Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 357: The offensive of the sickly little Aina, the unbearable wolf-eared lolita (4K)

Luo Xi's face was filled with questions.

Shouldn't the 'egg' functions of cradle and homing have some kind of 'limitation'?

Cat's mother Liya failed the first time she tried.

After that time, he initially judged whether the egg could be produced, which should be related to the other party's favorability towards him.

Why did this elf sister succeed this time?

[Listy’s current favorability towards you is: 155 (approval, hazy emotion)]

[Description: I have never had close contact with any other man except my father, but after getting along with you several times, I was attracted by what you did, and gradually developed vague feelings for you]

[Note: They are actually a pair of sisters. Traveler, you will make a lot of money! ~φ(≧w≦*)?】

Earn a hammer!

Wait, what the hell are wonderful feelings?

Luo Xi looked at the elf sister on the bed with a confused look.

It's normal for Feiya to have a high opinion of him. After all, he saved the fox-eared girl several times and even died in front of him the last time.

At such a critical time, Luo Xi was the only man beside Feiya. Even though she said she didn't care about letting her leave, deep down in her heart, she still longed for someone to reach out and pull her.

Who doesn't like someone who defends you with his life?

And there is also the saying of the suspension bridge effect.

Luo Xi was not prepared to let the fox-eared elf go. The power of fate alone was enough for him to find ways to force Feiya to stay, not to mention that Feiya's affection for him was already so high that she was just one step away from it.

But what's going on with Kristy?

In the Emerald City, Luo Xi and Listy were not very familiar with each other, but Listy did promise Luo Xi that if he could bring Feiya out, she would agree to any of his requests...

Could it be that this elf lady is here to fulfill her promise? !

Luo Xi looked at the curved body wrapped under the thin quilt on the bed and swallowed subconsciously.

Maybe he's overthinking it?

This kind of thing probably only happens in the world of butter.

[Note: Traveler, is it possible that you are the protagonist in a galgame now? This game is designed to satisfy your various desires, including ice cream control, etc. It’s just that there are some big sister characters in this game to enrich your xp system (???)]

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Shu Zi Gou Wen, how dare you spoil my Taoist heart!

And who the hell is an ice cream addict!

Speaking of dog text, it seems like you still owe me an ice cream?

[Note: The ice cream as a reward has been given to you, Zayu Traveler! (〃> dishes<)! It's none of our business if you can't remember, there will be absolutely no second chance! No! 】

Luo Xi: ...

He suspected that this dog was reneging on his debt.

But there is indeed a strange sense of déjà vu.

Is the memory really lost?

—This is a billion light years away from your planet...

Suddenly, what a childish voice said to him popped up in Luo Xi's mind.

The back of a cherry-haired girl stood under the beautiful starry night, pointing at the stars in the sky and saying something to him. In the end, she seemed to push him down very domineeringly.

Luo Xi: ???

On the roof of the villa, I took a mobile phone from somewhere, and the girl who was having fun looked down in surprise.

Luo Xi recovered part of his memory?

She did not delete those memories intentionally. Unless she completely cut off a part of herself like Dahanhan and put it into this world, no matter who it was, as long as it was still in the category of mortal spirits, they would lose it after seeing her. The memory of that time.

Gods cannot be looked directly at, gods cannot be peered into, gods cannot be blasphemed, and gods cannot be recalled.

That is the chasm between gods and mortals.

To be honest, if he hadn't deliberately restrained his strength, then when he put his foot on Luo Xi's body, he would have gained many more titles.

Strange titles such as [God's Mercy] and [Servant of God's Feet].

But that would mean that Luo Xi had completely stamped her own label and truly became her representative.

That's right, until now, Luo Xi is not considered her real representative.

The so-called agent is nothing more than a slave-like relationship, just like those eternal sacred trees and their popes and emperors.

She doesn't need any slaves.

So from the beginning, she did not deliberately introduce her own power into Luo Xi.

