Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 312: Mother Dragon and the Elf Emperor, Aina will kill herself if her brother is stolen by a

It took half a minute for the scene to change like a punishment from heaven. The terrifying emerald green light gradually shrank until it completely disappeared.

Luo Xi glanced around and saw no black clouds, only a blue and clear sky, so calm that it made people feel a little uneasy.

That apocalyptic scene seemed to be just a midday dream he had.


Kurea smiled with satisfaction.

As expected of the power of the emerald mother tree, it was very easy to deal with the precursors of the source of disaster.

Seeing this, Floresia also put away her anger.

The red dragon's wings slowly closed, and its body turned into illusory red light and shadow.

A girl with dragon horns in a black dress walked out of the light and shadow, nodded slightly to the extremely noble elf woman and said, Your Majesty, the Elf Emperor, please forgive me for offending you just now.

Floresia also didn't expect that this person turned out to be the Lord of the Emerald City, the current Elf Empress, and the representative of the Eternal World Tree, Emerald.

It doesn't matter.

Kurea raised his hand to show that it didn't matter.

She was also looking at this petite girl with dragon horns.

She has long known that high-level source beasts can transform into human forms.

After all, the vast majority of high-level origin beasts are themselves transformed into humans, elves, fishmen...these humanoid races. Humans are the race most susceptible to infection, but it is not the case that elves become high-level origin beasts after being infected. No.

Then, please send us back or allow us to leave the Emerald City.

Floresia maintained a respectful attitude and said: I still have a mission over the Red Flame Mountains. I can't leave for too long, otherwise things in the sea will come up.

I know.

Kureya nodded and said: Your Majesty Black Abyss Flame Dragon, thank you for your hard work in guarding the South China Sea for more than five thousand years. My father once mentioned you and asked us not to nag you.

Is it the elf emperor of the previous generation?


Floresia knew what she was thinking.

More than three thousand years ago, she did meet the previous Elf Emperor, but the meeting was not a pleasant experience. At that time, he had just become the Elf Emperor and wanted to find a Origin Beast mount that fit his identity. After searching everywhere, Focusing on her who has been squatting in the Chiyan Mountains for more than two thousand years.

Floresia still remembers the aggressive elf man flying in the sky and speaking condescendingly to her,

- Black Abyss Flame Dragon, become my mount, and allow you to shine with the glory of the mother tree with me!

- Don't agree? I'm not discussing with you, this is an order!

Faced with the 'coercion and oppression' of the Elf Emperor, she had no choice but to activate the mark left on her body.

After the aura of the Black Dragon Emperor Bahamut arrived, the Elf Emperor's face obviously changed instantly. Floresia didn't know what the two parties exchanged. In short, the menacing Elf Emperor had a look on his face in the end. He went back deflated.

After that until now, she has never seen the Elf Emperor come to the Red Flame Mountains again.

There were also very few elves who bothered her regardless of life and death.

It must have been something Lord Bahamut said to the former Elf Emperor.

But time flies so fast. Even the elves with a basic life span of 1,000 years and a maximum life span of four to five thousand years have already passed two generations to her.

Thinking about it this way...am I getting a little old?

Floresia secretly glanced at Luo Xi who was looking dull behind her.

It's okay, as long as Xiao Luo Xi doesn't think she's old?~

Kureya didn't even look at Luo Xi and Yin Lisafiya behind Long Niang, and said: Then, I will send you to the nearest town in the South China Sea. Recently, many rats have come out to cause trouble, and they want to stay in the peaceful place. Whatever happens in the Emerald Forest, Your Excellency Black Abyss Yanlong had better be careful.

Feiya stared blankly at the aunt who didn't need to look at her.

Is she really that annoying?

I went back home for no reason, only to be sent away in such a hurry again...

That's pretty good. If she sees her mother again, the 'bad luck' she's entangled with will hurt her again, right?

Feiya thought in a depressed mood.

Then, she found that she was still being held.

Why hasn't this man put her down yet?

The hand holding her body was still squeezing her tail intentionally or unintentionally...

A blush of embarrassment appeared on the girl's pretty face.

【Ding! Feiya’s anger towards you is +40]

The voice of the girl with fox ears sounded in Luo Xi's arms.

Well, can you let me down? And where to put your hands...

Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to.

Luo Xi also just recovered from what she saw around her, completely forgetting that she was still holding a little fox girl.

As for touching the tail, it was just a habit developed from being rude to Aina and Maomao.

[Note: Traveler, are you still very proud? 】

Huh, Luo Xi does not deny it.

He is quite good at things like rua, animal ears, tails and so on.

He put the weak fox-eared girl on the ground.

At the same time, a text prompt popped up in front of Luo Xi's eyes.

