Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 356: This time it’s mother-daughter flowers vs. sister flowers, the hidden danger of Mother

Soon, Ai Xue put away her surprise.

They are elves after all.

In some works in the real world, elves even have unlimited lifespans. Compared to those in the dream world, the elves are normal, that is, their basic lifespan is much longer than that of humans.

Feiya whispered: The elves reach adulthood at the age of thirty-seven. Some girls at this age still look like your seven or eight-year-old human girls, so please don't make such a fuss.

Ai Xue: ...

Are all elven girls legal lolita? No, legally a young girl?

A strong sense of crisis arises spontaneously.

With the senior's temperament, he wouldn't kidnap them all, would he?

Then the family can really open a kindergarten.

Ai Xue's scalp went numb when she thought of a bunch of children at home who were chirping every day.

So can you tell me what happened in the world over there during this time? she asked.

The world over there...

Feiya walked to the edge of the window, glanced outside, and asked: Is this really another world? What's the situation like Mr. Luo Xi's situation?

Well, your world is called the 'Dream World' by us. The seniors and I are controlling the world in a form similar to remote 'clones'.

No wonder Mr. Luo Xi said he would be back soon, that's great...

Ai Xue found that the fox-eared girl choked up as she spoke. She hugged her chest and leaned against the window, while the six big tails behind her trembled non-stop.

Senior, has this fox-eared girl been completely captured?

However, if you can bury your head in the six soft fox tails and sleep... it should be very comfortable, right?

Fortunately, all the seniors brought back were beautiful girls with animal ears. It would be a disaster if one day they brought back a male Fu Rui.

After a while, Feiya came out of her excitement. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and turned around and asked:

What's your name? Are you Mr. Luo Xi's...wife?

When the fox-eared girl asked this question, her body tensed up.

Even though she knew that she had received a lot of favors from Mr. Luo Xi, even though she knew that she was a little shameless in asking such a question, she just wanted to know the answer.

She had no other luxury.

No... really no?

Thinking of the words that young man said to her, it brought her back from the edge of death and despair many times, and became the star she wanted to pursue in the future.

The feeling of loss turned into sadness, making her want to cry uncontrollably.

My wife... not yet. Ai Xue shook her head and said, My name is Ai Xue. I am a brother and sister from the same school as my senior. At least during this time, my senior has no plans to get married. At best, I can only be considered one of the senior’s girlfriends...

Of course, she was also the first one to eat up her senior. It seems that Wei'er didn't make it to the end last time, but only had close contact.

Ai Xue thought proudly in her heart that she was the most courageous to take action.

However, if this time span is enlarged to three years, that is not necessarily the case.

Not to mention three years, in another year and a half, when that little scheming wolf girl grows up, she might do something more courageous than her. Forget about her arrogant cat sister, if The two sisters suddenly turned against each other and competed with each other. Weier was destined to be a pitiful loser.

Girlfriend? Feiya was a little confused.

Ai Xue said casually: It's just a prerequisite for my wife, don't worry about it, accidents may happen even if it's not yet decided.


Feiya thought, isn't this about the same? Mr. Luo Xi is not the kind of scumbag who would abandon the person he likes.

The fox-eared girl asked in a low voice: What you just said is one of them. Are Weier and Aina the same?

Although in their world, Mr. Luo Xi was very close to the two sisters, after all, Mr. Luo Xi was not from their world.

Thoughts that had been put down arise again.

So, if those two sisters are both, can she also...

Ai Xue nodded slightly and said: Yes, the senior likes them very much, especially the little wolf sister. The senior even promised to be the first to marry her in the future.

She thought that even if the relationship between the two sisters and Mr. Luo Xi was true, the sister should be the main one, right?

Ai Xue shook her head: Your time there is different from ours. You don't know. Now the children here are precocious, especially in some backward places... Forget it, just don't say it.

Senior has been spending time with you these days. He probably likes you quite a lot. If you have ideas, you should be more proactive, otherwise... you will become a loser sooner or later.

