Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 358: Mom is going to steal her daughter’s home! Sisters do not distinguish each other (4k)

Wei'er looked around Aina and Luo Xi with a suspicious look on her face.

This atmosphere is very wrong.

Did Luo Xi, the pervert, do something to Aina again?

Thinking of what Luo Xi shouted just now, and Aina's watery eyes, rosy little face, and moist lips...

Weier: !


As a 'experienced person', she somewhat understood what this demeanor meant.

These two people wouldn't secretly have some exciting and intimate interactions outside the door while her sister was in the house, right?

Luo Xi's intentionally evasive gaze, as well as Aina's small movements at the moment, seemed to confirm that her suspicion was not false.

Wei'er suddenly felt a little stomachache.

She knew Luo Xi's character well. Normally, she would only wipe Aina's tail or ears and would not do anything too outrageous.

But that's not necessarily the case for Aina.

This child is disadvantaged because he is not young enough, but if he is two or three years older... Wei'er never dares to think that it is very possible that when Aina first came to this world, Luo Xi's whole person After being eaten up and wiped clean, Ai Xue's share was nowhere to be seen.

She knew that the relationship between Ai Xue and Luo Xi was only average when Aina came.

Didn’t you expect that even age can’t stop her now?

If you dare to do something strange with Luo Xi today while she is away, then tomorrow you will dare to go even further in front of him!

Weier narrowed her eyes and said, Aina, come here.

Humph, Aina won't come.

Be obedient, Aina.

Aina only listens to brother Luo Xi now.

The wolf-eared Loli shook her head vigorously and took Luo Xi's hand. The wolf tail behind her also deliberately rolled towards Luo Xi and wrapped around his tail.

Hehehe, it’s really nice to be able to be so close to my brother in front of my sister~

Several '╬'s were visible to the naked eye on Wei'er's forehead.

At the same time, she felt an inexplicable loss in her heart, as if something precious had been stolen, or two copies had been stolen together.

The younger sister who used to be the most obedient and clinging to her was now thinking only of a man and hooking up with him in front of her.

And when she thought about what Luo Xi was doing with Aina behind her back, Wei'er felt like she was being bullied. She had to watch it... more or less!


Wouldn't that be even weirder?

Perverted Lolicon! Wei'er could only glare at Luo Xi fiercely.

Luo Xi: ...

Although, this is already an undeniable fact, that's all for others, Kaina's age is really there.

Luo Xi turned her head slightly, looked at Ai Xue aside, and blinked.

- Ai Xue, please save me.

Well, if there are guests coming over, shouldn't they be invited to the living room? What are you doing here? I'll ask the park cafeteria to deliver some food. You guys go sit downstairs first.

Under Luo Xi's expectant eyes, Ai Xue hurriedly ran downstairs.

These are all problems you caused yourself, senior. Don't involve me. If you can't even deal with the sisters who have a good relationship with each other, then don't start a harem of beast-eared girls and just be honest with me. Just get by.

To be honest, who wants to share love with others when they can enjoy it alone?

Listy observed Luo Xi and the others with interest.

I thought that the relationship between them had always been so harmonious and interesting, and there was no reason for them to marry together in the future, but I didn't expect that they just hadn't reached that stage yet.

Feiya whispered to the side: Mom, why did you come here? Didn't you go to help your aunt?

When they pushed the door in just now and the long legs kicked over suddenly, Feiya recognized her mother. Not only Luo Xi was frightened, but she was also frightened.

Listy hugged Feiya into her arms and said softly: Because mom is worried about you. Your aunt has enough people anyway, and she doesn't need mom to help her anymore. Mom will come to see you.


The tip of Feiya's nose was slightly sore, and she suddenly remembered something.

I am not my mother's true child.

The fox-eared girl's fox ears and six fox tails drooped down together.

Sasha? Listy was a little confused.


Weier also looked over.

Luo Xi was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Maomao's resentful eyes are really depressing.

The fox-eared girl said softly: I'm not your real child, am I?

Listy's body trembled slightly.


She hugged Fia tighter.

It's my mother's fault, I'm sorry—

It's okay.