【Ding! Traveler, the epic mission: The precursor (aftermath) of the flood Waterlite has been completed]

[Description: The precursor of Walter Little was not handled by you, the traveler, personally, but you, the traveler, have a certain causal connection with the handler, so the rewards for this mission will be distributed as usual]

[Rewards have been distributed: talent effect upgrade times x1 (highest purple), random talent extraction opportunities x1 (highest purple), talent deletions x1]

Luo Xi was stunned.

Is he connected to the handler?

Where did it come from?

Is it because of this little elf fox girl?

Luo Xi glanced at the fox-eared Loli who finally managed to stand upright.

He seemed to have heard the fox-eared girl call out 'aunt' before.

Feiya's face looked a little pale, and her originally dazzling blond hair and the big golden tail behind her had faded and turned to a platinum color.

Only the pair of emerald green eyes still maintain their original color. A pair of long pointed ears pass through the hair and tilt slightly downward. Coupled with the girl's exquisite and petite figure, the whole person is full of... A feeling of vulnerability.

[Note: This is a sickly little fox girl, it can be used to push down (cross out), and can be used to make rua and make ice cream~]


You bitch, texting and making ice cream every day, sooner or later will be yours.

Luo Xi felt a little relieved when she saw that Mother Long and the elf emperor seemed to be having a pleasant conversation.

Although he is also quite interested in the Emerald City.

But this is someone else's lair, and Luo Xi doesn't want to cause trouble under the other person's nose. It will be funny if he is caught and beheaded later.

[Traveler, this synchronization ends here, welcome to come again next time~]

It’s time for immersive effects too.

Luo Xi did not renew his talent for the second time and allowed his consciousness to exit the dream world.

It should be done. All we have to do next is let Mother Lecia take us away.

Luo Xi, who woke up from the bed, turned around and looked at Ai Xue, who had also entered the synchronized state next to her at some point. She smiled helplessly, then raised her hand to wipe away the transparent liquid seeping from the corner of the girl's mouth.

Luo Xi got off the bed and walked to the balcony to stretch her body and feel the warmth of the sun in the real world.

Speaking of which, Wang Yuanjie and the others should be back soon, right?

A distance of several thousand kilometers would take a long time simply by boat, but you can transfer by plane midway.

【World Announcement! Dawn version 2.5 has been updated, and 50,000 test quotas have been issued]

【Ding! New module: Ladder Arena has been updated]

[Ladder Arena: A special area built in the Eternal World Tree - the world of Gray Dreams. The traveler's current state can be copied to the arena (abilities, skills, etc. can be copied, but special props are not included) .

The initial level of each traveler is divided into 100 points. They can be randomly matched for battle (no limit on the number of times per day), or select travelers who have fought before for repeated challenges (3 times per day). Victory and failure will be determined accordingly. Fraction.

The arena refreshes the list every 15 days. At each settlement, travelers with the highest level scores will receive corresponding rewards (including props, equipment, and number of talent draws)]

Has the version of Dawn been updated?

Before Luo Xi could check the details of this update carefully, the text prompts became urgent.

[Traveler, the elf emperor said that the Black Abyss Flame Dragon can leave, but the other two people may not let you leave like this]

Luo Xi: ?

what happens?

If the noble elf emperor didn't even bother to look at them, why would he want to keep them?

Luo Xi quickly flipped the text upwards.

But he didn't notice anything wrong.

The Elf Queen's decision seemed to be temporary.

Dream world.

Kureia frowned slightly, listening to the 'oracle' from Mohu coming from the mother tree.

【Leave...leave them...leave them...】

The faces of Yin Lisaphia and Luo Xi appeared in her mind at the same time.

Except for the last time the fallen sacred tree came, the mother tree rarely conveyed a clear will to them directly. This time she became the Elf Emperor, and it was the first time the mother tree had such a violent reaction.

Sometimes, Kurea felt a little disappointed.

When Father was in office, he had relatively frequent interactions with the Mother Tree, but after she took office, the Mother Tree paid little attention to her, as if she was not recognized.


Kurea looked past Floresia and towards Luo Xi and Feiya.

Originally, Kureia wanted to send them away directly.

But the mother tree wants them to stay...


At the same time, Kurea was also curious.

As someone who could cause such a big reaction from the mother tree, she immediately ruled out that it was caused by Yin Lisa.

This child has lived in the royal court for nearly thirty years, and the mother tree has never paid any attention to her. Now she has been wandering for more than ten years, and she has been treated like this by the mother tree when she came back. No matter how much she thought about it, Kurea thought it was impossible. .

Then, it can only be another young man.

This young man is a patient with alienation syndrome of the Red Dragon genus, and the source of the alienation factor is probably the Black Abyss Flame Dragon. This is probably why the Black Abyss Flame Dragon is so kind to them.

