Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 314: The Sisters and the Newborn Rose Control Traveler, the Emerald City and the Little Fox’

Get dressed, Aina, you get dressed first!

Before Luo Xi could say anything, Ai Xue couldn't stand it any longer. This wolf-eared loli pounced on Luo Xi naked. Did she have no sense of shame at all?

Wei'er doesn't know how to educate her sister!

When Wei'er comes out, you must have a good talk with her. Aina hasn't grown up yet. Normally, it's okay for a girl to have a good time, but she must not act on it!

The senior is already a scumbag, but he can't really develop in a perverted direction. Ai Xue doesn't want to see the senior kidnapped a bunch of underage girls and come back one day. It would be terrifying to think about it.

Aina, get dressed first, and I'll talk to you about the matter there later.

Luo Xi patted Aina's head, and reluctantly moved her eyes away from the little wolf girl's fair body. She took the skirt from the side with her right hand and threw it on Aina's chest to prevent the white parts that he shouldn't look at from being exposed. in the air.

During this time, Aina has indeed grown up a bit compared to when they first met.

As expected of a girl who has reached the developmental stage, her growth rate is fast. After another year, Aina may be able to crush Maomao.

emmmm, in fact Luo Xi feels that he has already surpassed it now.

Luo Xi was inexplicably looking forward to what Aina would look like when she grew up.

Isn't it a wonderful thing to watch the process of a cute loli becoming a girl with your own eyes?

[Note: Traveler, you want to play Loli. You should develop that style, right? You should start early. The little wolf girl is already 14 years old! The illegal shelf life is about to expire! 】

Shut up.


Since the air conditioner was on in the room, Aina also felt a little chilly. She took off the skirt hanging on her body and put it on without caring about Ai Xue and Luo Xi next to her.

After putting it on, Aina touched the chest area of ​​the skirt, frowned and said, Brother Luo Xi, Aina feels it's a little tight here.

Then change one and ask your sister Ai Xue to change it for you. These are all for you.

Considering the body shapes of Maomao and Mama Long, Luo Xi ordered many sets of different styles of dresses as backup. In fact, their heights were almost the same, but there was a big difference in certain parts.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

Especially for Floresia, girls of this size rarely reach her size.

Luo Xi handed Aina to Ai Xue and asked her to help Aina change clothes while she looked at the other egg in front of her.

Not long after, the egg belonging to Wei'er also shattered, and the eggshell turned into tiny specks of light. A white-haired and red-haired cat-eared girl sat blankly in the nest, her body also naked.

【Ding! Your acerbity value +10]

[Note: Sexy traveler! 】

Ignoring the text prompts, Luo Xi raised her hand and waved it in front of Weier's eyes, calling her out of her daze.

Mao Mao, what are you thinking about? You are already here.

Wei'er finally came back to her senses. She looked at Luo Xi, her light red eyes a little erratic. After a while, the girl stretched out her green and slender fingers, grabbed the hand that Luo Xi had put away, and whispered: Luo Xi, are you over there in the Emerald City now?

Luo Xi nodded and said, Well, Floresia told you?

She also saved us.

Wei'er paused and said with some fear: Neither Aina nor I can fly that airship. If you don't come back, when the source marrow crystals are exhausted, Aina and I will probably fall. I must learn to drive it when I have time.

Although Weier was confident that she could use her abilities to hold Aina and blend into the ground the moment they landed, the result would be that they would probably fall into the soil dozens of meters deep and end up being embedded in it.

Her ability is not yet able to maintain the state of entering objects for a long time.

Rather than being buried alive, it would be better to just throw them together and become Weier-chan and Aina-chan, at least there would be no pain.

Sorry, Starfire didn't listen to me...

Luo Xi explained half of it and said no more.

Xinghuo also took the initiative to come down because of his master.

Anyway, as long as the two of them are safe.

Luo Xi asked curiously: How did you escape?

Weier glanced at Aina, who was still getting dressed, and shook her head to express that she didn't know either.

Luo Xi couldn't help but be a little confused.

Over there in the Emerald City, he saw with his own eyes that devastating blow that was even more terrifying than the real mushroom egg. How did Wei'er and Aina survive?

Could it be that Gouwen took action?

However, Gou Wenwen did not come to claim credit from him. He only said afterward that nothing happened to the two sisters, which was somewhat inconsistent with her character.

[Note: When did we have that kind of personality? This is naked slander! (〃> dishes<)! 】

Damn it, the female brat, if one day I could transform into a lolita and punch her in the stomach, she would definitely cry beautifully, right?

call! —

Suddenly a strong wind blew outside the villa, and there was the sound of something being moved upstairs.


Weier looked up, but she only saw the ceiling in the room.

It's probably a mouse, right?

Luo Xi didn't pay attention. He didn't think anyone would dare to touch his brow now.