She also saw that the fox-eared elf had almost fallen, so it was better to sell her a good deal as a real girlfriend.

Moreover, how could a senior who could touch Aina and say I want them all let go of such a cute legal animal-eared loli.

Ai Xue would rather believe in telecommunications fraud than believe that the senior would let go of the little fox girl who had already obtained it.

The deal is done, and finding a way to bring this fox-eared elf to your side is the most important thing at the moment. Then there will be two people on your side in the future. Even apart from conflicts, the sisters can be on the same page.


Ai Xue laughed at herself lightly.

How come she has the thoughts of the heroine in the palace fighting drama?

Forget it, the relationship between her and Wei'er is still very harmonious up to now. It would be bad if she messed it up. Anyway, as people from different worlds, they can't come here often.

Just being the only one who can stay with my senior for a long time, I have already won a lot.

The most important thing is, who is not a loli?

Moreover, now she has some characteristics, and she is no longer that simple human being.

Ai Xue gently stroked her hair that fell on her shoulders.

It can be seen that the original long black hair is gradually dyed with a layer of dull purple starting from the end.

A lot of things happened during Luo Xi's half-month sleep, and she also came out of the Silent City.

In fact, she could have left that city a long time ago, but the dead souls were too real, and the time spent with the little girl seemed real.

It was just the senior's coma and words with the child that finally made her make up her mind.

After the dead souls disappeared, from the depths of the Silent Sacred Tree, a soul who called himself the 'Night Demon Emperor' came out, told her that he was once the king of the Kingdom of Dark Night, and gave her a free mission. .

She thus obtained the path to sublimation—the emblem of the Son of the Night.

There is also the location of the Kingdom of Dark Night in Mang Continent.

The reason why she hasn't told Luo Xi yet is that she wants to give Luo Xi a surprise and wait until she finds Luo Xi in the dream world.

The seniors must be very surprised then, right?

Ai Xue felt happy when she thought that the two of her could accompany her senior, whether in reality or in the dream world.

Then I...I understand, thank you.

Feiya was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Ai Xue didn't dislike her.

Most of the elves live in pairs, but this is not a system of monogamy. My mother's father, my grandfather, also had many concubines, and it took thousands of years for him to finally reach the end of his life. At the end of the day, my mother and aunt were born.

The main reason is that the fertility rate of the elves is too low. There are only about 5 million elves out of the over 100 million humans in the Emerald Forest.

Ai Xue said helplessly: You don't need to say thank you to me, and you don't need to use the title 'you' to me, it sounds strange.

Well, Ai Xue...sister. Feiya said softly.

The corners of Ai Xue's mouth turned up slightly.

Hum, take it.

But when she thought that this fox-eared elf was actually forty years old, converted to real-world time, she could be her mother's age, and still called her sister, Ai Xue felt goosebumps rising on her back.

Well, forget it, sister, just call me by my name.

Yeah. Feiya nodded.

Ai Xue looked behind the fox-eared girl.

The first time the two got along was quite pleasant, at least more pleasant than the last time the Dragon Lady came over.

So Ai Xue also asked directly if she had anything to say.

Fiya, why do you have so many tails?

I don't know. Originally there was only one, but my strength seems to have reached the fourth level. This should be the reason for the extra tail.

The fox-eared girl touched the fox tail behind her, and said with some distress: It feels heavy. It will definitely be inconvenient to run around like this in the future, and there are too many tails. It will be troublesome to go to the toilet or something.

Ai Xue said in surprise: Level 4?

The loli that the senior brought home became stronger and stronger.

Well, after that golden fox disappeared, I advanced, just like drinking water.

Feiya told Ai Xue in detail about her encounter with Luo Xi during this period and some of the things he did.

Ai Xue felt a little jealous as she listened.

The senior has never been so desperate for himself.

This may also be her disadvantage.

It's too close, so there's no danger.

The kind of girl who is saved by the person she admires when she is most desperate, and sees the dazzling light on his body. No matter what kind of girl she is, as long as the man is not some crooked melon, then she will fall in love with her. Pretty normal.

