Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 286: Dragon Mother’s Ultimate and Dragon King’s Heaven Collapse

The eternal world tree - Noah, her root attributes are light and judgment. Those sacred trees on the root system of Noah, even if they have completely different powers, their roots can be traced back to Noah, and will Therefore, it is subject to certain protection, restriction and control.

When the sacred tree on the root system is desecrated, Noah will impose divine punishment. Of course, there are ways to circumvent divine punishment, such as the mental control that Hill's adoptive father did to Hill before, and the controller of the sacred tree. Exercise the power of the sacred tree on your behalf.

Also, after the sacred book of the divine tree was destroyed by a strong person or a source beast, and the scattered power was absorbed, the Noah's tree would also not suffer divine punishment. This was what the rat king North wanted to do at the beginning.

If it were in the past, with the level of the Archbishop of Noah's Church, it probably wouldn't be difficult for the other party to take over the town of Bergere.

But now the Source Code of the Belgry Sacred Tree has been converted into the Source Code of Flowing Moon.

Therefore, it is simply impossible for the other party to forcefully take over the company.

【Ding! Archbishop Hughes conveyed the request for forced takeover to the Bergery Sacred Tree]

【Ding! Archbishop Hughes to—]

【Ding! archbishop-】

Luo Xi looked speechlessly at the bunch of text pop-ups that popped up in front of him.

It's endless, right?

That archbishop wanted to forcefully steal an account in front of him, a lord, was he looking down on him?

In other words, is it a bit too beautiful to think of using the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty?

【Ding! Today, the synchronization time given by the Belgri Canon has ended. Travelers, welcome to come again next time~]

Before Luo Xi could move out to take a look, his vision went dark and his consciousness was kicked out of the dream world.

But it's not a big problem.

Luo Xi still has an 'immersive' opportunity to use his talent today.

He sat up from the bed and checked the time on his phone.

Eleven forty.

Senior, have you done it over there?

Little Ai Xue, who was lying on the bed reading texts and watching TV, blinked, deliberately came up and rubbed Luo Xi's arm with her petite body.

In order to prevent Ai Xue's parents from discovering that Ai Xue was abnormal, the two checked into a hotel around nine o'clock. Even so, the front desk of the hotel still looked at Luo Xi as if he were a newborn.

It is conceivable that a young man in his twenties rented a double bed room with a girl who looked like a junior high school student... If the front desk hadn't confirmed that Ai Xue's ID card was genuine, or she actually looked like... If you were too young, you might have to call the police on the spot.

As for now, if Luo Xi takes Ai Xue's ID card and takes her to check into the hotel again, the front desk will definitely call the police.

Are you telling me this is a girl in her twenties?

Who are you lying to?

The appearance looks quite similar, I guess she is the sister of the girl on this ID card!

I still have to go there.

Luo Xi shook his head, opened the talent bar, and prepared to use his talent to synchronize himself into the dream world again.

It's already so late, senior, you still have to go.

Ai Xue cupped Luo Xi's hand with her head, and said with a slight blush on her face: I tried it out last night from childhood to college. Senior, don't you want to experience the feeling of growing up from childhood to college?

After saying that, the girl's face was already flushed, and a wisp of pink cloud spread to her delicate neck.

Luo Xi: ...

Although it was very late now, and it was only twenty minutes before 12 o'clock, he was inexplicably moved.

It's not that he likes being small, but he does want to know what it feels like.

[Note: Don’t make excuses for Sese! Traveler, you are really getting more and more tortured! Take away! 】


Luo Xi still shook his head.

Time flows simultaneously in the dream world and reality. Even though the situation there can be known through the text, Luo Xi is now used to manipulating the characters personally.

Using words as a carrier, the information that can be brought is still too little.

Okay then...senior, you can go over there and do some work first.

Ai Xue got out of bed feeling a little unhappy.

Fortunately, she felt that the seniors would be very interested in her getting younger.

The girl leaned against the hotel window and saw her own face reflected in the glass.

The senior doesn’t want to hurt her, right?

It's impossible to get in at this time, unless the senior also shrinks several times, emmmmm... forget it.

Ai Xue started calculating with her fingers and murmured to herself:

“You can add strength and fitness a little at a time.”

