Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 375: Liya’s attachment and important people (6k)

The City of Far Wind gave Luo Xi the feeling of a steampunk-style city in a movie.

Metal objects are everywhere, and huge gears and axles can be seen everywhere in the city.

Pedestrians on the street also had metal limbs.

Due to the excessive noise caused by the intrusion of Luo Xi and his party, an alarm was sounded in the city, many people hid in their homes, and a large number of soldiers were gathering in their direction.

court death!

Stop them, otherwise you won't be able to explain to the Lord of the City!

Just a few little thieves.

Don't be careless, he just smashed the city wall and the blessing of the sacred tree! Be careful with the sword in his hand!

Five fourth-level extraordinary beings fell from the sky, one at the peak of the fourth level, one in the middle of the fourth level, and three at the beginning of the fourth level.

Is this the foundation of Far Wind City?

Before this lineup was changed, Luo Xi must have wanted to run away after seeing it.

Now, when he faced a fourth-level transcendent, he could no longer just dodge and run away like before.

An exquisite black-haired lolita doll appeared next to Luo Xi and slowly opened her eyes.

The Black Moon Doll should be able to hold off at least two.

He does the rest himself.

Maomao, Feiya, you go find someone, I'll stop them here. Luo Xi said.

Weier nodded, then shook her head.

She really wanted to find her mother, but it would be too dangerous for Luo Xi to face so many enemies here alone...He doesn't have the ability to be resurrected here. He is really risking his life. The danger is doing this.

Go quickly! They will come over after I deal with them! Don't worry, I will be fine. Luo Xi whispered.

The other side has already come forward.

The jet-black shell of Spark also attached to Luo Xi's body. With the combination of dragon-like features and armor, the terrifying aura suddenly increased on Luo Xi's body.

Be there and be happy.

[You have consumed 2,000 happiness points]

[Immersive (Happy): In this state, your character will gain a strength +200% bonus, and your resistance to negative mental spells +200%. The duration of this talent cannot exceed twenty minutes at most. 】

The aura that was originally only the third level, under various bonuses, was raised to the point that even the fourth level peak sublimator who came over was frightened, and he teleported hundreds of meters away in an instant.

What the hell?

Is this pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?

Looking at the black armor, Maomao had tears in his eyes.

Such rhetoric again.

If it were anyone else, Wei'er would definitely advise Luo Xi not to go there this time.

But Luo Xi did it for her mother this time.

Also for her.

Aina remained silent, just holding Wei'er's hand and looking at Luo Xi with a pair of moist tea-gold eyes. She didn't understand so many things, but she also knew how much danger Luo Xi would face.

Here, they can go back at any time.

Lang Er Loli said softly: Brother Luo Xi, after meeting mom, Aina will ask mom to admit our affairs.

Okay, what did you say?

Luo Xi was confused.

What admission?

Without time to think, Luo Xi said to Fiya, who had been wearing a maid uniform: Fiya, protect them. If you are in danger, don't hesitate. Go back directly. I will handle the matter here!

Yeah! Feiya nodded heavily.

She enjoys the feeling of being trusted by Mr. Luo Xi, so she will definitely not disappoint Mr. Luo Xi's expectations.

Senior, where am I? Ai Xue raised her hand and shouted.

This is the first time she and her senior have acted together.


Luo Xi hesitated.

Ai Xue is not like Weier and others who can go back at any time.

I should have known I shouldn't have brought her here...

You follow me.


We're over, Mr. Luo Xi.

Feiya bowed slightly to Luo Xi, and her six tails instantly stretched out behind the fox-eared girl. The fourth-level extraordinary aura suddenly burst out, and the tails rolled up Wei'er, Aina and Xia, turning into a ray of light. Go away.

Some people wanted to chase, but were stopped by Hei Yue. Luo Xi also flashed over and slashed at them with the Holy Spirit Sword. The sharp sword light forced them to avoid it.

Let's open a field to suppress him!

Five people pressed up together

Generally speaking, the fourth-level transcendental beings have the power to crush the third-level ones, especially the existence of the domain, which allows the fourth-level ones to crush dozens of third-level ones.

They thought so too.

Seeing the pitch-black armor, he gently twisted the sword in his hand, and the golden sword light shot out in all directions.

[Domain of Sword: After the Holy Sword of Spirit is activated, it will come with at least four levels of domain world (the strength of the domain world depends on the user's current strength)]


Deep in the dark dungeon.

