Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 373: What kind of expression will the mother-in-law show? The appearance of the spiritual ho

What are you going to do?

Liya barely resisted the pressure on her body, raised her head and said, This is my skill. Even if you eat me, you can't turn it into your property.

Who says no?

Four different colors of runes appeared on the man's hand. He laughed and said: Except for the spiritual rune spells that I have reached as a master, the other three are all from people like you. , beautiful women with superb rune skills, they are all my wives, and you, too, will become my wife and dedicate everything to me.

Hearing this, Liya had a bitter smile on her face.

Unexpectedly, the technique she accidentally exposed turned out to be her life-saving talisman.

It was also because she was too careless. After regaining her strength after landing ashore, she used rune spells. As long as she could control it, this man wouldn't target her, right?

But I couldn't let this guy succeed like that.

Even though her strength has not yet reached the fifth level, she has mastered the master-level rune spells and can challenge the existence of the fifth level head-on. Even if she dies, she will leave enough scars on the opponent's body.

Liya slowly gathered the strength she could muster in her body.

The suppression of the sacred tree is different from the disappearance of power in the sea. It is true that her strength is suppressed, but as long as she can still use the source element, the power of the runes she constructs will not be reduced too much.

Under the man's gaze, Liya took out her staff. A lot of sand gathered around her, mixed with white runes, and then a solid white giant covered her and rose from the ground. rise.

There are countless runes shining on the white giant's body.

This is a ready-made rune-powered armor stomach that Liya built for herself by referring to the formation process of Spark. The core is the second-generation Yuansu Furnace Heart that she improved.

The advantage of this kind of power furnace core formed by runes is that it can be deployed anytime and anywhere, and it can also use materials carried with it as the external body.

As for the lost source weapon - Blue Echo, she used it as the second core for driving.

In this way, the maximum effect of this lost source weapon can be brought out.

It's amazing.

The man smiled appreciatively and said: You are so young and you have such level of rune skills. If I can acquire your talent, can I continue to move forward after entering the realm of the Grand Master?

However, the gap between you and me is still too big. Our own strength is not enough. This is still a city I control. Even if I don't talk about my identity as the controller of the sacred tree, I also master four master-level runes. You How can you compare with me?

It's no use talking more.

Liya's voice floated out from the white giant's body.

She manipulated the giant to rush straight towards the man, each step making a deep depression in the ground. A large number of runes were released from the giant's body to the surrounding area, condensing into small ice crystal flowers on the ground.

Magical, it is indeed the most elusive creation rune spell.

The man easily dodged the giant's impact, teleported behind the giant, and said, If I didn't occupy the right location, I'm really not sure I could capture you.

The suppression of the sacred tree instantly became stronger.

The white giant's body surface made a creaking sound of tearing, and a large number of cracks appeared. After a while, they were filled with new runes.

Inside the giant, Liya was miserable.

The other party should want to capture her intact, otherwise the gap between the peak level 5 power and his own strength would be too great.

Desperately big.

You must find an opportunity.

That opportunity will definitely come.

This has happened twice before.

The man raised his palm and said: Are you leaving this turtle shell by yourself, or am I going to force you out? In the former case, you can still retain some dignity, but in the latter case, it won't be so beautiful.

Because he feels that Liya has become his meal, the man is now relaxed. Next, he only needs to take this woman back, and after completing the ceremony, he will turn her into his 'wife'.

Haha. Liya sneered back.

She is no longer the ignorant girl she was before.

For such a person, even if she couldn't beat him, all she could do was bite him before she died.

Buzz! —

When the buzzing sound started, the man's expression changed slightly.

Liya breathed a sigh of relief.

Cang Lan, I have to rely on you again.

She gently rubbed the light blue gem on the staff.

This lost source device should be a source device from the destroyed Blue Country on other continents. Liya relied on it to escape from the home of Hykmadia as if she was in an uninhabited land. Now, she had to rely on it again.

The dazzling light burst out from the top of the staff, but because it was inside the white giant, it was not visible to outsiders.


The man suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

He asked ferociously: What did you do?

Liya among the white giants just said softly:

Blue, falling.