Should it be three times a day? Even if the senior doesn't give it to me, the worst he can do is eat it secretly... Anyway, he is always in a state of dream synchronization.

If you calculate it this way, you can add 21 points of strength and fitness in one week. I don't know if there will be an upper limit for increase in the future, but it doesn't matter if there is. Come on, Ai Xue! I believe you can do it!


[Whether to use talent: immersive (happy)? 】


[You have consumed 2,000 happiness points]

[Immersive (Happy): In this state, your character will gain a strength +200% bonus, and your resistance to negative mental spells +200%. The duration of this talent cannot exceed twenty minutes at most. 】

【Welcome to the dream journey~】

Luo Xi's eyelids opened and closed slightly.

It took him more than a minute to go back and forth, but more than twenty prompts popped up in the text, all of which were prompts that the archbishop outside wanted to steal his account in person.

what sound?


It's not that scary black tree again, is it?

The whole town became panicked because of the roaring sound of the huge engine.

The people of Berger Town have indeed suffered too much during this period.

Only some people on Luo Xi's side were able to stay calm.

Wei'er and Aina were very sleepy at first, but they became energetic after hearing the sound. Both of them have been a lot worried about various big scenes recently, not to mention Luo Xi and his cheap mother are here. .

Floresia's red-gold upright boy flickered slightly and asked softly: Little Luo Xi, why don't you go out and take a look? That guy seems to be arriving soon.


Luo Xi snapped his fingers.

Except for the two craftsmen who devoted themselves to repairing the Spark, everyone else was moved to the ground by Luo Xi.

From this position, one could already see a bright, large airship flying over at great speed in the night. The huge roaring sound was like a jet engine, and the flames ejected left obvious traces.

When the airship was about to approach the blessed light of Bergere Town, the sound of the engine suddenly stopped and turned into the sound of propellers. The large airship stopped about a hundred meters away from Bergere Town.

so big!

Wei'er opened her eyes wide.

The airship is at least fifty meters long!

This kind of airship can be regarded as a strategic level. It can hold hundreds or even thousands of people when squeezed tightly. It can be used to support other towns, and even in conflicts between countries, it can be used to drop reinforcements and other functions.

Floresia asked calmly: Little Luo Xi, do you need mother to take action?

There is a human there who is quite strong, perhaps because of his absolute self-confidence, and does not hide the overflow of his power. The fluctuation of Yuansu seems to have reached the fifth-level advanced level. If he wants to destroy this town, he only needs to If you release your own domain world, or if a powerful skill or spell falls, everyone here will die instantly.

Sublimators of this level are already at the highest level among human beings.

Luo Xi shook his head and said: No need for the time being.

The Church of Noah is the absolute authority of the Kingdom of Light, and if possible, he does not want to conflict with the Church of Noah.

He doesn't have to care much, but cats and cats all live in this world after all, and they can't think about how to deal with the attacks of Noah's Church all day long.

What if the other party gets anxious and sends a bunch of old guys?

Moreover, the Church of Noah is not a truly evil force. In a huge organization, there must be a few worms who seek power for personal gain. In fact, it is the same in the real world. No matter how severe the rules and punishments are, there will always be corrupt officials popping up in a steady stream. .

That is the evil in human nature.

Luo Xi was looking at the airship. Archbishop Hughes in the airship was also surprised, with a hint of gloom on his face.

Why was his forced takeover unanswered?

To put it another way, even if the opponent's lord is stronger than him and forcibly refuses his takeover, the Belgry Sacred Tree will still have to respond to him to some extent, because he represents the root tree, the will of Noah.

Hughes narrowed his eyes.

The town below seemed to him mysterious.

From this point of view, Luca’s death was not unjust.

A church deacon in blue entered the airship cabin and said respectfully: Archbishop Hughes, we have arrived at the target location. Do we want to land the airship?

Hughes said solemnly: Don't worry, I didn't hide my power fluctuations. I want to see the lord in this town, how strong he is. If he has the confidence to fight me, he must be sitting in the town watching me now. Smile, if he doesn’t have the confidence, it won’t be long before he comes out to greet me in person.”

