Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 267: The sense of security brought by the red dragon mother, the visitor from Noah’s Church

Due to the different nature of life, it was destined that Floresia would not be able to communicate calmly with Weier and the others after leaving the topic of 'children'.

Wei'er carefully looked at the red-haired dragon girl sitting beside her, looking at Luo Xi with gentle eyes.

Her tone should have been relatively normal just now, right?

Is this dragon girl angry because of this?

Hill asked softly: Sister Wei'er, Luo Xi has become the lord of this town, so you are not going to continue traveling in the future?

Weier shook her head and said: No, actually we have already been to the Emerald Forest.

Emerald Forest?

Altai was stunned, blowing his beard on the side and said: Isn't that the country of elves opposite the Lost Mountains? Not to mention whether the height of the Lost Mountains can be crossed, the distance from this town to the mountains alone is two thousand kilometers, you guys How did it get over?

The old man's words were full of doubts.

Because... Weier hesitated and said, Hollow Flower.

Altai opened his eyes wide: Hollow flower? Hasn't this thing lost its effect long ago? Are they all fossils now?

A few people didn't notice that after Weier said the three words empty flower, Floresia raised her head and glanced here.

Well...Xiaolin, come here.

Wei'er raised her hand and called out to the girl with antlers peeping over the far corner.

Xiaolin hesitated for a while, then trotted over and said politely: Hello, brothers, sisters and uncles.

Xiaolin, you and your father are not injured, right? Weier asked.

Yeah. The ice blue eyes of the deer-antler girl were particularly clear.

Wei'er rubbed Xiaolin's head and said with a smile: This is the child we brought back from the Emerald Forest. In fact, there is also a village of people who are now placed in various parts of the town. They all cross through the Hollow Flower. It’s a distance of several thousand kilometers, so I’ll take you there if you want to know more about it.”

Hill glanced at the antlered girl and said thoughtfully, So sister, are you going to travel around the world through the Hollow Flower?

It feels so interesting.

If it weren't for his responsibilities as the city lord, he would have wanted to travel with Luo Xiweier and the others.

It's a pity that he is too young, otherwise he could have given birth to a child and pass on the position of controller of the sacred tree...

I don't know...just look at him.

Wei'er glanced at Luo Xi, who was being protected by Floresia, and the evil snow-white weight was placed on Luo Xi's face.

Hehe, hehe.

Weier looked down at the flatness of her chest and sneered in her heart.

She wanted to know how this dragon girl would react if she knew that Luo Xi here was often an empty shell.

Of course, if Luo Xi didn't take the initiative to speak out, she wouldn't tell the matter.

Although the cradle and homing can bring you to the world over there, the cooling time is two days, and each time is only 12 hours. She and Aina are not enough. With the strength of this dragon lady, I am afraid that if she doesn't know the future Take it away directly.

Altai rubbed his hands and said a little embarrassedly: Well, can you take me to see the Hollow Flower now?

As a master craftsman, even though he has not personally built equipment for many years, he is still very interested in these magical things.

Wei'er thought for a while and nodded: Okay.

I am coming too.

A clear and cold voice sounded.

After hearing Floresia's voice, the atmosphere in the pavilion suddenly turned cold...

Several people walked towards the blocked area of ​​​​the residential area together.

Perhaps because of the disappearance of the black sacred tree, the Hollow Flower has returned to normal. As they get closer and farther away, the saw teeth will open and close.

This made Altai shout that this was a miracle.

Weier wanted to laugh a little.

If this is a miracle, then isn't Luo Xi the god who creates miracles?

It's really a hollow flower.

A sigh came out of Floresia's mouth, and then she entered the hollow flower without hesitation.

After a minute, she didn't come back, the hollow flower closed and entered the cooling time.

Wei'er was slightly startled.

Did she just leave like this?

About six minutes later.

A red dragon flew from the distant sky and descended on the sky of Berggli Town again, once again causing panic among the residents of the town.

Weier: ...

Did she come directly by flying?

Is this human speed?

Oh, it's not a human, it's a dragon...

That feels so outrageous!


Ring ring ring—

Luo Xi was woken up by the alarm clock. After waking up from the bed, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

He was sleeping in the dream world, but he was no better in reality. He was very sleepy, and his body was undergoing drastic strengthening and changes.

But fortunately, it is developing in a good direction.

【Traveler, you have woken up】

【Ding! Your strength\\/Constitution +1]

Unknowingly, his strength and physique attributes had exceeded 120 points.

His current four-dimensional attributes are—

【Power: 129】

[Physique: 128]

[Intelligence: 54]

[Agility: 66]

Until now, the essence of 'dragon pulp' consumed in Floresia's domain world is still strengthening his body all the time, and even his intelligence and agility attributes, which have always been his weaknesses, have been greatly improved.

If you eat the entire world's worth of magma...

Luo Xi patted his head and threw the thought away.

He didn't want to turn into a dragon so quickly.

Luo Xi looked at other descriptions in the text.

