Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 313 Aina: I don’t want foxes or anything like that. Isn’t it enough for Aina to be with her

The coast of the Red Flame Mountains.

The huge red dragon flapped its wings gently and landed on the edge of the largest crater. The red-gold vertical boy stared closely at the sea to the south.

Fortunately, there was nothing strange about the sea except for the scorch left by her flames on the coast before she left.

Floresia's heart, which had been hanging, was relieved.

Let's not talk about Xiao Luoxi's side. If she doesn't do what the adults tell her well, she doesn't know how she will face the adults.

The red dragon's tail rolled up towards its back, rolling down the airship placed on top, and placed it steadily on the slope of the volcano.


As the hatch opened, Wei'er and Aina came out of the airship, half lying on the ground together. They gasped nervously after escaping from death. The gray bird next to them simply lay on its back and closed its eyes. Play dead.

Floresia skillfully transformed into a human being. Dressed in white gauze pleats, she walked up to the two sisters, leaned down and said, Were you all there just now?

Well...we're always on the airship.

Wei'er carefully looked at the red dragon lady.

In the absence of Luo Xi, she really didn't dare to get along with and talk to her.

Although everyone has been through thick and thin together and has been to Luo Xi's side together, she is still a team after all.

Floresia held her delicate chin with her hand and said with some confusion: When I passed by just now, I found that all the living creatures around me had been cleared away. How could you be okay?

The Elf Emperor struck very swiftly and directly to the place where there was a sign of a flood. With the power of the 'Emerald God's Punishment', it would be good if he could save the body if he was present.

No matter how much she thought, she could not figure out the reason why these two sisters were able to save their lives.

Forget it, too lazy to think about it.

Wei'er raised her hand to brush a strand of hair from her temples, and asked in a low voice: Um, sister Lecia, where did Luo Xi go? Didn't you see him?

Aina blinked her moist tea-gold eyes and looked at Floresia: Yes, yes, sister Lecia, where are brother Luo Xi?

Sister Lecia?

The Red Dragon Lady felt inexplicably that the sister they called her today sounded quite pleasant to her ears.

Little Luo Xi...

Floresia paused and then said: He was detained in the Emerald City by the Elf Emperor, but there should be no danger to his life, and you also know that his death here will not have any impact on the real him. The elf emperor wants to release him, or the master comes back, and then little Luo Xi can be released.

Wei'er: ???

Why was the person lost again?

Wait, why did she say again?

Didn't Luo Xi accept Xiaoniao's commission to save people? Let's run out of an elf emperor?

And who is afraid that he will die!

That guy died many times before her eyes, and Weier felt like she was becoming numb to the word 'death'.

What Wei'er is afraid of right now is that perverted playboy who goes out for a casual stroll and brings a few girls back home.

For example, the elf with fox ears and tail.

Originally, she thought that with her and Aina watching, Luo Xi would just let her leave early after rescuing the fox-eared girl.

Unexpectedly, it was the two sisters who became clowns.

Aina also thought of this.

She immediately asked: Is my brother with that fox now?

Floresia nodded.

She didn't know much about Feiya, but since the elf emperor said that the fox alien elf was her sister's daughter, then this should be credible.

As the most powerful person in the Emerald Forest, the Elf Emperor had no need to deceive her.


The little wolf girl suddenly became dejected.

Brother Luo Xi was in the same place as the fox. The fox's tail was so big, even bigger than hers.

Maybe my brother has already touched the fox’s tail, and he’s so happy that he misses Aina, right?

But before I left, Xiao Luo Xi gave these to me.

Floresia magically pulled out the cradle from behind her.

Then he dropped another seed, threw it next to the two hollow flowers, and injected the source element into it.

Weier and Aina's eyes lit up.

Fortunately, Luo Xi was still thoughtful enough to give these away, so even if they lost contact here, they could still contact the other world.

By the way, I want to remind that guy not to take action against this little girl!

Wei'er remembered that the fox-eared elf looked smaller than her.

Wait a moment.

Doesn’t that fit in with Luo Xi’s preferences as a perverted lolicon?

Maomao glanced at his sister beside him.

With a petite and cute appearance and a big fluffy tail, Wei'er felt that Luo Xi could not refuse him at all.

Before Weier could say anything, Aina couldn't wait to climb up.

Upon seeing this, Weier immediately climbed onto the cradle.

Floresia next to them just looked at them silently, with a hint of envy hidden in her eyes.

Wei'er wanted to lie down, but saw that Long Niang didn't come up, so she asked, What about you?

