Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 268 Aina: Can we share our brothers together? Dragon Lady: Okay~

The Church of Noah, as can be seen from the name of the church, is the church that believes in the Eternal World Tree - Noah, and is also the only orthodox state religion in the Kingdom of Shining Light.

The Kingdom of Shining Light has a total population of 60 million, and most cities with a population of more than 50,000 have branch churches of the Church of Noah. The status of the bishop in the branch church is sometimes higher than that of the local city lord.

Although Luca's strength has not reached the fifth level, with his bishop-level clergy and prayers to the Noah tree, he can use fifth-level magic in the Kingdom of Light.

The root attributes of Noah’s sacred tree are ‘light and judgment’.

When light and judgment come, all evil will be unable to escape, so even though he knew from the oracle of Noah's divine tree that the fallen divine tree here has great power, he is still quite confident.

As long as you give him enough time to use his magic, everything will be fine.

In the airship, a pretty woman let go of her hand massaging Luka's thigh, leaned forward, and said with a charming eye: Sir, do you want more service?

Hey, are you that impatient?

Luka's eyes flashed with lust.

He brought this woman with him on the way here.

In fact, although it is quite far from the City of Light to this remote town, it is only 4,000 kilometers away. At the normal speed of the airship, it will take at most 7 hours to get here after setting off in the morning. He landed in a town and had a meal. He fell in love with the beauty of this woman in the city, so he brought her over with him.

Luca has always been open to women.

His requirements for women are simple, top-notch looks and figure.

It’s not like he has never played with alien species before, and he still finds them very fresh.

Anyway, as a high-level sublime, he cannot be infected by the alienation factor. Even if the alien is pregnant with his child, the treatment method is very simple, just purify the whole thing.

Luka kneaded the woman's softness vigorously and said with a smile: Let's wait until night, you can't hold me alone. Later I have to ask the lord here to send a few more women to serve me with you.

The woman blushed and said, Then Lidya is waiting for your favor~

Tsk, you are the most proactive woman I have seen in these years.

Luka smiled jokingly: Tell me, what do you want from me?

The woman twisted her body like a catfish: You are just kidding, adults. How could Lidya have such thoughts?

You made me happy all afternoon. You can ask for anything as long as it's not too much.

Then can Lidya help you to have sex?

Huh? Are you sure this is what you want to ask me?

Yes, Lydia just wants to serve you.

Haha, come on, the people in the town seem to have come out. Don't care. If they dare to neglect me like this, then I will let them go for an hour or two.

Sir, are you comfortable?

Well, you are quite skilled at this...


Weier looked at the large and gorgeous airship parked outside the town of Bergere.

A dozen servants set up a cordon around the perimeter.

In order to prevent the identity of the alienated patient from being recognized at a glance, Weier specially wore a hat to cover her cat ears and hid her tail in her clothes. However, after approaching the airship, she was stopped by the servants.

Ulysses stepped forward and wanted to introduce himself.

The servant said with contempt: Don't come over. The bishop has important things to do. The airship will not disembark in two hours. You can take the opportunity to prepare for the grandest welcome ceremony. Don't neglect the bishop. In addition, Gather all the most beautiful women here, and the bishop will favor them when the time comes.

Weier: ?

What the hell?

Is the bishop of Noah’s church this virtuous?

Those who didn't know thought that the bishop was here for the draft.

I think you look pretty good.

The servant looked at Weier, then shook his head and said: The face is very beautiful. Although the height does not matter, Master Luka doesn't like washboards, so you can't do this.

Weier: ...

She clenched her fists.

Isn't your servant also a subordinate?

With such a arrogant attitude, is this the sense of superiority that people from big cities have over local people?

Ulysses lowered his head and asked softly: Little madam, what should I do?

In the past, when a big figure like the church bishop came to visit, he might have been panicked.

But this time...

Ulysses looked back at Aina and the Dragon Horn girl who had not come out from the town gate.

There is the girl who is the incarnation of the king-level red dragon here. Unless there is an archbishop-level presence in the City of Light, anyone who wants to cause trouble must think carefully.

Wei'er glanced at the airship and said, Let's go first.

She wasn't in a hurry anyway.

