Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 288: This is the invincible hook given by Grandpa Black Dragon!

Luo Xi: ?

Where did this sound come from?


Take the scales I gave you...

Could it be that the person...dragon that conveyed this voice was the black dragon, Bahamut? !

Floresia also said that the lord she was talking about was the black dragon. She even gave him a slap in the face because he got a piece of broken black dragon scales, which almost caused a scene of shame.

Luo Xi suspected that it was not a coincidence that he was able to meet the black dragon and be rescued in one breath when he drove the airship up to a height of 10,000 meters in ignorance.

However, Luo Xi was a little confused.

If you want to save Floresia, can you just go up there yourself?

Why give me strength?

Although she was confused, Luo Xi didn't hesitate at all.

He immediately took out the piece of 'Bahamut's broken scales' from his dream bag.

[Bahamut's Shattered Scales]

[Quality: Golden (Legend-)]

[Category: special materials]

[Attribute: The best forging materials, if handed over to master-level craftsmen or above, can definitely create epic or above equipment]

[Description: The Black Dragon Bahamut appreciates you mortals who are so weak but dare to look up into the abyss. This is a small gift it gives you. Maybe you will see each other again one day]

Even just a piece of broken scale has the golden level of [Legendary-]. It is impossible to imagine how precious the rest of the materials on the Black Dragon are.

There was a shimmer of light on the broken scales, and those strange lines appeared with dark golden light and connected with each other.

That dull voice sounded in Luo Xi's ears again.

Don't ask me why I didn't take action. I'm still on my way back. Isn't it time to rush? You little brats really don't think it's too big to cause trouble.

Don't ask me why I'm looking for you. Xiaofu's main power is the red flame attribute. Borrowing my power will cause serious damage to her roots, so kid, you go up and block it for a while. These scales can carry me My power is limited, just drag it as much as possible.

Luo Xi: ...

He hesitated and asked in a low voice: Won't this cause serious damage to me?

Huh? Of course it won't be seriously injured.


Probably he will die directly?


Don't be pretentious. I know that you are a traveler from another world. The great will has given you people the characteristics of immortality. It is no problem to die once or twice.

And as a child, can you bear to see your mother suffer? Your mother would even face the Noah tree for you. You don't want to be an unfilial son, do you?


Luo Xi suddenly felt that the image of this black dragon collapsed in his mind.

What about the tall and unpredictable, the Dragon Emperor of the Abyss, the Ancient Dragon... Damn it, why does this black dragon feel like a liar?

You don't have to provoke me like this.

Luo Xi chuckled and said: I never thought of standing idly by. Also, you are talking about your mother. Don't you think that I am really Floresia's child? Or are all dragons like this? Do you recognize the child? Then can I call you grandpa?

The naughty kid will die wherever it comes from. Black Dragon replied mercilessly.

[Note: Traveler, you really just give me a pole and climb up. Having a dragon mother is not enough. Do you also want to recognize a dragon grandpa? 】

Luo Xi's mouth twitched.

That also requires the other party’s consent.

To be honest, Luo Xi would rather call Bahamut Grandpa than calling her Mother Floresia, not only because the Black Dragon is stronger, but also because calling him Grandpa brings less sense of disobedience.

I won't talk nonsense to you anymore, are you ready?

Bahamut's voice sounded again.

The extremely terrifying power was transmitted from the distant void, and was transmitted into Luo Xi's body through this black scale as a medium.

【Ding! Traveler, your body has been entered by an unknown force]

[Your power +100, +100, +100...]

[Your constitution +100, +100, +100...]

[Your intelligence +100, +100, +100...]

[Your agility +100, +100, +100...]

[Your factor characteristic: Dark bite is fully activated]

[Skill: Dragon Transformation LV2 has been temporarily upgraded to Dragon Transformation mAx]

Luo Xi felt as if his body did not belong to him, becoming cold and biting. A characteristic completely different from the scorching flames possessed by the red dragon species was spreading crazily in his body.

Flesh, bones, and meridians were destroyed in a very short period of time, and then reshaped by powerful force in a matter of seconds. Luo Xi could not even feel the pain in his body when it reached the cerebral cortex, and his body became more fragile in the midst of destruction. powerful.

Dragon wings, dragon tail, dragon scales, all the characteristics of dragon transformation appeared on his body.

