[Update content has been loaded]

[All areas where the Tree of Void Darkness is located have been locked, and the two realms are overlapping...]

[All creatures within ten kilometers of the Tree of Void Darkness have been excluded]

[Warm reminder: All travelers located in the overlapping area will be transferred outside the overlapping area. You can enter the nearby overlapping area by transferring characters. After the task is completed, all characters will return to their original locations]

[Tip 2: When the character's resurrection opportunity is exhausted, the main body can also be allowed to enter the overlapping area. After death, it cannot be resurrected. Please use this function with caution. After the main body enters, the body in the dream world will temporarily disappear]

At this moment, not only Luo Xi, but also all the players had an update prompt popping up in front of their eyes.

At the same time, the people who had not yet been evacuated next to the Tree of Void Darkness, as well as animals such as cats, dogs, and even insects and birds, were all moved ten kilometers away in an instant.

Luo Xi saw that the square black curtain spread rapidly, reaching a height of several thousand meters, completely encompassing that area.

Similar situations are happening everywhere in the world. The black curtain is like a matryoshka doll, covering all the weird sacred trees.

Jiujian said in disbelief: Is this the action of the game administrator of Dawn?

Once people in reality face those things, death is truly dead. It is difficult for anyone to have the courage to risk their lives to fight against them.

But the dream world is different.

Resurrection three times a day is the greatest confidence.

Luo Xi glanced at Gou Wenwen and said with a smile: Maybe? How about we go take a look around there now? I'll go talk to them first.

He returned to the bedroom upstairs in the villa.

Only then did Luo Xi realize that Aina had disappeared on the bed, leaving only her close-fitting pajamas. Ai Xue was yawning and making the bed.


Ai Xue rubbed her eyelids and looked at him sleepily, handed the clothes over and said: Senior, do you smell the fragrance above? The two sisters have similar smells. Can you help me ask what brand of bath they use? Lu, it smells so good, I wanted to immerse myself in sucking her last night.

Luo Xi took it subconsciously.

Pajama pants, and...a little fat one.

A floral scent hit my nostrils.

Ai Xue was also lost in the lake and realized that she seemed to have done something terrible.

She immediately blushed and snatched the things back and stuffed them into the bed.

Ai Xue pretended to be calm and said: Senior, is there anything you need my help with today?


Dream world.

Aina jumped up from the cradle.

Wei'er, who was sleeping on the bed next to her, was instantly awakened. The child with light red eyes looked over in panic and asked hurriedly: Aina, are you back from there? How is the situation?

Aina jumped off the cradle, jumped onto the bed in a few steps, hugged Wei'er, rubbed her face with her forehead, and said softly: Brother Luo Xi was captured by a girl who was transformed into a king-level dragon. The child is raised, but Aina suspects that the dragon girl wants to play with it and raise it, and then eat it all herself.

Weier: ?

Why capture him and raise him as a child?

Is there such a thing?

Weier asked worriedly: Then will he come back?

Not sure.

Aina shook her head and said: Brother Luo Xi said that he tried his best. The dragon treated him quite well. He should be put back soon.

Weier wanted to ask something else, but suddenly there was a sudden earthquake, and the chandelier on the ceiling of the bedroom fell from the top with a bang, hitting the floor in the center of the bedroom and shattering into pieces.

Immediately, a large number of things were falling on the two people's heads while they were shaking. Weier wanted to pick up Aina and run outside, but instead she was hugged hard by her sister and pressed on her.


When Weier raised her head, she was shocked to see that all the falling objects were blocked by Aina one meter away, and were compressed into flat objects by the golden light.

Aina's khaki eyes sparkled.

This is Aina's alienation ability...

Aina's body trembled slightly, she reluctantly turned back and said with a smile: Aina can also protect my sister!

Then her eyelids closed uncontrollably.

The moment the things controlled by Aina fell, Weier hugged her and rolled toward the wall. Their bodies penetrated directly from the outside of the wall and fell into the sand below.

The earthquake lasted for a while before stopping.

You two little ladies, are you okay?

The voice of the butler Ulysses rang upstairs. He opened the window upstairs and looked down. He was relieved when he saw Weier making a 'nothing' sign.