Feiya raised her head, looked at Listy, and said with a bright smile: No matter what my life experience is, my mother is my mother. Don't you, mother, deny me as your daughter?

Sasha, you will always be my daughter! Listy said firmly.

Feiya smiled and said: That's okay, I just want to know the truth. And even if we are not mother and daughter in the true sense, I still have your blood, mother, in my body.

Luo Xi suddenly remembered his relationship with Floresia.

Is it similar to the relationship between Listy and Faia?


The wolf-eared loli beside him suddenly began to sob softly.

This made Weier, who was in a bad mood and dissatisfied with Aina, immediately throw away all her previous thoughts and walk up to hold her sister in her arms.

What's wrong, Aina? It was my sister's fault just now, I'm sorry.

There is no distinction between sisters, that is a promise they have made long ago.

But she got a little emotional because of the close relationship between Aina and Luo Xi.

Perhaps she was also afraid that Aina would get ahead of her?

But think about it again, so what if that’s true?

Wei'er glanced at Luo Xi's confused, fool-like expression.

Anyway, I will be killed by this pervert in the future.

Who made the two sisters meet him?

Of course, this is just a thought. At least until Aina grows up, she must not let that happen. Otherwise, how will she face her mother?

Aina is not angry with her sister

Aina was a little sad and said: Seeing this fox...Fiya and sister Listy are like this, Aina misses her mother too.

The relationship between Feiya and Listy reminded her of herself. Her mother was not her biological mother, but her mother had always been very kind to her.

That's it...

Wei'er rubbed her sister's hair and said softly: Sister wants to do it too, but mom has her own affairs. We don't know where she is and we can't find her at all.

Aina knows.

The wolf-eared loli nodded dullly.

She was just in love with her.

Aina hesitated and said: Sister Wei'er, I'm sorry, Aina just got carried away.

Wei'er shook her head and smiled: It doesn't matter if you are more proud, who calls you my sister? Come on, let's go downstairs to eat.


Aina nodded happily.

The two sisters walked downstairs together, not even looking at Luo Xi until they reached the corner.

Luo Xi: ...

He didn't expect that a fight between sisters would be resolved internally like this.

Not bad.

Aunt Listy.

Luo Xi saw Listy's expression change mid-sentence, and immediately changed her words: Sister Listy, and Feiya, let's go downstairs to the living room. The food Ai Xue ordered will be here soon.

Well, you are the master and you make the decision. Listy said.

Feiya said with some confusion: Mom, is it a little strange for Mr. Luo Xi to call you sister?

Although it was just her extravagant wish, if the relationship between Mr. Luo Xi and her progressed in the future and he called her mother and sister again, wouldn't it be completely chaotic?

There's nothing strange about it.

Listy raised her eyebrows and said, Does mom look very old? Mom is less than two hundred years old!

Mom is not old. Feiya immediately shook her head.

The current mother is the most beautiful among the women of the elf clan. She is neither like the elf girls in their forties or fifties who are almost pea-shaped, nor like the seven or eight hundred-year-old aunts who have not embarked on the extraordinary path. Even though he is still very young, he is already full of death energy.

I heard that the elves once wanted to set 150 as the new adult day, but they were rejected by a group of nobles.

So this sister is right. Listy smiled.


Feiya pursed her lips and looked at Luo Xi secretly.

Listy suddenly realized: Oh, mom knows, Feiya, you are afraid that after you and Luo Xi make an engagement in the future, the relationship between us will not be clear, right?

As a good mother to her daughter, Listy is naturally willing to help her daughter, not to mention that she recognizes Luo Xi as a person.

The fox-eared girl immediately blushed and said, Mom, don't talk nonsense. Mr. Luo Xi and I have nothing to do. You will make him very troubled.

Really? Listy smiled.


Then Mom is disrespectful? Shasha, don't regret it in the future.


Feiya suddenly opened her eyes: Mom, what are you talking about?

Does mother also have any thoughts about Mr. Luo Xi?

Then I can't...

Listy smiled helplessly: Look, why are you in such a hurry? Who would believe you if you say you don't have any ideas? Luo Xi, just listen to me.


