Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 311 If it’s fake, I’ll lick the ice cream for you! The Power of Divine Strike, Emerald City

After Floresia's words fell, the boundless anger seemed to solidify, forming a red dragon shadow.

The dragon shadow suddenly rose up along the old man's hand she was holding, and engulfed him completely under the old man's stunned gaze.


A deep voice sounded.

In an instant, the light seemed to be stripped away, and everything around him fell into darkness, and the dragon's shadow was dragged into the darkness.

The old man made a confused voice: You are not a human, you are... a high-level king dragon. It's strange. There is no dragon of your level nearby. Wait, are you the one from the Chiyan Mountains? Why? Will you come to protect humanity?

Floresia did not answer the other party, she slowly raised her fist.

Light Disaster Sikalis, and Flood Disaster Waterlett outside, are you those crazy people who worship Source Disaster?

The darkness swallowed up all the light, but could not annihilate the fire on her body. The pair of red and gold legs looked very dazzling in the darkness.

My lord once said that source disasters are also part of this world. If it is not necessary, I can ignore them.

But you people, damn it!

In the darkness, a blue flame quietly emerged.

The old man hiding in the dark was shocked to find that this flame had completely destroyed the domain he had formed using the power of light disaster.

What kind of fire is this?

Before he could react, the sky had returned to the sky and the earth, and there was still the pattering of black rain around him, and a fist was swinging towards his face.

The black and red fire intertwined around the slender fist, and hit the old man's face without any surprise. This was a blow that Floresia did not hold back.

The old man's body suddenly appeared fragmented under this punch.

Dazzling light like the sun burst out from his body.

I...remember you.

Before his body was completely broken, the old man's gloomy eyes stared at Floresia. At the same time, he also looked at Luo Xi, who was fluttering behind her, with a stern smile on his lips.

As the Archbishop of the Disaster Church, his frontal strength is no stronger than that of the Archbishop of the Church of Noah. Without calling for the origin of the disaster, he is only a fifth-level extraordinary person, or a sublimated extraordinary person of the disaster system. By'.

Naturally, this kind of strength cannot be the opponent of a high-level king-level dragon species.

However, it won't be like this next time.

When two major sects with a long history join forces, all obstacles on the western continent of Pan-Continent will be destroyed.

boom! —

The old man's body turned into countless fragments and light spots.

Luo Xi also felt relaxed.

He avoided the black rain that fell from time to time, flew to the side of the dragon horn girl, and asked:

Mother Lecia, is it solved?

No, he's not dead yet.

Floresia stared deeply into the distance.

There was a faint scent of an old man over there.

They are indeed lunatics who advocate the source of disaster.

When the strength reaches a certain level, the group of people who stole the power of the source disaster will not really die as long as the source disaster still exists in this world.

The dragon-horned girl raised her head and looked at the sky.

Dark rain clouds represent another extreme source of disaster.

It's still brewing.

Xiao Luoxi, let's go.

Floresia wanted to hold Luo Xi's hand and take him away from here first.

For these source disasters that have not yet come, usually we can only avoid them with a negative attitude, otherwise they may be intensified and escalated at any time.


A roar containing strong hatred came from the forest below.

Khalid did not die completely despite Luo Xi's deliberate finishing blow.

He had summoned Flood. After coming out of the barrier, he got in touch with Flood again.

Die, all die to me!

Then, the downpour of black rain suddenly fell and swallowed him up.

Floresia hugged Luo Xi, who was still holding the fox-eared Lolita, spread out her dragon wings, and used the flames to resist the falling water droplets. But even she, in this seemingly endless rain of black water, Washed away by the current, he also seemed a little powerless.

Mother Lecia?

Luo Xi noticed that there was not only fatigue in Floresia's eyes, but also a looming black energy.

Mom is fine.

Floresia shook her head slightly.

She found that she had lost her ability to shine in the heavy rain.

But it's not a big problem.

Just fly out of this area.

With a thought in her mind, she returned to the red dragon's body, and Luo Xi was placed on her back.


Just after flying a few meters, a strange restless feeling suddenly emerged in her heart.

Floresia raised her head and looked at the black clouds, and the red gold vertical child was dyed with a hint of black.

An irrepressible thought occurred.

She...she wants to break through this dark cloud!

Origin disaster?

So what about source disaster?

Now, with Xiao Luo Xi by her side, she is invincible!

[Note: Traveler, your dragon mother Shi Lezhi is dead, please pull it quickly! 】


Luo Xi was stunned.

What the hell.