[Blue Fall: Release all the power currently available to the staff, call on the power from the Blue Tree, and impose Blue Punishment on the enemies in front of you. Cooling time: one day (because the Blue Tree has been destroyed, it can only be summoned The projection of history, the power is reduced by 80%)]

An illusory projection of a giant tree appeared above the white giant's head.

The man's expression changed drastically.

Is this woman a priest from some country?

Why can the projection of the Eternal World Tree be summoned?

But after he felt it carefully, he couldn't help but laugh and said: It turned out to be the projection of the destroyed Eternal World Tree, but that's it, I haven't tried the power of the projection of the Eternal Divine Tree yet, come on.


Liya immediately threw the completed Blue Fall out.

The man remained motionless.

It was as if a real strong wind blew out from the shadow of the giant tree. The sharp and surging wind cut through the man's clothes and flesh, leaving scars one after another. Blood oozed out, and the bones were visible!

It's a pity that there is no successor.

The man shook his head and sighed.

Then he punched out.

A large amount of wind also blew out from the distant wind tree in the city, blowing against the blue wind.

Liya clearly felt the power of the staff declining.

Did you still fail...?

I don’t regret it either.

Anyway, I've tried my best.

I just don’t know what happened to my grandmother, my mother is still trapped there, and Weier has gone somewhere.

So much regret...

Buzz! —

The man was about to pull Liya out of the white giant, but in the next second, his face turned pale.

Without any time to think, the man put a bunch of rune seals on the white giant and threw it into the depths of the palace in the city.

Then he took one step forward to the top of the Far Wind Divine Tree.

The conflict between the five sacred trees is becoming more and more intense.

Damn it, if he continues like this, the City of Far Wind will be destroyed before he can reach the realm of the Grand Master.

Although the difference between the thousand-meter level and the eight-hundred-meter level is only two hundred meters, it represents the difference between the sixth level and the fifth level. The difference of one step is like a natural chasm.

Stop it! Do you want to die together?

The man roared angrily, sat on the top of the sacred tree, and used his own strength to balance the release of power.

Just the sounds coming from several other directions made him almost vomit blood.

Sorry, I said it before, I can't control it. - Wu Xia.

I'm curious. You are the weakest anyway. How do you want to die with us? - Dusk.

It doesn't matter. - Medeiros.

You all deserve to die! The Pope will judge you! - Nolan.

Why do these sacred tree controllers feel that something is not right?


When Luo Xi and his party swam to a position about one kilometer away from the coast, violent fluctuations were brewing among the sacred trees, and the powerful energy distorted the air visibly to the naked eye.

Luo Xi turned around and shouted to the people following him: Everyone, move faster!

I don’t know why the sacred trees are like vindictive children. They are obviously branches of the Eternal World Tree, but they want to beat their brains out without saying a word after meeting.


Cia suddenly said: The situation ahead is not right!

Due to the blood connection, Cia can sense the distance between Liya and her physical condition to a certain extent.

Liya's current situation is very bad.

And it can be seen that on that coast, the coverage of the sacred tree has extended to the city wall.

Damn it, Ya'er is in danger.

The white-haired loli felt anxious and was about to pull off the safety rope on her body.

But she pulled it hard, and found that she was really like a little girl at this moment, and she didn't even have this strength.

What happened?

She had also been to the Far Wind City back then.

The city lord is obviously a very kind person.

Judging by his age, he is only two or three hundred years old now, and it is not yet time to retire or abdicate.

The Kingdom of Tiangong does not implement the rotation system of city lords like the Dawn Empire. It is also a system that usually relies on blood to pass down the position of the controller. Apart from the unexpected death of the city lord, there is no such example of the city lord changing midway.

You said mom is in danger?

When Weier heard that her mother was in danger, her cat ears immediately stood up, and Aina also opened her eyes and looked toward the coast.

There is indeed the smell of mother in the sea breeze.

She's right in front.

The distance is already very close.

Mom...Aina is going to find her.

Aina, it's okay, brother will help you.

Luo Xi touched Aina's little head to comfort her.

He knew that the two sisters were impatient, but impatience often failed to accomplish anything.


Aina stopped moving, her moist eyes filled with moisture. She believed in her brother as much as she believed in her sister.

