Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 377: You can hug your mother-in-law’s lap! Pink Hair Lolita and Black Moon (4k)

Chapter 378 You can hug your mother-in-law’s thigh! Pink Hair Lolita and Black Moon (4k)

On the distant wind tree, the man stood up, wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and glared angrily at other locations.

In order to escape early, he spent two hundred years of accumulation.

The branches and leaves of the sacred tree under my feet also became more wilted, which was a sign that the power of the sacred tree was greatly consumed.

I will get this debt back sooner or later.

Isn't it because the sacred tree he controls is higher than him?

When his own rune skills break through to the Grand Master level, and then he controls the Yuanfeng Sacred Tree, he will definitely be able to compete with those Acropolis.

The man's face became a little fanatical.

It seems that the scriptures can be integrated with each other. In the past, there were examples of two small cities merging into one big city. Although the cities in that example all belonged to the same Eternal World Tree, it was different from today's situation.

But maybe it can?

However, he must first clean up the few mice that invaded the city when he was unable to move.

That is not the eighth-level Liya magic, it is also a way for Fu Yong magicians to break through the little masters.

[Note: The dog text is here, but the hateful love text is here~ What, does the traveler want to eat ice cream again? Yes~]

One of the few spearmen in the Land of Heavenly Works, the forger of the ‘All Darkness’, Ephias Flax, is outside that city at the moment!

That time, clean off the small head first.

Evil gods and cult groups have always been an accidental phenomenon in the world.

What calculation?

Thinking of that, the woman became even more angry.

The pink-haired lolita with a sleazy expression was lying under a transformed water bed, her two big naked feet tilted downward, holding Shi Jing's chin in her big hands, and looking at the projected picture without interest.

My name is Dabaizi!

Luo Xi: ...

Sir, what is this!


The offensive skills of the little grandmaster level cannot be compared to those of the eight-level sublimators or even the abyss-level source beasts.


We're worried about this. If the miscellaneous fish traveler is out there, we can also be careful to do that kind of thing to punish me.

That can be regarded as telling people in the real world that we are not inferior in the true sense to the dream world, but are low-level overlookers and NPCs.

Rune was stunned for a moment.


Was that the purpose of this cradle?

There are no hidden good things that must be postponed first.

Although the body is abnormal, the soul should be in a dabbling state and cannot be separated at any time. Even if it dies, it will be fine.

Have we forgotten that he will try to seduce our agent next time.

Even though he was restricted and unable to move just now, he had been watching everything in the city. He also saw what Liya did in his dungeon and the good deeds done by Luo Xi and his group.

Fu Yong raised his head.

Is this figure a rune?

be honest.

Luo Xi frowned.

Before the pressure exerted by the sacred tree failed on Fu Yong, I immediately realized that the rune at this moment had no means of fighting me, and was even weaker.

How dare you! You are the city lord, how dare he talk to you like that!

Liya is like a flame beating rapidly behind your eyes.

Luo Xi?

Oh, stop talking nonsense, tell us how he retreated in the first place?

As the city lord of Yuanfeng City, even if the opponent is a strong person, he can be raised to the peak level of the seventh level in the city. This is a level of strength comparable to that of Floresia. Now Luo Xi still has the ability to face the enemy. to confront it.

Even now, many people still don’t regard Dream World as a simple game.

When his voice fell, above the sea, due to the power of the sacred trees that he suddenly injected, the resonance between the sacred trees also reached the extreme in advance. Under the release of terrifying energy, the turbulent waves instantly hit a thousand meters high. High, like blue and white mountains, rolling in all directions.

Women are not stupid.

Chuan Loli kicked it directly, and her big feet stepped on the figure, twisting as if stepping on dirt.

The pink-haired loli stepped away from the figure's mouth with her toes, and said thoughtfully: His mouth is too broken. What if we want Traveler to really use his puppet as a meat weapon? No way. The place is bad for exercise, and I feel like I have too much control.”

Nothing like the state of these alien travelers in your world.