Then, he felt his body lighten and he flew towards the clouds. The face of the fox-eared Lolita he was holding also became strange in an instant due to the strong wind pressure.

The seed of light disaster that the fox-eared lady was still holding was about to fall, so Luo Xi put it directly into the dream bag.

Mom Lecia, don't go up, those are clouds formed by the flood!

Mom can do it!

No, stop! -

Amid Luo Xi's shouts, Floresia seemed to be restricted by an invisible force when she was still about a hundred meters away from the black cloud, and stopped abruptly.

The red dragon ignored the white steaming black water droplets falling on her body, flapped its wings in a daze, and looked at the gloomy clouds in the sky.

What did she do?

Why did she suddenly lose her mind and rush to attack the flood cloud?

Who is seducing her?

Or is it her own problem...

Luo Xi also relaxed slightly.

Fortunately, it was caught.

Otherwise, it doesn't matter to him if he crashes in. The little fox girl he finally took the time to save may have to send it.


The fox-eared loli also took a breath after Mother Dragon stopped.

At this time, a cold voice sounded beside Luo Xi.

Your Excellency Black Abyss Flame Dragon, thank you for your efforts over the past thousands of years. Now you can go back. The handling of the flood in Waterlite will be left to our Emerald City.

Emerald City.

In the hidden courtyard of the royal city.

The picture of the traces gradually became clear.

At the same time, Kurea's face darkened visibly.

The situation over there... seems very wrong.

Flood Waterlite, according to its characteristics recorded in the past, has two types: water form and cloud form. The water form is okay and can be temporarily contained, but the flood that turns into cloud form has the danger of spreading to the entire continent. potential.

At that point it was irreversible.

Even if the main target of the source disaster is the city where the Eternal World Tree is located, their aftermath can destroy those small villages and towns at will. It is said that in a very distant era, cloud floods caused tens of millions of deaths on the mainland. The casualties were finally dispersed by the Red Dragon among the Seven Color Dragon Emperors.

Curea asked: Where are those people?

Listy enlarged the screen again.

Several people flying in the air appeared in the picture. Although they were still a little blurry, they could already see the general outline clearly.

Listy said to herself: Two people?

There seems to be a fierce battle taking place over there.

She has stayed in this hut for forty or fifty years. Does anyone really dare to show up when the source of disaster first appears?

It's three people.

Kurea pointed at the dark figure in the picture and said, Look carefully, he is holding someone in his arms.

Hold someone...

Listy paused the picture. When she saw the girl in the arms of the black figure in the picture, she felt as if she was struck by lightning. The plump snow peaks undulated violently, her mouth opened and closed slightly, and she breathed endlessly.

A pair of emerald green eyes looked at the person in the picture in disbelief.

That's...that's salsa!

Even though the picture of the traces was so vague, and even though they had been separated for ten years, she would never admit it, because it was a child she had raised with her own hands.

Why was Shasha involved in the flood?

She doesn't want Shasha to go as far as she can. It's best to leave the Emerald Forest and go to the east of Pancontinent...

Also, Yinsmuer is already three to four thousand kilometers away from the Emerald City.

Listy looked at the scene on the screen and became anxious.

How could Shasha be able to resist the power of the flood?

And who is that dark thing holding her?

Who is inside?

What’s wrong with you?

Kurea looked a little strangely at Listy, whose expression suddenly became flustered.

Ever since she was little, her younger sister has had very whimsical ideas. Many times she couldn't figure out what she was thinking. For example, when she gave birth to a strange elf with a fox tail, their father... That is to say, the former Elf Emperor was almost angered to death, and she completely lost her father's trust because of this.

A good hand is played badly.

If Listy hadn't been affected by the mother tree, her father would have probably kicked her out at that time.


Listy managed to maintain her composure.

If Kureia can't tell, that child is Sasha.

Although Kulea deliberately asked her to send Shasha away that year and did not actively pursue her after that, if she saw the child again, Listy didn't think she would treat it as invisible.

The existence of Yinlisaphia Vinnie Siramael represents that among the elven royal family that has lasted for at least tens of thousands of years, the golden elves, the most noble elven race bloodline, have been desecrated.

Before, she used her life as a weight to protect Shasha.

But now Sasha is outside.

So, not only letting Kureia know that Sasha is there, but also taking her out of danger... what should she do?

Listy couldn't help biting her delicate red lips. After hesitating for a few seconds, she said softly: Kureya, I promise to help you, but you must agree to a condition first.

Kurea was stunned.

Why is Listy suddenly talking about this now?

She asked: What are the conditions? First of all, I can't agree to you unconditionally.

