Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 315: The eldest lady, the elf fox-eared lady, Luo Xi takes action! (seven k)

Mr. Luo Xi, don't be angry.

After the elf left, Nunnally turned to Luo Xi and said: They are all children of some great nobles. They have developed the habit of being arrogant and looking down on others since they were young. Even if they are fellow elves, There are very few people they look up to, let alone humans.”

While the maid was speaking, she was also silently observing the young man. She did not see any anger on his face, as if the elves were not talking about him.


Luo Xi waved his hand.

In the Kingdom of Shining Light, he was already accustomed to feeling inferior to others as a patient with alienation disorder.

No matter where it is, this contempt for class differences is almost always the same.

But in the Emerald Forest, where there are different races, this chain of contempt is even more profound and complex.

Elves \u003e Humans \u003e Alien humans \u003e Alien elves.

The status of elves suffering from alienation syndrome is even lower than that of alien humans. You can imagine what kind of turmoil it would cause if Luo Xi and Feiya showed their alienated characteristics here.

He got down from the car, and Fiya followed him. An elf passed by them, and just seeing Fiya's emerald green eyes, he didn't dare to take another look.

The girl with such pure green eyes is probably a little princess with noble blood from the royal court. Those eldest ladies have bad tempers. It's no joke that one look at her will kill her.

It was also the first time that Feiya felt feared by others.

All the changes were simply because her body had hidden the alien features of the pair of fox ears and tail.

She... doesn't like this place.

The fox-eared girl lowered her head silently.

She wanted to leave.

However, Aunt Kurea did not allow her to leave.

【Ding! You unlocked the area: Alvin City of Joy]

Luo Xi read the text prompt, turned to look at the vixen, and said, If you feel uncomfortable, you can go back first. I'll go shopping here by myself.

He couldn't figure out what this fox-eared girl was thinking, but Luo Xi would not forcefully pull her in. After all, the two of them had only just met.

Although Luo Xi was quite interested in Feiya's fox tail.

Feiya raised her head and said, Mr. Luo Xi, I just remembered something. Let's go.

Yeah. Luo Xi nodded.

Nunnally looked at the two men curiously.

The two of them had a somewhat distant feeling before, and it seemed that they were not very familiar with each other before.

Why would His Majesty let himself take care of them together? She also asked her not to stop them from doing things, she just had to keep records.

However, as a qualified maid, Nunnally quickly put aside these distracting thoughts, showed a sweet smile and said: Considering that we may talk to others later, let's confirm our identities first, Miss Feiya, you are now She is a daughter of Duke Mel, Mr. Luo Xi, you are Miss Feiya’s attendant, and I am Miss Feiya’s maid, is this okay?”

Feiya paused for a moment, shook her head and said, Isn't this a bit offensive to Mr. Luo Xi, being a follower to someone like me...

Even if it's just fake.

It's okay. You said this was all fake. Let's go in first.

Luo Xi found that this time he had less than ten minutes of synchronization time left.

After getting used to the extra three hours of synchronization time in and out of Berggry Town at any time every day, Luo Xi was not used to such a short half-hour under the ordinary module.

That would...offend you.

Feiya nodded her head silently.

She once again scolded herself in her heart.

How could Mr. Luo Xi, who had such an easy-going personality, be such a pervert? Although the two girls next to him had strange feelings for him, how could she judge a person's character by just seeing one side?

【Ding! Feiya’s favorability towards you is +20]

[Fiya’s current favorability towards you is: 78 (a person with good character)]

[Description: At first, Bergere and his party thought that you, the traveler, were a pervert who liked little girls. However, after you saved her without fear of death, coupled with the personal conversation between her and you, this fox-eared girl became more interested in you. Your senses have changed]

[Note: Stupid little fox, don’t give the lolita dandruff control traveler to the pua, stick to your idea! 】

Luo Xi skillfully crossed out the crazy dog ​​text, and under Nunnally's guidance, followed Feiya towards the Happy City.

As a follower, he naturally cannot walk ahead of his master in such a place.

Inside Elvin City of Joy.

There are a dazzling array of stores, and in the innermost part are large venues, with many people wandering nearby.

Most of the people who consume here are elves. Even if humans have money, they can't even enter the gate.

