Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 376 The meeting of mother and daughter and the gift of the soul, the succubus Ai Xue

Liya looked at the white-haired girl running towards her outside the opened door in disbelief.


Didn't she follow Luo Xi?

Or did you say that you never left the dungeon? In some kind of rune-constructed illusion?

Weier, why are you here?

Weier took Liya's hand and wanted to pull her out.

Mom, there's no time to explain. Let's go first.

She also just came through a bunch of walls and saw Liya coming out.

Liya felt the familiar body temperature and the breath of her daughter, thinking that if this was some kind of illusion, then it would be a regret to see Weier before she died.

Where's Aina?

She's outside.

Wait a mininute

Liya let go of Weier's hand and returned to the burning hut.

The bodies have almost disappeared.

There are also some rune light spots gathered inside.

Liya bowed deeply to them.

She came to the altar with the twisted statue.

The woman on the altar closed her eyes, but still lost her breath.

Wei'er walked in and looked at this strange place.

Mom, this is...

Before she could finish asking, the flames from the other side of the hut, as if being guided, blew towards this side, rolled up to the woman's body, and burned her too.


Liya said softly, raising her head to witness their last flames.

This is the last trace left in this world by those who died in vain.

That man did not completely take away everything they had. Some things would never be taken away.

Just like in despair, there is always hope, no matter how small it is.

Even the smallest fire can start a prairie fire.

Liya waved her hand and said softly:

Goodbye, everyone.

Respect to these seniors who died on the road of exploring runes.

In the firelight, a new rune slowly emerged, like the smallest flame, floating towards her.

Liya reached out her hand and took it in her hand.

The memories engraved with countless runes suddenly entered the depths of her mind. In the end, those souls gave Liya a gift that would make the Lord of Yuanfeng City extremely jealous.

Suddenly, a roar like thunder descended.

How dare you destroy my collection! You are seeking death!


Ai Xue looked at Luo Xi, who was fighting with a group of powerful enemies over there, and tried to reduce his presence as much as possible, retreating towards the collapsed streets and alleys.

I can do something too.

[Do you want to use talent: Child of Truth? 】


[Please select the information you want to view (extraordinary level\\/talent\\/title\\/...)]

Check the item information and tell me where the original gun is.


[Tip: The original Life-Sealing Golden Gun - Wanli Guangming already has an owner, so the location of the original cannot be locked]


Maybe the original product may still be with the city lord of this city.

But Ai Xue was not discouraged.

She just had to do what she could do.

Ai Xue held the black gun in her arms. After arriving at the ruins, she squatted down quietly and adjusted the muzzle of the gun to aim at the fourth-level peak sublimator who posed the greatest threat to Luo Xi.

The fighting speed between them is so fast that ordinary people can't even see it.

But she is not the same person as before.

The purple color in the girl's black eyes became abundant.

Exclusive skills, changes in the dark night.

[Dark Night Transformation: Convert all current power into the power of the dark night. You will immediately enter the most powerful state (immediately enter the state at midnight), and gain more skill effect increases and skill duration based on it. 1 hour, cooling time is three days. After the skill effect ends, you will maintain the negative effect until the cooling time ends]

[Description: The son of the dark night, inscribed in the dark night, this moment is the perfect moment! 】

This is the exclusive skill Ai Xue gained after successfully entering that sublimation path.

Originally, Ai Xue was in her most powerful state at midnight, but the 500% increase could only be maintained for a minute or two, and then it would decline rapidly.

After using this exclusive skill, no matter what time, the increase can be maintained for an hour at the top.

As for the negative effects, it is also very simple.

In other words, the loli transformation lasts for three days.

But this is not a negative effect for Ai Xue.

Anyway, as long as the senior likes it, it's just not easy to do that kind of thing.

As the girl's aura surged, her size gradually shrank to the minimum. A pair of thin purple wings that she had never thought of stretched out from the waist on both sides, and a pointed and thin purple tail also emerged from the back of her clothes. Emerge.

Ai Xue hasn't noticed the changes in her body yet. At this moment, she only has eyes for the enemy fighting Luo Xi over there.

[Additional skill: kill with one shot]

[Description: You can see the 'instant death' point on the enemy. After the bullet hits, it will immediately enter the instant death state (this effect will be weakened due to the enemy's defense skills or strength gap)]

Sublimation skills, the source of the dark night.

