Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 287: Boy, do you want to save your mother? I give you strength!

The black that devours all things and the red that burns everything, when the two powers belonging to different dragons are completely condensed together, what is born is this punch like a collapse of the sky.

Under Floresia's fist, the dazzling light released from the light blade was shattered like tissue paper, creating dark cracks in the space in front of it, and everything was crushed into ashes.

Even if it is just pure power, as long as it reaches a certain level, its power can even destroy the space itself.

Sister Wei'er, she is really amazing...

On the ground of the manor, Aina, who witnessed Floresia's punch with her own eyes, admired her strength from the bottom of her heart.

Weier nodded silently.

That is an area that they may never be able to reach no matter how hard they try to catch up.

Such a strong person will make people sleepless when they are enemies, but when they are companions, they are the most reassuring existence.

Is she an enemy or a companion?

Wei'er thought of the Longjiao girl's increasingly inappropriate attitude towards Luo Xi.

For them, in a way, it's both.

mother, child...

Wei'er was thinking that since the two of them already called each other so affectionately, if something like that really happened between Luo Xi and her, wouldn't they feel unethical?

at the same time.

In a construction area in the town of Bergere.

Kobayashi Yuanye was awakened by a text prompt. He manipulated the character to come out of the room. After seeing the strange image in the sky, he decisively turned on the live projection.

Major forums quickly synchronized Kobayashi Yuanye’s live video.

As the only known traveler among the millions of players of Dawn with the talent of live streaming, he has completely become a 'well-known person'.

In reality, there are still many people who know about Dawn who are not qualified as players. If they want to know about the dream world, they can only rely on other players' descriptions, so Kobayashi's live broadcast is a very important source of information.

[Kobayashi Yuanye’s live broadcast room has been opened]

After Xiaolin Yuanye finished the live broadcast, he looked at the players who were constantly pouring into the room, as well as the bosses who sat in the front row and often gave out high rewards. He said with excitement: Good evening Mina-san, I am Xiaolin Yuanye, don’t ask me why I’m broadcasting live so late. I feel like something big is coming. Let’s watch it for yourself. Because this is a live broadcast that sacrifices your life, I’m here to ask for rewards and gifts!”]

[Hurricane: Who is fighting? Is it in heaven? 】

[Bear King: It’s so dark, blocked by the radiant barrier of the sacred tree. It’s not very clear below, and the location is too high]

[Bai: Hey, it’s lit up. What is that? A big hand with condensed light? Ha, it was broken up in an instant. 】

[Argo: This movement is quite exciting. By the way, is the Black Death here? 】

[Heart of the Deep Sea: Didn’t some people speculate that he might be the lord of this town? There must be someone there, there seems to be someone floating on the sacred tree. Is that figure him? 】

[Dead Soul: Of the two fighting above, wouldn’t one of them be the red dragon mount of the Black Death? Another thing, judging from the characteristics of ability release, is it someone from the Noah Church who has such a dazzling skill? 】

[Kamen Rider No. 1: The shiny skills are probably from the Noah Church, but is the Black Death God involved with the Noah Church? It feels like it's in danger. It's the largest church in the Kingdom of Light, and it's not something to be trifled with. 】

[Bai Longgeer: That is the fifth-level king dragon seed source beast. You are worried about the hammer, but you should worry about the one on the opposite side, right? 】

Kobayashi Yuanye looked at the gifts that kept coming out of his live broadcast room with great pleasure.

Today is another full day.

But...is the Black Death the lord here?

Xiao Lin Yuanye was stunned for a moment, and finally understood.

Then he became angry.

After the last snowworm disaster caused by Lord Andulu somehow passed, the lord of this town suddenly changed. Did the Black Death use some method to take over the town?

I happen to have a conflict with that guy, so the Black Death has authority over him?

No wonder he was forced to stay in this town for so long by a dog lord he had never met before, and made him work for free every day!

Kobayashi Yuanye shouted angrily: Black Death, you and I are irreconcilable!

[Bear King:? ? ? 】

[Argo: 666, brother, you are getting better and better. 】

[sensei: Don’t die, big brother of the live broadcast]

In an instant, a bunch of exclamation symbols from various countries floated across the live broadcast room.

Well, if everyone thinks I didn't say it, it's just a joke.

Kobayashi Yuanye explained with a smile, and then continued to 'shoot' the scene.

The rise of the Black Death has been unstoppable.

He didn't want to die.

Don’t be trapped if you’re trapped, at least there’s live broadcast material, right?


Hughes looked at the light blade that was shattered by a punch in his hand and couldn't help but lost his voice.

His slightly older face became extremely stiff. If the punch hadn't spread to him, the light and shadow of a giant tree that seemed to open up the world appeared on his body, protecting his whole body. He would have been separated from the air. A punch that hits deep underground will at least cause serious injury.

Is this a dragon species at the high king level?

