Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 289 Grandpa? What happened to my mother? The Black Dragon is coming!


There was a long silence.

When Luo Xi's words fell, not only Hughes, who was surrounded and protected by the light of Noah's tree, but also Floresia behind him fell into a daze.

What is this stupid kid talking about?

In the dissipation and flash of a ball of red flames, Floresia came to Luo Xi's side and asked nervously: Well, little Luo Xi, who is the Grandpa Black Dragon you are talking about? It can't be Ba Lord Hamut, right?”

Luo Xi saw the look on the pretty face of the girl with dragon horns and was a little panicked.


Why are you so panicked?

He had an inexplicable feeling that this little dragon girl had become a little cute... In fact, when he accidentally touched her tail during the day, her violent shy reaction made Luo Xi have a different impression of this cheap dragon mother. A big change.

Even though she is a king-level dragon species that has lived for more than 8,000 years, she was still a girl in the beginning.

It's just that in the long years, the only people who can get close to her are humans like herself who have her blood factor, or other high-level source beasts. Ordinary people want to kneel down when they see her, right?

[Note: An 8,000-year-old girl (x), the ultimate loli old woman (√)]

Dog text, you have a way to die!

Isn't that true?

Floresia shook Luo Xi's hand again.

Luo Xi glanced at the archbishop over there and nodded.

If you take back what you have already said in front of the enemy, won't it just add to the jokes?

It's really...

The flames on the gorgeous red hair behind the dragon-horned girl dimmed, and the scales on her body gradually turned white. She murmured to herself in despair:

If little Luo Xi is called Grandpa Bahamut, then how should mother call you little Luo Xi? Young master? Or young master?

Isn't it all a mess?

Luo Xi: ?

What does this have to do with anything?

Isn't this originally called mother because you are the source of the alienation factor in my body?

I have your alienation factor and part of the power of the Black Dragon in my body. Since I can call you mom, then it shouldn’t be a big problem to call you Grandpa Black Dragon, right?

That makes sense, doesn't it?

Floresia grabbed Luo Xi's shoulders, shook them hard, and said: It's so strange, why Lord Bahamut would agree to Xiao Luo Xi's call him grandpa? Mom hasn't enjoyed it for a few days. Are you going to take away the feeling of being with your children? Don’t want that kind of thing!

- Xiao Fu, what are you listening to this human being talking about? When did I agree to him calling me grandpa! Who stole the child from you? Do you think I have that much free time?

Next to the Longjiao girl's ear, the dull voice roared angrily.

Floresia was stunned.

Sir, are you here?

When she heard the familiar and majestic voice and the words of denial, she immediately relaxed a lot.

so far so good.

As long as those adults are not robbing her of her child, she is still a little confident. Anyone who dares to snatch her child under her nose must pay the price with blood!

Floresia clenched her fist and knocked Luo Xi's chest, making a crisp impact sound.

Bad boy, you dare to lie to your mother. Sir, he is a great being who came from a distant era and has experienced as much time as the Eternal World Tree. How could he recognize you as his grandson!


Luo Xi smiled awkwardly.

Fortunately, the Black Dragon is not here yet.

Otherwise, he felt that he could carve out a three-bedroom apartment.

While the two humanoid dragons were talking, Hughes on the opposite side clenched his fists, his wrinkled skin trembling, and his nails almost crushed his palms to pieces.

I don’t care about your mother, grandfather, son or grandson!

Mad, can you respect me, a two-hundred-year-old man? ?

Just pretend I don't exist!

What else is Bahamut? Who are you trying to scare? As a seven-color dragon emperor who only appears in epics and legends, he has not appeared on the Pancontinent for who knows how long. Do you think you can scare me just by building a relationship?

He roared hoarsely: What do you think of me! Bahamut, the Seven-Colored Dragon Emperor? Let him come out if you can!

Luo Xi pondered for a moment and said, Don't worry, he's still on the way. He'll be at your door later.