Ulysses squinted and looked into the distance.

Logically speaking, even if an earthquake occurs in the area protected by the sacred tree, it will not be so severe.

This earthquake was enough to bring the rebuilding town back to its original shape.

After a moment, Ulysses' eyes suddenly widened and he exclaimed: What is that?!

At a place about ten kilometers away from Berggli, a translucent square white thin curtain rose, and you could see a tall and strange building inside, and there seemed to be a gray-black light in the center.

Some are like the blessing radiance of a sacred tree, but it gives people a completely different feeling.

Weier held the sleeping Aina in her arms and looked gloomily towards the side where the situation occurred.

Is that thing the culprit that caused this earthquake?


Aren't the styles of those buildings from Luo Xi's world?

Why come here?

Outside of the blessing radiance, the Belgrim Code suddenly appeared, and the Belgrim Sacred Tree faced the direction of the black sacred tree, shaking its branches and leaves.


Immediately afterwards, Weier saw densely packed unknown creatures appearing from the black sacred tree, rushing toward them like a sea wave.

Wei'er's scalp was numb as she watched all this.

What's going on?



Ender looked at the updated text expressionlessly.

The response measures from the other side were also very timely.

I didn't expect that they have the ability to throw the real area into the dream world.

It would be great if this ability could be mastered by him. If one day he could completely integrate the two worlds, then a lot of steps to conquer the two worlds could be omitted, right?

He knelt on the ground, prayed devoutly to the statue, and reported the incident.

[It doesn’t matter, that existence also exposed her inability to erase the things that appeared in that world and exposed her weakness. This time she gained a lot]

[You can lead your subordinates to kill those travelers from other worlds and disrupt their plans]

Great Lord, where is the person who caused trouble in that town last time? Didn't you say that he might be the agent of our world's will? If the world's will cannot take action, then we will kill him now... ..”

【You can try it once】


Ender ended his prayer with satisfaction.

The last time he was collecting the power of his vision and ideals, someone suddenly came out and gave him a black eye. He also stuffed the rest of his negative emotions into him, which made him feel uncomfortable for a long time.

Although I can't remember his face clearly.

But I know the name of that town.

That in itself was the first game he laid after coming to this world for the first time.

Coupled with various recent videos of Luo Xi on international forums, Ander deduced that the guy was Luo Xi, and he might have become the controller of the sacred tree in that town.

In reality, Liande didn't dare to go find him in person.

He was afraid that the being behind Luo Xi who created Dawn would be able to directly erase him after knowing about him.

However, it is different in the dream world.

The Lord has already occupied half of this world.

He carries the power of the Lord and is the protagonist and Skywalker of this world!



Beyond the black barrier.

Jiu Jian touched his hand on the barrier.

[Are you invested in your character? 】

[Warm reminder: After investing, you can only move within the barrier area and cannot go out. When the task is completed, you will be sent back to your original location]

[Reminder 2: Travelers can also find the Void and Dark Tree bosses scattered on the Pancontinent by their own search methods]

Then I'll go in first.

Jiujian, Jiao Gan, and a group of experts who had been mobilized nodded to Luo Xi and chose to invest in the characters.

Luo Xi looked at his text and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He then remembered that his character in the dream world was still sleeping with the red dragon Floresia.

I won't be able to wake up until at least ten o'clock tonight.

But since there were so many people going in, it might not be a big problem for him to go there later.

Maybe save some effort?

Bang bang bang—

In an instant, all the people who chose to cast their characters fell to the ground, and something like a prism wrapped around them. Luo Xi was stunned.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

[Warm reminder: Due to special effects, the text will temporarily lose its effect. All travelers who enter the range of the Tree of Void Darkness will be loaded in dream synchronization mode (HD mode) for no time limit, and the travelers themselves will enter the guardian state]

In other words, the strategy cannot be carried out in text form?

In fact, it had no impact on Luo Xi.

He died multiple times while in sync.

But for many people, it is estimated that they have never really tasted the taste of death.

Luo Xi frowned.

He didn't know what to do next.

Just sitting here and waiting?

He took out his mobile phone and logged into the International Hunter Forum and watched it for a while.

A live video posted by one person is hanging on the home page.