At the same time, a dark color seeped out from his body, flowing and covering his body. The dark golden scales deformed and fit into his body.

As Luo Xi moved reluctantly, the dark golden light on his scales reappeared, forming extremely regular patterns on his body surface, waving a cold golden light.

The power of destruction suppressed Luo Xi's original flame in his chest, and continued to devour his life force. All the red symbols on Luo Xi's body completely faded away.

This is the power from the black dragon Bahamut, which symbolizes destruction and devouring. Even if it is only a small part, it has successfully appeared in travelers from other worlds.

In the dazed Luo Xi's ears, the voice shouted in surprise.

So adaptable?

Hughes sneered at the king red dragon who was restrained by the projection of Noah's sacred tree.

The source beast is, after all, just the source beast.

Although the predecessors of most high-level Origin Beasts were earthly creatures such as humans, after transforming into Origin Beasts, they are no longer humans. What smart person would fight here knowing there is a pit ahead?

This king red dragon obviously has many chances to leave.

She wanted to leave, but she had no choice.

Stupid source beast.

Hughes said sternly: I think it's not easy for you to survive until now. Come back with me and become the protecting sacred beast of the City of Light for a thousand years. I promise not to hurt your life!

After Floresia heard this, she struggled angrily, trying to tear off the light strip from Noah's projection that was tied to her body.

Hughes shook his head with regret.

Although Luka is dead, it would be nice if a dragon from a high king could be brought back to guard the City of Light.


The Black Abyss Flame Dragon roared at Hughes.

A fiery world began to unfold around him.

The world filled with magma ocean appeared before his eyes.

Gravity disappeared, buoyancy disappeared, his body fell downwards, the magma also turned bright red, and the temperature rose by thousands of degrees in an instant.

Realm World? This is of no use to me.

Hughes showed a proud smile on his old face and sang: O Noah's Sacred Tree, please use your light to illuminate the dark night!

The projection of Noah's tree suddenly brightened, and the dazzling world of light soon replaced the sea of ​​magma in front of him.

Roar! —

Floresia let out a low growl.

The flame of the root!

Dark blue flames spurted out from her mouth. This time, she finally succeeded in igniting these light vines, but she soon felt a strong sense of exhaustion.

Lady Alexlita said that using this flame on someone whose rank is higher than hers will most likely result in backlash, and the consumption of soul power will be extremely large.

There is such a problem when using the sixth-level Tree of Void Darkness, let alone the Tree of Eternal World, even if it is just a projection.

Floresia stopped spitting flames, but the erosion of the light vines wrapped around her body continued to increase.

Although she can still block it for a while with her ability, it will be a matter of time before she retreats.

She reluctantly lowered her head, trying to convey her voice and ask Luo Xi and the others to leave quickly.

However, there was an aura from below that made her feel familiar and awe-inspiring.

That power, the source of that power is...


Under the disbelieving gaze of the red dragon, a small figure flew out from below and landed next to her.

His whole body is pitch black, with only dark gold lines climbing up his body. From the dragon wings to the dragon tail and dragon horns, the dark gold lines form the outline of his body.

Suddenly, a pair of dazzling golden vertical hair suddenly opened on the face that was originally pitch black. It was so sharp that it didn't look like a human being. He slowly raised his hand, using his palm instead of a knife. After a few casual cuts, the black The aura of destruction overflowed, and the light vines entangled with Floresia were easily cut off.

Who are you?

Floresia quickly changed her body shape and became a human form again. Fine red scales replaced her clothes, covering her alluring body.

I'm Luo Xi.

Luo Xi replied with a smile.

Is it really you, little Luo Xi? Lord Bahamut, what did he do to you?

The Longjiao girl looked at Luo Xi's body worriedly.

After Luo Xi pondered for a moment, he said: Nothing, you just want me to kill you with my life?

Floresia: ???

It's no problem anyway.

Luo Xi smiled and said: Mother Lecia, you also know that I will not die.

At this moment, he felt that his physical condition was particularly good.

Although his life is over soon.

He looked at the text personal attributes panel that appeared in front of him.

[Luo Xi·Black Dragon Form]

[Race: Human (in the process of becoming a half-dragon)]

[Stage: Second level (???)]