Black-purple light converged from the girl's body and entered the muzzle of the gun, greatly increasing the power of the gun.

[Special Skill: Thousand Miles of Light]

Thousands of miles, light.

Ai Xue directly focused all her strength on this gun.

The center of the battlefield.

Black Moon punched an early stage fourth-level transcendent into pieces.

After a moment, the figure of this extraordinary person appeared not far away, and the other four people also flew over to jointly resist the attack of the black armor floating near them.

From the initial proactive attack to the current passive defense, there were still faint signs of being unable to hold on. They all wondered if they were having a nightmare.

Boss, these two are madmen! Although that girl is about the same strength as me, she is so ruthless that I can't stop her at all.

Another person also complained: Yes, I have never seen a third-level transcendent whose strength can be improved to this level! Even the strongest dragon variant among the alien species is too ridiculous, and the black color on his body What the hell is armor? It’s impossible to break!”

Stop talking, that sword is even more outrageous. My domain will be cut into pieces instantly if it comes close to him. Are you kidding me, City Lord? Are you sure we can stop such a person?!

How about we hide first and let them leave?

Shut up! The city lord treats us well, how can you even think about escaping? Do you still have a conscience?!

Standing at the front, the man they called the boss roared.

The five of them are all subordinates of the lord of Yuanfeng City. They control the military, political and financial power in Yuanfeng City, and they usually live a very comfortable life. Now the lord of the city is in trouble, regardless of whether he will be liquidated after escaping. He can't live with his conscience. That pass.

Boss, conscience is useless. Besides, someone seems to have run over. We have failed.

That can't be—

Boss, be careful!

The five people did not dare to communicate anymore, and tried their best to resist the golden sword light that came across.

Luo Xi, who was in the Spark, constantly used the absolute cutting properties of the Spiritual Holy Sword in a high-mobility state to cut away the defensive skills released by these enemies one by one.

It felt like chopping melons and vegetables. It was hard to imagine that I was fighting against a group of fourth-level transcendent beings.

The legend is indeed a legend.

Although the Holy Spirit Sword has not been completely repaired, it already has the ability to allow Luo Xi to fight across levels easily. You must know that before getting the Holy Spirit Sword, Luo Xi could barely deal with one person in the Emerald City with all his strength. A fourth-level transcendent.

Now with Black Moon's help, one against three is not a problem.

There is also a fourth-level peak person on the opposite side.

The exquisite doll Loli asked mechanically: Master, we are currently unable to break through their defenses. Do you want to turn on the advanced combat mode?

How big an increase?


Then try it.

Luo Xi also needs to retain enough strength to deal with the city lord who may be coming soon.

As commanded.

The petite doll's twin children turned a deep red color.

She faced the five huddled people in front of her with both hands.

Crimson, Roar Xiao.


The heart-wrenching cry and howl, accompanied by a crimson blood tide, was released from the Black Moon Doll's hands and turned into a column of blood reaching the sky.

At the same time, a bright light came on.

There was a crisp sound of the trigger being pulled, and the endless light was like the newborn sun. The crimson blood pillars gushing out were also in this light, separated by the light to form two sharp straight lines.

The man at the front wanted to move away with his companion.

However, he found that he could not move.

In the intersection of crimson blood and golden light, a bullet shot into his body with an unstoppable attitude! It entered his abdomen, which had been seriously injured more than ten years ago.

The man's vision went dark, the sense of power in his body disappeared, and he fell instantly.


The boss is dead!

Let's go! Ignore him! Let's go out of the city to other cities. I think our city lord is no match for those other big city lords!

As soon as the man fell, the remaining people, who had already thought of running away, ran faster than birds one by one, rushing towards the gap in the city wall that Luo Xi had made before.

Luo Xi was stunned.

With such proficient running skills, do these people still have professional ethics?

Also, was that blow from behind just now delivered by Ai Xue?

I didn't expect Ai Xue to become so powerful.

That blow could have sent away some of the fourth-level extraordinary beings who had just entered the real world on the spot.

According to the direction of the bullet just now, Luo Xi turned his head and saw Ai Xue waving to him over the ruins.

At this time he heard someone talking below.

That armor in the sky...is it the black god of death from Xia Kingdom?

Why is he here? Wasn't the city wall penetrated by him?

