Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 261: The Overlap of Dreams and Reality, Dog Text’s DLC

From the moment of drowsiness, the smell of durian and cream was particularly strong, constantly pouring into the nasal cavity.

Light entered her eyes, and Luo Xi's consciousness gradually recovered.

At the same time, there was a wet feeling on my fingers.

He lowered his head and saw Aina biting the durian cake into his mouth along with his fingers, winking at him and deliberately sticking out her tongue to lick it several times.

Luo Xi raised her finger and looked at the wet water stains on it.

For some reason, he, who should be afraid of death, felt particularly at ease at this moment.

Even after you die in the real world, you can go back.

[Traveler, your spirit has become intensely chaotic, and all your attributes have dropped by 10% (the duration of the negative state is 8 hours)]

A text prompt popped up.

Luo Xi's body collapsed slightly.

Aina asked with some confusion: Brother Luo Xi, what's wrong?

She keenly smelled the change in Luo Xi's scent.

My brother seemed to suddenly become more tired than before.


Luo Xi pinched her fingers, tapped Aina's forehead, and said with a smile: I just feel like I can see Aina as soon as I come back, and I feel very happy.

As soon as you come back?

Aina tilted her head.

What is Brother Luo Xi talking about?

Hasn't he always been here?

Ai Xue also expressed doubts: Senior, did you go somewhere just now?

Luo Xi just shook his head.

Gou Wenwen has also said before that Hui Shuo cannot be told to others.

Perhaps he is afraid of the unknown alien god?


A dark wind suddenly blew through the window.

Luo Xi turned to look out the window.

come yet?

About ten seconds later, Luo Xi received a call on time. He glanced at it and saw it was from Jiujian.

After listening to the same words Jiujian said last time, Luo Xi calmly said after a while: I suggest evacuating the surrounding crowd and go directly to the big guy. That thing is not something we can fight against now.

Jiujian was silent for a while and said, What do you know?

That's the fifth-level 'sacred tree'.

Luo Xi said: The person who controls it is Xia Xupeng... Actually, I don't know if it's him. Anyway, that thing is very weird. If you approach it rashly, it will easily kill you.

How did you know?


Nine Swords: ...

Why didn't I know you still had this ability?

Jiujian said in a deep voice: Even if it's like what you said, if the bullet has no effect, then what should I do?

Luo Xi said: Try it, or just wait. If that thing appears abroad, some countries will definitely be unable to restrain their desire to blow it up. My suggestion here is to evacuate the crowd first, and the surrounding area is ten kilometers away. , everyone within fifteen kilometers is evacuated.

Jiujian hesitated for a while and said: Then let's arrange the evacuation first. If you are free, can you come over and help us check the situation there?

Since those things in reality cannot be brought into the dream world, there is no conclusion on the effect of those thermal weapons on things in the dream world.

Hydrogen eggs are already the most powerful weapons that humans can use, and they cause very little environmental pollution. If it has no effect, then humans can only hope that strong people can grow up as quickly as possible when faced with these things.

Luo Xi himself couldn't think of any easy way to deal with that strange sacred tree.

That thing would kill him in seconds as soon as he saw it.

Unless the dog text takes action.

[Note: We can’t do anything but cheer for you, Traveler~]

Luo Xi: .

I want your refueling to have a hammer effect.

So are you the will of the real world?

Luo Xi originally thought that Gou Wenwen might be a divine being like the will of their world.

I didn't expect the performance to be so good.

[Note: Traveler, if you look down on us again, we will get angry (〃>朜) and ignore you! 】

The text box of the dog text disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Luo Xi was stunned for a moment.

He called out Dog Wenwen slightly in his mind.

This time there was no response.

The dog text that would always come out to complain about him anytime and anywhere seemed to have just disappeared.

For some reason, Luo Xi felt that the sense of security he had felt when he came back through Liu Yue had disappeared.

Dog Wenwen couldn’t really run away, could he?

Two o'clock in the evening.

Luo Xi sat on the bed and looked at the various messages on WeChat.

Jiujian told Luo Xi that the evacuation work was still in progress and could be completed before eight o'clock in the morning.

In the Uzbek country in the north, a hydrogen bomb with an equivalent of five million tons has been used on a place where a black sacred tree grew.

The effect was good, and a deep pit was blasted directly where the black sacred tree was.

This means that human thermal weapons are useful to those sacred trees!

However, about ten minutes later, Jiujian called Luo Xi and told him in a gloomy voice that the sacred tree in Wu Kingdom that had been blown up had been restored.


Yes, like a shadow, it reappeared from the darkness, but they are ready to explode again. If two times are not enough, then three times!

As expected of the Uzbek nation...what about us?

We are going to wait until the people are evacuated tomorrow to see how they deal with it. A total of ten such sacred trees have appeared in Xia Kingdom, and tens of thousands of people have disappeared in total. We must give an explanation to the people.