Luo Xi didn't know why he became the focus of the topic again.

This elf eldest sister is also outrageous. She is directly involved in some kind of engagement. The relationship between him and the little fox girl is still normal so far. The tail has not been touched a few times, and it has not reached a deeper level at all.

Luo Xi looked at their faces and compared them subconsciously.

The physical similarity between this pair of mother and daughter, or sisters, is actually very low, far from the seven-point resemblance between Maomao and her mother Liya.

Except for the elf's long ears and blond green boy, which are almost standard features of elves, they probably wouldn't recognize a mother and daughter when they walked together on the road.

[Note: So these are sisters wearing the skin of mother and daughter! Perfectly satisfying your strange xp~】

Dog text you shut up.

Listy said bluntly: Luo Xi, Shasha is very dependent on you now and likes you very much. You should be able to sense that her feelings for you are no less than those of the two sisters, so what do you want to do?

Luo Xi's brain suddenly fell into a blank state.

Whether it's Liya or Listy, these older ladies from the royal family are indeed difficult to deal with.

Even though Listy is actually still an untouched pseudo-big sister.

But Luo Xi felt that there was a lot of pressure when getting along with them. The answers to these questions were not good, and they were all to the point of giving propositions.

Feiya lowered her head shyly.

If it were her, in another year, if Mr. Luo Xi didn't take the initiative, she probably wouldn't be able to say it so straightforwardly.

Luo Xi leaned against the door frame, shook his head and smiled: Sister Listy, if I told you that the girls you met before are all girls I like, what would you think of me?

Asking questions in response to questions, he was so witty.

Listy said without thinking: With so many girls around you, it seems that you are very carefree, but this is not a problem. What I am asking is, how do you want to deal with Sasha's matter, which is related to my subsequent decision.

Listy's emerald green eyes instantly became sharp.

She didn't care how many girls there were around Luo Xi, as long as there weren't too many, it wouldn't be a problem. After all, her father had many concubines back then.

Luo Xi felt the pressure coming from Listy's body and slowly adjusted her breathing.

He had already encountered this kind of thing once.

This was how Liya interrogated him last time.

That time, he chose to escape. He thought that it was good for Weier and Aina to follow Liya. He thought it was good for Weier and the others, and he could go out to the outside world, but he didn't expect to be caught back by Liya. , leaving his two daughters in his care.

This time, Luo Xi will not choose to escape.

Yin Lisafiya, the little fox girl, both her gentle personality and impeccable appearance made him full of protective desire, otherwise Luo Xi would not have tried every means to save this little fox again and again. A fox-eared girl.

That's right, Luo Xi showed off his cards, he is a handsome guy.

[Note: What a pretty dog, Traveler, you are just an LSP]

Please remove the old one!

Luo Xi said softly: Sister Listy, I can't give you an absolute guarantee. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net I don't know yet whether my feelings for Feiya are the same as those for Wei'er and Aina. Like it.

Luo Xi's words made Listy's expression become a little cold.

Did she see the wrong person?

Is this guy a scumbag who dares to do things but dares not take responsibility?

Feiya tightened her clothes.

Doesn't Mr. Luo Xi have the kind of feelings that he likes for himself?

Yes, she is overthinking it.

It's okay, as long as Mr. Luo Xi is still willing to let himself look at him.

She doesn't ask for much, does she?

The fox-eared girl felt even more sour in her heart.

Mom, let's go down.

I don't want to deceive you and Fiya, but—

The young man's powerful voice rang in her ears.

If it's just a pure love, then I think I have it. After all, who wouldn't like a gentle and kind girl? A cute fox-eared girl?

That's my answer to you.

Everything comes from my heart, without any lies.

Feiya suddenly looked up.

【Ding! Feiya’s favorability towards you is +30]

【Ding! Listy’s favorability towards you +50】

Listy put her hands on her breasts. She looked at the young man in front of her and felt her heart beating faster.

Myself, what's going on?

[Note: Little fox, your good mother is going to steal your home! 】


Of course Elf Sister will accept it, but she will definitely be behind her daughter. The details will be in the extra chapter later, so don’t worry, everyone.

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