Luo Xi clicked in and took a look, and found that the surrounding environment in the live video was somewhat familiar.

Alas, isn’t this his town of Bergere?

Kobayashi Yuanye laughed proudly and said: What about the audience, have you seen it? A big black sacred tree has appeared outside my town. Destroy this place quickly. The dog lord here has trapped me. Let me work for nothing here, and he and I are incompatible!

Luo Xi's face darkened.

A black sacred tree appeared outside the town of Berger?

How could it be such a coincidence?

[Note: Traveler, something bad is targeting you! 】

Luo Xi thought for a moment.

Since the game character cannot enter, then I will enter on my own.

Luo Xi took her mobile phone and called the logistics manager of the tourism bureau.

After the call was connected, he immediately asked: Tell me, where is the black sacred tree outside the town of Bergere?

The town of Berggry?

That's where the live broadcast is on the Hunter Forum.

Wait a moment, I'll check it for you.


Three minutes later.

Luo Xi received an email.

In Nanjing City in our country, the black sacred tree is four hundred meters high.

Thank you. Can you arrange a flight for me?

Two hours later.

Luo Xi took a helicopter directly to Nanjing City.

From the sky, he saw a black square cover below that was exactly the same as the one in Haicheng.

Thank you.

Luo Xi opened the hatch, nodded slightly to the crew, and jumped directly down.


Floresia smelled a lot of stench coming from all directions.

It comes from the same source as the things in the sea.

She has been entangled with things with this smell for thousands of years, and she can smell it from a distance even though she is hundreds of kilometers away.

The red dragon roared to the sky in displeasure.

I really want to burn these things to ashes.

At this time, she found Luo Xi shaking on the ground.

Child...what's wrong with you?

In an instant, all the elements symbolizing life in Luo Xi disappeared into nothingness.

His body quickly dissipated in a form that Floresia could not understand.

no, do not want!

Floresia transformed back into the girl with dragon horns. She wanted to grab the things on Luo Xi's body, but in the end she only caught a bunch of broken light spots.

Who? Who gave my child to...huh?!

Before Floresia's inner anger could be vented, she sensed a blood-connected force calling her again, but this time the distance was very far, as if separated by an entire Lost Mountain Range.

Luo Xi here just disappeared, and then she was felt on the opposite side of the Lost Mountains... This is definitely not a coincidence!

She had to see it.

Floresia's figure transformed into a huge dragon again and flew high into the sky. She wanted to cross the boundaries of the Lost Mountains and head to the east of Pancontinent.

Just after she flew over 10,000 meters, a majestic voice sounded in her ears.

Fu, have you forgotten your duty? Go back!

Floresia said anxiously: My lord, I want to find my heir. After confirming his safety, I will be back soon.

If your breath dissipates, something will immediately come ashore from the sea.

Give me an hour!

Not even an hour...huh? Why are there so many...is that a fallen sacred tree?

Like a mountain range, a jet-black dragon that was more than ten times larger than the red dragon suddenly appeared next to her. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The child with red-gold eyes stared at the red dragon.

Floresia lowered her head to show respect and surrender.

The black dragon was silent for a moment and said: Forget it, you can go if you want. I'm going to discuss it with Alexlita. These things must be cleaned up as soon as possible. Only her soul fire can be completely eradicated.

As soon as Heilong finished speaking, a cold voice sounded.

I'm already here.

About the same size as the Black Dragon, a bright red Red Dragon appeared next to Floresia, with red-gold flames seemingly burning on its body forever.

Floresia's head lowered.

Compared to Lord Black Dragon who supported her, this one was the most powerful among the dragons in her lineage.

The red dragon, Alexrita, symbolizes eternity and immortal flame.

Red Dragon said: There is no need for us to take action. The highest level of those things is only fifth level. The races on the ground will solve it on their own. We cannot be distracted by these things.

Black Dragon paused: That's true...

Floresia suddenly became anxious.

Is it possible that her child's problems were caused by those things?

Bahamut, Alexlita, you two adults, I'm leaving first!

The figure of the red dragon quickly crossed towards the other side of the mountain range.

...What is she going to do?

Go see her heirs.

She still has heirs? No, she's gone, what about the sea area she guarded?

How about you go help spit the fire?


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