【Ding! The blessing brilliance of the Belgry Sacred Tree is suffering from the impact of the source beyond the limit, and the power of the Sacred Tree is -500]

Luo Xi originally wanted to wait for the other party to make the first move.

As soon as this text prompt popped up, he couldn't hold it back.

Is it okay if the power of the sacred tree is reduced by 500 in one second? !

Luo Xi said to Long Niang: Mother Lecia, we will go over, but you should stay in human form first, restrain your strength, and don't let them discover your identity.

He was afraid that if the opponent could not beat him at first sight and then acted decisively, he would be in trouble next time if he called more strong men.

Luo Xi wanted to talk some sense into them.

For example, that scumbag bishop who asked for a beauty show when he met him. Wouldn't this kind of person just be doing harm to the people when he died?

As for the town changing its lord, the Belgrim Canon replaced the source code it belonged to...

Although it feels a bit immoral, this is the level of saving the world. Anyone who wants to question him should first ask the great will and dog text of this world!

Moreover, the original Lord Andulu was not a good person. If the Lord of Berggry Town was a little normal and not controlled by Snowworm and that Ender, Luo Xi would not make this town his own.

As the golden circle moved, Luo Xi and Floresia landed on the highest point of the Bergli Sacred Tree. The two stepped on a branch and stared at the huge airship outside the blessing light.

Luo Xi thought to himself that the junk he had originally was worth tens of thousands of gold coins. This thing was the same size as a Boeing 747, and the price was sky-high.

Hughes saw two people suddenly appearing on the sacred tree in the cabin, with a fox's triumphant smile on their gloomy old faces.

I thought I was so confident.

It seems nothing more than that.

He did not declare the name of the Church of Noah, he was just using coercion to collide with the light of the sacred tree, and the lord here could not hold back.

How dare you kill the bishop of Noah's Church with such strength?

Open the hatch.

Hughes gave the order, then jumped out of the open hatch and stepped on the top of the airship.

Separated by a distance of hundreds of meters, Luo Xi and Hughes looked at each other without any obstruction.

Hughes took a serious look.


Two different species?

A man and a woman, both of whom have alien features like dragon horns on their heads. They seem to be extraordinary beings of the alien system.

Don't tell him, one of these two is a lord?

Absolutely impossible!

Before he came, he had seen that the Belgry Sacred Tree originally belonged to the 'Andulu' family. Even if all the elders of this family died and the children turned into alien species, the authority of the Sacred Tree would not be reduced to that of the 'Andulu' family. For children of a different species.

That is the underlying rule engraved on the inheritance model of the divine tree.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been a precedent for a mutant to become the controller of a sacred tree!

So, these two people are thugs sent by the lord here?

Hughes felt a little angry.

However, as an archbishop, his control over emotions is not bad.

It is possible that these two people deliberately made him angry and made him take action first.

However, no matter how powerful the alien species is, it is basically impossible for a supernatural being of the alienation system to reach the fifth level in a human form, unless he has completely transformed into the body of a source beast and completed the advancement in the way of a source beast. level.

But it is even more impossible for a person who transformed from a human body into a source beast to obey the orders of the lord in a town like this.

Hughes had the confidence to smash the heads of these two people with a slap.

But he won't do that.

That's what the other person wants.

Call the lord here! Does he know what he has done? Does he know who I am?

In the dark night sky, as the old man's voice sounded deep, there was a roar like angry thunder.

A dazzling light rose from the old man's body, forming a bright giant eye like a scorching sun. It hung on the glorious top of the sacred tree, overlooking the town from above, and shed a light that seemed warm but actually had no temperature. .

Luo Xi frowned slightly.

This old guy doesn't seem to be a very talkative person.


Under the gaze of the giant eye of light, the power of the sacred tree stored in the Berger sacred tree decreased rapidly, and because the damage exceeded the carrying and repair capabilities, cracks appeared in the brilliance of the sacred tree visible to the naked eye.

Luo Xi's eyelids twitched.

He said softly: Mother Lecia, please, by the way, it's best not to kill her.

[Note: Traveler, your mother is really becoming more and more proficient at shouting~]


After all, there is no one around now, so he can just shout a few times.

Floresia looked up at the sky.

After more than ten seconds, she lowered her head, the red-gold vertical hair flickering.

Just now, the adult's voice rang in her ears.