[Have power: Devour, destroy (temporary)]

[Path of sublimation: Dragon species alienation (red dragon genus - fire flame (black dragon genus - dark bite))]

[Factor concentration: 88.00% (temporary increase)]

[Spell resistance +333% (temporary increase)]

[Power: [(189+5000)*300%]

[Physique: [(188+5000)*300%]

[Intelligence: 3222[(74+1000)*300%]]

[Agility: 3664[(86+1000)*300%]]

[Description: The huge bonus provided by the power of the Black Dragon and the bonus of [immersive: happiness 200%] are superimposed, so that you, the traveler, have extremely powerful strength and physique, becoming a real Humanoid dragon】

[Warm reminder: When the power of the Black Dragon ends, Traveler, you will die instantly. Since he left too much power in your body, even after the power is withdrawn and resurrected, the alienation factors in your body will produce a certain amount of Mutation, irreversible]

[Note: Currently, you still have 30 minutes of life, please seize the time, otherwise you will die~]

Luo Xi: .

Such terrifying power simply refreshed Luo Xi's description of the word power.

However, he found that even if his strength value had exceeded 10,000, he was probably not a match for Mother Dragon in terms of strength alone. He had skill bonuses, and Floresia definitely had them too.

He could easily cut off the bright vines entirely because of the aura of destruction in his body.

On the other side, Hughes's face became ferocious.

What it is?

How dare you blaspheme the existence of Noah, the eternal world tree, in front of him!

And he spoke like no one else was around?

As if he doesn't exist?

Who are you! Are you also a dragon-born beast lurking in this town?

Hughes asked.

However, Luo Xi was too lazy to reply to him.

Hughes became even more angry.

For a moment, the dazzling light lit up again.

Under the illumination of the light, Luo Xi's pitch-black body finally revealed the pure black dragon scales and details of the body parts. The slender body was covered with pitch-black scales, and the dark gold lines were like magic circuits, connecting each other. All of the body.

Hughes stood still and roared. Countless swords made of light emerged from the trees and shot at the two people in the air.

Floresia wanted to defend herself, but was stopped by Luo Xi. He directly bumped into him with his body. The light was attracted by him, flew toward him, and entered his body.

Then, not a single sound was released.

Luo Xi only had some blood stains on his face.

He raised his hand nonchalantly, wiped away the blood on his face, then stepped on the air, flapped his dragon wings, appeared in front of Hughes, and raised his fist.

Now that the power of the red dragon has been suppressed, Luo Xi only has the power of the black dragon left in his body, so the collapse fist is transformed into—

The Black Dragon's Destruction Fist.

The power that Luo Xi couldn't understand seeped out from his fist and hit the old face, knocking him down hard in the distance, knocking him down who knew how many kilometers away.


One of the hills seemed to have collapsed.

How dare you...?

The light turned into a meteor and flew back from there. The old man's face was filled with anger and ferocity, UU reading www. uukanshu. net The whole body is fine, and it seems that there are no injuries.

Luo Xi glanced at his fist.

The power of the Black Dragon exceeded his imagination. Even if it was only the part transmitted through the scales that strengthened his body, it also allowed him to easily punch away the archbishop.

If the other party hadn't also made a trick and obtained Noah, the Eternal World Tree, he might have killed him with one punch.

Hughes chanted a new divine spell.

Light, strengthen my body, that evil needs me to judge!

After Hughes quickly finished chanting the magic, he took a step towards Luo Xi. On the Noah's tree, infinite light converged towards his body and condensed on his body and fists.

He didn't believe that he would lose in a head-on confrontation after summoning Noah's projection!

He wanted to return the humiliating punch he had just suffered to this person!

Luo Xi closed his fingers, clenched his fist, and took a step back.

Fist to fist! Light versus darkness!

In the loud noise, light and darkness occupied half of the sky. In the end, Hughes's step back marked the end of the fist fight. The two of them were knocked away by the shock wave of the impact, and the city below was blessed with brilliance. It also became shaky under the aftermath of the impact.


Why was he suppressed?

Archbishop Hughes shouted filial piety and asked angrily: What is this?

The corners of Luo Xi's mouth curved happily.

It's a hook, it's a hook given by Grandpa Heilong!

Floresia: ???

Hughes: ???

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