Our Far Wind City seems to be one of those places that was put into reality. Almost all countries have sent people to develop and explore this sea area. It is normal for him to come.

Then what do we do now?

What should we do? We are just noobs. Now that the boss is here, we just have to watch from the sidelines.

Looking down following the sound, Luo Xi saw a dozen people appearing below the battlefield.

He manipulated the Starfire to fall, and the Starfire continued to liquefy into his clothes. When he fell to the ground, he had returned to normal.

This group of people should all be players, or they should be controlled by characters.

Hello, can I ask a question? Do you know what's wrong with the city lord here? Luo Xi asked.

Ah? The God of Death spoke to me!

I'll answer, I'll answer! The boss will give me his signature first.

A woman hurriedly took out a book and handed it to Luo Xi, then said with a look of fear on her face: The city lord here must be a pervert, or a murderer. I went to his mansion on a personal mission for him, Because my talent is the premonition of death, I saw that underneath his mansion, the death and resentment were about to crystallize.

And I saw something that looked like human skin hanging outside his study.

Luo Xi: ...

It sounds like this city lord is indeed perverted enough.

He casually signed the woman's name and ran towards Ai Xuena.

18 minutes, less than four minutes left.

We need to go to Wei'er and the others as soon as possible.

Outside the City of Far Wind, many players who fell from the ship swam or floated over. After seeing the metal city wall that had been cracked open, they were a little confused, but they went in without thinking too much.

After walking for two minutes, I saw a messy alleyway.

The players whose game characters are here haven't left yet.

An American went up and asked, Excuse me, what happened here?

The woman glanced at him and said, You're late. The Black Death just violently beat up the five giants in Far Wind City and killed one of the strongest ones.

The Americans were confused: Black Death? Is he the one from Xia?

Yes, that's him.

The woman's face was bright red, her thighs were rubbing together, and she said with an obsessed expression: That god-like posture, that strong body, and the symbol of dragon alienation syndrome, he is so handsome, if he can get his genes It would be fine if you inject it into me.”

I heard that he likes cute little lolita. If I find a way to become smaller, will I win his favor?

A sneeze—

In mid-air, Luo Xi, who was flying toward the center of Yuanfeng City with Ai Xue on his back, suddenly sneezed.

Someone must be slandering him again.

Ai Xue, who was behind her, pressed her body tightly against him and whispered, Senior, are you cold?

not cold.

Luo Xi shook his head and said: By the way, why did you become like this? It should be still early before twelve o'clock.

At this moment, Ai Xue is in her smallest state.

A little smaller than Aina at the beginning.

I have opened an exclusive skill.

Ai Xue said jokingly: The negative effect is to maintain this state for three days. Senior, you won't slap me because I've always been like this, right?

How can it be!

Isn't that too small?

Hmm... indeed.

[Note: The traveler said that this is just right, a hundred faints φ(≧w≦*)?~]

Dog text, don’t put your words on me! (〃> dishes<)!

However, Luo Xi still felt a little helpless as Ai Xue became smaller behind her.

Originally, the reason why he brought Ai Xue with him was to counteract the loli attributes of the girls around him during the day.

it's good now. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Ai Xue became the youngest one.

Since the city was not restricted to flights like the sea area, Luo Xi quickly arrived near the most magnificent looking mansion and landed on the ground with Ai Xue.

Senior, I have something to tell you.

Ai Xue twisted, and a thin thing came to Luo Xi's eyes from behind, and then shrank back.

Luo Xi: ?

What the hell.

Ai Xue whispered: Senior, I also have a tail, but it's not a fluffy one. By the way, there's also this, something like wings, so weird...

Two pairs of small purple-black thin wings stretched out from the girl's waist and then retracted.

Ai Xue was also quite speechless about the changes that had taken place in her body.

Even if she had to change, she still wanted to become a beast-eared girl like Wei Er and Aina.

The senior's favorite is the animal ear loli.

What's the use of this hairless tail and wings?

Luo Xi: ...

He thought for a moment and said, Why do I feel a bit like a succubus?


It's the kind of person who likes to eat human spirit...

Luo Xi looked at Ai Xue with a strange expression.

It seems to be a good match.

Ai Xue tilted her head.

Let's study this when we go back, and find someone first.


The two of them had only taken a few steps.

A suppressed and angry voice sounded in the sky.

court death!

Luo Xi was stunned.

Isn't it still two minutes?

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