As soon as Feiya stepped into the door, a male elf in a tuxedo came over and asked respectfully:

Dear guest, do you have any scheduled itinerary today? Do you need a guide?


Feiya hesitated. She didn't expect the visitor to come so quickly. Her delicate red lips showed a gentle but forced smile, and she subconsciously wanted to touch the hat covering the fox ears on her head.

It was only when she raised her hand halfway that Fiya remembered that she had used the items provided by Kureia's aunt to cover up the alienated features on her body. In the eyes of others, she was already a purebred elven compatriot.

Even though she was a little panicked in her heart, Feiya quickly calmed down due to her calm personality developed by wandering for more than ten years.

No, I just...want to walk around casually, and I don't need a guide.

The male elf looked at the visitor for a moment, handed over a book, and said with a smile: Dear guest, this is the map of Elvin City of Joy and the platinum level pass, as well as the eldest son of the earl, Zuo Lan. Alvin is also here, if you need anything, we can help you contact him.

Feiya took the elf's things and said, We just walk around casually, there's no need to go to such trouble.

Then have fun.

The male elf could tell that this possibly well-connected girl really just wanted to come here for a walk.

This is also very common. As the largest entertainment venue in the Emerald City, Alvin City of Joy, many nobles from the royal court come here to have fun at night and spend a lot of money here. If you want to be received by someone here, you must at least be a viscount. Nobles of the same rank, including barons, are not qualified.

The elf took the initiative to greet her because of her emerald green eyes.

But today this lady doesn’t seem to want to reveal her identity.

After Feiya entered the VIP passage of Happy City with her entourage and maid, the male elf hesitated for a moment and did not contact Lord Zuo Lan, who might be having fun with a woman now.

After walking dozens of steps, Feiya turned around anxiously and asked Luo Xi and Nunnally: There shouldn't be anything wrong with what I just showed, right?

Although she did have noble royal bloodline, she had never enjoyed such treatment as she was born as a mutant. Just normal conversations with other elves made Feiya feel very difficult.

If Luo Xi knew what this fox-eared girl was thinking, she would definitely tell her that you are a criminal.

Nunnally smiled and said: No problem, Miss Feiya is doing very well.

To be honest, Nunnally was a little curious about this person's identity.

Regardless of bloodline and origin, the calmness and elegance of a girl's temperament cannot be cultivated by ordinary families. How did a person with such an identity become a patient with alienation syndrome?

The possibility of the elves being infected with the alienation factor is very low, let alone those noble children.

That's good.

Feiya breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Luo Xi secretly.

Luo Xi smiled and said, Yes, she feels like a young lady.

Mr. Luo Xi, please stop teasing me. I'm not a young lady.

Feiya turned her head away. From an angle that no one could see, her thin cherry-red lips raised in a beautiful arc, and two cute dimples appeared on her fair and tender cheeks.

I don’t know why, but I feel a little happy.

Luo Xi looked at the booklet the girl was holding and said, Miss Feiya, show me the map.

Ah, okay.

Feiya's body trembled slightly, and she frantically touched her pocket with her right hand, and then discovered that the booklet was in her left hand.

This fox-eared elf gave Luo Xi a silly and cute feeling for the first time.

Luo Xi took the booklet from the red-faced girl who felt stupid, opened it and took a look, and found that this place was really ridiculously big.

Judging from the scale, this Happy City is probably larger than his town of Bergere.

Exclude those restaurants that look like high-end places first. The Black Moon Auction, Black Moon Arena, Alvin Gold Casino, etc. marked on the map all occupy quite a large area.

Luo Xi handed the booklet to the maid and said, Miss Nunnally, where do you think we should go?

Nunnally shook her head and said: I have never been here before. This is a famous gold sales den. My meager salary cannot afford the consumption here.

But don't worry, you two. Her Majesty has said that all your expenses in the Emerald City will be paid by her.

Luo Xi's eyes lit up.

There is such a good thing.

Since the elf emperor is so generous, he feels sorry for the 'detention' this time if he doesn't get more things.

Nunnally saw Luo Xi's eyes shining, so she continued: However, there is a quota. The daily consumption cannot exceed 1,000 emerald gold coins. The excess needs to be figured out by yourself, Mr. Luo Xi.