By the way, Cat, get dressed.

As Wei'er suddenly raised her head, some parts of the cat-eared girl that were originally covered by the snow-covered hair were exposed. This made Luo Xi subconsciously turn her head away, but she couldn't help but want to take a look.


After two screams, one light and one heavy, Maomao let go of Luo Xi's hand, took the clothes handed over by Luo Xi with a blushing face, and put on the vest first.

I was exposed by this pervert again, meow...

Although this is not the first time, I always feel disadvantaged by this guy looking at me like this every time I come here.

The same goes for Aina. When she thinks about her sister being finished by this guy, Wei'er wants to kick Luo Xi hard.

Aina had already changed into two sets of skirts at this time, but she was still not satisfied with either one. She looked at Weier and asked: Sister Weier, this dress feels tight to Aina. Aren't you wearing it tight?

It's not tight.

Wei'er was putting on a small skirt and asked with a puzzled look on her face: Where is it tight?

Luo Xi's clothes should have been bought according to the sizes they had when they came here before, and Wei'er thought they fit very well.


The little wolf girl pointed to her chest and said: Aina always feels that the clothes are tight here. Sister, you seem to be just right. Aina is so envious of her sister. The clothes my brother prepared for Aina don't seem to be good. wore.

Weier: ...

Maomao looked down at his shirt that fit him just right.

He took another look at his sister's obviously bulging area.

She always felt that her 'good sister' was trying to spite her!

Wei'er (〃>﹏<〃) said: Idiot Aina, don't wear any more! Just run naked!

Ai Xue: ......

She finally understood why this wolf-eared loli was so shameless.

My elder sister can say such things, and I feel that I can understand why my younger sister ran naked into the arms of her senior.

Finally, Ai Xue picked out a piece of her own clothes for Aina.

Otherwise it would be really hard to wear.

She had experienced the tight feeling in her chest in middle and high school. If she didn't wear it properly, it would affect her growth.

Aina kept mumbling after putting it on, It smells like Ai Xue, it would be nice if it was my brother's smell.

After the sisters were dressed, Luo Xi took them to the living room downstairs and ordered some refreshments from the park's logistics staff on his mobile phone. Then he felt that the air in the living room had become strange.

Opposite the sofa, Aina did not take the initiative to sit next to him for the first time. Both Weier and Aina were staring at him.

Ai Xue also looked at him with dangerous eyes.

The time has finally come.

She heard clearly what Aina shouted when she came out just now.

Ai Xue asked first: Senior, what kind of fox was Aina talking about just now? Are you going to get involved with some cute girl again?

It was the same thing last time. There was an extra red dragon girl for no reason, and she was so powerful that it was unbelievable.

Aina also said aggrievedly: Brother Luo Xi, you have already done this and that to Aina and my sister's tails. Don't bring another big-tailed fox to your home! If one day you feel tired of Aina's tail, , Aina can give her brother another place to play.

Ai Xue: ???

Why are you talking like a wolf-eared girl?

Even though he is so young, he is not ashamed at all to say such things.

Weier rolled her eyes at Aina. She was also a little speechless about Aina, but she was also a little envious.

She couldn't say anything like this.

Just the word like was already exhausted. If she said anything more, Wei'er was afraid that she would faint on the spot.

Faced with the 'torture' of the three girls, Luo Xi managed to remain calm and said: Ai Xue, you are overthinking. I just accepted a bird's commission to rescue its owner. Wei'er and Aina both know that. , and that little bird has the heaven-defying attribute of +30 luck. After the commission is completed, the bird will be mine.

Ai Xue: ?

What kind of bird is not a bird?

The girl now wants to curse herself for being such a big idiot.

After such a long time, I am still stuck in the Novice Village. Although the harvest is good, the seniors don't know how many places in the dream world they have traveled.

As for the fox you are talking about.

Luo Xi smiled slightly and said: Feiya and I are not very familiar with each other now, so the kind of thing you think won't happen. Don't really think of me as the kind of scumbag who sees Rua one after another.

Aina nodded slightly.

Judging from the smell, my brother must be telling the truth.

[Note: Innocent little Aina, the meaning of the traveler is that you can rua when it is cooked! 】

Dog text, you are also a naked slander!

Luo Xi continued: The Elf Emperor doesn't want to let me go for some reason. I'll take a look at the situation in the Emerald City first. I will plant Hollow Flowers there. If you can travel back and forth at will through the Hollow Flowers, you can also Don’t worry anymore.”

If it doesn't work, I will try to self-shark and see if I can be resurrected in a safe place in Winter City.

That's not necessary.

Wei'er shook her head. Seeing how confident Luo Xi was speaking, she gained a little more trust in him.

In fact, from the time they met until now, apart from the uninvited Dragon Lady, Luo Xi had not taken the initiative to look for other girls. Even Ai Xue was an acquaintance of his.

