Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 359: The traveler is in trouble, come and torture him! (four k)

Listy clearly felt the change in her mood.

Wouldn’t he really be interested in a male human being like Kurea said?

No, I was just admiring it.

That's right, just pure appreciation.

After all, she saw everything Luo Xi did, and he almost risked everything for Sha Sha, even if he died in that world, he would not really die.

What's more, as a qualified mother, how could she have any thoughts about her daughter's favorite person?

Doesn’t that mean she loses her qualifications as Shasha’s mother?

Listy nodded slightly and said in a calm tone: I understand. When I go back, I will let Shasha follow you. You have to remember what you said today. Shasha doesn't have many friends. As long as you are with her, I will too. I can feel more at ease.”

Huh? Oh, okay...

Luo Xi was even more confused.

Is this the end?

Last time, Liya made him have no idea of ​​resisting. She asked all kinds of questions, and finally she violently stopped him from running away and carried him back with one hand.

Why does this elf sister seem to be so relieved about him?

Aren't you afraid of what she would do to her baby daughter?

[Note: Is it possible that she wants you to do something to her? 】

Dog text, you must have seen too many strange things.

Mom, I also have friends...

Feiya wanted to explain that while she was wandering around, she actually had many friends.

But when she thought about what happened to them, Feiya felt very heavy and couldn't speak out at all.

Mia and the others were supposed to have a colorful life, but they themselves brought misfortune to them.

In fact, Feiya is still a little afraid that her abilities and characteristics will affect Luo Xi and the others.

If it hadn't been for the fact that she had three more tails and her strength had reached the fourth level, and that the outer god had gained some ways to use the power of 'destiny' in the darkness, Feiya would have locked herself back in that small courtyard. Go in.

Of course, it was more because of what Luo Xi said to her.

—All difficulties and disasters begin with you and end with you.

In such a desperate situation, what girl wouldn't have a crush on the person who saved her?

Feiya knew very well that she was not as good as Weier and Aina, and she did not have a deep relationship with Mr. Luo Xi, but she just wanted to get close to this person.

Even if you can only look at him from a distance.

Now that she had the chance to be by his side, she was willing even if she could only be a maid or something.


Feiya's heart moved and she immediately thought of Nunnally.

Is it feasible if I put on a maid uniform and take care of Mr. Luo Xi, Wei'er and the others?

The fox-eared girl secretly decided in her heart to ask Nunnally about her experience as a qualified maid after she returned.

Luo Xi didn't know what the red-faced fox-eared lady was thinking.

If he knew, he would definitely say yes.

The beast-eared maid and the like were literally dancing on his xp.

Listy nodded and said: That's it. It's my first time to come to your world. You can introduce it to me later. I'm very interested in you humans from other worlds who can be infinitely 'resurrected'.

There is nothing you can't do.

Luo Xi chuckled and said: But let's go downstairs first. This is my room. It's quite messy. Let's go sit down in the living room downstairs and fill our stomachs when the food Ai Xue ordered comes. I'll take you there in the afternoon. Go hang out at some places nearby.”

Feiya said curiously: This turned out to be Mr. Luo Xi's room. No wonder Mr. Luo Xi's smell is everywhere.

The fox and wolf genus actually belong to the same canine family. Although her sense of smell is not as good as Aina's, Feiya can still easily smell a certain range of smells.

The fox-eared girl glanced at the trash can beside the bed.

I don't know why, but the smell wafting out there is particularly strong.

Ahem, let's go.

Luo Xi noticed what Feiya was looking at. He coughed dryly and pulled the girl's gaze back.

Living room on the first floor.

On the sofa, Weier and Aina were feeding each other a bag of potato chips.

The unhappiness between the two sisters came and went quickly. They were tit-for-tat before, but now they are loving each other like sisters again.

Aina, it couldn't have been you just now...

Wolf-eared Loli raised her head proudly and said, Of course it was Aina who took the initiative.

You are so... amazing.

Wei'er stuffed a potato chip into her sister's little mouth.

The feeling of dissatisfaction in my heart has completely dissipated.

Recalling herself just now, Wei'er realized that she had become a little emotional because she was jealous of her sister in a sense.

But think about it carefully, what’s so delicious about Aina’s jealousy?

On the contrary, Ai Xue, perhaps because she was used to her behavior, was a little annoyed when Wei'er and Aina saw what she and Luo Xi were doing in the morning.