Listy hesitated and asked, What would you do if Shasha could come back one day?

Kurea's eyes became sharp and he said:

I advise you not to have any delusions. The world is so big that it can accommodate the next Elf Royal Alien from the Silamare family living outside. But the Emerald City is very small. If she comes back here, once her identity is known, You can’t imagine the chain reaction it will cause, or do you still want to imprison her here for the rest of her life?”

Listy fell into silence.

She knew that Kurea was right.

If Shasha had a choice, she would not return to this place that was like a cage to her.

Moreover, she really shouldn't come back here.


Kurea sighed softly.

She was going to say a few more words to completely break her sister's pitiful illusion.

People always have to look ahead.

Dwelling on the past is not a good habit.

She really needs the help of her sister.

In the Elf King's Court, even though she suppressed other forces with absolute power, she was still a loner after all, and there was nothing she could do about it when others treated her both covertly and covertly.

Killing off one or two minor characters doesn't do much good.

We can't kill them all, right?

Listy said nothing. She saw in the picture that the black figure seemed to have used a barrier-like prop, and then gained the upper hand in the battle with the opponent.


Although I don't know who that person is, he is protecting Shasha to some extent, so that's fine...

But the next moment something unexpected happened on the battlefield.

A fourth man suddenly joined the battlefield.

The person holding Shasha was visibly suppressed.

And the cold light that appears in the picture...

Lightscourge Sikallis.

Kureia lowered his voice and said: That person is not weak. If he summons the source of disaster, it is very likely that some of him will come to that level. He is probably a senior member of the Disaster Church.

Listy, I'm going to take action. Yinsmuer cannot be destroyed in vain. Those bitches who dare to offend the Elf King's Court must get the retribution they deserve.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

Listy's body trembled, and her breathing became rapid: You want to take action personally? It may intensify the precursor of the flood...

So I will let the mother tree release a 'divine strike'.

Kureia narrowed his eyes and said: The prerequisite for intensifying the source of disaster is that it cannot be erased at once, but the divine strike of the mother tree can completely purify the area instantly, including floods that are only precursors, and can also Kill those bastards from the Church of Calamity.

Anyway, there are no people around Yinsmuer. After the purification is completed, that area will be left to you...

Kureia frowned and looked at his sister who suddenly tightened her grip on the strings and turned pale.

What happened to you?

No, no, you can't use Divine Strike. It can only be used once every ten years...

It's okay. It was nine years ago since it was last used.

But, there may be other compatriots there, such as the man in the black armor...

What happened to you?

Kureya scolded angrily: The way you are now is completely different from the way you were when you faced your father. Where are you, the one who dared to confront father?!

Listy knew she couldn't hide it anymore.

Otherwise, Kureia would definitely use Emerald's divine strike.

That was accumulated once every ten years, and the wide-area destruction skills were enough to level a large city on the scale of the City of David.

Shasha will definitely die there.

She lowered her head silently and said, That black armor is holding Shasha in its arms.

Kureya: What? That's...Yin Lisa?

She immediately understood why Listy's behavior became so strange after seeing the person in the picture.

When it comes to Yin Lisaphia, she will really go crazy, just like she did back then.


Then I'd better go in person.

Kureia took two steps and looked back at his sister: But this is the last time. There is a secret passage under the Lost Mountains. I will send her away from here.

Listy's autumn-green eyes showed deep sadness:

Can't we really let her come back...

No, I have repeated it many times, my sister, if you keep talking to me, Yin Lisa may have to... huh?

The picture reversed again.

Although it was unclear what happened, the person who came in later seemed to be angry, and then red flames appeared on the screen again.

A fifth man joins the fray.

The overwhelming dragon power made the two of them immediately realize that it was not a human being.

Listy was surprised: High King? Red Dragon?

Kureia said solemnly: I remember Anas said last time that a red dragon helped deal with the thousand-meter fallen sacred tree. In the end, although it was the Red Dragon Emperor who took action, it is obvious that they are also related. exist.

If we talk about the dragon king of the Crimson Dragon genus in the Emerald Forest, I can only think of the Black Abyss Flame Dragon in the Crimson Flame Mountains.

Why would she interfere...

Kurea was completely confused.

After the humanoid dragon species joined the battlefield, the winner was quickly determined. The humanoid dragon species also transformed into its own body and put the other two people on its back.

Kurea asked doubtfully: Do they know each other?

If you hold it with your claws, you can still worry about it, but if you carry it on your back, you basically rule out the possibility of grabbing it and knocking it as food.


Seeing that the red dragon was about to fly away with Shasha on its back, Listy felt extremely complicated.