And why should she care so much about this guy?

Huh, she just has a little fondness for this guy. She doesn't care who she wants to do what she wants!

[Note: The familiar arrogant and defeated dog, oh, it smells like an arrogant and defeated cat~]


Xiaobai was brought back from his hometown by Luo Xi. Xiaobai, who was sleeping in the living room on the first floor, heard his master's voice and slowly approached the sofa. Then he suddenly jumped into Luo Xi's arms and rubbed his body gently. , the cat's face showed an expression of enjoyment.

When Luo Xi saw a cute little girl jumping into her arms, she started to act up.

Although things like animals with animal ears are comfortable to wear, real cats are also very easy to wear.

Wei'er looked at the little white cat being treated so lovingly by Luo Xi. Her cat ears and tail curled up unconsciously, and she felt inexplicably sore in her heart.

[Note: The tsundere cat is hopeless and cannot even defeat a pet. If the little white cat turns into a human one day and has the same attributes, the cat will be able to defeat the dog seat~]

Luo Xi: ?

Why do you always say weird things?

He glanced at the cat-eared girl opposite.

Wei'er noticed his gaze, turned her head impatiently, and snorted softly.

However, Aina got off the sofa and ran to Luo Xi's side, holding his arms and rubbing her head against his strong abdomen.

Brother Luo Xi smells so good~hehehe~?

Ai Xue sat firmly on the Diaoyutai opposite.

She had already finished eating her senior, literally everything. Although she felt a little uncomfortable watching other girls interact with her senior, there was nothing she could do about it.

Unless one day the world returns to its original state.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Outside the door of the villa, the sound of a ball bouncing could be heard.

Upon seeing this, Ai Xue walked over and opened the door, and then saw a hen walking in while patting a basketball with her paws. Under the gaze of everyone, she quickly laid an egg on the cushion in the entrance of the living room, and patted a few more with her paws. I got off the basketball and ran out.

Ai Xue: ?

It turns out that if you put a chicken and a basketball together, the chicken will really learn how to play basketball without a teacher.

Luo Xi pinched her chin with her fingers and said, I thought it was an urban legend. I originally thought that if it couldn't learn it, I would stew it and eat its meat.

Ai Xue picked up the egg laid by the hen and complained helplessly: That's because there's something wrong with your chicken, senior!

What did the red dragon lady from the dream world add to this chicken?

This is the first time I have seen a chicken that can play basketball, and it will also take the initiative to deliver eggs to its owner.

Aina blinked and asked, Brother Luo Xi, does that chicken have a name?

No, let me think about it.

Luo Xi thought for a moment and then said: How about calling me A Kun?

Afterwards, Ai Xue cracked the egg, mixed it with a few ordinary eggs, and made egg and lotus seed tea for everyone.

During the afternoon, Luo Xi drove a few people out for a few rounds, went to a store designated by the tourism bureau, and bought a few sets of fitting clothes for Ainaweier. After returning home, the four of them started fighting. Games on ps5.

At night, before leaving, Wei'er wanted to say something to Luo Xi, but gave up.

See you next time, Weier said.

The arrogant cat-eared girl left clothes all over the floor when her body became transparent, falling together with Aina's clothes.

Luo Xi sighed softly and went up to tidy up.

Finally the two sisters were sent away.

He looked at his phone.

Someone sent him a WeChat message.

[Wang Yuanjie: Little Mule, the number one dream traveler in the world, 6, why didn’t you tell me? And Chen Yao got a player quota today. I really want it too. If you can, you can do it for me too. A no? By the way, is the animal-eared loli easy to control? 】

[Chen Yao: Luo Xi, we are back home. I drew a player quota today, and I will ask the boss to guide me in the future! When will you come out for another meal? 】

Chen Yao won a test spot?

Luo Xi was not too surprised.

He replied to the two of them, You can come to me at any time, the location has been sent to you, and then logged on to WeChat.

He still had some things to deal with.

For example, today's update of Dawn has not been seen by Luo Xi.

【Do you want to enter the ladder arena? 】


【Do you want to bring spectators/servants/mounts... to the venue? (Each traveler can bring a person or life from the dream world who is not the traveler into the dream platform (you need to have a qualitative change in the other person's favorability towards you before you can enter)

The rules are similar to those of the Dream Trading Platform.

Luo Xi clicked No and chose to enter directly.

[Warm reminder: In order to prevent travelers from being too addicted to the ladder arena, the daily opening time of the arena is only from 18:00 to 24:00 in Dream World, and it is not open now]

Luo Xi: ......

Good guy, I have taken care of all the anti-addiction issues.

Then let's do it tomorrow, he's not in a hurry anyway.

Speaking of which, it is already the second day.