When Floresia saw that Kureya suddenly stopped talking, she thought that the other party didn't want to send them away in person, so she proposed the idea of ​​leaving on her own.

She has been out for some time.

Although Fatty beat the thing in the sea before leaving, there was no guarantee that the thing would find an opportunity to come up when she wasn't around.

Kureia tried to soften his tone and said: Your Excellency Black Abyss Flame Dragon, you can leave at any time. However, these two people will stay here for the time being, but please don't worry, we will entertain them well.

Floresia: ?

The red gold vertical hair of the girl with dragon horns was instantly lit up, and she stared at the elf opposite. Sparks from her long hair fell to the ground from time to time, burning the tiles in the sky garden into dents.

Impossible! It doesn't matter whether you want to keep that elf or not, but little Luo Xi is my child and there is no way I can hand it over to you!

Kureia looked at Luo Xi and Floresia's faces in confusion.


Except for the fact that they both have dragon horns and tails, their faces are completely different.

Oh, does it refer to the offspring symbolized by the factor after being infected by the alienation factor?

That also feels wrong.

Floresia's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly and she said, Yes, what do you want to keep my child for?

Luo Xi is now Floresia's bottom line.

For Luo Xi, she dared to face the Noah Church. Even if there was another Elf Royal Court, it didn't matter. Anyway, there were adults...

Wait, the adults said she won't be back in a short time.

Floresia's heart suddenly sank.

The person who can give them a guarantee is no longer there. If she breaks up with the elf, it will only worsen the situation. Not only will she not be able to bring Luo Xi back, but she will also be unable to complete the task given to her by the adults.

Or...just follow the Elf Emperor's ideas first?

Luo Xi will not really die in this world.

Over there, Kureia saw the red dragon reacting so fiercely, and knew that she probably wouldn't regress that easily.

She also didn't want to make her relationship with the red dragon too rigid.

The Black Dragon Bahamut and the Red Dragon Alexilita seem to be related to this Black Abyss Flame Dragon.

The reputation of the Seven-Colored Dragon Emperor is no worse than that of the Eternal World Tree, and their epics and legends are even more widely spread.

But... kids?

Whether it's Listy or this red dragon, when it comes to children, they behave completely differently than they originally did.

Your Excellency Black Abyss Flame Dragon, you may have misunderstood.

The corner of Kureya's mouth curved slightly, and his red lips trembled as he said, The alien elf your child is holding is my sister's daughter, Yin Lisafiya.

Fiya raised her head and looked at Kurea in surprise, her cute little face slightly dull.

Auntie, why does she recognize me again?

And why on earth did she want to keep her?

Could it be that... she was going to be executed in public?

Floresia and Luo Xi looked at each other.

Luo Xi shrugged and said he didn't know.

In order to understand the situation here, he has used the second 'immersive' synchronization to come over.

If the identity of this little fox is really what the Elf Emperor said, it means that she is a real princess.

Maomao was probably not as noble as her in her hometown. Luo Xi didn't think that Liya, a fourth-level magician, could run away from her family with her daughter in such a big city.

However, once you become a patient with alienation disorder, no matter how you are born with a golden key in your mouth, you will be ruthlessly abandoned.

Luo Xi sighed softly.

Kureya continued: Yin Lisa has been away from home for a long time. Now that she is back, I, as the aunt, must of course entertain her well, and this young man with whom she has a good relationship should also stay together and wait for time. It’s here, I’ll send it back to you.”

Luo Xi: ?

So it's none of his business.

He just took over the mission of a little bird and saved its owner. Oh...now he is the owner of that bird.

Floresia paused and said: I see, then when will Your Majesty plan to send my child back.

I don't know, it shouldn't be long. I'm just entertaining them for a few days.

Kureya thought to himself, how do I know what the mother tree is thinking.

At this time, the fox-eared Loli, who had been silent for a long time, spoke up: Aunt Kureya, it's enough to leave me alone. This gentleman has nothing to do with you, just let him go!

Kurea raised his eyebrows and was about to speak.

Luo Xi shook his head and said, I also want to see the scenery of this Emerald City, so I can stay.

Fiya's eyes widened. She wanted to tell Luo Xi that you have no idea how cruel Aunt Kureia is to those aliens who dare to sneak across the border.

We could all be executed!

However, under Kureiya's gaze that seemed gentle but actually contained unknown emotions, Feiya still did not say this out loud.

If the aunt really wanted to execute them, it would just be a matter of early death or late death. Luo Xi couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

Floresia turned to look at Luo Xi and said softly: Little Luo Xi, mom is leaving first. Is there anything you need mom to bring?

Luo Xi silently took out the separated seeds of two hollow flowers from the dream bag and handed them to Floresia.