Hughes: ?

The old man's eyes were beating, and he suddenly stretched out his hand. Then, the gravity formed by the light pulled Luo Xi and Floresia dozens of meters away in an instant.

A shrill light fell from the sky, like a falling sun!

Luo Xi and Floresia punched at the same time.

The projection of Noah’s sacred tree blooms!

In an instant, three terrifying forces collided and refracted outwards. One of them tore the clouds in the night sky, another rushed towards the town below, and another exploded on the plane. Seeing that the situation was not good, Luo Xi immediately flashed to In front of the town, he instinctively spat out a ball of black roaring waves.

Hughes grinned and looked at the black thing below with a sneer.

The incarnation of the Black Dragon?

He tilted his head to avoid the blazing flames spitted out by the red dragon, and he had a rough idea of ​​the combat power of these two dragons.

Before Noah's projection was summoned, it was probably all in vain for him to come ten times, but now it was different, he was absolutely sure!

Then, let’s condemn it.

Noah's projection bloomed with bright white light behind him.

The night turned into day, and the light covered Luo Xi and Long Niang's bodies in all directions without blind spots. The nearby dozens of kilometers were shrouded in this light.

Luo Xi raised his arms, trying to defend himself, and heard the old man's singing in the wind again.

Great Noah's Tree, count the sins on their bodies! Let these two sinful dragon-born beasts accept your judgment! Divine magic, light to judge sins!

Luo Xi replied subconsciously: Now that things have happened, can you still count them all?

Floresia: ???

What is this stupid kid doing blindly?

She wanted to protect Luo Xi. Although the child received part of the power gifted by Lord Bahamut, he was obviously not very skilled in using it.

But the sky turned to day and her body froze.

On the other side, Luo Xi looked at his text prompt with some helplessness.

【Ding! Talent: Immersive experience will end in 10 seconds]

No wonder the Black Dragon just asked him to delay for a while.

Did he expect that even if his strength increased, he would not be able to defeat the opponent?

This trick is not very good. He is going to die anyway, so why not give him an instant kill trick?

At the moment when the talent time ended, Luo Xi immediately used the refreshed synchronization authority of the sacred tree, but his aura suddenly dropped a lot.

After losing the 200% bonus, Luo Xi's current strength and physique are only more than 5,000. However, in fact, strength and physique are only external. What is truly powerful in Luo Xi's body is the authority that comes with the power of the Black Dragon.

“All the sins committed by life will never go away.”

Hughes said in a cold voice like a god in the white light: You two dragons are too proud too early. Whatever sinful things you have done will be inescapable under the light of Noah's tree. She will Accordingly, I will impose the final judgment on you!”

Luo Xi roared angrily: Why don't you use such a bright and awe-inspiring thing for yourselves?

Hughes made a hoarse voice: There is no sin in Noah's Church. Even if there is, we have to judge it ourselves and do not allow others to interfere.

You guys, accept your sentence well. I'm here to watch you go to destruction.

A bright, pure white light appeared in front of Luo Xi's eyes, and various illusory and uncertain images appeared in his mind.

He wanted to activate the destructive power belonging to the Black Dragon in his body to crack this weird magic, but he found that no matter how hard he tore it apart, the images did not dissipate, but became increasingly clear.

Hughes didn't take the opportunity to take action. He was waiting for the result of the divine spell: Judgment of Sin.

This magic is completely left to Noah to judge. It is a wide-area magic. During this period, as the maintainer, he cannot intervene, otherwise he will also be regarded as a member of the judgment.

He slowly lowered his head and looked at the town below.

The lord never ran away from the beginning to the end.

Is he still hiding inside?

The two dragon species that ran out one after another were at least high-level kings. The lord here seemed very unstable. Fortunately, this time he came and foiled the plot of the lord here.

The Church of Noah cannot be insulted, and the Kingdom of Light will not allow any lord to collude with the Origin Beast!