Tens of thousands of people.

Luo Xi sighed.

He naturally knew that these tens of thousands of people were probably new players.

From now on, how many people will be afraid of becoming players?

In the eyes of many people, Dawn was supposed to be a tool that allowed people to become stronger and gain extraordinary power through another world. But now this game is becoming more and more dangerous. If you die in reality, you are really dead.

The second day.

The sky was extremely gloomy on this day.

It was already seven o'clock in the morning, but the sky outside still felt like it was slightly brighter at five or six o'clock.

Luo Xi suddenly opened her eyes, and then looked at Aina, who was sleeping soundly next to her, and Ai Xue, who had returned to normal next to her.

The pajamas Ai Xue wore at night were loose-fitting, but after she returned to normal during the day, her snow-white pair were still almost squeezed out.

Luo Xi took a deep breath.

It's so exciting early in the morning.

He shook his head and put aside his distracting thoughts for the time being, then picked up his phone and read the message from Jiujian.

Wu Guo seems to have succeeded in the end.

Used the big guy four times in total.

After the fourth time, the black sacred tree never reappeared.

It's just that the tree they blew up was only 100 meters tall.

It is the same level of power as the Belgry Sacred Tree controlled by Luo Xi.

Luo Xi was certain that Bergere might be able to withstand the next bombing, but once it was completely destroyed, it would be impossible to resurrect.

That 'sacred tree' is just a monster with similar properties to the sacred tree.

Just like red-haired Floresia, she said that she had burned those disgusting things in the sea countless times, but they could always come back to life.

Moreover, has Uzbekistan really succeeded?

Luo Xi had a bad feeling.

Ukraine, a base in Siberia.

This was originally a gathering place for Uzbek players, but now there is only a mess left. Huge pits and cracks in the earth spread out on the ground, telling the story of the thrilling experience here last night.

A group of workers wearing heavy protective clothing approached the pit with equipment.

No abnormality.

Looks like it's finally done.

What the hell is this thing?

I don't know. It's definitely not the sacred tree of the dream world. Those sacred trees are solemn and sacred. This thing is just weird.

Kaka! —

Someone suddenly discovered that the cracks in the earth were gradually increasing, and a wriggling shadow climbed up from the deep pit, and then grew at an extremely fast speed.

The panic in everyone's heart reached its limit. They wanted to run away, but were swept away by the outstretched tentacles.

At this point, the first strange collision between the ultimate weapon of real human beings and the dream world ended in failure.


Luo Xi squinted at the latest information.

The Uzbek side still failed.

He gently got up from the bed without disturbing Aina and Ai Xue's sleep, stepped on tiptoes to the balcony and jumped down.

Jiujian was already waiting downstairs. When he saw Luo Xi, he asked, What else do you know about your prophecy ability?

Luo Xi said: Those trees are probably of the same nature as the monsters in the dream world ocean.


Master Nine Swords, you should know that there is something wrong with the ocean in Dream World.

I know, but why does the ocean in the dream world have anything to do with our reality...

Because the being behind the scenes sees our world as her food as well.

【Ding! Dawn version 2.1 beta version has been updated]

[The content of this update is dLc—[The overlap between dreams and reality]]

[The overlap between dreams and reality]

[Description: In reality, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net has a boss that cannot be solved with the current player level - the Tree of Void Darkness. Now, the dream world and reality are about to overlap. The area around the Tree of Void Darkness is ten kilometers away. Within the scope, it will be divided into an overlapping area and overlapped into the dream world. The time limit is two days. Travelers are requested to eliminate all the trees of virtual darkness within two days]

Luo Xi smiled.

He thought Dog Wenwen had run away.

It turned out that I had to find a way.

But what exactly does this dlc mean?

[Note: Who do you think we are! (Proud~) As for what it means, it’s probably overlapping worlds? You can find foreign aid! 】


[—Dahanhan, what did you do? How much wealth did you lose to that guy? 】

[—We can’t stand you anymore, you are making it more difficult for us! Can you be more cautious! How about giving us all the power of the remaining living World Trees? What, you can’t control those World Trees? Why are you flying like this! 】

[—Hurry up and find a way to solve the problems in that world, otherwise the number of travelers in the other world will decrease and the passage between the two worlds will fluctuate, and you will have to face that guy alone]

[—Let us think for ourselves? If we have a way, do we still need to discuss it with you? You big idiot, are you not as courageous as our representative, who dare not even break down and then build up again? 】

[—To overlap and cover two worlds in a short time? Use the immortality of the traveler and the trees or strong men of your world to solve the problem over there? Yes, yes, but what about the remaining space source code? We need that to proceed with subsequent operations]

[—Very good, Dahanhan, you are such a courageous guy! (Proud~Putting it in your pocket)]

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