Wei'er also placed her hope in Luo Xi.

Luo Xi then turned around and issued an order to everyone, asking them to disperse to other cities, and he was the only one here.

Of course the secretary doesn't want to.

This city is very dangerous. I will go to other cities one by one after I solve the situation here, so I need you to find out information from me in advance.

Once this explanation is given, they have no reason to refuse.

As these people were separated, Luo Xi sped up and swam towards the shore with Wei'er and the others.

But when they were about to land, the fluctuations did not break out, and there was no such huge wave.

This made Luo Xi realize that the next big outbreak might be coming.

【Ding! You unlocked the area: Far Wind City]

[Description: A large city in the southernmost part of the Kingdom of Tiangong, with a population of more than one million, where the famous gun Wanli Guangming was born]

[Warm reminder: Due to the resonance phenomenon between the sacred trees, the current city lord of Far Wind City is unable to act. You have eighteen minutes, during which he cannot personally deal with you]

[Note: Traveler, your favorite mother-in-law was captured by him! If you slow down any longer, your reputation as a Cao thief will be lost! 】

Luo Xi was startled.

Liya was caught?

And the name of the damn Cao thief is not guaranteed.

By the way, what does the city lord here want to do to Liya?

It's not just because of sex, right?

Although Liya is indeed beautiful.

The current cat is already very beautiful, but the grown-up version of the cat in the mist was even more attractive. Liya has further improved the grown-up version of the cat with top-notch charm and temperament.

Among the women Luo Xi had met, Listy was the only one who could compare with her. However, Listy was not a mother in the true sense. Thinking about it, there was still something missing.

[Note: You also said you are not a Cao thief! Wife control! 】

Shut up, this is called face control!

Come on, let's go there first.

Since the dog text said it, of course Luo Xi would not see his mother-in-law meet a tragic end, not to mention that he also had some small thoughts.

When Liya left, she said she would see him again in half a year. When she came back, she wanted to see how he was doing with his two daughters.

It's only been two months now.

I am about to meet my mother-in-law.

It's just that my strength is already a whole lot lower than before.

He wanted to know very much.

If you see yourself and Cat Aina coming.

What kind of expression will your mother-in-law show?

It should be fun, right?

With this thought in mind, Luo Xi walked to the edge of the steel city.

The city gate is naturally locked and cannot be entered.

Luo Xi would not knock on the door stupidly.

Senior, do you see why my gun is flashing?

Ai Xue, who was arranging her wet clothes, suddenly noticed that the top of the life-sealing golden gun in her hand was flashing.

Luo Xi took a look and thought: This gun of yours seems to be a replica of the famous gun Wanli Guangming?

Ai Xue nodded: Well, it is indeed an imitation of Wanli Guangming.

Then maybe the original body of Wanli Light is in this city. UU Reading www.uukas.net Luo Xi said.

Ai Xue's eyes lit up.

So is it possible to get it myself?

Wei'er couldn't help but said: Luo Xi, how do we get in?

The blessing of the sacred tree was attached to the city wall, and she couldn't break in even with her powers.

Go in front.

Luo Xi took out the golden sword from the dream bag.

There is an enemy invasion!

At this time, the guards on the city wall discovered the arrival of Luo Xi and others. They launched densely packed cannon muzzles, and the black holes made of steel structures swung towards Luo Xi and others.

The Lord of the City ordered them to carry out a devastating expulsion of all those who came close to the city.

Then you don’t need to think too much.


Terrifying destructive power erupted from the city walls.

This is a volley that even the lord-level source beasts can easily expel.

At this time, a very thin wisp of red gold rose up, gradually lengthening against the attack of all the artillery fire.

Then, split the city wall into two!

The blessing of the sacred tree was easily cut out of a hole.

As the loud noise of collapse resounded throughout the city, among the rising ashes, only a young man strolling forward was left, holding a golden sword in his hand.

This is the first appearance of the Holy Spirit Sword in reality.

Who is he? What is he holding?!

The man on the Far Wind Tree was roaring hysterically while bearing the pressure from all directions.

When I get through these few minutes, I will immediately absorb her talent and realm... Also, that sword is mine too!

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