I'll forget it, twelve hours is too long.

Floresia shook her head and said: Just help me confirm the safety of little Luo Xi. If the Hollow Flower is of no use, just tell him that when the adults come back, my mother will go find the adults and take him out of the Emerald City.

Weier and Aina nodded together.

It’s okay if Floresia doesn’t go.

This dragon lady pressed Luo Xi into her evil white body at every turn, and they had no choice but to watch in anguish.

That feeling is really quite unpleasant.

Then let's go over and take a look.

Soon, Weier and Aina fell into a deep sleep thanks to the sleepiness bonus provided by the cradle.

Emerald City.

Although Kureia did not understand the idea of ​​the emerald mother tree, as a qualified servant, once the mother tree sent down the oracle, she would do her best.

Naturally, she couldn't agree to all Luo Xi's requests like a lion opening her mouth.

But it's just manors and storefronts, so it's not a big problem. Anyway, most of the streets in the center of the Royal Court are the properties of the Siramare clan.

One day when the mother tree gets tired of this human being, she might let him get out.

Kureya looked at Luo Xi and asked, What's your name?

Luo Xi. Luo Xi thought for a moment and then said, You can also ask me to fight the cards passing by.

Kurea: What?

Is there something wrong with this human's brain?

Kureya couldn't understand this human's brain circuit, so he continued following his own words: So Luo Xi, and Shasha, I will arrange accommodation and identity for you. You can move freely here. When the day comes, When you are leaving, I will ask Listy to come over and meet with you, Sasha.

Feiya nodded slightly.

She knew that she was not qualified to make conditions with Aunt Kureya.

Although it was unclear why the aunt wanted to leave them here, it was enough to be able to see their mother, even if it was just one more time.

Luo Xi was a little curious and asked: What identity can you arrange for me? Can it be some kind of governor?

Kureya moved his eyes to Luo Xi's handsome face, wondering why this guy was so shameless.

Of course, ordinary citizens of the Emerald City.

[To...him...the Governor...]

Kurea: ......


Mother Tree, do you want to listen to what you said?

And how can we have the position of governor?

A ray of emerald light quietly emerged in the air next to it.

Seeing that Gendori from the mother tree was about to run out again, Kureia immediately changed his words: It's not impossible for you to want the position of governor, but you have to understand that this kind of simple gimmick is meaningless, and you can't get the corresponding position. power.

Luo Xi: !

It was outrageous, so he just said it casually. Anyway, the other party must have a reason for wanting to keep him and would not kill him casually, so Luo Xi was very calm and spoke like a lion.

Unexpectedly, the empress actually agreed, even if it was just a gimmick title.

On the other side, Kureia secretly thought that he was really smart, and then heard Mohu's voice in his ears again.


Kurea: ???

If her childhood education hadn't helped her develop good qualities, she would have wanted to curse.

Mother Tree, what are you thinking about?

If you are so kind to a human being, could he be your biological son who is living abroad?

Kureia put aside the disrespectful thoughts about the Emerald Sacred Tree that came to his mind.

Forgive me, forgive me.

This elf empress, who was under a tree and above ten thousand people, felt a deep sadness in her heart.

Being able to serve the mother tree for a long time is the highest honor in the eyes of countless fellow elves.

She originally thought so too.

It's just that since she ascended the throne and became emperor, the mother tree has been very cold towards her.

She was so cold that she thought she might be a fake elf emperor.

Today was the first time that the mother tree had issued requests and instructions to her so eagerly, but all the requests were for a mutant human being, which made her feel quite unreal, as if she had not yet woken up.

Luo Xi added: By the way, I also want to-

Kureya's beautiful phoenix eyes stared at Luo Xi coldly and said, No, you don't want to.

Luo Xi: ...

The empress' cold gaze was like a blade shining with cold light, making Luo Xi shiver.

[Note: Traveler, this noble elf empress, seems unable to refuse any of your requests now, please quickly ask her to send all the little elf lolita over~]

Almost done.

The other party seemed to have no choice but to agree to his casual request because of the Jade Source Book that appeared just now, but there was a limit to this.

If she really went too far, Luo Xi felt that the elf empress might ignore everything in a rage and send others away first.

With a calm expression on his face, Luo Xi continued: Then let's do it.

Well, the specific identity and position assigned to you will be handed over to you before night. I will arrange a guide for you. If you want to ask, just tell her.

Kureya really didn't want to see Luo Xi's face, so after she finished speaking, she was about to turn around and leave.