This is just an excuse!

The pink-haired loli stepped on her feet a little harder.

At the edge of the barrier formed by the sacred tree, many scientific research ships that were monitoring the sea area in all directions found something normal.

[Note: Of course - it works, unless I stupidly stand and chop him~ Yes, he used the shot of the Miscellaneous Fish Traveler that time, our calculation is still quite wrong, eh~(≧w ≦)】

In the past, just distribute tasks for players to solve.

The figure's words suddenly got stuck in his throat.

Rune said indifferently: He also knows that even the bodies of these people who are just mutilated still contain such power. He just appreciates your corpses as specimens to satisfy his evil habits. Just under the wall.

With a casual stroke of the rune, countless Liyas condensed into walls, directly reflecting the house back.

Please lend me my strength.

The pink-haired loli chatted: Haha, there are too few evil gods. Why don't you think there are so few big sects in that world, and the direction of faith has no source? Can their bullies stop?

He stole your research results! Give your things back to you! This is the fruit that you spent two hundred years to obtain!

You said with a face of humiliation: Well - when my body was floating in the void, I happened to discover this world. The passages of the world were not sealed at that time, and the world would always retreat without the will inside. These are just fragments, but they are enough to create a small faith community.


One is in the secret between nothingness, in a space filled with starlight.

Who is this person?

The power that the Yuanfeng Sacred Tree can provide reaches the eighth level. Using all the power of the Sacred Tree will exceed that threshold. It will be able to compete with these Sacred Trees of mine only because the other Sacred Trees do not conflict with it.

That is what Yuanfeng City Lord has always thought about.

It's a joke! He and this local god were so distressed by this guy that he dared to claim that he had no god system behind him—

Luo Xi, who had not yet retreated, immediately released sparks before hearing the sound.

[Note: Traveler, his mother-in-law has temporarily been weakened at the legendary level. Hurry up and lick your calves and eat ice cream! ~]

No player raised his head and looked at the picture, feeling extremely shocked.

Who would mind having fewer sources of faith?

Of course they would give up because of this.

How dare you destroy my collection!

Doesn't it mean that he has really come to Luo Xi's world?

Figure: o(x﹏x)o.

But the little grandmaster is the same.

He is a being of the same personality as me. Is he ashamed to let a mortal spirit taint his body, even if it is just a descended body?


Luo Xi's eyes turned into golden vertical shapes, looking towards the figure of Shi Jing through the falling Liya snow and fiery red light.

That bastard god would really do that!

Dog text, where are you?

One more chapter later

We have pulled out those small cities that are sure to have no problems. Before we are all wiped out, there will be more problems than before, right?

I have long known that Fu Yong is good at the Liya spell of the Creation Department, but how come the snowflakes turned into water before they melted?

In addition to the Church of Truth and the Church of Calamity, which are wanted by the entire continent, after your observation during that time, there are not more than a dozen different cult groups, small and large, spread across the same country in the continent.

When this woman came with a terrifying aura and the pressure to suppress the entire city, she was knocked away by a fiery red light at a slower speed.

As the front-end GM of the game Dawn, due to some reasons, you cannot exert too little influence on the players, but you can still collect some of the data we explored, so we can find those small cities that are no problem. .

But the evil gods may know when they have lost a source of faith.

It has been detected that a huge amount of source marrow crystals are not being formed on the seabed!

What did you want to do that time?

Are you talking? Say it again? Hey, are we punishing him?

Teacher, should we take action?!

The gap with what you think is small.


I am not a master-level master of skills either!

I raised my hand to catch a falling white object, and then found that it quickly melted into clear water.

But when you think about your two boys being there, it is unusual for Luo Xi to be there, and you find that the existence of the boys is not the same as yours.

You void gods, even if you only invest items affected by divine power, it is impossible to give birth to a huge religious sect, so I am really vague about that!

Under the screen of the device, the area marked with the source marrow crystals was flashing green at an unimaginable speed.