Sister Wei'er, don't blame Aina.

Aina sighed softly and said: If Aina doesn't hurry up, our sisters will be overtaken by that vixen. Look at her expression. If brother Luo Xi asks her to lie on the sofa and stroke his tail, or do something She won’t refuse.”

Weier raised her head and looked towards the stairs: Sister, I know what you are talking about. There should be no chance today.

Aina patted Weier's shoulder like a little adult and said with a smile: So sister, you have to work hard. If there is really no other way, Aina will have to go up by herself.


Weier secretly made up her mind.

If there is a chance in the future, she must do everything, otherwise the fox coming from behind will get on her head.

Weier frowned and said, By the way, why haven't they come down yet?

Not sure...

Aina thought for a while, and a terrible thought suddenly entered her mind.

That Feiya's mother wouldn't want to do something to brother Luo Xi with her daughter, right? !

That kind of thing...that kind of thing is completely unacceptable!

Sister, Aina is going to save my brother!

The wolf-eared loli jumped up from the sofa, frightening the little white cat sleeping on the top of the sofa to jump directly to the floor and rushed towards the stairs.

Weier: ?

After a while, Maomao guessed what Aina was worried about.

Speaking of which, it seems that they can also be regarded as a pair of sisters?

There are also mother-daughter attributes.

Isn't that pervert Luo Xi really captured?

Weier couldn't help but rush over with Aina.

Weier, Aina, the grilled fish is here... huh?

Ai Xue, who came in with a pot of grilled fish from outside the door, saw the two beast-eared girls disappearing around the corner of the stairs with a confused look on their face.

Then there was a dull crashing sound.

I saw Luo Xi lifting the two sisters down the stairs with one hand and one at a time.

Luo Xi asked doubtfully: What are you doing?

The two sisters were in such a hurry, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Aina came closer to Luo Xi and sniffed his scent, (〃>﹏\u003c〃) said: Brother Luo Xi, this woman didn't do anything to you, right?

Listy: ...

Does this wolf-eared girl think of her as a shameless person?

What do something.

Luo Xi fondly grabbed Aina's wolf ears and joked: Even if Sister Listy really wants to do something, your brother and I will not be a toy who won't resist.

Aina whispered in a low voice: I'm afraid that you won't resist, brother Luo Xi, and the calling of brother and sister is becoming more and more smooth, just like calling that sister Long, mother.

Luo Xi seemed to be reluctant to call Floresia mom at first, but later on she became more and more fluent, and her so-called principles were also very flexible.

Feiya felt a little dissatisfied when she heard this. How could her mother be such a person?

She wanted to defend her mother, but Listy reached out her hand, gently pulled her down, and shook her head at her.

The fox-eared girl suddenly realized.

Is her mother afraid that she will have a conflict with Luo Xi's companion?

Also, it seems now that Mr. Luo Xi likes Aina the most. If he hates her, it will be difficult to get along with her in the future.

But some things must be made clear.

Feiya said without hesitation: Sister Aina, mom is not that kind of person, please don't talk nonsense.

The wolf-eared loli snorted: Hmph, vixen.

Yes, I am a vixen, what's wrong?

Feiya pointed to her pointed ears and the fox ears on her head, and said: I am a fox-type alienated patient of the elf family, and I am a vixen.

Aina: ...

She found herself unable to refute.

The wolf-eared loli could only stare at Feiya.

The fox-eared girl's fox ears were raised, and she and the wolf-eared loli glared at each other. The emerald green eyes and the tea-gold-eyed boy seemed to be on fire in the air.

Luo Xi pressed his forehead.

The repair shop he fears most is here again.

But it was also expected.

Aina, this kid, was so possessive of him. If she hadn't had the idea to confess just now, she might have turned into a little wolf girl with a hatchet on the spot.

Ai Xue finally shouted: What are you arguing about? Come over and eat grilled fish!

But no one listened to her.

Ai Xue, who boasts that she has already come out on top, as the 'main palace', also feels quite overwhelmed by this situation.

If the senior only has one girlfriend, it would be easy to handle it, and all the other women can be kicked out. But the senior is the I want them all Neptune, and she can't do the kind of manipulation that concubines in palace fight dramas do.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, Listy didn't say anything. She just looked at Luo Xi, as if she wanted to see how he would deal with it.