Hughes stepped down hard.

The sacred tree of Belgry had already reached the upper limit of its protective brilliance. It shattered like porcelain dropped on the ground, and the golden light spots were covered with white light.

- Go, find where the lord here is hiding, and lure him to take action, but don't attack the residents here casually.

After receiving the order from the air, a group of church priests dressed in white and blue descended from the airship and walked towards the town that had lost its glorious blessing.

The weakest among this group of people is also a third-level ascendant.

There is only one fourth-level one, and it is still elementary.

This is not to say that the archbishop's accompanying team is weak. After all, most of the fourth-level people are already at the level of reserve bishop or even bishop, and can be assigned to branch churches in various large towns. Moreover, Hughes did not report to the superiors on this trip. If he had reported it, When the procedure was completed, it would drag on for another day or two. He wanted to quickly and resolutely capture the culprit responsible for Luca's death.

Watching the group of church priests approaching, Ulysses took off his gloves and picked up his spear outside the town gate. After looking at the day-like sky and the figure who might be the lord, he walked out resolutely.

A horse covered in frost came running towards him, and he sat astride it.

The second-level Origin Beast, the Frost Horse, is a relatively rare mount in the snowfields, and it is also a Origin Beast favored by those who ascend to the knight profession.

As Ulysses sat on the horse, his windbreaker was blown up by the cold wind, he shook his head at the visitor and said:

Sorry, I can't let you in.

The shepherd in white holding a book scolded: Do you know who we are?

I know, Noah's Church.

Then why don't you get out of the way quickly?

Feel sorry.

Ulysses just raised his spear and launched a knight's charge, and his whole body turned into ice-blue light and shadow during the charge.

Just now, most people fell into a coma after the first wave of accusations, including the two third-level colleagues. They seemed to have a guilty conscience and fell extremely quickly.

He was the only one who managed to hold on.

From the beginning to the end, he did not think that what he did was wrong. Although he was involved in Lord Andulu's affairs, he was also doing it for the spirit of the knight's contract.

Eating the emperor's salary is a matter of loyalty to the emperor.

He is not wrong!

Be bold!

The leading man in white snorted coldly, and the three church members directly faced him. With a few magical spells, they instantly suppressed the charging Ulysses and his horse to the ground.

Deacon Lain, do you want to kill him?


Bah! —

Countless sharp blue wind blades suddenly stabbed at them, scaring all the members of the church into fleeing. Someone outside the town gate took the opportunity to go up and pull up the knocked down Ulysses.

It was Maomao and Aina who woke up from self-pity.

Wei'er held an open scroll in her hand and used all the remaining spells on these church members without mercy.

Immediately, Aina also opened a scroll.

Fourth-level magic, heavenly fire descends!

The blazing fireball instantly erupted from the scroll, startling those who were about to rush over, and they all used light magic to protect themselves.

Weier breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I caught up.

These are the spell scrolls that their mother gave them before she left. Many of them are rare scrolls with half the power of the original spells, which are enough to deal with ordinary fourth-level scrolls.

She squinted and looked up.

What happened?

After the effect of the scroll in Aina's hand disappeared, Weier immediately picked up a new one. In short, she didn't consider killing, just delaying the time.

This also made people in the church angry.

Where did you get this scroll?

With such a large amount, could it be that there are high-level magicians who can draw it for you every day?

A deacon in blue asked: Lord Lai Yin, do you want to use the combined magic? Otherwise we will not be able to carry these magic attacks into the city.

Lai Yin nodded: Yes.

He has only just entered the fourth level.

The power of these scrolls is frightening. If you are accidentally hit, you will be in trouble.

A dozen church priests came out, stretched out their hands toward the town gate, and chanted prayers.

Weier suddenly felt bad.

She and Aina tore apart a scroll together, but the scroll's attack was blocked by the light barrier condensed by the calm man in white.

no solution anymore.