Luo Xi: ...

Tch, stingy.

The Black Moon Arena is open! Hurry, go and place your bets. I heard that the dark horse who came here some time ago has won thirteen consecutive games. If he wins fifteen consecutive games, then a new generation of Black Moon Boxing Champion will be born. !”

Isn't that a mutant human? Will the Black Moon Chamber of Commerce really let him become the boxing champion?

Who knows, I think the possibility is quite high. Don't say it, the seats will be gone if it gets later, and I don't want to stand and watch!

Two elves who were jogging and discussing quickly passed by Luo Xi and the others.

Luo Xi looked towards where they were running.

Alien humans?

Strange, isn’t there no alien human beings in the Emerald City?

Nunnally frowned too.

But she reacted quickly.

Under the rule and orders of two generations of elf emperors, it was almost impossible for patients with alienation syndrome to enter the city in a normal way.

But the great nobles of the royal court are different.

They want to bring in people from outside and relax.

Several dukes could even oppose the resolution proposed by His Majesty in person. Nunnally also knew that His Majesty had been upset for a long time by the nobles of the royal court who only cared about their own interests.

Nunnally's pale green eyes twinkled slightly.

I heard that the person standing behind Earl Alvin is the Grand Duke, who has been at odds with His Majesty. If we can get evidence that the other party secretly allowed aliens to enter the Emerald City...

Wait, Nunnally suddenly remembered something serious. So, did His Majesty also let the alien species enter the city?

The maid fell silent.

And can His Majesty really not know these things?

As the Elf Emperor, in this city, as long as His Highness is willing, nothing can escape His Majesty's gaze.

Mr. Luo Xi—

Go check out that arena.

Before the maid finished speaking, Luo Xi made a decision and ran in the direction the two elves left.

Faia and Nunnally followed him immediately.

After running for about a kilometer, the three of them arrived at the venue marked on the map. At this moment, there were many elves entering the venue continuously with their subordinates or servants.

The venue is about thirty meters high, and the entire structure is made of wood. Bright lights shine through the window holes in the outer wall of the venue, reflecting a golden night sky.

Nunnally pointed to a small ornate door that was guarded by someone, and said, Miss Feiya, let's go to the VIP passage over there. You go in front.


Feiya straightened her dress a little and walked over there with a calm expression.

The gatekeeper stopped Feiya and asked equally respectfully: Excuse me, this distinguished guest, do you have an invitation or reservation for the VIP room?

Can't we enter without those things?

Feiya tried her best to make her voice less nervous, and looked at the elf guarding the door with a pair of pure emerald green eyes.

The gatekeeper's heart skipped a beat.

I'm afraid this person's background is not small.

of course not.

The gatekeeper's face became more respectful, and he smiled and said: Even if there is no invitation or reservation, as long as your status is sufficient, you can enjoy the treatment of a distinguished guest at any time.

The gatekeeper said nothing more. He looked at Luo Xi and Nunnally behind Feiya, waiting for the lady's servant to speak.

He knew very well that at this time, it would be too cheap for the master to tell his identity, so he had to do it in a stupid way.

Nunnally raised her eyebrows and said, Bold, do you know who this is?

Then the maid looked at Luo Xi.

Luo Xi: ...

What are you looking at me for?

Under the gaze of the maid, Luo Xi gritted her teeth, took out the platinum pass and said: This is the apple of Duke Mel's eye, Miss Feiya! If you are not afraid of death, please get out of the way!

[Note: Traveler, you really look like a bitch~]

It turns out she is the eldest lady of Duke Mel's family. I am disrespectful and disrespectful.

The gatekeeper immediately stood up and let him go.

No matter who this person is, all he needs is a name from the other party.

The eldest daughter of the Duke's family has a long history. In the family history accumulated by the Elf clan over the long years, there have been only eleven Grand Dukes in the entire Emerald Forest, except for the five who have been in the Emerald City all year round. , and the remaining six each commanded a city of David.

Duke Mel is one of them.

As for whether someone might be impersonating, it was none of his business anyway, and the eldest lady's royal bloodline was indeed very strong, which could be seen at a glance from the color of her eyes.