After the heart of the furnace rune sequence collapsed, the white giant could no longer maintain its current form and turned into sand and collapsing rune light spots.

Cough, cough.

Liya clutched her chest and climbed out of the pile of sand with a pale face.

She shook the clothes on her chest to get out the sand that had fallen into the white cracks.

Fortunately, the other party did not kill him, otherwise it would still be a question whether he could hold on.

Of course, when she thought of the man's eyes that treated her like food, Liya knew that she couldn't stay here for long, and she had to find a way out before the other man came back.

The environment in this dungeon is very dark and damp.

The air is also very dirty, with dust and fine cobwebs everywhere.

Is this dungeon made entirely of runes?

Liya stroked the iron bars, feeling the unresponsive source of energy in her body and the repulsive feeling coming from the wall. Her heart moved slightly. She was no stranger to this.

The world of runes has always been the specialty of rune magicians like them.

The workshop in Winter City was built in this way. A large number of runes are condensed on the six walls. After forming a barrier, the visitor can be forcibly trapped, unless the visitor's strength far exceeds the caster. , otherwise you will be trapped into doubting your life.

It's a pity that her strength is far weaker than the other party now.

This is still the opponent's home court.

If she was given enough time, maybe she could crack this rune dungeon from the inside, but what she lacked most now was time.

Liya gently pushed the iron door of this dungeon.


Unexpectedly, the iron door might have been in disrepair and the lock on it was corroded, so she pushed it open.

Instead, Liya sighed softly.

It was so casual, it seemed that the city lord was sure of himself.

Not only this cell, but the entire dungeon should have the same rune barrier. With her strength, it would be impossible to get out from inside.

But no matter what, it's not her character to sit still and wait for death.

Liya walked out of the iron door and groped forward on the dark corridor.

There are similar cells on both sides.

Many withered corpses were locked inside, and there were many with missing arms and legs. Some even had their limbs cut off from top to bottom, and their organs were replaced with metal structures.

The more Liya looked at it, the more horrified she became.

From this point of view, the Holy Emperor of Dawn is still very foresighted. The implementation of the city owner rotation system has largely solved the problem of a dominant family and misbehaving.

If in the Dawn Empire, someone does these inhumane things as the controller of the sacred tree, as long as there is substantial evidence, the Dawn Guard will take action to eliminate them.

If the City of Twilight had not fallen into this world this time and left the sight of the Holy Emperor of Dawn, giving Andres ten times the courage, he wouldn't have dared to do such a treasonous thing, right?

Suddenly, Liya heard a weak voice that seemed to be about to die.


Following the direction from which the voice came, Liya walked quickly forward for a few steps. When bright light entered her eyes and her field of vision suddenly became clear, an incredible scene came into her eyes.

The towering altar and extremely twisted sculptures occupied half of her field of vision in the underground space more than ten meters high.

A naked woman was hung on the altar. Her body was covered with scars, and there was no flesh anywhere on her body.

Next to her, there were several similar female corpses hanging, which had been dried into something like bacon.

Even Liya, who had seen many disgusting scenes, couldn't help but feel her stomach churn.

The woman lowered her head, looked at where Liya came from with empty eye sockets, and opened her lips slightly.

You, were you newly captured by him?

Don't say anything, I'll save you first.

Liya immediately walked up the steps of the altar to save the woman.

The woman growled: No, don't come here!

Liya stopped.

The woman then explained: You should also be the rune magician who was captured by him, right? He has set up rune restrictions here. If you touch them at will, you will be hurt. And I am hopeless. My life has come to an end. .”

Liya looked at the woman's horrifying face in silence.

Her life was indeed exhausted.

Liya asked softly: What did he do to you?

As you can see, blood drawing, torture, rape, and sacrifice. Over the years, he has been inviting rune magicians to come to this city for exchanges, and has also given various preferential treatment. I didn't expect it to be a complete trap. , I don’t know how many people have been fooled.”

The woman smiled miserably and said: Relying on the power obtained by believing in this unknown evil god, he can extract the insights of us rune magic users and turn them into his own. Those women who have completely fallen into despair will take everything they own. Leave it to him.


Liya could not suppress the anger on her face.

The flames of anger spread and burned in her heart.

