Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 310: Angry Floresia and the so-called luck of the fox-eared loli (7k)

Although the picture is not very clear, the movement produced below is still projected by the traces.

There are actually human beings in Waterlite, a flood that symbolizes the ultimate natural disaster.

Are they those from the Church of Calamity?

There was strong anger hidden in Kurea's cold and majestic eyes.

As the current Elf Empress, a large city with hundreds of thousands of people was destroyed by these cult groups during her reign. This is a naked provocation and humiliation.

If she cannot take the most severe revenge for this, her incompetence will definitely be recorded in the history books of the elves in the future.

In fact, some people are secretly saying that she is the most incompetent Elf Emperor.

Listy, enlarge the lower right corner.

It can't be done. I relied on the airship to leave my traces all over the Emerald Forest. This height is exactly the height where I left my traces. And after decades, the traces left behind have become very dull. .”

Listy shook her head, but still moved the screen as much as possible to place the abnormality in the center.

The two of them looked at the picture, as if they were looking at the earth's surface through a layer of mist from high in the sky. They could only see the general outline below, but they could not see the details clearly.

Really can not?

Kureya frowned, he couldn't see the picture clearly at all.

If she hadn't been worried that taking action would intensify the flood and turn it from a precursor to an approaching state, she would have been prepared to borrow the power of the mother tree to purify the entire area there.

Listy closed her eyes and said, Maybe, I need time to integrate the traces left by that year.

Original, Yinsmuer.

Luo Xi, who was temporarily unable to move, could only watch the tide coming in.

This is the second time Luo Xi has experienced the invasion of the source of disaster head-on.

Not to mention the aftermath of the locust plague that was blocked by the light of the inner city in winter, the precursor of the snow disaster Myslaite that appeared after that caused the consciousness of the entire winter city to enter the ice for two days, except for the small city lord Hill. Jie, many people froze to death.

The difference from the first time was that this time there was no blessing from the sacred winter tree, and the water droplets from the flood even entered his body directly, wreaking havoc.

【Ding! Traveler, you have been affected by the Flood Waterlite, your life is -15% per second, and you cannot use any abilities related to the source]

Luo Xi thought he would die suddenly on the spot soon.

To his own surprise, the unknown water molecules that caused severe pain in his body collided with the alienation factors mobilized by the dragon, and the two started fighting each other using his body as the battlefield.

【Ding! Traveler, the alienation factor (gold) in your body has clashed with the power of the flood, and the life reduction effect you have received has been reduced to 0]

It is worthy of being an alienation factor influenced by the Black Dragon.

The most deadly debuff has been offset. Although the skills related to Yuansu are blocked, Luo Xi can still mobilize the power in his body.


The great power from time comes to this world.

When the black tide covered Luo Xi, the whole world was dyed gray and black, and everything was frozen.

A second passes.

Luo Xi looked up at the falling stars in the sky. He hugged the fox-eared girl's slender and soft waist and flapped his wings vigorously.

In the current state, it is impossible to use 'Blazing Flicker', but you can still rely on dragon wings to take off.

Two seconds pass.

Luo Xi came to the vicinity of Xinghuo, who was frozen in mid-air.

He placed his other hand underneath Starfire.

Three seconds passed.

Time starts to flow.

Luo Xi forcefully stopped the falling Xinghuo from falling.

Master, wait Starfire...huh?

An elf emerged from Starfire's sphere with a look of surprise on his face.

Luo Xi said helplessly: Didn't you let you control the airship up there?

Neither Weier nor Aina can fly an airship. What if it falls? Luo Xi doesn't want to see Weier-chan and Aina-chan.

The elf shook his head and said: It's okay. Even if there is no Starfire, the airship can stay in the air for a long time, but there is only one owner of the Starfire!

In the eyes of the little guy, nothing is as important as the owner.

After seeing Luo Xi in danger, she came down without even thinking.

In an instant, viscous liquids of three different colors - pitch black, ice blue, and red - stretched out from the sphere and quickly enveloped Luo Xi's body.

[Yuansu Furnace Heart has been loaded]

[The rune and mithril mechanism is operating normally]

[Rune Powered Armor·Starfire (Frost/Fire) has been restarted]

Soon, a black steel body flew in the air with wings fluttering. The ice blue and red colors intertwined with each other to form a magnificent breastplate. Just as the blazing flames were about to emerge, they were suppressed by the armor. Went back.