After the three people entered the VIP door, an elf ran over and expressed that he wanted to enter.

After learning the identity of the other party, the gatekeeper said disdainfully: The eldest son of Viscount Alantis? Go ahead and line up next door. It's better to have your elders come over.

The self-proclaimed elf said angrily: Then why did you let them in?

Heh. The gatekeeper glanced at this man's earth-green eyes and said with increasing contempt: Your end point is not even a fraction of others' starting point. Do you understand me?

Why are you talking like a watchdog!

Don't accept it? If you don't accept it, I'll call the escort!

When there was a commotion outside, Luo Xi and the other two people had been led by internal staff to a high-altitude box with floor-to-ceiling windows. From here, they could see that the lower part was full of people, and there was also a box in the center. That big arena.

Dear guest, do you need to place a bet?

The female elf who brought Luo Xi and others handed over a crystal.

Feiya took it, and two figures were instantly projected on the crystal, along with their relevant introductions.

[Lean Ferreira: A dark horse who has won 13 consecutive victories. He is a superhuman of the alienation system. His strength is the second level of alienation. He has strong endurance and adaptability.]

[Claudine Petro: The elf of the Petro clan who fought to the 14th round in the last Black Moon Arena, the ‘Yellow Wind Path’ sublimation type transcendent, the second level peak]

Luo Xi was a little surprised and said: Why are they only at the second level?

The female elf looked at Luo Xi with a strange look.

She was wondering how this follower dared to ask questions in front of the master, but seeing that Feiya didn't say anything, she explained: The arena competition here is divided into levels, and the highest is a fight between third-level extraordinary beings. , the current one is a second-level competition, and there will be a third-level competition later.”

This Rean has won thirteen games in a row. If you are optimistic about him, you can place a bet. These are tea and food. If you need anything, you can call me anytime.

The female elf placed the things on the table and left the box.

Luo Xi narrowed his eyes and looked at the arena.

Suddenly, the lights in the entire venue dimmed, and someone shouted with a loudspeaker: Everyone, please be quiet. Tonight's Black Moon Fifteenth Challenge is about to begin! If you haven't placed your bets yet, don't wait until it's too late.

[Traveler, this synchronization will end in one minute]

【Ding! You triggered a temporary dream synchronization (HD version, one hour), do you want to use it? 】

Luo Xi was slightly stunned.

I haven’t seen temporary synchronization in a while.

This thing is basically only triggered in special scenes or events.

Is there anything special about this Black Moon Arena?

Also, viewing the arena competition through text is too abstract.


As his vision became clearer, Luo Xi saw the host standing on the stage. He was a handsome male elf. Most of the people sitting below were also elves, and their servants were crowded in the aisle.

Countdown, fifteen seconds! Fifteen, fourteen...one! We invite our Rean player! He is the first dark horse to win thirteen consecutive victories as a mutant!

The elves in the audience did not have any intention of cheering.

Luo Xi saw a slightly short man with dog ears on his head and a tail walking out of the passage behind him.

Then, let's invite our other contestant today, Claudine Petro! The quasi-boxing champion who reached the 14th round in the last ring competition!

Claudine! Claudine!

In the venue, the shouts of countless elves rang out in an instant.

The elf who walked out of the darkness had a proud smile on his face and wiped Rean's neck as a demonstration.

Luo Xi frowned.

It was obvious that these elves just wanted to see human beings, as alien species, defeated by their compatriots. Some of them might have bet on Li Ensheng, but there was absolutely no way they could applaud him.

Soon, the host left the venue, leaving the ring to the two of them.

It is forbidden to use weapons in this game, and it is forbidden to use long-range abilities to directly affect the opponent. Violators will be punished with a loss. Leaving the ring will result in a loss. Death will result in a loss. Three seconds count down, three, two, one, the game begins!

The moment the sound fell, on the other side of the ring, the two men, who were eyeing each other eagerly, rushed towards each other and started fighting wildly.

Rean's fist turned into countless afterimages, and he kept hitting the elf on the opposite side, but the opponent blocked the attack with a yellow substance.

Claudine was not easy either. He originally thought that it would be easy for him to take down a second-level mutant.