After more than ten years, I finally saw Shasha again, but I could only see the traces of this model lake.

Goodbye... When mom has a city of her own one day, she will come back to you.

While Listy was thinking deeply, the red dragon unexpectedly rushed upward!

Does that mean you want to rush into the Yunhua flood?

High-level king-level dragon species are likely to cause reactions that are precursors to floods...

Listy begged: Kureya! Sister! Please help them.

When her request came to an end, she discovered that Kurea had disappeared.

The current Elf Emperor came to the nearest village to Yinsmuir through the root system, and then used his own movement spell to cross dozens of kilometers to the sky above Yinsmuir, and intercepted it with his own power. Floresia wanted to rush into the dark clouds.

Your Excellency Black Abyss Flame Dragon, thank you for your efforts over the past thousands of years. Now you can go back. The handling of the flood in Waterlite will be left to our Emerald City.

Luo Xi looked blankly at the elf woman who suddenly appeared next to her.

Wearing a gorgeous crown on his head, his slender elf pointed ears are surrounded by light green, his face is cold and unsullied, and his noble temperament makes people dare not look directly at him, as if he is an emperor in this world.

Who is this?

Feiya, who Luo Xi had been holding, trembled slightly.

She looked at this person who suddenly appeared in disbelief.


Why is Aunt Kureya here?

It's been ten years, and she still hasn't thought about letting herself go?

Kureya glanced at the fox-eared girl hugged by Luo Xi with a complicated expression, and then glanced at Luo Xi's body.

Human, dragon species...

Is he Yin Lisa's partner...or a closer relationship?

Also, if aliens want to find partners, they can basically only find other aliens.

Now that you have a partner, don't get involved in danger anymore and live a good life.

Who are you?

Floresia turned around and looked at this powerful elf.

Kureia pointed to the black cloud above: You almost rushed up just now, but I stopped you.

Floresia: ...

It turns out that the force just now was hers.

Kureya didn't look at Fiya and Luo Xi anymore, and said: Your Excellency Black Abyss Yanlong, please leave. I have to deal with the precursors of this flood.

Well...thank you.

Floresia nodded, turned around and wanted to fly away.

Feiya: ?

Did Aunt Kureia not recognize her?

The fox-eared girl looked down at Luo Xi's hand that had been holding her waist.

And how long should I hold this person?

However, the movement of the black cloud above suddenly became violent.

Kurea raised his head suddenly.

Was it her arrival, with the aura of the emerald mother tree, that intensified the cloud-like flood?

It was too late. The black cloud had already spread, covering dozens of kilometers in the surrounding area. If the floods completely came, the entire Emerald Forest would fall into an unbelievable disaster.

She immediately pointed toward the ground and dropped a few branches, then reached out to grab the red dragon.

There's not enough time, you come with me first!

Floresia and the two people on her back were instantly frozen.

Luo Xi felt his head spinning.

Then, everyone in this area disappeared in the huge green circle of light.

Emerald City.

The Hanging Garden of the Royal Court.

Floresia fell from the circle of light and stepped on the ground. Just when she was about to roar, the elf who brought them here appeared in front of her and said:

Your Excellency Black Abyss Flame Dragon, there is no need to be angry, just wait and see.

Elf 1 points to the direction of the direction. UU Reading www.uukansu.net

The emerald green light fell from the sky like a divine punishment, and at that location, a dazzling beam of light burst out.

Luo Xi: ...

【Ding! You unlocked area: Emerald City]

【Ding! You saw the eternal world tree—Emerald]

Is the position of that beam where they were just now?

He crossed such a long distance in an instant. It was amazing that he could do this without the Hollow Flower.

Wait a moment!

Luo Xi felt like she was missing something.

Where are Maomao and Aina?

They were high in the sky over there, under the attack of this dream world version of the 'Mushroom Egg', they might have...

Luo Xi immediately wanted to reopen.

[Note: Travelers, don’t worry, they are still fine~]

Luo Xi looked at the dog text suspiciously.

real or fake?

[Note: If it’s fake, I’ll give you the ice cream to lick for a year! (〃> dishes<)! 】

Who cares?


In the airship, Weier was still holding the control stick tightly.

When that terrifying power came, she thought they might all die.

Unexpectedly, after the power disappeared, Weier found that they were still alive.

Quite incredible.

None of them saw that on the airship, there was a girl with pink hair and blue eyes staring blankly at the sky, and another pink-haired lolita with a disdainful expression was playing with her silly hair next to her.

How dare the traveler not believe me, next time I must let him know the authority of what I said!

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