Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 266: The first confrontation between Mother Dragon and the sisters (the remaining 800 will b

Winter City.

In the city lord's mansion, the young boy looked at the documents on the table, his young face showing the fatigue that should not be seen in a child of this age.

Since he actually took over the position of Lord of Winter City, he has been required to review and approve all tasks in Winter City, especially those dirty things that have been accumulated in the past few years, such as those bad things done by the insiders of the Truth Church and Delkos. A series of butt wipes kept him busy all day long.

He is just a teenager, and even with the blessing of the Winter Sacred Tree, these days of high-intensity work still make him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Suddenly, the Winter Code told him that someone had broken into the sheltered area outside Winter City.

After using the consciousness of the sacred tree to explore for a while, the fatigue on the boy's face instantly dissipated and he became a little stunned.

In Aunt Liya's house, the man named Luo Xi seemed to be back again.


Aren’t his and Aunt Liya’s two daughters already gone?

Greystone Street.

Just coming out of the workshop in the deep alley, the old man with bird feathers on his head looked at the young man lying on the roadside in surprise.

He was very impressed by this one.

After all, it was this young man who took away the most proud work of his youth and successfully resurrected it in a way that he could not understand, so that it was no longer stored in the warehouse.

Why is he lying here?

Mr. Altai, leave this to me.

A young child's voice sounded beside the old man.

Altai looked back and saw that the person who came was Hill, with a smile on his face and said: Lord Hill, thank you for taking care of Gray Stone Street recently. Are you here to see him?


Hill leaned over to check Luo Xi's condition.

There were no external injuries, so it was probably a brief syncope?

Seeing that the little city lord had no intention of talking to him, Altai turned around and prepared to continue leaving the city.

Mr. Altai, a big guy is coming, please don't go out yet.

Hill said softly, his blue eyes looking up at the sky in the distance.

In the warning and peripheral vision provided by the Winter Sacred Tree, a very terrifying thing was flying towards this side.

That's...a huge red dragon?

Almost a few seconds after he saw the opponent's figure, the dragon crossed a distance of dozens of kilometers and flashed to a place only one kilometer away from Winter City.

call! —

When the sky-covering dragon wings unfolded, the blazing wind blew over the land covered with heavy snow. Outside the Winter City, all the long-standing snow melted in an instant, and some of the origin beasts hidden in the snow melted. Before I woke up, I was submerged in the water and was at a loss.

Hill narrowed his eyes.

The highest strength bonus that the Winter Divine Tree can provide him is the mid-level fifth level. He can even defeat one against three in the city.

But the opponent will not enter the city easily, and the power level revealed by the red dragon and the sense of crisis it gives him, it is very likely that he is a high-ranking king.

Logically speaking, a high-level source beast of this level would not easily attack a big city like Winter City. Even if it succeeded, it would be attacked by a joint crusade by the powerful humans on the mainland.

So what does this dragon want to do?

While Hill was thinking, the figure of the red dragon slowly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful red-haired dragon-horned girl in a black dress forced her way in from outside the golden gray stone street barrier. She seemed to have restrained her strength, but as she walked forward, the gray stone street The snow is also turning into clear water.

Hill felt tremendous pressure in his heart.

He quietly mobilized the power of the Winter Sacred Tree, and the Winter Scripture appeared in his hand.

The red lips of the girl with dragon horns opened slightly, and a clear voice came from her mouth: Give me my child, and I will leave immediately without disturbing your lives.


Hill was ready to fight with all his strength. After hearing the words of the girl with dragon horns, he was suddenly confused.

What child?

Floresia pointed at Luo Xi, who was lying next to Hill.

it's him.

Hill: ...

He looked at Luo Xi and then at the girl with dragon horns.

The alienated features of the dragon horns on their heads are indeed quite similar.

But for this dragon-horned girl, she is the incarnation of a high-level source beast, so she should not be able to give birth to a child.

So she calls Luo Xi a child because the alienation factor in Luo Xi's body comes from her?

? ? ?

There were a lot of questions in Hill's mind.

I’ve learned a lot, is this how the Origin Beast recognizes the child?

So shouldn’t all the alienation patients on Graystone Street have parents who are origin beasts?

No matter what, I must not let this red dragon take Luo Xi away without knowing anything!

Hill shook his head and said solemnly: He is my friend, so I'm sorry, but I can't let you take him away.


Floresia was a little surprised.

Why do my child's friends all look so small?

She said in an indifferent tone: I will definitely take my child away. If you must stop me, have you thought about the consequences? With the power of the sacred tree in this city, you are far from capable. Qualification to compete with me.

Hilton fell silent.

Floresia also realized that her tone was too harsh.

Since the other party is Luo Xi's friend, he must be thinking about Luo Xi. After all, he doesn't know his origin.

So she softened her tone and said, Since we are friends, do you want to come together?

Hill was stunned for a moment, then nodded: Okay.

Lord Hill, you can't! Altai shouted with difficulty.

Hill was too young and had no descendants. If something happened to him, the ownership of the Winter Sacred Tree would be in trouble.