However, at the moment of the fight, he realized that he was wrong.

The power of this alien human is ridiculously great, and the origin beast from which the opponent's infected factor comes must be of a very high level.

And he's also very fast.

Both strength and speed are top-notch. On a field like this where long-range attacks are not possible, Rean's advantage is too great.

Claudine took Rean's fist and whispered in a low voice: Human, you can't win anymore. People from the Black Moon Chamber of Commerce were sending you up before, just to increase your popularity. Maybe you do have some strength, but In the last battle, you will definitely die!

Rean's fist paused for a moment, then used force again. He said softly:

Thank you, but I have a reason why I can't lose.


Claudine sneered, yellow sand gathered in his hands, and he hammered hard at Rean, but after falling, he found that he had lost sight of Rean.

When his back felt cold, he realized that the other party had actually come behind him during the gap between his punches.

He wanted to turn around, but lost his balance and was knocked out of the ring by Rean behind him, falling into the crowd.

The host's voice sounded at the same time: Contestant Li En! Win the 14th round! The final battle will begin in half an hour, don't leave in a hurry!

Rean! Rean!

I made a lot of money today!

Even though the elves didn't want humans to win the final victory, some people couldn't help shouting out because they were making money.

Luo Xi looked at Li En leaving the field without saying a word.

Mr. Luo Xi, do you think he can win? Feiya asked softly from the side.

It's hard.

Luo Xi shook his head.

He felt that the organizers would not let this person win the fifteenth game like this.

It can also be seen from the enthusiastic crowd that when everyone places their bets on Rean, it is time for the organizers to cut the leeks.


Rean got a bottle of special potion to restore physical strength.

You should still remember the agreement between us.

The elf opposite with a cold smile on his face said this to him.

Li En was silent: I know.

What is it?

Fight to the fifteenth game, and then lose to the previous boxing champion.

Very good. Remember, don't do anything unnecessary. Your family is in our hands.


Half an hour later, when Rean came back again, the atmosphere at the scene had changed, and finally an elf called his name.

However, when another strong human came out, another name filled the scene.

Noam Pasha, human being, three-term boxing champion! A sublimated transcendent of the 'Black Steel Path'! The second level peak! Everyone, call his name!




Luo Xi looked at the information about this person on the crystal.

Then I discovered that he was indeed very powerful. He was able to win three times in a row and was considered top-notch in the second level.

After a burst of atmosphere, the battle is about to break out.

Rean and Norm were inseparable from each other in the arena.

However, Luo Xi could see that Li En seemed to be deliberately conserving his strength, so he fell behind.

The elves below were getting anxious. They had bet all their money on Rean. What if he lost?

After dodging Nomu's black fist, Rean thought to himself that this should be almost done, right?

He knew he couldn't win the game.

There was no way the organizers would let him stand until the end.

All he wants is to fulfill those people's requirements, UU Reading www.uukanshu. nett just redeemed his family.

When Nomu's fist struck again, Rean tried to dodge as usual. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and a large amount of source energy in his body was lost, causing a riot.

what happened?

Rean immediately thought of the bottle of potion he drank.

Did those guys use such a dirty trick to prevent him from doing unnecessary things?

But he really never thought about winning...

Norm's fist landed on Rean without any resistance, sending his body flying backwards and hitting the edge of the arena hard.

Norm had no intention of holding back. He immediately rushed forward and punched Rean hard on the head.

I, I can't die!

Rean reluctantly raised his hand, trying to block the opponent's attack.

Although he knew that he was just trying in vain.

In the audience, all the people watching had held their breath and were red-eyed, waiting for the final judgment to come.

At this moment, an unexpected figure suddenly appeared on the stage.

It was a human youth whose appearance was no worse than that of the elves.

With one hand, he grabbed Norm's hand that was trying to break Rean's head.

The fist, which carried unstoppable power in the eyes of everyone, could not move forward at all in the hands of the young man.

The young man looked at Noam's red eyes and said calmly: Don't you see that something is wrong with his condition? Besides, we are all human beings, why must we kill him?

In the box, Feiya looked at the people on the stage with a confused expression, and then looked at the empty seat next to her.

When did Mr. Luo Xi run up?

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