—'Noah's light has followed her agent to shine here. When she detects your existence, the power that comes instantly is enough to hit you hard. Have you thought about the consequences of taking action? ’

—'Also, after last night, Alex Rita and I went to the starry sky together, and what you are talking to is a trace of my ghost left behind, do you understand? ’

Floresia remained silent.

Lord Bahamut’s meaning is clear.

Don't cause trouble before he returns.

Otherwise, even if he wanted to, he wouldn't be able to come and help in time.

With the power she possesses, it is naturally very easy to deal with that fifth-level archbishop, but the other party represents more than just himself.

These bishops and archbishops are all agents of Noah, the Eternal World Tree, to some extent, and this fifth-level archbishop was able to activate the much more powerful divine magic of the human who was killed by her punch.

Even Noah was looking at him.

Luo Xi looked at Floresia with some confusion.

What's going on here?

With her character, shouldn't she just go up and punch down the old guy who was forcing him to do so?

Xiao Luoxi, mother is here, please pay attention to your own safety.

Floresia looked at the young man beside her with great tenderness and showed a beautiful smile.

Her children were begging her.

How could she let it go because of possible injury?

This disaster was originally caused by her, so wouldn't it be natural for her to end it?

Luo Xi suddenly felt bad.

This is not Floresia's character.

A bad premonition arose in his heart.


Before he called Mother Long's name, the figure beside him disappeared instantly.

Immediately, the blazing flames burst out with golden light, and with the terrifying sound of turning everything they saw into ashes, they suddenly hit the giant eye of light.

The giant bright eye let out a miserable cry and broke into two halves. Hughes also covered his eyes and groaned.

Under the biting night wind, there was only a girl with red hair and dragon horns, whose whole body was covered with fine red scales and gorgeous flames, standing there in the air.

Floresia stared at Hughes on the airship and said: I killed that guy, and it has nothing to do with the lord of this town. As an agent of Noah, the eternal sacred tree, his whole body is full of light. Has your Noah Church become so filthy that it is like a nest of snakes and rats?

Who are you?! How dare you slander Noah's Church!

Hughes' eyes were red, and he roared an angry roar. His body floated up from the airship, and at the same time, the airship fell away.

He looked at the girl with dragon horns, and her turbid twins shrank suddenly.

This kind of power...

A king-level dragon seed beast?

Moreover, the powerful source fluctuation was far above him.

Or a high king?

Why do higher dragons transform into humans and hide in human towns?

Are you simply having nothing to do, or are you planning to cultivate yourself and eat up all the humans here?


Hughes couldn't help but laugh again.

What about the Dragon Seed Origin Beast?

This is the land of light!

The pure light turned into a blade, which he took in his hand and slashed at the dragon-horned girl who was holding her wings and hovering.

A roaring sound broke through the air and a dazzling light suddenly appeared!

Floresia's expression was still calm. She raised her fist, and the red flames on her arm that were originally covered with red scales gradually turned black, and the red scales turned into black scales, and she punched towards the light.

Little Luo Xi, watch out, this is one of mom's tricks.

A gentle and clear voice came from the battlefield.

The sky is falling.

When the dragon-horned girl's fist covered with black scales collided with the sharp blade of light, Hughes' complexion suddenly changed. The terrifying power that he could not resist tore through the space, tearing the light into pieces along with it. Layers of cracks appeared in the air. The virus was spreading towards him, trying to engulf him!

【Ding! You watched the performance of the Black Abyss Flame Dragon—Ji·Dragon King’s Heavenly Collapse]

[You have obtained the exclusive skill: Extreme·Dragon King’s Heavenly Collapse]

[Description: After mixing the two powers of the red dragon and the black dragon on the arm, an incalculable power is erupted. The maximum increase in fist power can reach 9999% (the upper limit of the increase is determined based on the strength of the physical body)]


In the void filled with star corpses and filthy broken shadows.

One red and one black, two huge dragons were flying at extremely high speeds.

Suddenly, the black dragon stopped.


Alexlita stopped and looked back at the black dragon.

what you do?

I have to go back, you go find Leviathan first.

Bahamut flapped his wings without hesitation and flew back towards the way he came.

What happened to Xiaofu's child? So stupid?

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