Luo Xi did not forget that she still had a fox-eared loli in her hand. If these flames were allowed to come out, the fox would turn into a roasted fox.

But what happened to this fox-eared girl?

He hasn't said a word since just now.

If her eyes weren't still open and her heart was beating against the touch of her hand, Luo Xi would have felt like she had grabbed a corpse.

Another point is that she should have breathed in water droplets from the flood. Why does she seem to be fine?

Below, Khalid watched the black tide covering the area with a triumphant smile on his face.

This feeling of controlling a natural disaster is really wonderful.

Although after this time, he will not be able to call for the coming of the source of disaster for a long time, but this does not prevent him from feeling his endless power at this moment.

However, when the dark tide dissipated, Khalid immediately realized something was wrong.

Where are people?

He suddenly looked up and saw a black human-shaped object holding the alien elf, who was probably carrying a precious source weapon, flying about fifty meters in the air with dragon wings.

When did that alien young man pass by? !

Just like when he suddenly appeared and punched himself.

And what is attached to him?

Most importantly, why isn't he dead yet?

The power of floods is invincible!

at the same time.

Red Flame Mountains Volcanic Islands.

Under the sea surface illuminated by the bright sunshine, you can see a huge figure swimming rapidly in the depths of the seabed.

Snapped! —

A huge red dragon emerged from the sea. Along with the rising waves and the torn black unknown stumps, she flew to an altitude of about a kilometer above the sea, and then spurted out another breath of dragon breath. The evaporation of seawater in an area reduced the water depth by dozens of meters.

There was a little joy in Floresia's red-gold dragon boy.

Finally killed that old rival.

Although she had used the Root Flame taught by Alexlita several times, she felt it was very worthwhile. The big octopus that could be resurrected had disgusted her countless times.

On this day, the great revenge was finally avenged!

It just... just feels a little disgusting.

What the adults said is correct. The more she uses the Root Flame, the more likely she is to be contaminated. She should be more careful in the future.

Floresia flew back to the crater where she had been squatting all year round, glanced at the two hollow flowers side by side, and raised her eyelids.


Xiao Luoxi has been here?

She was extremely familiar with the smell left by Luo Xi.

He probably realized that he was not there when he came over, so he left again.

Floresia couldn't help but feel regretful.


Next time when little Luo Xi comes over, apologize to him and let him feel the warmth of your mother's heart.

However, the next moment, the connection between the blood factors made Floresia look somewhere.

That was Luo Xi's initiative to enter the state of dragon transformation, and she could feel the calling only after touching the alienation factor.

Is Xiao Luo Xi still in the Emerald Forest?

Floresia's eyes lit up.

She immediately wanted to fly towards that location.

After flying only a few hundred meters, she looked back at the sea, which had gradually calmed down, and her eyes became solemn.

Something is coming again.

An existence with similar power to the big octopus she just killed.

Did you sense its death and come to occupy its territory?


Amidst the piercing and soul-stirring screams, a terrifying and unidentified creature with a height of 100 meters, eyes all over its body emerged from the sea water.

Floresia squeezed the dragon's claws tightly.

It seems that we still can't kill them completely.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to kill one and start a new one, and her ability would not be able to sweep away the strange objects in the entire sea.

The red dragon's body turned into a stream of fiery red light and hit the creature that had just emerged.

She couldn't leave here peacefully, even for a moment, without giving the new guy a lesson first.

The sky is falling.

Between the black and red flames wrapped around the dragon's claws and the collision with the unknown creature, the already calm sea was stirred up again!

Luo Xi stared at the person below.

He wanted to leave.

But there was no way that person would just let him go.

Now that Xinghuo is with him, although Luo Xi cannot use the source elements in his body, he can also use the source elements provided by Xinghuo's power furnace.

However, with all the energy in his body being blocked, he estimated that he would probably be shot down halfway.

Moreover, the power of floods is definitely not just superficial.

He had seen the power of the snow disaster with his own eyes. With the terrifying power that could freeze the whole city in an instant, the flood disaster was definitely not the only one that was juxtaposed with the snow disaster and the locust plague.