He didn't know if the Hollow Flower could be used in the Emerald City.

But you can also give it a try first.

One can be placed over there at the manor, and the other can be planted at Mother Dragon's place.

Weier and the others may still be there. When mother Lecia comes over, help take them with her.

Also, this is the cradle. If you really can't contact me, use this.

Kureya looked confused as Luo Xi took out a cradle bed from somewhere.

The next moment her expression changed.

This is, this is the smell of the Eternal World Tree!

One kind, two kinds, three kinds...

Various different smells are mixed together. This cradle bed is made of at least ten branches and leaves of the Eternal World Tree!

She may know why the mother tree let her keep this alien human.

Floresia said to Kurea: Please send me to the place where I was just now.

Kurea hesitated for a moment before using the power of the Emerald Sacred Tree to move Floresia out.

She half wanted to leave the cradle and study it.

But that would definitely arouse Luo Xi's precautions.

For people who the Mother Tree strongly urges to stay, without knowing the Mother Tree's true thoughts, she can only treat them as gently as possible.

After Floresia disappeared, only Luo Xi, Feiya and Kurea were left in this hanging garden built a thousand meters above the ground.

Luo Xi walked forward without fear, came to the edge of the garden, and leaned down to look at the stretching green forest and sea of ​​flowers below. Various fantasy-style treehouse buildings were located among the mountains.

Behind him is the Eternal World Tree Jade that covers the sky like a dome. The diameter of the bottom tree is at least seven or eight hundred meters. The pale green light like countless stars sprinkles from the dome from time to time.

Kurea looked at the young man curiously.

Doesn't he have any fear at all?

Aunt Kureya, you can do whatever you want with me, but please don't hurt him, he is a good person...

Hearing Fiya's plea, Kurea turned his head and looked at her calmly.

It’s no different than it was ten years ago.

Some of the hair has turned platinum, is it due to excessive use of strength?

You just stay here in the garden...

Kureia's words stopped mid-sentence.

[Freedom...granted...to them...not to be trapped]

The mother tree's will was communicated to her again.

What are you doing?

Give them freedom of movement?

Kurea wanted to be decisive.

Leaving the two of them in a place like the Hanging Garden where no one but her could come was the best she could give...

At this time, a book that seemed to have infinite vitality, engraved with strange runes, and contained the secrets of life, appeared next to Kureia.

Okay, Master Mother Tree, I will follow your will.

Currea immediately surrendered.

What can she do?

Jade's source code has come out.

Then she saw that Jade Yuandian flew towards Luo Xi, circled around him, and then circled around Fiya several times before disappearing.

The moment the green book appeared, Luo Xi suddenly felt that there were two books in his soul that were turning the pages crazily.

He shook his head vigorously.

Kureya looked at Luo Xi and Feiya with complicated eyes, and said: You... I will hide your alienated characteristics later. You can go wherever you like, as long as you don't leave the Emerald City. That’s fine. If you have any requests, you can put them forward.”

Feiya hesitated and said, I want to see my mother.


Seeing Fiya's fox ears drooped, Kureya was in a low mood, and said with some regret, It's not possible for the time being. When I send you off one day, I will naturally let you meet.

Listy didn’t know yet that she had brought Yin Lisa back.

With her temperament, after taking one look, she might never be able to let go.

Then I have no request. Feiya said. UU read the book www. uukanshu.net

Kureia looked at Luo Xi, waiting for his request.


Luo Xi thought for a while and said: Let's build a big manor first. Give me a store on the best street in your city. Then give me a title of some kind, earl or something like that. Then I can give you hundreds of thousands more. Jin of source marrow crystals, and ten thousand leaves from the emerald sacred tree.

Kurea's face suddenly darkened.

This guy is thinking shit.


Aina, do you think this is the starting valve for airship flight?

Sister, please don't move. If you fall, we sisters will really stick together!

Wei'er put down the airship parts she was tinkering with and said angrily: Why hasn't that pervert come yet? He won't really die. Is he going to pick up girls?

Aina was anxious when she heard this: Sister, please fly the airship quickly, let's go find brother Luo Xi! Brother has been eaten by that Ai Xue over there, and if he is eaten by that fox again, Aina will want to commit suicide. !Sister Wei'er, you're a big loser! If I give you a chance, you'll be useless!

Idiot Aina, who are you calling a loser! And don't move, I really can't drive!

Gugu, chirp!—

Suddenly, a shadow appeared outside the glass window of the airship.

A huge golden vertical boy stared at them inside.

Weier and Aina were startled immediately. They screamed, hugged each other tightly, shivered, and all the tail hairs exploded. After a while, Aina whispered: Weier Sister, is this my brother’s cheap mother? We shouldn’t be so afraid?”

Wei'er: Who is scared! My sister is not scared!

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