The evil gods in the sky that humans believe in will not really answer our faith and prayers. Some people are transformed into them just because they got some weird items or came into contact with knowledge from the sky. believers.

The woman who was directly knocked away by Fu Yong's magic and flew up from the ruins stared at you and roared ferociously:

Spirit, nature, weakening, phenomenon, and creation, the seven types of Liya magic are brought to the extreme within the reach of ordinary people. If they are united at the forefront, they can break through to the level of a minor master.

Dabaizi, guys like them, aren't they still in the dream world?

The figure's appearance is exactly the same as Luo Xi's doll, with a white skirt and red eyes.

The situation in the dream world is not a problem that every conventional world created by gods faces.

Everyone who was not in the fog area saw this huge wave with a height of 1,000 meters. It broke through the original boundaries and hit the ships that had not retreated into the area of ​​influence!

The pink-haired loli nodded slightly.

A Lord of Truth is enough of a headache. If there are less things like Bai Yue, even if the strength is special, it will become even more troublesome.

The woman said hysterically: Does he think he can leave safely before stealing your fruit? He is just wishful thinking! Teacher, please come out and help you!

I took advantage of this guy's battle with the local god of this world to sneak in and retreat through a gap. I was injured by this guy before and escaped, leaving behind my will. The rest of my existence is me. I know, maybe I checked out early.

This is the path you choose.

Can you beat this city lord?

Of course, even if the rune now holds the key to the path to the Little Grand Master, you are still preparing to use it to step into this realm.

The pink-haired lolita said happily: Dabaizi, his words are too unpleasant. What is defilement? We are not just giving me what I deserve. Is it common sense to just wash it carefully beforehand? There are not those evil gods like them. Is it even more outrageous? You can give birth to a child with a mortal spirit, and you dare to say that you are ashamed?

Liya? Snowflake?

The edge of the mansion.

The figure has a frightened expression on its face.

A skill reached to its extreme cannot turn decay into magic.

The woman opened her hand, and a small amount of the power of the sacred tree gathered in my hand. Being angered, I decided to do whatever it took and use the power of the sacred tree to destroy the man who dared to speak to me like this.

Luo Xi quickly understood why Gou Wenwen said that I needed to take action.

A formed world, except under ordinary circumstances, such as the current dream world, is always completely closed to the inside, so there will always be some evil cults.

Liya's magic at the level of the little master is a power that really cannot threaten me.

It's cute, and everyone hates eating ice cream as much as he is the representative of his perversion!

That would be too bad for the previous integration.

This is his fruit.

A house flew towards the rune.

I've done this before!

court death!

The pink-haired loli looked at a large figure placed under the bed beside her.

Bai Yue's figurine said angrily: Is he the same existence as you? How did he occupy such a small world? These mortals have become his followers long ago, right?


This figure standing in the sky, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net, is both elegant and ugly. Even if you look at it from a distance, you will be fascinated by it.

Fu Yong held Huo Miao Liya in his hand and said to himself in a serious voice: Let you send them on their way, using my head as a memorial.

Luo Xi: ...

Be obedient and get beaten!

Ever since he passed by a big female ghost when he was judging the opponent, that guy felt that his words were becoming more and more pretentious.

Sir, it's unbelievable. The seabed in the entire area... veins of source marrow are being generated everywhere!

Mark! You were the first to discover it!

In an instant, countless pure white Fu Yong, accompanied by dots of firelight, scattered in various places in the steel city.

Originally, that power should belong to me!

The pink-haired loli put away her big face and said coldly: We have said it several times, we are an evil god like them, and we are a righteous god, an upright god without a small inheritance.

Speaking of which, every game update should be led by Dog Text.

For this reason, I surrendered to the evil god in exchange for the evil sacrificial method that had absorbed the memory of my soul. However, there were too few Fu Yong magicians in the creation system, so I had succeeded long ago.

And those idle bastards have all run out.

You just found out today.

This figure seemed to be unfazed and looked towards Luo Xi. Before seeing Luo Xi, he was slightly startled.

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