Sure enough, in terms of pure strength, dragon species are at the pinnacle of the same level among all known creatures.

The church's records and classics say that when encountering dragons in the wild, humans cannot bring together more than five fully armed strong men of the same level, and there is no way they can be opponents of dragons of the same level.

Not to mention that he is still one level behind this dragon.

When the Origin Beast reaches the King level, each small stage of advancement is a major transformation in life strength and strength. He estimates that ten more for him now will be in vain.

Then, it seems that the only option is to use divine magic.

Hughes slowly mobilized the power in his body, preparing to consume the faith he had collected as the archbishop and summon the eternal tree of the world - the projection of Noah to come.

But this takes time.

Hughes asked in a hoarse voice: Why would a powerful dragon king like you be lurking in such a small town?

Floresia did not take action again. She stared at Hughes with her pair of red-gold uprights, shook her numb arms, and said coldly:

I just took advantage of my vacation time to spend time with my children. It was you who interrupted my vacation!

Hughes: ???

What a mess.

You dragons have a holiday?

And what are children?

Where do the children of high-level origin beasts come from? Aren't they just spreading factors at will and creating a bunch of alienation patients?

If alien species can be considered children, then don’t all alien species on this continent have parents who are origin beasts?

Hughes said in a deep voice: I don't understand what you are talking about. Let me change the question. Why do you want to humiliate the Noah Church and why do you want to kill the bishop of our church?

Floresia flapped her wings and came to a distance of ten meters away from Hughes. She thought for a moment and said, I didn't mean to insult your Noah Church. You can go and do whatever the people you sent last time wanted to do. Ask the residents of this town. Just because the news about his penis being bitten off spreads, he frantically wants to destroy this town. Do you think this kind of person should not die?

Luka's penis was bitten off?

Hughes was confused when he heard this, and the magic he was still brewing slowed down slightly.

However, he reacted the next moment.

No matter what Luca did or what he encountered, no one except Noah Church himself could judge him on his behalf.

Moreover, the Dragon Seed Origin Beast is hidden in this town. The lord here is colluding with the Origin Beast. If he does not choose to report it, it is already a huge sin!

It's useless to say more. Wait until I capture you and interrogate you later in the City of Light.

Hughes raised his finger, his silver pale hair was blown wildly by the wind, his lips moved slightly, and an hallucinatory chant sounded in the wind throughout the town.

- Coming from ancient times, like the dawn of dawn, the ancient eternal tree casts your gaze here, judging all sins with eternal light. Before judgment comes, sinners need to be judged first...

In the live broadcast room of the forum, almost everyone who heard this chanting fell into a daze.

Some people became red-faced, scratched their bodies, and typed words in the barrage with blurred eyes.

I'm guilty. I stole more than a hundred battery cars...

I am also guilty. I deceived a dozen girls from their innocence...

I'm guilty, I'm violent...\\/violated a lizard in the zoo...

Kobayashi Yuanye was also muttering something strange, saying that he stole his sister's fat times when he was in elementary school.

[King Bear: Come on, those with low intelligence attributes should stop watching the live broadcast and close the live broadcast room! 】

[Argo: Yes, turn off the live broadcast room quickly, but the one who confessed in the front is Ah San, right? 】

Soon, the administrator of the live broadcast room realized something was wrong and cut off Xiao Lin Yuanye's live broadcast signal. There were rapid footsteps outside the room where Xiao Lin Yuanye actually lived. Ten seconds later, a group of people rushed in and kicked Kicked over the projection that was still playing in front of Xiaolin Yuanye, and slapped him several times.

Baga! Wake up! What good thing have you done!


Kobayashi Yuanye came back to his senses with a confused look on his face.

He had no idea what he had said before.

This time, it is also the first time for real people to discover that the strong men in the dream world have the ability to have a serious impact on reality even though they are a world apart.

Luo Xi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He also heard the sound that spread in the wind, like a curse.

But it had no impact on him.

Under the 200% bonus of Immersion: Happiness, his current naked intelligence attribute is 192 points. This ability to influence the mind has been weakened by the blessing of the Belgry sacred tree, and has minimal effect on him.

But the same cannot be said for others.

Luo Xi took a gentle step and came to the manor.

Maomao and Aina were holding each other's arms and crying, while Chutian was also mumbling insanely.

Aina is right. My sister is a loser. My sister can't do anything.

Oh, Aina is also a fool. She always troubles her sister. Aina shouldn't have the idea of ​​​​tying Luo Xi's brother in the basement and taking him as her own, nor should she always scare her brother with a knife. .....

I'm guilty. I'm a wife with animal ears. When I see a beautiful wife sister, I want to strike up a conversation. I also gave up on the rabbit-eared sister...

Luo Xi: ...

If this self-judgment could be recorded, it would be a social record!

Fortunately, this had no effect on him.

If it works, what nonsense will you say?