Floresia snorted with some irritation: You verbose old human man, I really want to take action against you. What's the difference between the city and the outside? If you don't worry, then let's come together.

She instantly transformed into a dragon form of more than ten meters, grabbed Hill and Altai with two dragon claws, then bit Luo Xi on the ground and threw it onto her back, fluttering her wings and flying towards the west.

Hill did not resist the whole process.

Because he found that only when the dragon saw Luo Xi, a trace of softness flashed in the red-gold vertical boy.

Does she really regard Luo Xi as her own child?

One minute later.

Hill saw a town protected by a hundred-meter-high sacred tree.

He remembered that this town was called Bergere. It seemed like it was selling snowworms?

Why does the red dragon come here?

In the lord's manor.

After the red dragon left, Weier immediately brought the broken Aina back to the manor, and found a set of clean clothes in the collapsed bedroom for Aina to change into first.

She looked helplessly at her sister who was holding her tail in a daze.

Since meeting Luo Xi, my sister has changed a lot.

Aina was very afraid of strangers at first.

To put it this way, that guy Luo Xi is simply guilty of a heinous crime, and the word “birth” cannot be an exaggeration to describe him.

He abruptly transformed Aina, a simple and lovely child, into the one who dares to stab other women with a knife, which makes her feel scared sometimes.

Until now, Wei'er still doesn't know how her sister was captured by Luo Xi.

Suddenly, Weier noticed a slight increase in the indoor temperature.

Aina, she seems to be coming back, let's go out.

Aina didn't answer. She lowered her head and cut with a pair of scissors. Most of the black spots on her tail had been cut off, but the original fluffy hair was much less, and now she looked a little bald. a feeling of.

It looks so ugly...and it doesn't feel soft anymore.

Aina was a little pessimistic, thinking about the scene after Luo Xi came over next time and saw her tail.

Will Brother Luo Xi lose interest in her in the future?

That dragon girl is really hateful (〃>朜)!

Why do you want to burn Brother Luo Xi’s favorite tail? !

If he hadn't been weak, he would have bitten her a few times to get revenge.


Weier shouted loudly in Aina's ear, calling the little wolf girl back from her pessimistic fantasy.

Aina nervously held her tail in her arms and said, What, what's wrong?

That dragon girl is here again, let's go take a look.

Weier took Aina's hand and walked towards the window, and then the two of them jumped out.

Aina caught a glimpse of the light cat tail behind Weier, and her heart moved.

Since I can't do it for the time being, let my sister go to brother Luo Xi... Anyway, I can't give my brother a reason to find other women, such as the big-tailed fox last time.

It's true that my sister is obviously much more advantageous than me in age, but she always hesitates to move forward. If she and her sister changed their identities, I guess brother Luo Xi would have been eaten to death by her, and no one would be able to tell her apart. ...

Aina remembered what Weier said before - 'Aina and I are indistinguishable from each other'.

The tip of the wolf-eared loli's nose felt sour.

She and her sister don’t know each other either!

In a gust of scorching wind, the terrifying existence descended from the sky again, and Luo Xi, wrapped in red light, landed gently in front of the two sisters.

Luo Xi!

elder brother!

Wei'er immediately leaned over and touched the tip of Luo Xi's nose with her finger. After confirming that she was still breathing, she relaxed a little.

No matter what, just live.

Although Luo Xi said that it didn't matter if he died in this world, Wei'er still didn't want to see Luo Xi die.

Maybe one day I will die and not be resurrected?

Or will you never be able to come to this world?

If one day I never see him again...

Just thinking about that possibility, Wei'er's heart felt as painful as being pierced by a stirring blade. She found that she, like Aina, had also changed a lot. She had long been used to being alone, or was used to it. Life with Aina.

Until Luo Xi, a pervert, broke into her life unreasonably and tried to lead her out of the quagmire with his weak strength, turning her original life from gray to brilliant color.

Hot wind blows.

Wei'er looked at the approaching figure, her eyes firmer than ever before.

Even if the woman transformed by the extremely powerful red dragon wanted to take Luo Xi away, she was not ready to give up just like that.

Otherwise, what would be the point of giving up her reunion with her mother to catch up with Luo Xi?

And even if you want to steal a man, you still have to follow the basic laws!

Twisted melons are not sweet!

Weier felt a hint of fishy sweetness in her mouth, which was the blood that oozed from her unconscious lip bite.

Aina also felt the determination in her sister's heart.

She also didn't want that dragon girl to take Luo Xi away again.

Brother Luo Xi belongs to my sister and me!

The wolf-eared loli's tea-gold eyes were particularly bright at this moment.

Why are you so prepared?

The girl wearing a gorgeous black dress had already walked over and looked at the two sisters with an incomprehensible expression.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

Floresia sighed softly.

She doesn't care what ordinary humans think, but she still has to pay attention to what her children's friends think of her.

The hostility between the two of them towards her can be said to be clear at a glance.

But not that kind of hostility between enemies.

They were probably afraid that they would rob Luo Xi and leave, right?

After all, they are in a relationship where they will get married together in the future.

But I am this child’s mother.

Isn't it strange that you are hostile to me?