Liya asked: Has no one discovered his problem? There should be more than just women who specialize in runes, right?

Because he doesn't leave everyone behind. He maintains a normal communication posture with the male high-level rune masters. Only some highly talented women will enter his hunting range.

The woman laughed at herself: I originally came here thinking about discussing the mysteries of runes with him, but I didn't expect that after checking into the guest room he arranged that night, I would come here as soon as I woke up.

I...Is there any way I can help you?

Help me? No, I'm hopeless, but you still have a chance to survive.

The woman whispered: Although I don't know why he gave you the opportunity to move freely, this is a God-given opportunity for you. On the wall to your right, there is a hidden room. What is inside? I don’t know, but you can try it.”

Liya was silent for another ten seconds, then she nodded slightly to the woman and walked in the direction she said.

There are no gaps in the black walls.

Under normal circumstances, Liya would not think that there was any hidden doorway here.

But with rune magic, anything is possible.

Liya put her hands on the wall. The cold and biting wall made her whole body tremble, and ice crystals were visible on her hands.

A pair of beautiful purple eyes lit up, clearly seeing the sequence of runes hidden on the wall.

Amethyst eyes are a characteristic shared by women of the Solphia clan, giving them unique talents in the use of various spells. It can be regarded as a blood trait inherited from the family.

Wei'er's eyes turned light red because of the alienation factor, otherwise she should have the same purple eyes as herself.

The entire wall looks seamless.

But under Liya's vision, she still saw flaws.

The construction of several runes is very contradictory at first glance.

Runes cannot be drawn directly without source elements.

Then, use blood.

Liya bit off her finger.

A professional rune magician can use rune magic in any environment.

She used her own blood to draw runes on the wall, which merged with the original runes inside the wall.

It's just that the efficiency is still too slow.

Moreover, these runes belong to the natural system and are not her expertise.

As time passed by, Liya's fingers gradually began to tremble. She looked back from time to time, for fear that the man would suddenly appear here.

The woman asked, Have you found a place? There's no way to get in?

Well, these runes on the wall are not my expertise. I need time to decipher them.

What kind of category?

It should be natural.

Come here for a moment.


Liya walked over doubtfully and returned to the bottom of the altar.

The woman whispered: Please kill me, thank you.


The sister he captured before me was tortured by him for seven days and seven nights before she was killed. After her death, a crystal condensed on the altar, which he devoured.


He said that it is the crystallization of the memories of our souls. Only in the most desperate times can it be completely separated.

The woman lowered her head and said with a sad smile: What I master is the natural rune technique. Although I am not at the level of a grandmaster, I am still at the level of a peak master. I should be able to help you.


Liya rejected the woman's suggestion without thinking.

If she did that, even if she could really gain the other person's knowledge about runes, what would be the difference between her and that man?

Please hold on, I will find a way to save you together. Liya said to her.

Under the woman's empty gaze, Liya returned to the wall again, bit off her fingers and drew on the wall.

She is a genius in the field of runes.

It's just a runic construction, and it will definitely not be a problem for her.

One minute, two minutes.

It had been almost ten minutes since she arrived here.

That man will return at any time, and the time left for her is very tight.

In this extremely high-pressure environment, Liya suddenly felt that her thinking suddenly entered an accelerated state.

The rune system that she had never understood before was analyzed in her mind in a matter of seconds.

Angle twist, offset, fit!

boom! —

When the last rune was affected by the rune she drew with blood, a roar sounded from the black wall, slowly rising from the bottom up.

The woman at the altar also heard the movement.

She murmured: Who...are you?

Obviously all powers are banned, and the primitive method of drawing runes based solely on blood can be cracked in such a short time without understanding the 'natural system' rune spells.

The runes the man set on the wall were never that simple.

How talented is this woman?

So please don't despair.

Liya said to her: Wait for me here.

After saying that, Liya entered the stone door that had been opened.

Inside the stone door is a small room.

Liya just glanced at it and lowered her head unbearably.

Dozens of female corpses were made into specimens and hung on the walls without any trace of hair. The expressions on everyone's faces were full of deep despair.

There is another door at the very front.

Is it an exit?

Liya walked over and put her hand on it.

Immediately, her eyes became darker.

The rune structure inside this door is far more complex than that on the stone door wall.

It's not that it can't be cracked, it's just that it may take several days to slowly draw the crack with blood without using the source element.