Luo Xi rubbed Aina's little head and said softly: Aina, you can't just call others a vixen. It's very rude. And Feiya, please forgive me. This child likes me too much and feels that all women are close to her. I have ulterior motives.

Aina rubbed Luo Xi's hand and said obediently: Well, Aina knows.

The wolf-eared lolita was a little happy.

Aina just likes brother Luo Xi.

Feiya shook her head and said, This is also my problem.

She felt a little regretful.

Why did he just say the words without any euphemism?

Wei'er looked at her sister silently.

This is my sister's jealousy and awesomeness.

Fortunately, Aina won't be jealous of her, and at most it will only cause trouble, otherwise it would be very troublesome just thinking about it.

Afterwards, due to the deliciousness of the grilled fish, the atmosphere at the dinner table returned to normal, which also amazed the two elf mother and daughter who had just arrived.

In the afternoon, Luo Xi took a group of people to a nearby museum.

After contacting the Dreamland Tourism Bureau, the museum had been cleared of tourists in advance. Listy stood outside the glass booth of a bronze artifact.

She said in disbelief: Does your world only have a recorded history of five thousand years of civilization?

Luo Xi nodded and said: The Xia Kingdom lasted for five thousand years, and even further back it was an era that was not yet civilized.

It's so short. Listy said.

Compared to the history of humans and elves in the Dream World, it is indeed shorter, but it has also developed such a splendid civilization.

You...forget it.

Listy did not continue to ask.

She thinks this world is quite interesting.

It would be great if one day the two worlds could be truly connected and be able to communicate with each other at will.

Aina, don't run around, Fiya, come here, Ai Xue, take a picture for us.

Over there, Wei'er, Aina, and Feiya seemed to have lost their previous grudges. They took the mobile phone given by Luo Xi and asked Ai Xue to take photos of them.

Listy smiled and said, They seem to be very good friends.

Yes. Luo Xi nodded in agreement.

[You have received a new message]

Luo Xi clicked on her phone and received a photo from Ai Xue on WeChat.

The corner of his mouth twitched.

In the photo, Aina jumped up and stood in front of Feiya at the moment the shutter was pressed. The photo only captured Feiya's side face.

It seems that there is still a long way to go before they can become very good friends.

During this day, because Dawn was still being updated, Luo Xi felt that time passed very long.

When late night arrived, Wei'er and the others had not left yet.

Luo Xicai remembered that after the cradle was upgraded, the duration had reached 16 hours, and they could freely choose to leave or not.

Brother Luo Xi, do you want to sleep together tonight?

After taking a shower, Aina, who was wearing a thin pajamas, rubbed her eyes sleepily and stood at the head of the bed looking at Luo Xi expectantly.

It’s been a long time since I slept with my brother.

The last time was when you first came to this world, right?

Luo Xi was silent for a moment and said, Okay.

It's been twelve hours, right? Ai Xue was shocked: Why aren't you leaving yet?

Night should be the time for her and her seniors to be affectionate!

That thing seems to have been upgraded. UU read www.uukanshhu.スnet

Wei'er explained that when she saw Aina had occupied the position on Luo Xi's left side, she immediately jumped on the bed and ran to Luo Xi's right side.

Maomao was a little confused.

When sleeping in the past, Luo Xi was on the floor.

Now, they all sleep in the same bed together.

Ai Xue gritted her teeth and could only accept the fact that she might be disturbed more when spending time with her seniors in the future.

It's okay, no matter how long it takes, they can't stay in this world forever, right?

The final winner is still yourself.

The bedroom door was quietly pushed open a crack.

Go ahead.

Listy pushed her daughter into the room.

Then she closed the door and walked towards the corner of the corridor, her body gradually turning transparent.

Only the warm clothes she was wearing were left on the ground.

Luo Xi in the bedroom was in pain and happiness at the same time.

The lights had been turned off by someone unknown, and the bed was filled with the scent of girls. Her soft body was in direct contact with him, as well as the fluffy tail, especially the bunch of big tails that were bunched together. It was obvious that The little fox girl Feiya's, the slender one seemed to be Wei'er's, wrapped around his hand, and the fluffy and soft one belonged to Aina.

It's so hot... Luo Xi felt like she couldn't breathe.

[Note: Hey, are you a policeman? Someone is having a silver party here! Come and torture people! 】

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