If you get married in the future, don’t you also want to call me mom?


She suddenly became a little irritable.

No, except for my children, no one else has the right to call her mother!

Sister Wei'er, why are you here too?

The boy's childish voice came from behind Floresia.

Wei'er was startled.

Isn't this voice Hill?

Hill helped Altai, who was vomiting, come up from behind, his blue eyes full of joy after seeing an acquaintance.

Weier blinked: Sil, why are you here...

Hill gestured with his eyes and said with a smile: I was afraid that Luo Xi would be in danger, so I followed her here. I didn't expect to see you again. It's really great.

Well... Weier nodded and said, How about we come and sit together in the manor? Although part of it collapsed due to the earthquake, the pavilion is still there.

Is this your manor?

It's a long story, Luo Xi has done a lot of things...

Snapped! —

The crisp sound made several people present startled.

The hair all over Wei'er's body suddenly exploded. She turned around and saw that the dragon's tail behind the red-haired girl with dragon horns was on the ground. She looked at her as if she was seeing prey, with transparent crystal liquid flowing from the corner of her mouth. .

A warm little hand was placed on her shoulder.

Floresia said: I also want to know about my child. Can you let me listen together?

Weier: ...

At this moment, she felt that this dragon girl who brought her great pressure was no longer so scary.


Luo Xi couldn't help but take a nap in the car on the way back.

When he woke up, it was already three hours later.

The text shows that he is still asleep in the dream world.

I don’t know what’s going on over there.

Floresia shouldn't do anything to Maomao and Aina, right?

Just in case, Luo Xi had already told her that Wei'er and the others were her friends.

Of course, he is also prepared to go back at any time. If he enters the dream world at night and sees a tragic result, he will directly choose to restart.

Now Luo Xi just hopes that Mother Long can be gentler for his sake.

I heard from a player who had used up his three resurrection opportunities that a strong native from the Dream World had entered the Tree of Void Darkness on their side, and now the two sides were competing against each other.

Jiujian, Director Jiao Qian and others haven't come out yet.

Luo Xi didn't want to get involved immediately.

Anyway, there is enough time for today.

After traveling back and forth between the two cities for a day, coupled with the changes that had occurred in his body, all he wanted to do now was lie in a bathtub filled with ice water and sleep.

When Luo Xi entered the open-door villa, a soft body with a delicate fragrance threw herself into his arms.

Senior, you are finally back.

Ai Xue hugged Luo Xi tightly for a minute, then said to him with a smile: Now that the senior is back, I can go there with peace of mind.

She originally wanted to participate in this DLC event together.

But hearing about Luo Xi's reckless behavior from the logistics department made her anxious for a long time. Now that she saw Luo Xi back, she felt relieved.

Feel sorry......

It's okay, senior, it's for those two sisters, right?

Ai Xue let go of her hand, put it behind her back, and chuckled: And if the senior doesn't save them, then the senior will not be the senior I like.

Luo Xi: ...

Senior, I'm leaving first. I'm going over there to collect some points and get some rewards back.

Ai Xue ran towards the car in the yard with brisk steps.

Luo Xi looked at the girl's back, feeling a little sad.

The reason why he can still be so reserved and deal with several girls with a lot of leeway is because the two worlds cannot truly communicate with each other.

Wait until the day when the barriers between the dream world and reality are eliminated...

[Note: Let’s celebrate, that’s the day when ‘Luo Time Management Master Xi’ will be destroyed! 】



The town of Berggry.

In a wooden pavilion in the lord's manor.

Altai and Hill sat in a corner together, Weier, Aina and Floresia sat opposite each other, and Luo Xi was placed on the bench of the wooden pavilion.

There are two pots of tea on the table.

At Floresia's strong request, Wei'er spent two hours slowly describing various things that happened after they met Luo Xi until now. Of course, they omitted a lot of things like the guy touching her and Aina's tails. As for perverted behaviors, you can also enter his world through cradle and homing.

Floresia asked with some lingering thoughts: Is that it?


Wei'er paused and read a book www. uukanshu.net said with some bitterness: Actually, if we look at it carefully, we haven't known each other for long, and we haven't had many good memories.


Then, Maomao's tone changed and she said firmly: That guy is very important to us. Neither I nor Aina would know how to live without him.

So please don't take him away.

Aina nodded repeatedly.

What Sister Weier is saying now is what she wants to say.

My kid is really awesome.

Floresia glanced at the two sisters and her tone was a little strange.

She remembered that among humans, Wei'er and Aina should be considered relatively young in appearance at their age. They were quite cute, but could they really get married?

Does your child like this kind of thing?

Speaking of which, what does she look like now?

She hasn't seen her human form for a long time since she became a Dragon Seed Beast. If she hadn't gone to see Luo Xi, she probably wouldn't have turned into a human.

While Floresia was thinking, Aina asked in a low voice: Can we call you mom like my brother?

Weier: !?


Long Niang coldly gave a negative answer.


Aina lowered her head and pouted her mouth.

The test is over.

He refused so neatly, there must be something wrong in his heart!

Huh, why are you my brother's mother? I think you just want to raise him and then eat him!

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