[Your Abyssal Flame LV2 has been promoted, and you have obtained an exclusive skill: Dragon King’s Blazing Flame]

[Description: It allows your body to produce a blazing flame with a temperature up to 8000 degrees. The flame can be driven as you want, and it can also be used at will without source element (it will consume life energy)]

【Ding! Because you were swept up by the dragon, your strength has been greatly improved, and you have earned the title: The person swept away by the dragon]

[Those who are attracted by the dragon: After equipping this title, all dragon-type beasts will have a favorable impression of you +30, and are more likely to let you ride on it and become a dragon knight]

Luo Xi: ...

Are you a serious dragon knight?

[Note: Of course it’s serious. Traveler, do you still want to ride the dragon mother unseriously? She raises you like a child, and you actually want to ride her, tsk~]

You crawl!

But this time the enhancement feels pretty good.

Luo Xi nodded with satisfaction, lay on the bed, and used the authority of the Belgrim Canon to synchronize his consciousness into the dream world.

Let me see how my cats, cute wolf and mother dragon get along.


Night has fallen.

Hill and Altai have returned to Winter City. Altai is okay, but Hill left without saying goodbye. It will be very troublesome if he doesn't go back for a long time.

It's been a long time since I've had human food.

The Ryukaku girl picked up a piece of pastry and put it in her lips. After chewing a few mouthfuls and swallowing, she made the following comments.

It's not interesting. These foods contain too little energy, and the taste is not good enough. In my impression, I ate better food than these eight thousand years ago.

Aina muttered in a low voice: It's good to have food to eat. If you were picky, if I had known better, I would have asked Uncle Ulysses to give you baskets of sweet potatoes...

Wei'er quietly took hold of Aina's tail trailing behind her and pinched it.

You stupid sister, if you have any grievances in your heart, don’t express them in front of her.

However, after getting along with her for a day, Weier also discovered that although this dragon lady has a cold temper, she is still relatively gentle in dealing with people, at least she will not burn people to charcoal when she is angry.

It was a small accident that Aina's tail caught fire.

In the past, Aina didn't have a good impression of her alienated characteristics. After learning that Luo Xi liked it, she paid more and more attention to it and took care of it for a period of time every day.

At that time, the temperature in the town rose to more than 40 or 50 degrees, and many things spontaneously ignited. Aina seemed to have applied some flammable hair care liquid on her tail, saying that it could make the tail hair more fluffy... ..

After Wei'er learned about it, she didn't know what to do.

Didn’t this stupid sister ask for it...

Speaking of which, that guy Luo Xi wants to travel around the world, and having such a powerful being to help him is definitely better than being a dragster like them...

Wei'er thought a little dullly.

winter! —

Ulysses knocked on the door and came in. After glancing at the three people present and Luo Xi lying aside, he said respectfully: Two young ladies, there is a man outside the town who claims to be from the City of Shining Light and the Church of Noah. Bishop, he asks to enter the town and see our lord.

Weier frowned and said, The Bishop of Noah's Church in the City of Light? What are you doing in a remote place like ours?

Ulysses nodded and said, I heard from his servant that he is here to help us solve the problem of the black sacred tree during the day.

Did you tell him we figured it out?

I told you, but he didn't believe it.

Ulysses looked strange and said: And his servants said that if we are not ready to receive the Bishop's ceremony, the Bishop may deprive our lord of the authority to control the sacred tree when he is angry.

Since becoming Luo Xi's contracted knight, Ulysses has had a premonition that the power he possesses no longer seems to belong to the branch of Noah's tree.

Even if this person is really the bishop of Noah's Church, it is impossible to deprive the lord of his authority.

Weier stood up and said, Let's go take a look.

Luo Xi hasn't woken up yet, but he can't leave the so-called bishop outside. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

She actually felt a little uneasy.

The Church of Noah is the largest sect in the Kingdom of Yaoguang. Since it is the bishop of the City of Yaoguang, it must be extremely powerful. Before leaving Winter City, she witnessed the battle between her mother and the Inspector of Yaoguang.

If something goes wrong...

I am coming too.

It's still a crisp sound.

But this time, it was completely different from the previous one.

The uneasiness in Weier's heart disappeared immediately.

She looked at the girl with dragon horns gratefully.

But Floresia just looked at her with a dull expression and said, What?

Weier shook her head.

She laughed at herself.

She was overthinking it. This red dragon was always for Luo Xi from the beginning to the end.

Do you really treat him as a child?


Outside town.

Inside an airship with luxurious interior decoration.

Luca Andrews, who looked about forty years old and had a big belly. He was wearing a Noah's church dress with a white background and gold rim. He looked at the woman kneeling at his feet and giving him a massage, and his expression showed a little impatience. .

He was already a little impatient with waiting.

There is only one hundred-meter-level sacred tree in this town. Why is the person who controls the sacred tree such a big name, making him wait for so long?

Shouldn't you use your teleportation ability to come over immediately, kneel in front of his feet, kiss his shoes, and give him a woman for his enjoyment?



At night it was about 4,000 per chapter.

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