What's more, the senior's appearance and temperament are top-notch.

While the two were talking upstairs, downstairs, Luo Xi was also a little frightened by the passionate pair of sisters.

Leaving aside Aina, Weier has never been so fed up with him as before. Maomao just held his hand and looked at him with red eyes without saying a word, which made him feel that he was under a lot of pressure.

Jiujian also ran away immediately after saying the important things because of the weird atmosphere.

The repair shop and the like are still too abstract for an old man of his age.

Anyway, as long as we know that Luo Xi's condition is stable now, then Xia Kingdom still has a high-level combat power at the level of an uncrowned king, who can also calm those restless Xiaoxiao.

Of course, as the number of extraordinary and powerful people in various countries increases, some people will always feel that they have become the best in the world and will covet the Xia Kingdom again, but by that time, the Xia Kingdom will definitely give birth to more powerful people. .

As long as nothing unexpected happens, Jiujian is still very confident about Xia Guo's future.

The old man happily walked toward the back of the park.

Suddenly, a prompt popped up in his text.

[The internal beta version of Dawn version 3.0 will be launched soon. A quota will be distributed this time. The server will be stopped for updates at 12:00 noon on November 14. This update is expected to last for one day]

[The contents of this update include [Dream Dungeon - Gray Dream] [Synchronization Delay] [World Overlap Module]]

[Dream copy—under design, please stay tuned]

[Synchronization delay—After using the basic dream synchronization module or temporary synchronization, you can choose whether to turn on the delay mode, which can delay up to five times]

[World overlap (overlapping world) - the two worlds have completed partial integration of the underlying rules. In the real world, overlapping areas of the two worlds may suddenly appear in some places. Similarly, overlapping areas of the two worlds may also appear in the dream world. Players are also invited to explore by themselves]

Jiujian was stunned on the spot.

12 noon on November 14th?

Isn’t it today?

And what is this stack of circles?

The old man thought of the disaster caused by the fallen sacred tree that appeared not long ago.

That time, the fallen sacred tree that appeared in the real world was brought to the dream world to be resolved.

Is it a similar situation again this time?

Not long after, the Dream Travelers Council convened a global emergency meeting as soon as possible.

This update shows that the integration of reality and the dream world is rapidly deepening. Maybe one day they will no longer need the synchronization function and can directly enter the world over there with their real bodies.

But is this really good?

Does this also mean they lose the ability to be resurrected?

It doesn't matter what the resurrection is.

The representative of the United States spoke calmly at the online conference: You should all know that in fact, after the extraordinary beings in our world enter the fourth level, their ability to resurrect in the dream world has been greatly restricted.

He shared a text prompt from a fourth-level transcendent from the United States.

[Congratulations on becoming a fourth-level sublimation extraordinary person]

[Your life level has undergone a real transformation. Future death and resurrection will cost you more. From now on, your body will no longer be left behind every time you are resurrected. Depending on the degree of preservation of your body after death, the price will also be higher. different]

[70%-100%: After choosing resurrection, all attributes of your body will be reduced by 40%-50%, lasting for one day, and cannot be restored during this period]

[30%-70%: After choosing resurrection, all attributes of your body will be reduced by 50%-90%, lasting for one day, and cannot be restored during this period]

[0%-30%: After choosing resurrection, all attributes of your body will be reduced by 90%-100%, lasting for one day, and cannot be restored during this period]

The representative of the United States said: Some of us have already tested it. After the death of a fourth-level transcendent, when the body remains below 10%, he will directly enter a state of near-death in the real world.

If someone were to sneak attack him at that time, he would be killed as a piece of meat on a eucalyptus board. Therefore, resurrection is an ability that every player has, and high-level transcendents must use it with caution.

The representative of the Xia Kingdom said: The fourth level of resurrection requires so much price, it is hard to imagine how much the fifth level requires, so when you go back, please tell your fellow travelers not to die as much as possible in the future, and start raising these people from a low level. A sense that that world is not a game, that is a real world.”