However, just after Weier turned around and took a step, there was an angry curse and a conversation between a man and a woman from the other side of the airship. The sound seemed to be transmitted through some kind of amplification equipment, resounding throughout the Bell Tower. The night sky over Gerry Town.

Smelly cousin, how dare you bite my vagina!

Ha, haha, Master Luka, your vagina tastes really good.

Spit it out, spit it out!

No, to tell you the truth, my stomach acid is very corrosive. After your short thing was put into my stomach, it melted in two seconds.

You die!


The sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded.

The man's voice became a little startled: Level 4 Alienation? Who are you? What organization is behind this? Why are you plotting against me?


The sound of tongue licking water.

The woman's voice was sweet as she said: Thank you Lord Luca for your hospitality. As for why, someone bought your xx for 20 yuan to purify the source marrow. This is a price we can't refuse. Of course, you can go back and use the magic of regeneration. But the regenerated ones may not be usable~”

I'm ****, don't leave, go to hell! Trial—


Wei'er saw a green light seeping out from the airship, then fleeing into the distance in the night, and finally formed a symbol of a double-eyed child on the horizon.

The airship's hatch opened, and a fat man emerged from it, looking in that direction and cursing.

Two children's pattern? It turned out to be a shadow merchant? Damn it! If you dare to mess with me, you are dead! I will report to His Holiness the Pope when I get back and wipe out all your forces in the Kingdom of Shining Light!

Weier: ...

She was confused now.

These people are very good at playing, but they don’t understand city people very well.

Luca covered his lower body, and his white bishop shirt was covered in blood.

That part of him had indeed been bitten off.

Although the power of light stopped the bleeding and healed the wound, it did not give him the power to regenerate his severed limbs, and the other party seemed to have penetrated something into him...

Damn it, the Shadow Merchant must have been eyeing him for a long time. A fourth-level alienated extraordinary person, the strength of her body was so concentrated that he couldn't notice anything strange at all, which meant that she must have a very precious source weapon in her body.

And what bastard dares to put a reward on him?

Aren't you afraid of his crazy revenge?

Luka became angrier as he thought about it.

At this time, he noticed that the servant below looked at him a little strangely.

Someone got on the airship and whispered: Sir, it seems that the loudspeaker equipment was turned on just now. All the conversations between you and that woman were broadcast. The whole town may know...

Luca: ...

He instantly understood the evil intentions of that woman.

Not only do you want him to lose his sex, but you also want him to be embarrassed and his reputation ruined.

If this matter spreads, everyone who sees him in the future, even if it seems nothing on the surface, will definitely call him a eunuch behind his back, right?

Luka turned his head and looked at the town ahead.

A sinister thought came to mind.

Or, completely destroy this town?

Anyway, he accepted the oracle's message and came to help clear the Fallen Tree, so he could just put his excuse on the Fallen Tree.

Of course, you have to kill all the servants who come as you please.

But this is simple.

As a bishop, he wanted to execute several people without any reason.

Where is the lord of this town?

After Luka glanced at it, he found that the lord still hadn't come.

He felt more and more hatred in his heart.

If the lord here hadn't been so procrastinating, he wouldn't have fallen into this woman's trap so early.

Ulysses took a step forward and bowed: Dear Bishop, you...

Snapped! —

Before Ulysses could finish his words, a spear shining with golden light exploded into his face. Although the protective barrier of the Belgry Sacred Tree instantly extended to protect him, he was still struck by the fierce power. He was thrown away and hit the city wall hard.

The red boy of Weier shrank and shouted: Mr. Ulysses!

Yo? Alien species?

Luka glanced at Weier and immediately recognized her identity.

In the eyes of high-level sublimators, the difference between patients with alienation syndrome and ordinary people is still very obvious.

The lord here actually allowed a mutant to receive him. How much did he look down on him?

Luca raised his hands high and shouted piously to the sky: The great Noah's Tree, I suspect that the lords here are colluding with alien species. The entire city has been corrupted by the fallen tree. Ask for your judgment on this place!

The heaven and earth suddenly reacted, changing color suddenly, and the dark night sky was enveloped by a ray of light that came from nowhere.

Weier: ...

To a certain extent, what the bishop said in the first half is true.