But after taking a step, Kureia turned to look at the fox-eared girl standing next to Luo Xi. Her beautiful eyes, as cold and deep as an autumn pool, revealed extremely complicated emotions.

Sasha, since you have this rare opportunity, you can take a nice walk around the Emerald City.

Feiya nodded slightly.

Like Luo Xi, she had no understanding of the city where she had lived for more than thirty years.

She spent the first thirty years of her life wandering around in that cage-like courtyard, like a bird in a cage. It was not until ten years ago that she flew out of the cage and came to the vast world.

Although for her, it was just a move from a small cage to a larger one.

Kurea nodded with satisfaction.

She has to explain the situation to Listy now.

The Elf Emperor stepped out and his body disappeared in the green light. At the same time, Luo Xi also felt that his feet were empty and his whole body was falling. When he had the real feeling of standing on the spot again, he found that he Changed position.

【Ding! You have unlocked the area: Wangting Center Street]

Luo Xi was now standing on a three-story rooftop. At a glance, he could see dense crowds of people walking on the street below. Most of them were handsome elves in luxurious clothes, and some were taken for granted. Human beings used as coolies.

With the bustling flow of people, lively streets, and wooden buildings in a natural style, this should be the core area of ​​the Emerald City.

A few kilometers away is the location of the Emerald World Tree.

The clear and confused voice of the girl with fox ears sounded from the side.

What Auntie wants to do is not to execute me, nor to let me meet my mother. Why must I stay with Mr. Luo Xi?

Luo Xi looked at the fox-eared lady, glanced at the big tail trailing behind her, and asked:

Are you really the niece of the elf empress?

Fiya hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, Aunt Kureia is indeed my mother's sister, but she hates me, so I can't figure out why she did this.

You can tell.

Luo Xi glanced at the fox ears on Feiya's head.

In such a big family, becoming a different species is the biggest mistake in itself.

Feiya was keenly aware of Luo Xi's gaze. Her pair of green eyes as clear as spring water lowered slightly, her ears drooped slightly, and her tail drooped.

Why did this nice gentleman who saved her stare at her alien features so much?

【Ding! Feiya’s doubt value for you is +55]

Feiya suddenly remembered that when she followed Hui Hui to that small town, she also met two girls who were also suffering from alienation. Those two girls seemed to have a very good relationship with Mr. Luo Xi.

At that time, she thought that Mr. Luo Xi was a person with strange habits, and she was afraid that he would force her to stay there and do something wrong.

Now that I think about it, she used the heart of a villain to save the heart of a gentleman.

Facing such horrific threats as the Flood and Disaster Church, he didn't want to leave her alone. How could such a person be the kind of person who would do bad things to a little girl who hasn't grown up yet.

Sorry, Mr. Luo Xi.

Feiya bowed to Luo Xi sincerely and said, I misunderstood you.

Luo Xi: ?

What misunderstanding?

Those two girls should be important people like your sister, Mr. Luo Xi, right?

Feiya said apologetically: At first, I thought, sir, that you were a scumbag who would take action against little girls who have not grown up, so I thought of leaving early. I'm sorry.

[Note: The Traveler is that kind of person, little fox lady, don’t give him any excuses! He married Aina after he cheated on her! 】

Luo Xi's mouth twitched and she smiled coquettishly: Yes, they are very important people to me.

There are also dog texts, please shut up.

so good.

The fox-eared girl moaned almost in a whisper.


Luo Xi didn't hear clearly. Before he could ask anything, there was the sound of the door being opened behind the rooftop.

A tall elf girl dressed in a maid outfit opened the door to the rooftop and walked in. Her light golden hair was tied up by a maid's scarf. Her exquisite figure was perfectly set off by the maid outfit, especially her pair of long elf ears. Make this maid look like an anime character.

The elf maid looked at the two people on the rooftop and asked, Are the two of you guests of His Majesty Kureia? My name is Nunnally Yinsol, and I was sent by His Majesty. I will be responsible for the daily life and care of the two of them during this period. A guide in the city.”

Nunnally never thought that one day she would receive such a strange order from His Majesty Kureia.

Take care of two heterogeneous guests.

The word alien is basically unheard of here in the Emerald City. The previous Elf Emperor and the current Elf Emperor are extremely repulsive towards aliens. Even if the aliens want to get close to the Emerald City, they will Possibility of being killed by patrolling soldiers.

But as His Majesty's loyal servant, she won't ask any questions, she just needs to do her job well.

Well, my name is Luo Xi.