Unless the manipulator is a fool.

Luo Xi thought for a moment, and the man below could no longer hold back, and his body flew up. Then, the black tide on the ground began to boil!

The black tide covering the entire basin quickly disappeared.

At the same time, Luo Xi suddenly noticed that strange raindrops were falling on Xinghuo's armor.


After the raindrops came into contact with the Starfire Armor, black smoke kept coming out.

【Ding! The available energy of your power furnace is decreasing at an accelerated rate...]

Khalid looked directly at the man wrapped in black armor in front of him and said coldly: I don't know who you are, but don't think about leaving once you're here. Leave everything on you.

Luo Xi was shocked to find that the environment that was still considered daytime had completely turned dark, and the sky was filled with gloomy rain clouds.

The airship was at an altitude of about three thousand meters, so it was blocked above the clouds.

[Flood disaster, Waterlett (rain cloud)]

Put me down. If you continue like this, you will die.

The fox-eared girl held by Luo Xi finally said her first words after Luo Xi's arrival.

Above the clouds, Weier and Aina in the airship looked at the dark sea of ​​clouds below in surprise, their eyes full of worry.


Hui Hui, who was standing on Aina's shoulder, also screamed worriedly several times.

Feiya had never been in such close contact with a man.

When she was hugged by the waist by this man who suddenly appeared, she realized that the reason why this man came here was probably because the 'luck' that enveloped her had taken effect again.

She recognized this man as the lord of a strange town that was willing to accept people with alienation syndrome just like the Earl of the Land of White Flowers.

Who told him the problem here?

Is it... gray?

How did Hui Hui get him to come over?

In other words, why did he come here?

Feiya couldn't figure it out at all.

Is it still the influence of ‘luck’?

The fox-eared girl fell into deep silence.

The so-called luck is good fortune for her, but it is disaster for the people around her.

Just like the disaster she brought to her mother.

She was born with a different species, which caused her mother to be discriminated against by everyone who knew about her situation, and she was deprived of the opportunity to become the Elf Emperor. Moreover, in the year of her birth, it was said that many people in the palace died because of her.

The journey was supposed to leave people with beautiful memories, but since leaving that small courtyard, all she had were extremely painful memories.

Before the separation, my mother said that she might be able to meet the things she cherished and cherished outside, but that kind of thing didn't exist at all.

Getting along with her will lead to disaster.

The more she cherishes and cherishes him, the less she can get close to him.

So painful.

My heart is like a knife.

If there is only pain in this world, then death is also a good destination, right?

The fox-eared girl thought so.

When the black tide surged in, she also felt a kind of pain crawling inside her body. The human next to her who was holding her also seemed to have lost the ability to move.


She's involved an innocent person again.

But after a moment, her eyes flashed, and then she found herself in the sky.

The young man holding her held a strange sphere in his palm. He even had a few words with the thing that appeared on the sphere, and then his body was covered by the melted sphere.

The black liquid turned into hard armor and covered his entire body.

Waves much more powerful than before overflowed from the inside of the armor.

Feiya closed her eyes and said, Let me go. If you continue like this, you will die.

Even if this person has something special.

Even if she can be rescued in the end.

So, how will the good fortune of escaping from the original disaster be transformed into a 'disaster'?

He must be the one who bears the brunt of this disaster.

Don't talk.

Luo Xi patted the fox-eared girl's head gently.

He had to find a way to put her in a safe place first.

Otherwise, even if he wanted to fight with all his strength, he wouldn't be able to do it.

Oh, I almost forgot about this.

Luo Xi took out the trophies he had obtained previously from his dream bag.

Appearance is like a golden ping pong ball - [Tila's Sanctuary Barrier]

This item has the ability to suppress fourth-level extraordinary beings.

[Please select enemies and friends...]


【Expand? (Under normal conditions, ten kilograms of source marrow crystals will be consumed every second)]

[Yes (Invest two thousand catties)]

The dream world has flawless source elements as a supplement, and this consumption is still acceptable. In reality, there is no flawless source element, and the increase is ten times higher. I heard that in order to kill him last time, the United States also used the collected source marrow crystals. It's over.