Luo Xi himself is a patient with alienation syndrome, and is even called Red Dragon Mother. If this kind of thing is known to the City of Light, a lot of powerful people will definitely come to attack him the next day...

This made Weier extremely anxious.

Luo Xi said that he did not want to reveal the identity of the lord for the time being.

But this bishop came up indiscriminately and ordered some kind of judgment. Even if Floresia could protect her for a while, she couldn't always be Luo Xi's nanny here, right?

Over there at the city gate.

Aina pulled the corner of the girl's clothes and whispered: You, can you protect my sister and brother here?

It's natural for me to protect my children.

Floresia lowered her head, and the red-gold vertical boy and Aina's tea-gold-eyed boy looked at each other.

You are more hostile to me than your sister. Why? Is it because you think I will steal your brother?

Aina pursed her lips and nodded.


Floresia also wanted to explain that as a mother, she could not take action against her children.

However, after she saw Aina's aggrieved expression, the long-standing playfulness that had been buried in her distant memory came back to life.

Then what will you do if I really steal it?

Then...then Aina will fight you...

Aina originally wanted to say a few harsh words, but thinking of the power this person possessed, she whispered: Then can you share your brother with Aina and sister? Aina and sister are the first to meet As for my brother, although you are very powerful, you still have to be on a first-come, first-served basis, right?

This is the first time Aina has compromised with other women except Weier.

Of course, if Luo Xi heard what Aina said, the hair on his head would probably stand on his head and his neck would feel cold.

Of course... you can.

Floresia rubbed Aina's head.


It feels quite comfortable to touch.

Aina was a little surprised: Really?


Floresia nodded.

She said in her heart that as a 'mother' she would not have any strange thoughts about her children.

And I don’t know when my child will complete his transformation. When he is a human, whether he is getting married or having children, she will not interfere too much.

Then it's settled!

Aina Chajin's beautiful-eyed child showed a little happiness.

It's not that she doesn't want to hold Brother Luo Xi tightly in her hands.

The main reason is that the opponent is too powerful.

Being able to reach such a verbal agreement was beyond her expectations.

Well, let me deal with this thing in the sky first. It's just a punch anyway.

Floresia raised her head and looked at the terrifying golden light condensed in the sky. The red gold dragon boy became cold, revealing a chilling and cold murderous intention.

After thousands of years, it was hard to get three days of vacation.

Why are there things with no eyes bumping into me?

She walked outside.

Wei'er nodded to her and said, Please.

Luca noticed Floresia approaching, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

What a beautiful alien species, with dragon horns and tail. Is it a dragon?

Speaking of dragons, he hasn't played with them yet.

Although this woman's figure is petite, her breasts are very large, and her face is also very beautiful.

If he hadn't been bitten off there, he probably wouldn't be able to hold back just by looking at it.

You can take it back and wait for it to grow there...

Who are you?

Luka asked her questions.

Floresia didn't respond to him, but just raised her hand. Her long red hair was ignited in an instant, and a breath that made Luka tremble came over her body.

This...what is this?

Fortunately, his magic has been completed. UU read www.uukanshu.net

Luka sneered and stretched out his fingers, releasing all the power of this magic towards the approaching woman.

Divine magic, bright world!

The ball of light without heat quickly fell from the night sky towards Floresia on the ground.

Floresia said indifferently: How can humans, who are full of sinful auras, have the courage to judge me? The humans chosen by the Eternal Divine Tree are becoming more and more unbearable. It is not a pity for a being like you to die.

She just threw a punch.

A moment later, the blazing wind stirred up waves, which first collided with the bright sphere, mixed together, and then moved towards Lucana.

It blew away, completely engulfing Luka in his stunned and frightened eyes.

In the distance, the woman hidden in the forest looked at this side and swallowed.

Good guy, this is big news. This small town actually hides such a powerful being... But they killed Luka completely. This is a big problem. I can only dare to Bite off his penis as required by the mission...Forget it, go back and submit the mission, his death is none of my business anyway.


After Luo Xi's consciousness synchronized, he found that there was no one next to him.

Not to mention Floresia, what about Maomao and Aina?

[Note: Three little lolita have prepared a surprise for you, Traveler~]

Um? What surprise?

Luo Xi suddenly became curious.

But the three little lolita... did you include the 8,000-year-old Dragon Lady?

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