For players, the resurrection confidence that allowed them to be bold enough to do anything is gone. In this case, if those terrifying source beasts in the dream world appear in reality, it will be even more difficult to use the resurrection ability casually.

Of course, there are also props such as 'free resurrection cards', but they are very rare. Until now, only one player who was lucky enough to complete an epic-level mission has obtained one.

During the opening time of the meeting, the time came to 12 o'clock.

In an instant, Dawn was offline, and all players, no matter what they were doing in the dream world, even those who were halfway through sex were kicked out.


Dream world.

Emerald City.

The light disaster and the heart disaster have left. Kurea, who has regained the authority of the Elf Emperor, is acting vigorously this time, leading a group of black cavalry...perhaps they can no longer be called black cavalry. The black cavalry armor on their bodies It has been destroyed, but the fighting will and quality are still there.

Except for Archduke Christie, the mansions of the other four dukes were completely ransacked.

They broke the Origin Code Oath first, so Listy could no longer worry about it and attack them directly.

It took half a whole morning for Kureia to control the forces of these rebellious dukes, and the rebellion that almost overturned the Emerald City was finally put down.

Standing on the hanging garden, she looked down at the spiritual giant standing near the mother tree.

She saw all the incomparable sight of the spiritual giant.

Several dukes, the Archbishop of the Church of Calamity, and even foreign gods were all defeated by this spiritual giant.

Luo Xi, who controlled the giant, can be said to have made the greatest contribution this time.

If Luo Xi were not of the human race, then with this credit alone, it would not be a problem to get an Elf Count Dangdang.

But what happened after that she didn't know.

Is Mel dead?

The mental disaster seemed to have affected only his sister and her group. During that period, they seemed to suddenly disappear from the world, and then suddenly appear again.

It's just that Luo Xi is missing.

She wasn't very worried about Luo Xi.

Various signs indicate that the young man is likely to be a human from another world. Those humans have the ability to resurrect, and maybe they will pop out alive after a while.

The reason why Mother Tree asked her to keep Luo Xi and Feiya forcibly in the first place was probably because of today.

It turns out that he is indeed the Mother Tree.

Listy, where is your daughter?

Kureia looked at Listy, who had been looking a little confused.

She has been absent-minded since she came back, and she doesn't know what she is thinking.

I want to know how Sasha is doing.

Although Fiya left with the two sisters and Nunnally in the morning, Listy was still very worried about Fiya, and she still missed her. She hadn't seen her in ten years, and now it's rare to see her once, and she was in a hurry after not getting along for a long time. difference.

Then go ahead and don't let that child feel lonely. I've been sorry for her all these years.

A warm jade hand was placed on Listy's shoulder.

Listy turned around in disbelief.

She simply couldn't imagine that Kurea would say such a thing.

When did her sister's temper change?

Don't look at me like that.

Kureia sighed helplessly: I didn't invent the law that prohibits alien species from entering the city. I'm just following what my father and the previous elf emperors have been doing.

Listy frowned and said, So you wanted to change the elf laws before, just because of Master Mother Tree?

Yes...and no.

Kureia stared at Listy and said: Yin Lisafiya is also my niece no matter what. If possible, I hope she can become the next Elf Emperor. Then, the impression of alien elves in the eyes of others is It must also be changed, otherwise just amending the law will have little effect and will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

What did you say?!

Now Listy's eyes widened in shock.

Let Shasha become the next elf emperor?

What do you think of your sister?

Even she wouldn't dare think of such a thing.

Kureya smiled bitterly and said: The position of Elf Emperor is not as easy as you think. You don't know the despair I felt when I saw that even Mel had rebelled. If Luo Xi hadn't turned the tide, the current Emerald City would have been Who knows what future we are heading towards, but if Master Mother Tree and the Emerald City are destroyed in my hands, how will I face Father?

So I thought at that time, whoever wants to be the Elf Emperor can do it.