Maomao raised her hand upwards, and a golden book appeared in her hand, which was the Belgrim Canon.

Luo Xi just handed the scripture to her before leaving.

The power of the sacred tree can be lent to others with the permission of the controller. For example, Hill lent his power to his foster father, and Luo Xi could naturally lend his power to Maomao and the others.

Even though a lot of the power of the sacred tree was consumed just now, there is still less than 30,000 left.

A golden light suddenly lit up in Wei'er's light red eyes, and she raised her hand to the group of people outside.


The power of the 2w sacred tree was converted into the terrifying power of heaven, which pressed down on the priests.

Damn, are they lords?

Impossible, they are aliens! How can they be the lord! The lord must be someone else!

You go on, I'll block this blow!

Deacon Lai Yin released all his power and increased the barrier of light to its thickest level.


Dust and smoke are everywhere!

Weier endured the feeling of mental weakness and wanted to see the situation in the distance.

Did you make it?

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Wei's child's hole shrank suddenly.

The condensed light is even brighter!

It's going to happen!

She no longer has enough energy to release the next power of heaven... If she had known better, she would have used all the remaining power of the sacred tree at once.

At this time, a small hand took the scripture from her hand.

Sister, let me come!

Aina raised her hand towards the flickering light in front of her.

Different from her sister, Wei'er uses the divine tree's own striking ability - Tianwei, while Aina uses the fourth-level power brought by the divine tree.

The tea-gold eyes in the wolf-eared lolita become extremely bright.

At the moment when the white light shot out, Aina held her hand, and the golden light of the Belgrim Canon simultaneously burst out, and the power of the sacred tree flowed away crazily.

After a while, Weier saw something incredible.

In the distance, where those people were, together with their bodies and attacks, were shrouded in a strange golden light and began to compress.

Ah! Why have I become flat? What is this!

Monsters, there are monsters in this town!

Shut up!

Lai Yin roared angrily, looking at the changes in his body with fear.

From normal to deformed to gradually flattened.

He gritted his teeth and opened his fourth level realm - a world full of light.

However, after some people were included in the unformed field, it was also compressed. Although the speed has slowed down, sooner or later it will... eh? Strength weakened?

Wei'er looked on stunned.

Did Aina really do this?

However, she saw the deep fatigue on her sister's face.

Aina couldn't hold it any longer.

Maomao gritted his teeth and looked up at Luo Xi in the sky.

Hurry up! Perverts, we are all waiting for you here!

small town......

After the light collapsed, Luo Xi wanted to go down, but his vision was blocked by the picture.

Memories of the past kept reappearing in his mind.

Am I guilty?

Does teasing the female classmate next door count when I was in elementary school?

Does it count if you don’t hand it over to the teacher after picking up ten dollars?

Does it count if you fight with a classmate in junior high and knock out one of his teeth?

A ray of white light kept passing through these pictures, seeming to judge Luo Xi for what he had done.

—Not guilty.

—Not guilty.

—Small sin.

They are all small and scattered crimes.

Luo Xi himself was a little surprised.

From this point of view, until he came into contact with Dawn, he was a person with good character.

Since I was a child, I have been able to grow up in that kind of family environment without becoming a scumbag with unhealthy views, which is considered worthy of this society.

Then, the picture continued to advance, and related pictures of the dream world appeared.

He tricked Aina into marrying him and coveted her young body (tail) - a big crime!

Teasing Maomao and deliberately licking her pussy many times - a big sin!

At night, he pushed down the school girl who had become petite, causing her to cry in pain - a big sin!

Having other thoughts about your Dragon Lady mother—a big sin!

【Ding! Your annoyance value +100]

Luo Xi's face suddenly turned dark.

Damn you for your sin!

Garbage Eternal World Tree, as long as you have any brains, you wouldn’t consider these as major sins!