When the enemy came up, Luo Xi unfolded it, and a transparent spherical barrier suddenly appeared in mid-air, encompassing the three of them.

This scene also stunned Khalid on the spot.

He found that he had lost his field-related abilities, and he also lost contact with Walter, who had turned into a cloud.

At the same time, he, who was already halfway to the fifth level, fell down and returned to the fourth level again.

Does this person have such a special high-level source weapon?

You must know that the forging difficulty of simple weapons and such enchantment props are not at the same level at all.

Who are you?!

Khalid rolled his eyes, trying to summon up the strength in his body to reconnect with the flood.

But the barrier not only blocked the black rain, but also blocked his call.

This time he shot himself in the foot.

If the flood disaster is not turned into a black cloud, maybe he can still control it from within...

However, even so, he still crushed that strange dragon species in rank!

Khalid rose up and stepped in the air. A large amount of black water appeared under his feet and blasted towards Luo Xi.

Luo Xi just stood still holding the fox-eared Loli.

Khalid's eyes showed ecstasy.


Sure enough, these people are not worthy of controlling such high-level source weapons. As long as they can kill him and obtain those source weapons, their status in the sect will definitely be improved in the future.

Feiya looked at the black figure holding her in confusion and held her breath.

Why not hide?

Then, what she saw was fleeting again.

The black figure took her to another position, came behind the man, and punched him.

Kid, don't underestimate me!

Khalid had already seen Luo Xi disappear twice, so he was naturally on guard this time, but he still had to take Luo Xi's fists hard.

However, this time was different from the previous punch.

Power furnace, load start.

[Immersive (happy): In this state, your character will gain a strength +200% bonus, and your resistance to negative mental spells +200%]

And - Brilliant flames break the world.

The power from Floresia was completely released by Starfire after she was completely liberated.

Hot dragon's breath emerged from Luo Xi's fist, and the fierce red wind dyed what was visible to the naked eye into bright red, filling the entire sanctuary boundary. If Luo Xi hadn't set the fox-eared girl on his left hand as a friend, Fang, she had already died in the scalding wind.

A thing whose whole body was charred black fell downwards. Even though the body was turned into black coal by this blow, Luo Xi still saw that under the charred blackness, a pair of eyes were still moving, and the skin was rapidly regenerating.

Even if the existence of the fourth level is suppressed by the barrier, it is still quite difficult to deal with.

Luo Xi naturally wouldn't give him a chance to escape.

He put down his right hand, preparing to use the 'permanent freezing disaster' move again.

In the world of ice and fire, I don't believe that I can't send him away.

The real power of this enemy should lie in the precursor of the source of disaster controlled by him, but he underestimated the enemy too much, turning all the black tide into black clouds, and his actual combat ability seemed to be quite poor.

Just when Xinghuo's right hand released the cold light and the power from the snow disaster was about to be released, a long and long sigh sounded.

Young man, it's not good to be too murderous.

A white-haired old man stepped into the barrier in one step and stood in front of the coke.


Luo Xi frowned, but continued to release his power. The extremely cold breath turned into a snow storm and blew downwards.

The power of snow disaster?

The old man was stunned.

As one of the Archbishops of the Disaster Church, he is also very familiar with the power attributes of Snow Disaster.

Combined with the scorching wind we saw before, is this two opposing extreme attributes used to suppress the coldness of the snow disaster?

Containers like this...have never been seen before.

However, in front of him, she was still a little tender.

The old man raised his hand and waved.

A barrier appears.

Luo Xi was shocked to see that the ice cold he released was blocked by the old man casually.

It's not that he's incompetent, it's the gap in rank!

Just eating the source marrow crystal's lifting barrier can't suppress the real fifth-level existence!

The old man ignored Luo Xi. He lowered his head and looked at the charred Khalid, and sighed: Khalid, you are too arrogant. There is a better way to fight, but you haven't shown off your skills yet. The skills we have mastered, don’t you know that even if we are the messengers of source disaster, we may lose control of these borrowed powers?”

Jiao Tan remained motionless, only the pair of eyes looked at the old man with a look of gratitude.

The Archbishop was indeed watching him from the side!

But this time his performance was indeed unsatisfactory... It didn't matter, as long as the Archbishop could kill that person.