This is no longer something that talent can solve in a short time.

Liya smiled bitterly.

After saying those words to her, can I just wait here to die?

Speaking of which, when did you start exploring runes?

That was when I was very young.

She recalled in her mind the magic runes that kept popping out of the hands of the graceful black-haired woman in the family school.

Just like stars, they are constantly twinkling.

To her who was still young, those runes seemed like toys with infinite appeal.

Rune is a relatively obscure field in the field of magic. Although the sublimators passed by the magician can use runes, most people will only be able to get started throughout their lives. If they don't have enough talent, then it's better not to use runes. It’s better to touch the runes.”

Seven or eight-year-old Xiao Liya raised her hands and said, Grandma, I want to learn this!


Because, he's very handsome!

Handsome... It's up to you. Anyway, when you suffer, you will naturally give up. The main sublimation path we take is the magician path of the creation system. Logically speaking, we should practice the runes of the creation system. Technique, but this one is too difficult, so I’d rather practice something else—

Creation department? Grandma, this sounds awesome, I want to learn it!

This... forget it, then you try it first.

Spirit, phenomenon, nature, enhancement, and creation, these five general classifications of magician paths also correspond to different types of rune spells, but they are not fixed. After all, rune spells are skills and belong to the same category as the sublimation path. It’s just that it’s faster to learn.

Now that I think back to the reason why I chose the path of creation rune magic, it is still quite childish.

This was the price of immaturity. It wasn't until she got married and had children that she came out of her naive fantasy.

However, my grandmother did not expect that she could reach this level on the Rune Path.

Grandma's own rune spells were only at the proficiency level, not yet at the master level, and he had already surpassed her by a long way.

In the realm of Grand Master, do you need to practice all types of rune spells to the Grand Master level in order to be promoted?

Liya said to herself: For humans, it may take hundreds of years to practice a skill to the master level. No wonder the number of great masters is so rare, no matter what skill it is.

Alchemy, runes, medicine, blacksmithing, swordsmanship...

No matter what kind of skill, once it reaches the level of a grand master, it has completely transcended the realm of mortals and can turn decay into magic.

Did you find a way out?

The woman at the altar over there was calling to her.

Liya walked out of the stone door and said to her:

Sorry, not found.

The woman was stunned and said sadly: Well...then please kill me. I don't want to die in the hands of that man.

Why not consider resisting until the end?

I...can't do anything.

You can do it. Even an ant can bite someone, right?

Liya came to the edge of the altar and walked up the steps.

Instantly, as a dim light was released from the twisted sculpture, a drowsy murmur suddenly sounded in her ears, and the tingling sensation of cutting flesh spread through her senses.

With every step she took, Liya's originally fair and jade-like skin burst out with bloody wounds as if she had been cut by a knife.

Stop doing that.

The woman shook her head and said: I am hopeless. Even if I can survive, I have lost the meaning of living.

Don't you want to take revenge on that man?

...It can't be done.

“How do you know you can’t do it if you don’t do it?”

Liya said as she moved up.

Enduring the murmurs in her ears and the stinging pain in her body, she climbed step by step and reached the highest point of the altar, where she came into contact with the hanging woman's body.

Her hand retracted just after the touch. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

It's too cold to be alive.

The woman smiled sadly: That's why I said I can't do it.

There is still a glimmer of life left at this moment, just because the other party doesn't want her to die.

Liya ignored the whispers in her ears and the wounds on her body, sitting on the edge of the altar next to the woman, with deep eyes:

He, damn it.

Yes, but bad people live for thousands of years, but good people don't live long. By the way, sister, do you have anyone important?

I have two daughters and a lot of great family.

how old are you?

More than thirty.

Hehe, then I am the sister. I am over ninety years old.

There's nothing to be proud of, right?

It's true. I didn't expect to meet such a kind person like you in the end. It's a pity that I didn't meet you earlier.

It's not too late to start now.

I have no future.

The woman smiled and said, But you did. Did you hear the voice over there?

Sound? Liya pointed to her ear and said, Is it that strange mumbling sound?

This sound should be from the influence of the evil god.

No, it's the souls who died in vain. They want to give it a try.

Liya jumped off the altar and staggered to the stone door. She saw that all the hanging corpses were burning.

Countless runes were like stars, gathering and rushing into that door.

Then, Liya heard a very familiar voice.


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