[Note: Needless to say, it must be: I am a perverted lolita control who will attack lolita. I am a scumbag who should be caught in an orange and imprisoned. Please let me be judged for my sins in the light! φ(≧w≦*)?】

Dog text, shut up!

The situation above looks very bad.

Luo Xi narrowed his eyes and looked.

This self-judgment was probably just a prelude, as the old man's chanting continued in Luo Xi's ears.

In fact, after the chanting sound, Floresia had transformed into a dragon more than ten meters in size. She spit out a huge fireball and tried to interrupt the opponent's spellcasting, but the light and shadow of the sacred tree that appeared on the archbishop's body blocked it. attacked her.

Is that the projection of Noah in the eternal world?

No wonder there is such defense.

Even though the situation is still dominated by Floresia, Luo Xi always feels that something bad will happen.

The upper echelons of these churches are closely related to the Eternal World Tree. According to the information Luo Xi now knows, the Eternal World Tree is one of the most powerful existences in the world. It is not an exaggeration to call it the god of the dream world. Each tree The eternal sacred tree has blessed countless people.

However, none of them seem to be smart enough to screen the quality of the people under their command.

If Noah had a certain amount of wisdom, he wouldn't choose a scumbag like Luca as the bishop, right?

Luo Xi clenched his fists.

He wanted to rush out and punch the old guy hard in the face.

But reason told him that this was a futile move.

The opponent's strength is far superior to his. If he rushes forward rashly, he will only die, and may even become the dragon lady's weakness.

Dog text, no, big brother, are you there?

[Note: It’s okay, dog text, but it’s okay, big brother. I’ve seen through you, Traveler. Well... there’s nothing we can do about it. These eternal sacred trees represent the authority and rules of this world, and that’s it. Dahanhan (crossed out) can control it. She can only maintain the basic operation of the blending of the two worlds and the dream world. She can’t control these rebellious children. We can only secretly pull out the roots from time to time~]

So is there really no way to deal with these eternal world trees?

Luo Xi thought of the two source scriptures he had on him.

In essence, they are also the eternal trees of the world. Can they...

[Note: The gap is huge. Authority without roots is ultimately a tree without soil. We suggest that it is better to lead people away with remake. This is more practical~]

Luo Xi was stunned.

There are still about ten minutes until midnight.

If he looked back to today, he could indeed take away some important people before the archbishop arrived.

As for where to go, there are many choices. If it doesn't work, just send it to the coast near Mother Long.

However, this means that Luo Xi has to give up this hard-won town and the vast majority of its residents.

Luo Xi fell into silence.

At this time, the battle above became fierce again.

After noticing that the opponent was trying to accumulate some kind of terrifying magical power by shrinking back, Floresia no longer held back and transformed back into the hundred-meter-long dragon from the beginning.

In an instant, red flames swept across the sky, forming polar opposites with the pure light. The collision between the two sides burst out with a fierce light that burned the eyes of ordinary people. The entire town of Berggry was like daylight.

The red dragon raised its front paws, and black and red flames filled the air on her hands. This time, she used her body to use a strike called Tianbeng, which was powerful enough to destroy Winter City with one punch. On the body of the old man who was shrouded in the light and shadow of the sacred tree.

The violent light, fire, and huge roar seemed to create the illusion of a sun exploding.

When everyone was unable to look up, only Luo Xi reluctantly opened his eyes to check the situation on the battlefield. Although the chanting sound lingering in the wind became a little deeper, it had not stopped yet and seemed to have arrived. end.

Luo Xi's heart sank.

A hoarse old man's voice sounded slowly. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

O eternal Noah, please come here and send down the judgment of light.

In an extremely distant place, on the giant tree connecting heaven and earth, a ray of light came towards this place.

In an instant, a much smaller but still thousand-meter-sized projection of the Eternal World Tree Noah was constructed on the battlefield.

From the projection of the sacred tree, countless dazzling rays of light pierced towards Floresia who seemed to be stunned, but she was not actually stunned. The speed of light was the fastest in the world. No matter how fast Floresia was, It cannot be easily avoided.

Luo Xi could clearly see that the moment her scales came into contact with the light, they began to melt just like snow when it came into contact with the sun, revealing the flesh and blood inside.

Finally he couldn't sit still anymore.

This time it seemed that she was in trouble. The invincible Mother Dragon was also defeated by the opponent's summoning technique.

It is indeed not a wise move to have a conflict with a force of this level like Noah's Church.

However, Luo Xi remembered that Floresia clearly said last time that if a conflict of this level really happened, the adults behind her would not ignore it, so why didn't they come out now?

Forget it, maybe we can only reopen...

Luo Xi raised his hand and placed it on his temple.

Suddenly, a dull voice sounded in Luo Xi's ears.

Boy, do you want to go up and rescue your mother?

If you want, just take the scale I gave you.

I will give you strength!

This voice was extremely domineering, with an undeniable attitude.


There is another chapter with 4k words

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