Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 379: You will never die in coveting our ice cream! Hentai! (four k)

Chapter 380: You will never die in coveting our ice cream! Hentai! (4k)

Luo Xi was slightly startled.

“Dog text?”

In this time-stop world that was affected by Dog Text for the second time, the vague memories that existed in Luo Xi's mind suddenly became clear.

It turns out it’s not just once or twice.

He was saved by this dog text several times.

Luo Xi quickly recalled that last time on that unknown planet a billion light years away, this loli gave him an ice cream 'reward' as agreed.

Although I feel a little forced by this guy.

But how to put it...

God’s little girl is indeed very good. (cross out)

The figure shrouded in starlight seemed to tremble slightly.

Although this way he can get minimal support from us and even obtain wall-mounted abilities such as God's Descendance and God's Descendence, it may be a bad thing for him.

This is it? Luo Xi asked.

God really eats ice cream, he's eating grass!

Sooner or later, I will turn that piece of god into my own special ice cream machine.

Does that strange guy who calls himself Zhengshen mean that he is always your agent for such things?

Miscellaneous fish~ Do you think it's a pity to see it?

But before I actually saw the human form of Gou Wenwen, that thought disappeared. Deep in my heart, I told me that such a thing was definitely possible.

Luo Xi looked over his left shoulder.

Luo Xi asked without any anxiety: Mother-in-law, Mr. Liya, has he seen you Maomao?

You looked at Luo Xi with your chin in hand, thought for a moment, and said, Let's wait until he finishes dealing with the problems in these cities.

Who are you calling mother-in-law?

It's very complicated. One person serves the seven gods.

Luo Xi asked doubtfully: Is that okay?

Not yet, be careful when using the power of retrospection going forward. Before Xiaohanhan falls asleep completely, all the pressure of retrospection will be borne by him alone. We also have ways to share it with him. Daxin has a mental breakdown.

As if you felt that the 'reward' for Luo Xi was not enough, you took your thigh from under Luo Xi's shoulder and walked towards the woman lying on the ground with a gray body.

The pink-haired lolita said: Of course, there must be a way. For example, if he wants to stop being corrupted and abducted by the Lord of Truth, we have no choice but to take action.

A sharp wind suddenly fell from under Luo Xi's head.

The pink-haired loli smiled disdainfully and said: That's a reward for his respect for us. We've studied it. It's the kind of situation that you can't see but you can find a way to encounter. You will be very interested, right? You big bastard~

you know.

Why was Luo Xi able to hold the sacred book of the sacred tree in his hands when the city lord was still alive?

It's an evil god, but it's of course useless for us to keep him. It's not that he's too strong now, so we need to cultivate less objects or auras contaminated by the evil god.

Girl, go on!

Luo Xi rubbed his shoulders and stood up, and saw the pink-haired loli pulling out the thing like a carrot and throwing it casually to the figure sitting under your shoulder.

The pink-haired loli also immediately realized that she had said something wrong.

Feng, what small fish is he talking about? Luo Xi changed the subject.

In an instant, many pictures flashed through my mind. I tried my best to retain them subconsciously, but at first I only remembered some tiny fragments.

Luo Xi continued, minding his own business: You saw that I wanted to run away, so you came down to stop me. It would be troublesome if I hid in the sacred tree. Is there a problem?

The pink-haired loli shrugged and said: We believe that the characteristics under his body were left by the god who created their world. Although we can find traces, it is impossible. Before being affected by him, he must have If he is influenced by us again, he will lose the characteristics he will have in the future.

Then there is no need to hide oneself.

The old man sat next to the woman. The mechanical limbs under him gradually turned back to dust, and his empty eyes stared at the sky.

The woman seemed confused at this moment.

Here comes the wild female ghost!

But there is always a way to recover.


Oh. Luo Ximan said seriously.

The difference is small, they are sisters anyway.

That time we really saw each other again, juniors.

Ye Yuan glanced at the woman who had lost all her luster in her eyes.

I saw this petite figure standing behind me, lifting one foot and pressing it under my left shoulder.

If you look further back from that angle, you can see the scenery on this pink skirt!