[Note: This stupid tree is pretty good at it. He knows that attacking a cute little loli is a grave sin~]

Which side of the dog text do you particularly like? !

Luo Xi breathed deeply.

Before the so-called condemnation came down, the authority that symbolized destruction and devouring turned into a thick black mist and overflowed from his body.

The surrounding light was swallowed up the moment it came into contact with him, and the images in his mind dissipated as Luo Xi completely let go.

But Luo Xi also felt that his body was collapsing ten times faster.

It's enough to just use physical power. This kind of rule-level authority is not something he can use frequently now. If he didn't have multiple lives as a traveler, the black dragon probably wouldn't give him power.

Floresia also seems to be caught up in memories of the past.

Have I ever done anything sinful?

She was human...

In my memory, part of the lake surface of Mo Lake appeared.

Why don't you listen to dad! Why do you want to go out!

Hide, don't be discovered by others!

Dad, no, don't go!

Ah!—(shrill scream)

A burned-out castle appeared in her memory.

As a human being... I am guilty of hurting my important family members. —A great sin!

After transforming from a human body into a dragon-born beast, over the course of thousands of years, she slowly evolved from a third-level dragon to the current level.

During this period, she could be sure that she had not harmed those humans who had no ill intentions.

Except for the casualties that may be caused by the occasional spread of blood factors. —A great sin!

Is this also a mortal sin?

Floresia suddenly understood.

Then she is willing to accept this trial...


A strange feeling suddenly appeared.

The girl with dragon horns turned her head in confusion and looked at the young man standing next to her who was surrounded by darkness. The dark golden lines on his body had been broken and almost invisible, and the specific outline of his body had almost completely disappeared. At this moment, he He grabbed the tail behind him with his hand.

What are you thinking about, my cheap mother?

Luo Xi kneaded the soft tail in his hand and sighed softly: You are a dragon now. As a dragon, why should you accept the trial of a person with his own problems? And he is qualified to come. Judge you?

Floresia stared blankly at Luo Xi's hand on her tail.

A blush of shyness appeared on her pretty face.

Suddenly, a memory scene that seemed to have been buried in dust for a long time appeared in her memory corridor.

The displaced young alien girl was on her way away from home, holding an even smaller child on her tail...

The picture flashed away.

That is......

Floresia blinked in confusion.

At this time, Hughes said angrily: Impossible! How did you avoid being sentenced? Didn't you commit any unforgivable sin?


Luo Xi turned to look at him and her voice became deeper.

My heart and my actions are as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I do is righteous!

I am not guilty! You are the ones who are guilty! Do you dare to judge yourselves!

you you!

Hughes shouted angrily: Did you escape the trial in some way? There will be no next time!

O eternal sacred tree, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Your humble servant, here to request -

Yes, there will be no next time.

Luo Xi's body disappeared immediately, and the darkness spread towards Xiusi, and all the light that blocked him was swallowed up.

Immediately afterwards, his body was completely shattered, and the power of destruction exploded, all crashing towards Hughes!

At that moment, Hughes felt like he saw death coming.

However, when everything dissipated, he found that he was still alive.

Ha, ha, I'm not dead, he's the one who died...

The old man suddenly saw his hand that was turning gray.

He shouted in great horror: What, what is this?

Death will still come as expected.

Noah's light could not dispel the aura of destruction that entered his body.

He immediately wrote a letter to convey the magic spell.

— Your Majesty Pope, do you feel it? I need your help!

Hughes gradually calmed down.

That's right, with the Pope here, nothing will happen to him.

At this time, a voice sounded in his ear.

Bastard! What the hell did you mess with? Huh?!

Hughes suddenly turned around, and he saw, in the distant city of light, a huge black dragon as big as a mountain, holding down the light rising from Noah.

The black giant dragon and the golden vertical boy were extremely cold.

That's it. The Pope of this generation of Noah's Church, come out and talk to me.

You guys have passed.


Just one chapter today

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