It probably won't really recover...

The pink-haired lolita was a little unsure.

The reason why she could face Luo Xi so calmly was that no matter what happened between them, Luo Xi would never remember it.

If Luo Xi can always remember the scene of her joking in the future, how can she maintain her dignity?


Brother Luo Xi, don't look!

Luo Xi, close your eyes!

Mr. Luo Xi!

Outside the door, the two sisters hanging on their bodies noticed the changes in Luo Xi's heartbeat. Aina bit Luo Xi's arm hard. The sharp canine teeth of the wolf-eared lolita made Luo Xi tremble.

Wei'er jumped off Luo Xi and closed the door with Feiya.

With Listy's appearance, fortunately she was indoors, somewhat covered by an air-conditioned quilt. If she had moved to another place, it would have been a big deal.

Aina, don't let this guy in before we open the door.

Wei'er slammed the door shut, leaving Luo Xi standing stunned outside the door, and the little wolf girl still biting him.

After a while, Aina let go of her teeth and said with a look of resentment: Brother Luo Xi, you have to look straight. Is that elf sister really that good-looking? The relationship between her and the vixen seems to be very subtle. , Brother Luo Xi, you won’t have any thoughts about them, right?

Luo Xi paused and said seriously: Of course not. Listy is Feiya's mother. How could I have any ideas?

So, brother, you have some thoughts about that fox girl?

Aina's beautiful tea-gold eyes darkened visibly to the naked eye.

【Ding! Aina’s yandere value towards you is +5]

Luo Xi: !


He hadn't heard any hint of Aina's yandere value increasing recently, and he thought that Aina's transformation into a yandere had been interrupted.

I didn't expect it was just hidden.

Brother is really getting more and more carefree. Not to mention Ai Xue, having sister and Aina is not enough. He has to find other women. At first, he was so kind to Aina and said that Aina is the cutest. But recently, for The other women almost risked their lives, making Aina and her sister worried to death...

【Ding! Aina’s yandere value towards you is +6]

Luo Xi: (((;???;)))!

The way the wolf-eared loli tilted her head and said dull thoughts in her eyes made Luo Xi feel cold all over.

This time it’s just because (send).

If Aina becomes yandere to the extreme and transforms from a cute little wolf girl into a sickly wolf girl with a hatchet, how desperate will her life be in the future.

Something must be done!

Luo Xi took a deep breath.

Under the dull gaze of Wolf Ear Loli, Luo Xi took a step forward and held Aina in her arms.

Ignoring Aina's faint struggle, he put his hands behind her and hugged the big tail.

It was incredible how soft this petite warm body was.

And there is a charming floral scent in the hair.

Luo Xi has realized that unlike her sister Weier, what Aina lacks most is a sense of security. When she accidentally captured this wolf-eared lolita, she suddenly found a sense of security around her. He is so possessive of himself.

I won't leave you, Aina.

The young man's gentle voice made Aina's body tremble slightly, and she raised her eyes to look at him.

He continued: I like this kind of feeling, it's wonderful, so I can't give you a clear answer. After all, brother, I am indeed a playboy. This is something that cannot be denied, but what I can guarantee is that no matter what, I I won't leave you.

Aina, I like you the most.

Although it was a bit dangerous, Luo Xi no longer cared about this kind of thing.

It's impossible for him to let go anyway.

He had made up his mind ever since he brought this wolf girl out.

【Ding! Aina’s favorability towards you +50]

[Aina’s current favorability towards you is: 425 (unbearable liking)]

[Description: Aina also likes her brother the most. My sister is such a loser, so Aina must be the one...]

Luo Xi: ...

Has he gone too far again?

[Note: Traveler, what type of bullet do you want? Do you want the smallest one? 】


In her arms, Aina's eyes seemed to be covered with a hazy mist, her mouth opened and closed slightly, and the sound was like the buzzing of mosquitoes.

Aina also likes my brother the most...