Over in the dream world, the elf queen had given him a wooden sign that could represent his identity in the afternoon, as well as props to hide his alienation characteristics. However, Luo Xi found that there was nothing he had gotten from the bar owner. The brooch is easy to use, so there is no use for it.

Daily sync has been refreshed.

Now you can go and explore the Emerald City.

Dream world.

Feiya rubbed her eyes, opened the door and walked out of the room. She had consumed a lot today, and the power of the flood almost killed her, so much so that her hair turned into a pale platinum.

But she was lucky enough to avoid such a desperate danger, and she didn't know who would suffer the subsequent disaster.

Feiya still believes that her luck only works for her. Any triggering of luck will cause disasters for things and things around her. This is why she always changes places to live.

At this time, she saw a young man standing on the other side of the corridor.

That person was Luo Xi.

The cold moonlight passed through the corridor window and shone on Luo Xi's profile, highlighting the young man's extraordinarily earthy temperament.

The night breeze blew his short, ink-like hair, and under the moonlight, the young man's pair of dragon horns shone brightly.

Feiya's heartbeat skipped a beat.

Just looking at this face, she felt that her irritable heart seemed to calm down.

The girl's lips unconsciously raised into a smile.

But she quickly hid the smile.

It's strange that I am attracted to someone I don't know very well.

It seemed to be the same last time.

It was as if this young man had some special power that attracted her.

But Luo Xi probably didn't use any mental spells on her.

Feiya is still very confident in her own perception.

[Note: Little fox, you guessed it right! This is how powerful the beast-eared loli strategy master and chef saint loli crumb control traveler is! Be afraid! Who calls you a loli? Not even the legal ones. Travelers like the legal ones best! 】

Shut up.

Luo Xi, who was leaning against the window, suddenly heard two words coming out of his mouth, which startled Feiya and made her wonder if she had done something to arouse Luo Xi's disgust.

Luo Xi turned to look at her with a smile and asked, Are you awake?


Feiya nodded sheepishly.

She also felt a little embarrassed for sleeping so late.

Luo Xi pointed downstairs: Are you interested in going out for a walk?

The downstairs is still full of pedestrians, but there may be something added to this house. At night, all the sounds from outside can't come in, and Luo Xi can't hear it even if he leans next to it.

Want to take a stroll? Okay.

Feiya is also very curious about this city that she has lived in for thirty years but has never seen.

Now that she has the opportunity to make up for the unknown in her heart, she will naturally not let it go.

The two of them walked slowly down the stairs, but a white figure suddenly appeared in the darkness, which almost frightened Luo Xi so much that he punched him straight up.


The elf maid Nunnally turned on the light in the corridor, looked at the two of them, and asked, Where are you two going?

Luo Xi said: Go out for a walk.

Nunnally said immediately: Please let me accompany you.

His Majesty's order is for her to follow these two people throughout the entire journey and report anything to her immediately.

Well, you can do whatever you want.

Luo Xi didn't care about an elf maid who was obviously an informant.

Nunnally said seriously: Mr. Luo Xi, please don't use honorifics. You two treat me as a maid, just call me by my name.

Luo Xi said: Then, Nunnally, you can be our guide. Show us what fun and interesting places there are in this central street of the royal court of the elves.

Then it must be the 'Alvin Happy City' that integrates all entertainment, shopping, and play functions.

Nunnally said without hesitation: The Happy City is on the left side of the exit of Center Street. It covers a very large area and is the property of Earl Alvin. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Then let's go over there and have a look.

Luo Xi didn't care where he was, he just wanted to open a map first.

The three of them came to the first floor. The front hall on the first floor was a large store, but it was empty now. Nunnally told Luo Xi that he could open a store here anytime he wanted.


As the door was pushed open, a dream world-style car with an exquisite appearance was parked at the door.

Nunnally got into the driver's seat, and some elves passing by saw the car start and immediately dispersed.

Those who can drive on this central street are really big shots.

Ordinary people are not allowed to come in by car at all.

Luo Xi also experienced the dream world's vehicles for the first time. There was no such thing in Bergere Town. After all, the place was small and there was no need for this kind of transportation.

Feiya also had a look of wonder on her face. The hidden fox tail on her back swayed unconsciously, and the fur on it touched Luo Xi's hand from time to time.

Luo Xi's hands were itchy and she resisted the desire to touch them.

Although, I really want to rua.

[Note: Travelers, don’t think about it anymore, just do it and it’s done! 】


After Nunnally drove for more than ten minutes, the three of them finally arrived at the place she mentioned.

A magnificent, palace-like place.

At this time, several elegantly dressed elven men, who looked like they were from rich families, ran past Luo Xi and the others, muttering something - the 'Black Moon Fifteenth Arena' was about to begin.

There were elves passing by him, and they all muttered: How can a lowly servant like a human being enjoy a luxury car? Who is this willful young lady from?

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