Luo Xi walked over and shook hands with the elf maid.

【Ding! Nunnally’s favorability towards you -10】

The maid showed a professional smile to Luo Xi. She seemed very kind, but the drop in favorability indicated that she was not in a good mood.

Luo Xi: ...

This was the first time that his favorability dropped directly when meeting a woman.

[Note: I am not a little lolita who is light and easy to push down. Traveler, your talent for abducting a lolita is of no use! 】

Nunnally smiled and looked at the other fox-eared mutant.

However, she saw the other party's pointed elf ears and his green eyes as clear as emeralds.

This is... an eye feature that only those royal families with strong blood can have!

This kind of elf with royal blood is actually a patient with alienation syndrome?

Nunnally thought she might be crazy.

Fiya just whispered: Fiya, Miss Nunnally, I feel a little tired, can you take us to a place to rest?

Nunnally came back to her senses, nodded to Feiya and said: Miss Feiya, just call me by my name. The resting place is in this building. This house along the street also has a 300-square-meter house. In the courtyard, you two can also go to the courtyard to rest. There is a soundproofing spell there, so the noise from the street will not disturb you there.


Feiya nodded and followed Nunnally towards the house. Luo Xi followed them and finally entered a room.

The bedroom is full of flowers and antique.

The maid said to Luo Xi: Mr. Luo Xi, there is a spare room nearby. You can choose it yourself.

Luo Xi said: Then let's go next door.

He didn't bother to take the time to choose a bedroom.

Anyway, he here is basically an empty shell when he sleeps.

Feiya sat on the bed and said to the maid: Miss Nunnally, Mr. Luo Xi and I still have something to discuss. Can you leave first?

Okay, you two can call me anytime if you need anything.

Nunnally turned around and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Luo Xi glanced at the remaining synchronization time.

Two minutes to go.

The fox-eared girl clenched her fists and asked with some anxiety: Mr. Luo Xi, there is something I haven't asked you yet. Where is Hui Hui? He found you, right?

That bird?

Luo Xi nodded and said, Yes.

Where is it?

It's with Weier and Aina, the two girls you saw last time. It should be fine,

That's good.

Feiya patted her chest, and what she feared most did not happen.

Luo Xi didn't know whether to tell her that your bird was fine, but it was already mine.

[Note: Traveler, you should say - little fox, you don’t want your bird to be abducted by me, do you? 】

Small day text shut up.

Luo Xi decided that if there was a chance in the future, she would return the bird to the fox-eared girl.

Feiya's luck is truly incredible, and she doesn't know the source of her alienation factor.

Just accompanying and rubbing beside you can give a bird +30 luck. If you develop a deeper relationship with this fox-eared girl, won't your luck also skyrocket?

Feiya said softly: Mr. Luo Xi, I want to take a rest first. I'm very tired now.


Luo Xi walked out of the room, went to the first floor downstairs, and saw the backyard Nunnally mentioned.

He hesitated for a moment, but still did not plant the hollow flower directly.

There's a good chance Hollow Flower won't work in such a place.

And she will be discovered by the elf empress.

Try again later if you have a chance.

Calculating the time, Mother Long should have found Weier and Aina.

Those two sisters should be quite worried about themselves. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

Luo Xi waited for the end of time, and his consciousness exited the dream world.


When Luo Xi opened his eyes again, Ai Xue beside him had woken up and was looking at his pants, with a pair of charming eyes approaching.

Senior, I want to eat.

No, you don't.

Luo Xi pointed to the nest that had been placed next to her, and said, Weier and the others are coming over.

Huh? Come again?

Ai Xue has met the sisters several times. Since they are coming over, there is really nothing to do.

That wolf-eared loli's nose is as sharp as a dog's.

Wait a minute, if she points to her mouth and says it contains the smell of her brother or something...

So forget it.

The two waited for a long time before they saw two eggs appearing in the nest.

During this period, Luo Xi was also using text to explore the house and the neighborhood where he was.

Another ten minutes later, with a meow, Aina walked in holding a cat and bumped into the egg that belonged to her.

After coming a few times, they became more and more skilled.


A few minutes later, as soon as the egg was broken, the little wolf girl jumped out of the nest before she could put on her clothes, and threw herself into Luo Xi's arms, (〃>﹏\u003c〃) said:

Brother Luo Xi, please don't do anything to that fox. Aina and sister's tails can be played with by brother! You can play together or something! How about not adding Ai Xue! Forget her. No tail.”

Ai Xue: ???

Luo Xi: (ΩДΩ).

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