The soft voice was weak, the red face was completely exhausted, and the halo in the tea-gold-eyed boy was so expectant and confused.

On the stairs, Ai Xue, who was about to go upstairs to take a look at the situation, stopped immediately when she saw the two people holding her arms over there.

The girl blinked.

Senior, can't you suppress your inner desires?

Confessing to Aina in broad daylight would be interesting if someone else was here.

Outside the door, Luo Xi's eyes suddenly widened, but he quickly reacted and pulled the wolf-eared loli out.

Hey, Aina is almost on the same level as my sister now.

Aina touched the corners of her lips with her fingers and smiled very happily.

Luo Xi thought that was not enough.

He videoed: Aina, you are still young -

Aina is not young anymore.

The little wolf girl interrupted Rosie and said with a smile: Even in Mr. Luo Xi's world, Aina is already old enough. Aina has been checked. As long as Aina is willing, brother, you don't have to bear anything. responsibility.

Luo Xi: ...

That is the bottom line of the law, not the bottom line of human life!

Luo Xi inexplicably felt that Aina had become even more yandere than before.

What a sin!

[Note: Traveler, you are committing evil! (Emotionless reread—)]

Ahem, Aina, even though that's what I said, you still have to consider the actual situation. Like it, you like it, but there are some things you can't do.

Ai Xue spoke up and relieved Luo Xi, who was a little embarrassed.

Aina asked in confusion: Why? Isn't this kind of thing just a matter of mutual consent? Or Ai Xue, you have already eaten your brother, so you don't want Aina and sister...

Aina's voice became a little cold.

Ai Xue shuddered: Your sister doesn't matter, but you're not good enough. You don't want your favorite brother to become a scumbag accused by others, right?

Aina tilted her head: Isn't it okay as long as Aina doesn't tell anyone? Anyway, Aina can't leave her brother. Is there any difference?

Ai Xue: ...

It's over, this wolf-eared girl seems to be getting more and more 'aggressive'?

Senior, you have to protect yourself!

No, the current problem is probably caused by the senior herself. Why does she care so much?

Aina's watery eyes stared at Luo Xi, her face turned red and she said: Brother Luo Xi, sister Wei'er is not very good. Since my brother also likes Aina the most, then Aina should come...


The door opened.

Luo Xi turned around as if seeing a savior and ran towards the house.

A wolf-eared loli who is full of initiative, who can resist this!

He felt like he was about to be taken down.

Maomao, tell me about your sister!

As soon as Luo Xi took a step, he found that he had touched something soft, and a fragrant smell entered his nasal cavity, making him suddenly feel trance-like.

Why are you in such a hurry? Sorry, I was a little excited just now. Are you injured?

The woman's gentle voice sounded, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net's beautiful face came into view.


Luo Xi quickly shook his head and took two steps back.

In front of her was Listy who had changed her clothes and came out of the room.


Ai Xue walked up and was stunned when she saw Listy.

Now she was the only one who looked confused.

Why is there another elf?

Or is she such a big royal sister type?

Wait, are these my clothes? !

This is Feiya's mother. Because she didn't have any suitable clothes, she took one from you. Weier explained.

Since there were no useful clothes, Wei'er directly used her ability to go to Ai Xue's room next door to get them.

Although Ai Xue's figure during the day is not as good as that of this elf sister, she is the closest in size here. The clothes left by the Dragon Lady last time were big enough at the chest, but overall they were too small.

When giving Listy clothes, Weier felt very regretful, after all, she had been there before.

Wei'er glanced at Luo Xi and said suspiciously: Luo Xi, what did you just say? And Aina, what's wrong with you?

My sister's face was slightly red, and her eyes were moist.

No, Aina and my brother didn't do anything.

The little wolf girl looked at her sister with a smile.

A small hand was placed behind Luo Xi, and his fingers gently moved on his waist.



This chapter is a big victory for little Aina! Who is the real one? Look back.

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