream world. This woman should be the city lord. God, who is the man who cannot compete with the city lord who controls the sacred tree in the city? 】

The sacred tree is destroyed, and the person who controls it will die, unless you can get the sacred book of the sacred tree.

Under the ground at the foot of the sacred tree, a man with a piece of bad flesh all over his body was crawling like a maggot in the ground. The silver scripture was beside me, providing me with vitality.

The first conclusion I came to was that if it was not photographed, it was not related.

The final skill is full of darkness.

Dalin Yuanye smiled bitterly and said: Let him leave first, you can retreat.


Cute, do you think that in the eight subsequent confrontations with my sacred tree, I would have been so seriously injured if I had blocked those two trees?

There is still a long time left before everything is exhausted.

With my current body, I can still fire another shot.

I heard that the bad guy below got some talent death-directed draw.

[sensei: Which city is that? 】

Asshole, put your canon on!

If the extraordinary people of Xia Kingdom participated in the retreat, they might be killed by AOE in minutes. Players can be resurrected in the real world. Even if an eighth-level extraordinary person dies, it will be a heavy price.

He must be trying to sneak up on you before letting down your guard?

As a being who can redirect the body of the storm-stricken Lecaster, I am not a legend.

All things are refined.

Behind the man, there is a woman with white temples. She and this powerful man seem to be wrestling with each other to compete with each other in spells.

what happens?

That low-level battle looked safe at first glance.

What's going on here?

After all, my talent is very practical, and it doesn’t add much to my combat power.

A few minutes ago, the light gradually dimmed, and visible to the naked eye, the Yuanfeng Sacred Tree showed signs of malaise.

The live broadcast is also very impressive.

In Rune's mind, countless small forests suddenly formed into a sea and pressed towards the still recovering woman. The other party also immediately mobilized the power of the sacred tree to resist. However, with the small consumption and injury of the power of the sacred tree, UU reading www.uukanshu. net The woman has not been able to hold on yet.

The old man said it very sincerely, and it seemed like he was lying.

Who is he? Rune asked.

That was a relief.

You're wrong. You didn't call him an old guy anymore. Ah! Has the position of city lord been given to his head office?

By then, it was completely too late.

Lant, who was trapped by the ignited Xiao Linhai, smiled ferociously at me: You know he has no objection! He is an old guy, let you see if his heart is white! Don't be mean to him, he dares So to you!

For countries around the world, it was the first time that those of us anxious people waiting inside saw what was going on inside the sea.

At the same time, my sunken eye sockets were also propped up by khaki metal eyeballs.

I searched the live broadcast screen to see if there were no players from Xia Kingdom participating.

The source code of Liuyue released a breath from the depths of my soul.


The woman could think of one way to escape first, such as hiding in the sacred tree.

The old man's eyes filled with metal eyeballs shed two clear tears.

You will personally collect my life, clean up the house, and ask the girl to help you. You will give him the reward he deserves before, can't you?

The old man sighed heavily: You are Ephias Flax, a man who should have died long ago.

The coolness of the discussion quickly reached its lowest point.

The old man got up from his wheelchair and walked towards the sky step by step.

But even so, he was that child's teacher.

It can be seen from the fact that this woman is still alive and dead at this moment.

Nearly ten million people watched the live broadcast closely.

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