Listy couldn't help but said: If you don't do it, who will do it? Don't think about cheating my Shasha, just give birth to a child and do it yourself.

Kureia raised his eyebrows: Why don't you come? Now the only people with the blood of the Silamaier clan are me and you, as well as Yin Lisafiya. You were affected by the mother tree earlier than me. To be tall, this position of Elf Emperor was originally yours, but now it just returns to its original owner.

It's a beautiful thought.

Listy turned her head and said, I won't inherit this mess. Just go ahead and take the headache. I'm going to find Sasha.


Kureya sighed: The number of people in our lineage is getting smaller and smaller. If this continues, sooner or later the bloodline will be cut off. Sister, do you have anyone you like?


Luo Xi's face appeared inexplicably in Listy's mind.

Now think about it, in that mist world, although the situation was urgent, the contact with him was too close, and even some private parts of the body were touched while rolling on the ground.

No, he is the one Shasha likes.

However, it seems that I still owe him a promise. If he really allows me to use his body...

Kureia was a little surprised when he saw Listy suddenly lost her mind and her beautiful face turned red.

Doesn't my sister really have any ideas?

And it seems that the only one Listy has been in contact with recently is Luo Xi?

Kurea smiled jokingly and said, Sister, you don't want to compete with your daughter for a man, do you?

Don't talk nonsense like this!

Listy had returned to normal, and she said calmly: I'm going to find Shasha. You can continue working. If you have anything, don't call me.

A pair of light thin wings unfolded behind Listy's back. She flapped lightly and quickly flew towards the royal court.

Kureia looked at Listy's back with all his thoughts.

There is indeed something special about the men recognized by Master Mother Tree. Even his own sister is attracted to her invisibly.

No. 88 Wangting.

Listy landed on the second floor platform, opened the door and entered the room.

Nunnally tensed her body, but relaxed after seeing that the person coming was Listy.

Where's Sasha?

Miss Feia is sleeping. Nunnally pointed to the three people lying in the cradle.


Listy was a little confused.

She thought Weier and the others called Shasha over because they had something to do.

Didn't expect to just sleep?

Listy raised her eyebrows slightly: This cradle bed... is the source device that was turned into a vehicle before. It has strong defense power and the special ability to easily break through domains and barriers. It must be It’s a lost source artifact of high quality.”

Will there be any special effect if you lie down in it to sleep?

Nunally, you continue to stand guard.

Listy said as she got on the cradle and hugged Feiya.

It was easy for three loli-shaped girls to lie on the cradle bed that had not changed in shape, but with the plump Listy, it seemed more crowded. However, the cradle had its own sleep-inducing ability, and it didn't take long for Listy to fall asleep. Fell asleep.

A young female dragon girl with green hair and green eyes suddenly appeared in the bedroom, ignoring Nunnally who was squatting beside her. She looked at the cradle below, looking at it curiously.

The sixteen destroyed branches and leaves, as well as the branches and leaves of the two ready-made trees, are interesting. Is this a portal made of branches of the Eternal World Tree? Its function is... to connect to another world and allow living beings to obtain A prop that can move the body?

I'll give it a try. I haven't been to other worlds yet, and I don't know if this thing can withstand my power.

Yin Sera lay down on it. Her body was small, so there was no pressure to force it inside.

Just a few seconds later she was ejected by a flash of light.

The cradle shook violently, making Nunnally beside her confused.

Am I too strong? Or are there not enough branches and leaves?

Yin Sera thought about it, and felt that she still absorbed not enough leaves of the eternal divine branch. Now she is just a dream clone, very weak.

The jade one has been put on, and it has the smell of jade in it.

The one from Gray Dream should be fine too.

As the guardian of Gray Dream, with her relationship with Gray Dream, she can easily ask for branches and leaves.

Just when she was about to take action, there was a perception from her body.

Something bad is coming in.

Yin Sera summoned a green aperture with some regret.

She was quite interested in this Luo Xi, after all, he had the authority over time.

Come and play again next time you have time.


Red Flame Mountains Volcanic Islands.