The old man looked up at Luo Xi and grinned: Young man, are you interested in feeling the power of a real disaster? That is not comparable to the residual power of your snow disaster.

Khalid: ???

Luo Xi: ...

He is already considering a remake.

After finally defeating a boss, a bigger one comes. I have to call Mother Dragon next time.

Seeing that Luo Xi did not answer, the old man continued: Then I will make my own decision. Please feel what the power of disaster is. Once you experience it once, you will be fascinated by this power.

The old man stretched out his hand to Luo Xi.

Endless light was released in his palm at this moment.

Snapped! —

Time stands still at this moment.

A second passes.

Luo Xi came behind the old man and tried to break his hand.

However, the opponent's body is quite tough.

Two seconds pass.

He kicked the old man away, then controlled Starfire to hit Jiao Tan's head with the 'Dragon King's Sky Collapse'.

You have to kill each one.

Time resumes its flow.

Jiao Tan suddenly let out a scream, and the old man suddenly realized that he had changed his position. His dull eyes finally became confused. Before, he thought it might just be too far away. He didn't know how this alien acted. Now, After experiencing it personally, he couldn't understand how Luo Xi did it.


Ten thousand feet of light surged in all directions from the old man's palm.

Luo Xi also found that no matter how hard he hid, he could not avoid the incoming light, and Xinghuo's armor seemed unable to block it.

This light is different from the light released by the priests of Noah's Church. Although those priests are a little disgusting, their magic is still very warm, but this light only gives people a cold feeling.

【Ding! Traveler, you are parasitized by the ‘seed of light disaster’]

Destruction, violence, hatred, extreme...

Suddenly, countless negative emotions emerged in Luo Xi's mind.

This is not a mental spell, so Luo Xi's mental spell resistance cannot take effect.

You...what's wrong with you?

Feiya was in the arms of Luo Xi's left hand, looking worriedly at Luo Xi who was hanging his head motionless.

The armor attached to his body turned into liquid and dripped continuously, revealing his face, with a golden seed on his forehead.

I...what can I do?

The fox-eared girl was confused and uneasy.

It doesn't matter to herself.

But she didn't want this man to die too.

She only needs to bear the disaster alone.

Feiya reached out and touched Luo Xi's head, trying to pull out the penis, but the moment her hand touched it, blisters appeared as if it had been burned.

The old man laughed loudly and said: It doesn't matter if you don't want that idiot Khalid. It's not a bad thing to gain a young man with such potential. Let's throw ourselves into the arms of disaster together... huh?

The old man stopped laughing and looked at the fox-eared fox with a puzzled expression.

Why is there still nothing wrong with this alien elf?

Also, did she touch the seed of light disaster just now?



Tira's sanctuary barrier is already showing signs of being broken.

The fox-eared girl took a deep breath, grabbed Nazi again, held back the smoking hand, and pulled it out with all her strength!

In the depths of Luo Xi's soul that no one can see, a colorful book is pressed against a seed that is trying to penetrate. While Fiya is pulling it out, the cover page of the book is opened, and the seed is removed together. Pushed out.


Feiya successfully pulled out a seed that released cold light but burned her hand from Luo Xi's forehead.

The old man's eyes were about to burst.

Impossible, how could such a thing be possible?

Luo Xi also regained consciousness here.

You, how dare you do such a thing!

The old man was furious and released a cold white light from his hand, grabbing at Luo Xi.

At this moment, Xinghuo has been separated from the load state, and the dragon transformation state is about to end. In addition, the use of the source element in the body is still restricted, Luo Xi has lost the power to resist.

Feiya also closed her eyes in his arms.


Sure enough, she can only bring disaster. She is a member of the Church of Disaster, right?

However, along with the sound of the barrier breaking, a hot wind suddenly blew over.

Luo Xi had a smile on his face.

The red hair filled with fire was blown by the hot wind. The beautiful girl with dragon horns stopped beside Luo Xi. She raised her hand and pinched the palm that the old man had grasped. A pair of red-gold vertical hair stared at Luo Xi's body. , the tall and full softness undulates slightly.

The biting cold murderous intention burst out from the body of the dragon-horned girl, and she said coldly:

Mom is late... I'll talk about these later.

Mom is very angry now. It's all this old guy's fault, right?!

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