The pink-haired lolita flicked the figure's forehead and said with a smile: We call you Dabaizi, not because we are giving him a ray of will of this doll. In fact, his doll is a copy. As long as you don't make it too weak, I think It can’t be used for anything, but it can be used as a meat weapon for sex, right?~”


Luo Xi smiled and said, Besides that, you want his skirt.

Luo Xi, why is he out there?

Luo Xi: ?

Luo Xi's expression was not at a loss.

Nothing bad yet?

Why, you want the horse to run, but you also want the horse to eat ice cream?

From now on, if there is Ephias in the world, I will finally be unable to see you...

Luo Xi said that Dog Wen served as my front desk, and there were several moments when you really showed your strength.

The pink-haired lolita pointed at the woman and said: Of course it's the spiritual power hidden in that human body. That's right. Whose name is he Feng? Is it okay to scream randomly? Our usual name is Ling, and he can't Call us Xingling.”

Luo Xi shook his head vigorously.

Seeing Luo Xi's dull look, the pink-haired Loli walked behind Luo Xi and said seriously: Although he is our representative, we have never told him our honorary name, nor have we told him our There are too few related things, and I am always afraid that he will be tangibly affected by us and really become our representative and our pope in that world.

Why did you bring it up yourself?

The figure's eating speed suddenly increased, and its dark red eyes looked at Luo Xi.

Luo Xi was also stunned on the spot.

At the same time, pale flames ignited under the bodies of the old man and the woman.

The pink-haired loli stretched her petite body, yawned and said: That's it for now. Traveler, keep up the good work. There is no problem in each of these cities. Although the sacred tree controls The attackers are very weak, but we have also miscalculated, and he only needs to act according to his inner thoughts.

Dozens of talented rune magicians were brutally killed by me.

Luo Xi suddenly moved closer.

And judging from the fact that Luo Xi has preserved more and more memories these past few times, maybe one day he will be able to retain all his memories after leaving this special space he created.

I can definitely be your Ye Yuan love, but is it wrong?

Do you think you want to marry your boys to him just because you left them under his care?

Without one, there is no seven, and without seven, there is no eight.

The pink-haired lolita smiled half-heartedly and said: Is the universe bad? Those are the coordinates of some galaxies in their world that we marked. As long as you go back and select the node, you can instantly move here. That skirt must be used for evaluation. , it’s probably also a mythical item, right?”

Let him understand who is God and who is the agent of service!

Boss, why is that bitch’s temperament getting stronger and stronger?

Liya suddenly said hotly: Who asked him to bring you to such a safe place?!

For myself, I can't move at all.

Now is the time to ask those questions.

Seeing the pink-haired lolita's increasingly kind expression, and thinking of your mind-reading skills, Luo Xi coughed and let his head go a little further.

There is no bad flesh under my body. Without the blessing of the sacred scriptures, I have also reached the end of my life.

What the hell.

No wonder...

I asked Liya to let go of me and staggered towards the woman.


He still wants punishment?

The pink-haired loli frowned and said, Are you still giving up on our ice cream?

In order to be able to read the true book of the Winter Sacred Tree, you spent a lot of effort to get it in the first turmoil, but you were thrown out again before you realized Heath's conspiracy.

Anyway, Luo Xi had seen this body for advent last time.

As a soft male voice sounded, Luo Xi broke away from the strange picture in his mind and looked forward.

Forget it, I haven't had time yet, and I can't tell him something now.

But is this the reason why this miscellaneous fish thinks of what happened last time when he sees me?

What we can do to give him a soul is sex change. This has not transcended the realm of mortal spirits, so until it is the last resort, let's maintain the status quo.

But you said in a stiff tone: Does he think it is a punishment? Does he want to enjoy the ice cream with 100 million degrees Celsius? I have said it so many times. The next time I just agreed on a bad reward, it will never happen again. I want less think.

The pink-haired loli's face turned red and said in annoyance: What kind of ghosts and gods are you! There are small and large trash fishes! They think that because I rewarded you with ice cream once, you think you can't talk to me like that! You believe me. Just trample him to death like you would a big white kid!

Dabaizi, shut up.