Floresia, who was suspended in the air, breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the cold light that blinded her eyes dissipated, and the eternal sacred tree standing in the sky was not affected at all and was still as green.

Until the end, she did not go to the Emerald City in order to prevent things in the sea from landing.

If something happens to Xiao Luo Xi, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

Roar! —

Amidst the sky-shattering dragon roar, the deep blue flames burned to ashes a low-level king-level fallen sea monster that tried to attack her while she was distracted.

However, without Floresia noticing, an invisible strange line followed the deep blue flames and went up her body, making Floresia's red-gold vertical boy feel slightly gloomy.

The flame of the soul, or the flame of the root, this kind of flame that breathes out from one's own soul and roots, is indestructible and powerful, but it is also full of dangers.

Floresia naturally listened to the warning given by the Red Dragon Alexlita, so she was extra careful every time she used this flame.

However, pollution still creeps in.

It's just that now Long Niang's mind is full of Luo Xi, and she can't notice the changes in her body at all.




For Luo Xi, the game was updated just in time, and he couldn't play it today anyway.

With Maomao and Aina accompanying him, this day will pass quickly.

Mr. Luo Xi.

On the stairs, Feiya's clear voice sounded.

Wei'er silently raised her head in Luo Xi's arms, glanced at it, and then lowered her head.

She didn't want to worry about anything.

As long as Luo Xi is fine.

Aina looked up as if facing a formidable enemy, her dark brown eyes filled with vigilance.

The wolf-eared loli thrust her tail into Luo Xi's hand as if she was declaring sovereignty.

Brother Luo Xi is mine, and the right to play with his tails is also mine. Don’t think that you are great just because you have six tails!

Well, come and sit. Luo Xi motioned to the sofa in front of him with his eyes.

Feiya walked over with some trepidation, and sat down very uncomfortably. She didn't know where to put her hands, and it felt very cute.

When Fiya sat down, the six fluffy fox tails behind her scattered on the sofa, making Aina's expression blur for a while.

Can anyone really have so many tails?

Could this vixen secretly get some tail from somewhere and insert it into the back of her butt? !

Feiya hesitated for a long time, but still wanted to take the initiative to express her thoughts.

Although she already knew from Ai Xue that Mr. Luo Xi probably had a good impression of her, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to save her so many times.

But she wanted to hear Mr. Luo Xi's reply.

Shameless, just be shameless.

This young man's light was so dazzling, like the Altair hanging high in the sky, that she was willing to pursue him even from a distance.

Mr. Luo Xi, there is something I want to do...

The words have not yet finished.

There was a sound of something falling heavily upstairs. UU read www.uukanshu. net

Luo Xi was stunned and called out to Ai Xue who went to the kitchen to prepare snacks:

Ai Xue, did you close the window just now?

No, what's wrong?


Luo Xi walked up the stairs with the two sisters hanging on his body, and Feiya followed behind him.

The sound came from his room.

Aina wrinkled her little nose.

This smell...why does it feel like it's that elf woman?

Probably not.

The wolf-eared Loli glanced at the fox-eared elf following behind.

Maybe it's the scent left over from the vixen?

When Luo Xi pushed open the door of his room, suddenly, a pretty long white leg kicked directly towards him. Luo Xi quickly grabbed it with quick eyes and hands and threw it forward.

The owner of this long white leg adjusted her figure in mid-air, and then landed lightly on the bed. Her beautiful golden long hair was flowing down like tassels. The air conditioner covered most of her body, but Because her figure is so good, some fair parts are still exposed.

Feiya exclaimed: Mom, why are you here?

Luo Xi: ???

With her graceful figure, her intellectual aura, and her hairstyle that was very dangerous for ladies, Luo Xi could tell at a glance that this was indeed the elf elder sister.

Wei'er\\/Aina: !

No, why did your aunt run over from us?

[Note: This time it’s a mother-daughter flower versus a sister flower~ (Fog, this melon is so delicious, I want to eat it, Traveler)]

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