Now Luo Xi's behavior of casually holding the scripture out of his hand made Liya feel like a big ugly person.

Zhaoyu, do you want us to remove those starlights?

After actually seeing the incarnation of dog text, Luo Xi still thought that the guy typing the keyboard in front of the text would be an octopus monster with a bunch of tentacles, and was still worried that I would do something to him. What insidious means, wanting to take away his own body, etc. are a big story.

Seeing that the pink-haired loli was about to turn around and leave, Luo Xi suddenly asked: Is there any punishment for that mission? He wants you to work for nothing, right?

Lant, it's you who should be right.

Is the Miscellaneous Fish Traveler moving?

Luo Xi looked strange and said, Is he an evil god?

Liya, dressed in sky-blue silk clothes, helped an old man fall down from the air. Her amethyst-like eyes stared at me without the book in my hand.

At the very least, the seemingly embarrassing thing about the ice cream can be described as the gods show mercy to mortals and allow me to kneel and lick my own feet?

The figure looked very happy, holding the object and started to eat.

The pink-haired lolita put her hands on her hips, stared at Luo Xi with dangerous eyes, and angrily said: What are you thinking about, you idiot? He has nothing but pornographic waste and disgusting big lolita in his head. Is there anything in the ice cream that doesn’t belong to me? If other gods know that we don’t have an agent like him, we will be laughed to death!”

What is that guy talking about?

It wasn't until the influence of the evil god disappeared from my body that I realized that what I had done in those years was actually quite crazy.

The old man being supported by you is holding his chest. There is no heart outside, just a hole where he cannot see the scenery ahead.

For an existence like a god, if you want to maintain a decent image, the most important thing is to maintain mystery.


The corner of Luo Xi's mouth twitched: How about you tell me why you can be his agent?

The figure under the shoulder: ?

Luo Xi: ...

Liya stretched out her hand and caught the gun suddenly thrown by the old man.

For example, a small sea of ​​stars appeared on the bottom of the big loli's skirt.

Liya watched silently as we turned into ashes in the fire.

To be honest, my bad impression of the female text is quite low.

Who is telling him about these sisters outside of anime! We are reminding him that names are very important to you and other beings, even if they are just 'pseudo-names' in his perception! Yelling out will also result in retribution Yes! It’s not that I’m bad to him, be careful when he calls us, “Tiantian Dog Text Female Big Ghost”, someone else would have been struck to death by our lightning!”

Why are you still thinking about ice cream? Is there anything unusual besides ice cream in his mind?

However, we should really give that lazy dog ​​crumbs traveler some motivation.

Huh? Liya frowned.

You can guess what Luo Xi might have done in the few seconds you came up.

This guy is indeed a guy who has always been obsessed with our ice cream!

There is a way to understand.

That's the reward for being bad.

Looks like it needs a good beating!

Luo Xi: ...

These people must be still alive, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net Maybe none of them can't rely on their own abilities to take the path of a little grandmaster, right?

The pink-haired lolita was not confused.

Luo Xi: o((⊙﹏⊙))o!

However, I only looked at Jia’s pink dress, which was full of bright stars.

The rune in your hand is also gradually decomposing, turning into flying fire.

A long time ago.

It's exactly as you said, how bad it felt in that situation. My body was almost stretched to the limit by the terrifying power. I didn't have enough strength left to do something to the feet under my shoulders.

After Luo Xi reacted, a slender thigh fell under my shoulder, pressing me down to half a kneeling position, as if he was not weighing anything.

That's right.

Immediately, the starlight faded, and a girl with cherry hair and pink eyes appeared with long hair reaching her ankles.

That's why I always keep a gold level talent extraction opportunity to use.

Luo Xi nodded.

It was as if there was no entire universe outside.

A mixture of objects of various colors was trying to squeeze out of the woman's head.


Looking at this Loli, whose face was exactly the same as Feng Chime's, except that her eyes and expression were the same, Luo Xi suddenly felt a little dazed.

Yes, Dog Text is still too naive!

Master... I'm sorry.

Did you lead him to the right path? That's right.

Mother-in-law, I said the reason why you came to that city was a coincidence. Do you believe it?

Human, he dares-

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